
Monster in a world of heroes and villains

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings, and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

plans in progress

(POV: Noah)

"Haa..." I sighed as I held a person in my hands, my tentacles slowly wrapping around him in the air. He was a homeless man. I had plans to build an army, with several contingency strategies for the upcoming battle against the kingpin. My intent was to eliminate everyone inside; no one would be spared. There was also the likelihood of S.H.I.E.L.D intervening, sending trained soldiers. For that day, I intended to have an army of zombies and lickers ready. My tentacle slipped into the homeless man's throat, slowly injecting the virus.

I released the homeless man, and he began convulsing. I watched as his skin slowly peeled away. I was in an abandoned factory; Queens had plenty of deserted spots. As always, it was a beautiful night. I didn't want any inconveniences like that annoying spider, especially since I had my nest of lickers in this place. It seemed a homeless man had stumbled in and become infected.

I sighed, watching as he began to bleed from all over his body. After a few minutes, a licker emerged. I paid it no mind and continued walking through the factory. Lickers were almost everywhere, clinging to walls and ceilings. And I could control the virus with terrifying efficiency. I could even obliterate the entire virus within an infected person. My level rose rapidly; I was now at level 9. I targeted people with few relatives, those deemed unimportant whose disappearances would go unnoticed: homeless and the like.

I have about 60 lickers in total; I reckon that should be enough. I'm also planning to make quite an entrance if S.H.I.E.L.D. shows up. I still have counterattack plans in place, even though it seems the Avengers don't exist—at least not for now. I haven't come across any news about Iron Man or Captain America. The Hulk might be around, but then again, maybe not. As for the X-Men, I'm clueless. They could be out there somewhere. I did stumble upon Wolverine, but he seems like a loner.

I sighed; this universe is giving me a headache. I don't like feeling uninformed; I prefer being in control. If this were the MCU, I'd have more options to assert control. I've also considered the possibility that some characters might be dead or nonexistent in this universe. But hey, I like the mystery, even though it's frustrating. I sighed again and deactivated the nemesis card. Then, I went to my laptop, tucked away in an area guarded by lickers. I grabbed it and started using it. I have 5 days left in New York—just under a week before I have to return home. I was annoyed, but I couldn't deny my mother. Despite being a villain, I still love my family. I have memories of Noah Williams before my true memories surfaced. I used to be a good mother. I sighed once more; this was going to be complicated.

Looking at the information, it's clear that it's almost time to set my plan in motion. You're going to fucking die, Kingpin.

Although I still felt like a caged bird, I hate to admit it, but sometimes my family feels like a cage where I'm locked up.


I sat in my seat and started eating meatballs. Excitement coursed through me, but so did tension. My plan could either be ruined or wildly successful. Plus, I needed to reach level 10 to gain even better control over the virus. I'd have to start giving more complex orders. Another possibility lingered in my mind, though it seemed unlikely. Still, cliché as it might sound, it was possible.

I got up from my seat and walked over to a window. As I gazed out at the city, I saw the usual hustle and bustle—people walking, cars passing by. Honestly, New York didn't impress me much. It felt like a cliché place, filled with typical heroes, street heroes, mutants, and whatnot.

"I want to explore the world, become much stronger. I'm sorry, Mom... but your son has to go. Maybe we'll see each other in the future, but... you'll no longer love me. You'll only see a shadow, a monster..." I mumbled, my smile awkward. Man, that sounded so edgy...

"It's time to free myself from the cage..." I smiled and made the decision to stay here until the day of the plan. After that, I'll bid farewell to New York and embark on a journey to explore the world. I'll challenge powerful beings, instill fear across the globe. And hey, perhaps S.H.I.E.L.D. will come looking for me—a nuisance, but also oddly entertaining.


That's how time passed. For four days, I roamed, killing and infecting people without a care for suspicion or the frantic search by the police for the perpetrator. Tomorrow, I'll finally break free from my own cage.

As always, I was infecting a homeless man when suddenly I heard a noise. I swiftly dodged and spotted an arrow lodged in the wall. Following its trajectory, I saw a person with a bow and arrow—a figure clad in black..

"S.H.I.E.L.D..." I muttered with my hoarse voice. Hawkeye smiled at me and said, "We found you, big guy..."

It made sense that they would find me; after all, I'd been killing and vanishing people all over Queens. Hawkeye wasted no time, firing off more arrows at me. I quickly shielded myself with the homeless man, watching as the arrows narrowly missed him, nearly reaching my face. With a swift motion, I tossed the homeless man aside and bolted through the alley. I hoped there were no soldiers nearby; otherwise, I'd have to unleash my army in progress, hidden in a secure location.

I ran towards the end of the alley, only to see soldiers in the distance, their weapons drawn and ready. With lightning reflexes, I darted into another section of the alley. Jumping hard towards a nearby wall, I hurriedly climbed until I reached the roof. Running along its edge, I jumped from building to building, adrenaline rushing through me. I didn't care if they saw me; Chaos would ensue come morning. For now, I needed to run and hide, if only for a brief respite.

Dodging to the side, I narrowly avoided an arrow aimed in my direction. Looking behind me, I saw Hawkeye hot on my heels, shooting arrows relentlessly. It seemed like S.H.I.E.L.D. He wasn't interested in the public discovering them. This area was somewhat isolated, with few cars and pedestrians passing through.

