
Monster in a world of heroes and villains [temporary break]

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

what it's like to be a real vampire

(third person)

Noah sighed and said, "Hey... are you a vampire?"

The boy in the white suit responded with a smile: "Why do you ask?"

Noah smiled and said, "It seems so... it seems like it was an interesting idea to come to Pennsylvania."

"Haha, my name is Deus," the men in the white suit said with a polite smile.

"So you're Deus… a bit of an exaggerated name for someone of your caliber," Noah said with some disdain in his voice.

Deus smiled a little and said, "Haha... are you the terrorist? You were on TV. You don't seem to care if people find you or see you, right?"

Noah smiled and said: "I really don't care much, There are some people in this world who are stronger than me, although I don't know if they are alive, dead, missing or..."

Deus just looked at Noah and got up from his seat. He looked behind him at the 16-year-old boy in the distance and said, "Cole... is he from your territory?"

The boy just looked at him and said indifferently, "I think so."

Deus laughed a little and said, "Well... this is a little annoying."

He looked at Noah and said, "You are..."

Noah sighed and stood up, drank all the wine in the glass and said, "Well! I think it's time to stop talking nonsense. It seems that parts of the city are divided into several territories, right?"

Deus smiled and said: "Something like that... but..."

"I think you should get out of here. This isn't your place," Deus said with a smile and slight annoyance.

Noah smiled and said, "Haha! I just came to have fun!"

Noah walked and stood in front of Deus, making a big smile and said, "Do you want to dance...little vampire?"

Deus smiled and looked Noah in the eyes. "Really... you're annoying."

Suddenly, Noah saw countless almost imperceptible red cables appear throughout the room. He just smiled and touched one with his finger, seeing how blood came out of the small cut the incredibly sharp cable made.

"Are you a demon from Demon Slayer or what?" Noah said with a smile. He disappeared with great speed, avoiding the cables with incredible precision, and appeared behind the guy with the tattoo on his neck. Noah said, "You're a little annoying, you'll go first."

The guy tried to hit Noah, but Noah easily grabbed his arm and squeezed it hard. The skin broke, and the bone protruded from the arm. Noah pulled "Jackal" out of his shadow and shot him in the head. The shot echoed through the room, and the vampire fell to the ground. Noah thought of something and shot the guy several more times, targeting his head, legs, arms, chest, and even his heart.

Silence filled the room as some vampires looked at Noah with surprise, others with fear, and some with curiosity. Deus watched him with interest.

Noah sighed and looked at the guy on the ground, who slowly began to regenerate and stand up. "Not bad, I thought you were going to disappoint me," Noah said, "not bad at all..."

The guy with the tattoo said, "Crow... that's my name... now fight."

Crow quickly punched Noah, who dodged it easily. Noah grabbed Crow's arm and threw him into the air, then began to shoot him. Noah knew that his weapons were useless, even though the original Alucard used them for fun.

Crow dodged the bullets with precision, having been caught off guard by the gun. Noah sighed, put the gun away, and smiled. "Well... I think it's time for some action. Show me what a vampire is like..."

Noah ran quickly, appearing behind Crow. He grabbed Crow's head and slammed it against the floor. Noah controlled his power, not wanting to destroy the entire building, though the entire room shook, and the floor cracked like a spider web.

Noah looked at Crow and the blood-covered floor, but Crow stood up while his face regenerated visibly. Not bad, although not as fast as Wolverine's regeneration or mine, not bad...

"Shit... bastard!! That hurt!!" Crow shouted, pulling a piece of concrete from his eyebrow as blood ran down his face. He threw the chunk to the ground.

Noah sighed and said, "You're boring..."

Noah appeared behind him and said, "You're not worth it, huh?"

He grabbed Crow's head and tore it off, blood splashing on Noah and the floor, with the head still connected to the spine.

"Fatality!" Noah said with a playful smile.

Deus looked at Noah with a furrowed brow and smiled.

"Well, well, that was disappointing... I thought you guys were... strong!!" Noah said with annoyance. He had thought vampires were stronger and was sure there were vampires with enormous power, but these guys were weak. Maybe Deus was somewhat strong.

Deus applauded, and the sound echoed through the room. He smiled and said, "Not bad! Although you killed a guard, and his territory chief is a little... angry, this is a bit problematic..."

Noah sighed and said, "Fuck you, I thought you were better. Although I'll probably just get stronger with you..."

Suddenly, Noah was thrown into the air with great force, hitting the ceiling. He smiled and saw the person who attacked him, an adult guy wearing sunglasses and somewhat casual clothing. The guy looked at him and said, "So they weren't using all their power. It seems some are more powerful than others... not bad."

Noah fell to the ground and got up as if nothing had happened. He wiped the dust off his suit and said, "Not bad... although it's still boring."

