
Monster in a world of heroes and villains [temporary break]

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs


here the author!!

If there is any mistake in the words or other things, tell me and I will fix it :)


(POV: Noah)

I walked down the hallway of an old building, the walls and floor stained with the blood of a one-sided massacre. There were corpses everywhere: some with their heads smashed in, others cut in half, and some torn apart.

The smell of cigarettes hit me as I walked down the hallway. I entered a room and saw several headless vampires. John was sitting there, cleaning his silver spear and smoking. Two days ago, he and I started working together. Jess had already finished his part of the job. Jess had created his team, plus there were some silver bullets for me, not bad.

"So we're done for now, right?" John asked tiredly, wiping the blood off his spear with a handkerchief.

"Yes, there's only one left," I replied with a smile. I shot behind me without turning around. I heard something explode and looked back to see a now headless vampire.

For now, I think we've killed a lot of vampires in this city, although I suspect there are quite a few left, along with the "cavalry" or so-called "royal guards." It's a shame I couldn't devour Alan myself. When I was controlled, it seems that I devoured him, but I did not gain any memories of him.

"Well, come on," John said as he stood up from the chair, showing signs of his fifties. He was aging slowly but surely.

"Yes, let's go," I said with a smile. We leave the building. It was night, the time when vampires come out. We get into a car. These days, Trask's people have not shown up or made their presence known. It seems like they've forgotten about me or something. It's strange; I thought they would try to kill me. Maybe they are planning something...

John drove through the city streets. The building we had just left was used for clandestine fights. I got some "information" about the place and we came here to kill everyone. I was surprised that John decided to join me, but I was even more surprised by how well he fought, defeating several vampires at once. Even though they were ordinary vampires, he handled them impressively, defeating those undoubtedly stronger than average humans.

While I was looking at the night street of the city, I decided to check my status screen, something I haven't done in a long time.

[Name: Noah Williams 

Age: 16

Strength: high destructive level (green) 

Speed: mach 30+ / ??? (green) 

Intelligence: genius/??? (card in use) 

Characters: Jeff the Killer, Nemesis (under reconstruction), Pyramid Head, Alucard (Hellsing) [Card in use] !]

I looked at the screen and saw the Pyramid Head card. I had forgotten about it for a while. Honestly, I forgot because I was in the middle of a crisis and then they gave me a powerful green card. Maybe I'll level it up to get another card. Honestly, the blue cards won't be useful from now on. At first, they were, but not anymore. Maybe Jeff's hacking ability will be useful, but aside from that, the cards are useless. Well, it was obvious that could happen. In the future, I'll get cards strong enough to destroy the world or existence itself.

I think I should level up the Pyramid Head card to get another card, maybe I'll get something useful.

After a while, we arrived at the "house". We had to hide the car in a secret spot. Once inside, I grabbed a glass of orange juice (again), started drinking, and watched television. Nothing strange, everything normal. Although there was news of the X-Men saving people from all over the world, I doubt those are the real X-Men. I thought about several possibilities: they are being mind-controlled, they are clones, or some other weird thing like that. There are many risks and possibilities. This world is chaotic, like a puzzle scattered across a large table. At first, I thought I would have to face the X-Men, but now I'm fighting vampires. I also fought vampires who are probably under the control of this world's Dracula.

I sat on the couch and looked at my glove. I saw the five-point symbol. What kind of strength would going to level 6 or 5 give me? When I entered Alucard's "memories," I saw absurd power. He can probably destroy mountains with one cut. I remember when I killed an army and the cut left an absurdly massive slash that several mountains could fit into. So, Alucard wasn't that powerful originally. It seems the system buffed him, and it was a massive buff.

I felt someone sit next to me. It was Jess. She looked tired. "A lot of work, shit... everything hurts..." said Jess, her voice full of fatigue. Now that I looked at her closely, she had a decent face and body. Why was I thinking that? I didn't know, but I said it anyway. She looked at me and said with furrowed eyebrows, "Why are you looking at me like that...?"

"You have a decent body, miss," I said casually as I took out my gun and cleaned it a little. There was some dried blood on it. Jess blushed slightly. She looked more like a tomboy, her father probably trained her to kill since she was a child. The blush was probably because no one had ever told her that before. It made sense. Wait, what the fuck...? Haa... I think the card is affecting my mind more. Maybe when I unlock how to take out my limiters...? Could be.

She coughed a little, her face slightly flushed, and with an embarrassed smile, she said, "Obviously, I train quite a bit..."

"Yes, yes..." I said, ignoring her while she looked at my weapons. Alucard's memories seem to have calmed me down about several things. I feel more... stable or something?