Deciding to give it my all, I ran towards the street. It was almost deserted, except for a couple of cars. I headed straight into another alley. Halfway there, I saw something that made me smile: a manhole cover. With a quick look around to make sure they hadn't seen me, I quickly deactivated the nemesis card and activated Jeff's card. Grabbing the lid, I slid into the manhole and replaced the lid behind me. Racing through the underground tunnels at breakneck speed, I left the chaos of the surface behind.

Caught off guard by the presence of soldiers, I quickly pulled out my knife and eliminated them before they could detect me. Their heads fell like butter under my sword, their helmets did not see my other form. With a sense of urgency, I fled until I reached a familiar area. Seeing another manhole cover, I surfaced in a different alley, perhaps hundreds of meters or almost a mile from my previous location. I closed the manhole cover behind me and ran into the shadows once more.


Thankfully, I evaded them swiftly. After an hour of relentless running, I finally arrived at the abandoned factory that served as my temporary hideout. Using the nemesis card, I gained entry. Darkness enveloped the interior, but familiar grunts greeted me as the lickers recognized me and left me undisturbed. I made sure to destroy the virus inside the homeless man from earlier; I didn't want any investigations involving my virus. It was mine and mine alone.

I entered a room within the factory and retrieved my laptop. Deactivating my nemesis card, I didn't want to accidentally damage the laptop with my strength. Glancing to the side, I noticed a table stocked with provisions for tomorrow—the day I'd be leaving my family behind. A pang of guilt tugged at me for my mother, but my family felt like a cage.

I sighed and began searching for information. "Well, I've got the trucks. I'll just need to employ some zombies and get them behind the wheel. Good thing the virus leveled up," I remarked with a grin. The nemesis card had reached level 12, finally allowing me to issue complex commands. Perhaps by level 15, the zombies would start exhibiting consciousness, or maybe the card itself would need to evolve.

I sat down in the chair and let my thoughts wander. So much had unfolded in these past few days—I encountered Spiderwoman, clashed with Kingpin's henchmen, and even took down a spider mutant. Now, it was time to unleash chaos in his building—a move likely to make the news. 

Contemplating my next steps, I decided to execute my plan under the night. I didn't want that wall-crawler interfering; she'd be a nuisance. However, killing her wasn't on the agenda; I had future plans for her. She'd prove useful in the future

I rose from my chair and indulged in some chocolate from my provisions—it tasted heavenly. Grabbing my laptop, I settled in to watch some YouTube videos. I delved into topics like conspiracy theories, sightings of monsters in other countries, and bizarre occurrences in the sea. The Marvel universe was vast, and staying in New York forever seemed dreadfully dull. I yearned to explore other countries; perhaps one day, I'd even visit Wakanda.

I sighed and clicked on an intriguing video titled "Green monster appears in Brazil...?" With a smile, I watched as the footage unfolded. In the video, a boy played with a ball before a massive green being suddenly leaped into view above them. A roar echoed, and then the video abruptly cut off. It had garnered a staggering 20 million views—an impressive feat. It seemed that Hulk did indeed exist in this universe, while Iron Man and Captain America might not make an appearance.

I yawned sleepily and made the decision to head home for the day. It's a shame it'll be the last time I see them.


I gazed at my mother sleeping peacefully, the early morning light casting a gentle glow on her face. She would awaken in an hour, ready to depart New York. With a bittersweet smile, I whispered, "I'm sorry, I have to go."

Quietly, I slipped out of the room and gathered my backpack, filled with supplies for the journey ahead. This would be an incredible adventure in this world. My uncles were still fast asleep as I retrieved my laptop from the room and stowed it in the bag. 

Stepping over to the window, I took a moment to breathe in the fresh morning air before slowly descending the stairs of the building. Finally reaching the ground, I whispered to myself, "Freedom..."

I walked calmly towards the factory, the distance stretching out before me. After two hours of steady progress, I finally arrived. Entering slowly, I was greeted by the familiar grunts of the lickers. It seemed that no one frequented this place—how fortunate for me.

Sighing deeply, I activated the nemesis card and settled in to wait for a few hours. 

Three hours later, I checked my cell phone to find hundreds of missed calls. I made the difficult decision to block my mother's contact, feeling a pang of guilt mixed with the exhilarating sensation of freedom. Glancing behind me, I spotted five trucks. These would serve as the perfect cover for hiding the lickers. Activating the nemesis card once more, I took control of five zombies. Despite their almost-normal appearance, their pale skin betrayed their true nature. I ordered them to enter the trucks, and they complied without question. Then, I instructed them to follow a specific route, even going as far as commanding them to obey traffic laws—such was the terrifying power of the virus at level 12.


I stood on a distant building, staring at the imposing structure of Fisk Tower. The word "FISK" stamped on its name made it easy to identify. Located just north of the Empire State Building and a few blocks southeast of the Bank of America Tower, it wasn't hard to find.

Sighing deeply, I watched as the five trucks approached the building. With a smile playing on my lips, I slipped into a nearby alley. Deactivating Jeff's card and activating Nemesis's, I braced myself—it was time to unleash chaos upon New York City.



here the author!!

From now on the interesting things will begin, honestly I'm bored with New York, I want something fresher, so I decided that the story will be all over the world, so the adventures will be much more varied, this is a very different universe from the MCU and the universe 616 of the comics, I want varied and fresh things in this story.

In addition, obviously important and iconic Marvel characters will appear in the world. I want to give the world a lot more variety. I also already decided what the other cards that Noah will get will be. I decided on terrifying video game characters. Also, an anime character that has a lot of potential. to be strong and scary.

Although I may change the cards and put movie characters.