I sighed, thinking I really need to do more. I should level up the Pyramid Head card. Yes, I'll do that. It'll probably take a while, but it will be useful.

"I'm going out for a night walk. I'll be back in a while," I said as I got up from the couch.

Jess just replied, "Yes, go away, pervert, looking at my body... heh."

I smiled. This girl seems upset, but I don't care. I approached the door and left. I looked at the usual alley and changed my form to something more casual, my "Noah" form, something normal.

I walked through the alleys and along the wall as if physics were broken. I walked up to the ceiling, took off my glasses, and looked like a normal person, though I put them back on because I felt like wearing them. Walking along the rooftops, I decided to level up this card.


[You have leveled up!!

Upgrades: Increased speed! Heightened senses!]

[Pyramid Head: 10/10!]

I finally leveled up, spending several hours killing people. A crazy man even tried to kill me and ended up breaking his own skull. What an idiot.

[You have acquired a challenge!]

A challenge...? What's that?

[By having 2 green cards, you have been selected to do a challenge!!]

This is new. This damn system doesn't explain anything to me. It doesn't tell me precisely what functions it has; they just appear out of nowhere. Tom probably designed it this way because he's bored with predictability. Maybe he created an unpredictable system...?

"What challenge is it...?" I asked curiously.

[Kill as many enemies as you can!


Kill 50 enemies: XP for cards!

Kill 100 enemies: XP x2

Kill 200 enemies: Evolvable blue card!

Kill 500 enemies: Green card!

Kill 1000 enemies: Permanent upgrade!

Kill the special enemy: ???

Penalty for failure: A random card will be destroyed!!]

I looked at the screen and whistled with interest. It was quite tempting. I mean, killing 500 enemies seems possible. Maybe if I use level 6 or 5, I can get the green card. 

1000 enemies... that's complicated, but maybe there's a possibility. A permanent upgrade...? What would that be for? 

Killing the special enemy... okay, it doesn't seem that complicated. Wait... I think I activated a red flag...

I smiled and said, "I accept!!"

Suddenly, reality itself shattered into countless pieces. I was lifted into the air with great speed and then stopped in the immense darkness. I saw a huge screen from the system.

[Choose a card for the challenge!

Jeff the Killer +

Pyramid Head +

Nemesis *

Alucard (Hellsing) +]

I saw an X sign on the Nemesis card. I sighed and pressed the most logical option, Alucard. It's the most powerful card I have now.

Maybe I'll get something cool if I complete all the objectives. I don't know what the permanent upgrade will be, but the special enemy reward tempts me a lot. It makes me want to have it. I'll try to do all the objectives.

[You have chosen Alucard (Hellsing)!!]

[You will be sent to the fighting zone!]

Fighting zone?

Suddenly, I felt like I was falling endlessly. I couldn't help but close my eyes due to an absurdly blinding light. Shit! I felt like I hit something hard. I opened my eyes slowly and saw I was on the ground, grass surrounding me. It seemed like I was in a forest in the middle of the night.

"So... where are the enemies...?" I said curiously.

I looked at my hands and saw Alucard's form. I thought about something, and a screen appeared in front of me.

[It is not possible to deactivate the card!! Complete at least one mission within the time limit to exit the challenge!!

TIME: 5 days]

Five days?! Damn, that's a lot. I thought everything was going to be instantaneous, like COD zombies where the hordes come, and I had to kill them all.

I sighed and got up from the grass, looking around. It was just a vast forest.

"Status?" I said curiously.

My status screen appeared in front of me. It seems I have no problems with that.

[Name: Noah Williams 

Age: 16

Strength: high destructive level (green) 

Speed: mach 30+ / ??? (green) 

Intelligence: genius/??? (card in use) 

Characters: Jeff the Killer, Nemesis (under reconstruction), Pyramid Head, Alucard (Hellsing) [card in use] !]

I sighed and closed the status screen. I walked through the forest, looking around curiously. I have almost a week to kill a thousand enemies and one special enemy...

"Well! This is fun," I said with a smile. This feels fresh.

I walked through the forest in the middle of the night. Did the system create this place? Is it an area or literally an entire world?

"Well, I should stop thinking too much," I said to myself. Talking to myself calms me down, and I like it. I walked further and came to a small, old wooden house. I knocked on the wooden door. This place seems too old. Was I sent to the Middle Ages or what?

No one came to open the door. I looked around and saw an axe in a tree, probably for chopping firewood. I walked over and grabbed it. I've never used an axe to kill; I want to try.

I walked back to the door and knocked harder. The door fell to the floor with a crash that echoed through the house. I heard another noise inside, like something eating fiercely. I sighed and decided to go inside. I saw some chairs thrown on the floor and a little blood on the wall. It seems there are problems...

I walked further inside and reached the kitchen. The table was broken on the floor, along with several other broken things—wooden plates, even a piece of the wall. I saw someone eating something with hungry ferocity. I approached and said, "Hey, what happened here?"

It was a corpse, eating a child's stomach—what was left of it. It seems the system sent me to the past or something like that.

The creature stopped eating and slowly turned around. I saw its pale skin, protruding teeth, blood-red eyes, and bald head. It looked at me and roared.

I just swung the axe, and its head flew off easily. The probable medieval vampire fell headless to the ground. I approached the head and crushed it with my foot just in case.

I looked around and walked further through the house. I saw two more corpses: an adult woman whose torso was torn and devoured, and an adult man whose head hung from his neck like a thread that could break and fall at any moment.

I sighed and left the house.


Kill 50 enemies: 1/50] 

I saw the floating screen in front of me and sighed. I should go to a village. This is a house in the middle of the forest. I grabbed a decently large stick and decided to make an improvised torch. We have to go with the times, right?

I looked at the improvised torch I made. The fire was like a firefly in the middle of the endless night. I walked through the forest for a while until I heard a noise. I heard a few grunts; they seemed like animals, not vampires or anything like that.

I quickly sensed several "people" approaching. I heard the noise from afar. The animals quickly fled. The noises were coming from the trees. Traveling through the trees at night isn't a bad idea. I walked fearlessly through the forest with my improvised torch. Suddenly, I heard sobbing. I smiled and walked towards it, curious to see what show they had for me.

I walked until I reached a small river. There, I saw a little girl in worn clothes, her back turned as she sobbed silently. I approached and smelled blood, though a human probably couldn't smell it. I said to the little girl, "What are you doing here, little one? It's dangerous."

"It's just... my parents..." the girl said, sobbing. I smiled and got closer. "Calm down, little one. I'll help you... come."

"Oh really...?" the girl said as she got up from the ground where she was sobbing. She turned around, and her face was melted. It seems someone hurt her badly. Well, she was an obvious vampire, a free soul, I think.

I faked a scared face. Luckily, I modified my face and body before coming here, so they wouldn't see my usual shape.

The girl smiled and ran towards me. I just smiled and grabbed her face, lifting her up. "No, no, no... bad girl. That's not how it's done."

I bit her neck with incredible force. She couldn't scream because I also destroyed and devoured her vocal cords and neck. The girl's limp body fell to the ground while she convulsed, blood pouring from the stump of flesh that was her neck. I spat the head in my mouth into the air. It seems these guys don't know how to plan well.

I heard people talking urgently in the distance. I smiled and disappeared with immense speed, returning to the same place as before. Before the torch fell to the ground, I easily caught it in the air. In my other hand, I held five vampire heads, blood dripping constantly and soaking the ground and grass.

I sighed and let my heads fall to the ground. I decided to explore further in hopes of finding a nearby town. I walked for a while longer, noticing that the sun was about to rise. When dawn broke, the animals began to come out. I saw squirrels emerging from the trees, some deer, and even a bear. The bear ran away from me, smart enough to avoid confrontation.

It seemed like this world had its own rules. Maybe vampires only came out at night. Was this place a hellish kingdom at night or was it something else entirely?

I decided to look for some humans to get answers. I probably wouldn't kill them. This time I wanted to focus on my enemies; maybe he would get something interesting out of it.

"This is an interesting challenge," I murmured with a smile on my lips as I continued walking.



[Alucard (Hellsing): 7/30


Pseudo immortality:

When Alucard suffers fatal or incapacitating damage, the damage is redirected to his soul pool, using a soul to instantly recover from almost any injury.


The power to manipulate objects and people with the mind, allowing control and movement without physical contact.


Alucard can control the minds of people weaker than him, making them follow simple or complex commands.

Ultimate regeneration:

Alucard can regenerate from serious damage, such as decapitation, dismemberment, and incineration. When he suffers serious damage, his body turns into a shadow-like substance and reconstitutes itself.


Ability to pass through solid objects.

Shadow Manipulation:

the ability to manipulate shadows into physical forms for various uses.

Change of form:

Alucard can transform himself or parts of himself into various forms, including bats, insects, snakes, etc. , amorphous darkness and other human forms.


The ability to suck a person's blood and absorb their soul, along with the knowledge and memories of them.




Control Art restriction system:

an ability that allows the user to release the limitations of Alucard's power levels. There are six levels available, and each lower number is stronger than the higher ones. The system upgraded the skill to be many times stronger than the original.

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