The guy with sunglasses said with a small smile, "Hey, you killed my personal guard... he was a bit of an idiot, but he was also my friend... I think it would be best to avenge him."

"Although... it's not very boring!!" Noah said with a big smile. He disappeared with great speed, breaking the floor. The guy with sunglasses crouched down, the walls of the room breaking and cracking. Noah appeared behind the guy with glasses and said, "Be proud, for I'll finally be able to use my powers creatively..."

Suddenly, the guy with sunglasses was pushed by something invisible. Noah pointed a finger in his direction, using his telekinesis. The guy was pushed into several walls, cracking them. Noah threw him at a wall, creating a crater. The guy fell to the ground, got up, and said, "Haha... that felt weird."

Noah smiled and said, "Haha... this could get even funnier!"

The guy with sunglasses appeared next to Noah like a blur, raised his leg, and kicked Noah, sending him flying into a table. Noah hit the ground and crashed into a wall. He smiled as he stood up, clearly still not serious.

Noah's smile widened, and suddenly his body changed. He transformed into hundreds of black bats that flew around the room. The other people were slightly surprised and curious. The guy with sunglasses said, "Hey, isn't that a little cliché?"

"Not so much, haha!" Noah's voice echoed throughout the room. Suddenly, behind the guy with sunglasses, Noah appeared and said, "Well, it's not that bad, but I get bored quickly..."

He pierced the chest of the guy with sunglasses, holding his heart in his hand. Noah squeezed and crushed it. The guy with sunglasses said in a low voice, "Shit... you sure are fast, huh... ha ha."

Noah withdrew his arm from the guy's chest, blood pouring out and soaking the ground. The guy fell to the ground, dead.

"I thought it was better..." Noah said with a face full of disappointment, though he still had some expectations. He looked at Deus and said, "Hey, do you want to fight?"

Deus didn't say anything, just smiled. But suddenly his eyes turned red, and he said, "You're a threat. The most obvious thing would be to kill you, don't you think?"

Noah smiled and said, "Yes... that would be the smartest, but... are you able to do it?"

Suddenly, a pressure became palpable in the room. The vampires around knelt due to the immense pressure, but Noah was unaffected.

"Interesting... it doesn't affect you. You're not a normal vampire, a person who is half vampire and half human, a hybrid. You couldn't beat a territory boss. What exactly are you? You smell like a vampire but maybe you're not. You're an abomination..." Deus said with a small smile, though his eyes showed ferocity.

"Abomination...? Hey, I was a little offended... although I could be a demon or a vampire, think what you want. But I know one thing clearly... you guys are trash..." Noah said with a smile, showing some disdain.

Deus put a smile on his face and said, "Kill him."

Suddenly the vampires looked at Noah and ran towards him. Noah smiled and said, "Fun time!"

He dodged several blows, grabbed one vampire by the head, and bit his neck. Noah felt the soul of the person entering him. He stopped biting the neck and moved his head to the side to avoid a fist, grabbed the fist, and threw the person in the air, causing him to collide with a metal table. Noah quickly grabbed two fists at the same time and squeezed them tightly, sending the two vampires flying. He jumped and clenched his fists, hitting them quickly, and a sonic boom echoed in the room.

Suddenly he dodged something really fast. He felt his cheek being cut slightly, and felt the blood trickling down. He looked where it was coming from and saw a vampire pointing a finger at him. He watched as the vampire's finger swelled quickly, and blood shot out faster than a bullet. Noah dodged and crouched a little.

"Well, time to dance," Noah said. He quickly grabbed a vampire and bit his neck hard, severing the head, which flew through the air. Noah tore another vampire apart like a toy. Quickly, the vampires began to die one by one.

Noah saw a piece of metal from a chair, grabbed it, and wielded it like a sword. "Time for some fantasy!"

He quickly cut a vampire with great speed, and a large cut appeared on the wall. The vampire was cut vertically and perfectly in half. Noah smiled and began to cut more vampires, quickly slicing through them.

Noah began to dodge some vampires while singing a little song, "She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene. I said, 'Don't mind, but what do you mean, I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round?' She said, 'I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round.'"

Noah dodged a blow and grabbed the person by the face, cutting it with his claws and destroying the face and skull. Blood poured out incessantly. Noah also stabbed the vampire's chest, piercing the heart.

Soon, only a few vampires and Deus were left in the room.

Noah looked at all the corpses on the ground and said, "Just that...?"

Deus smiled and said, "I think it's time to go harder..." Suddenly, Deus whistled. Noah waited, and three people entered through the living room door: a woman with short hair who was chewing gum and wearing gothic clothes, a guy with blue-dyed hair in formal clothes and glasses, and an old man dressed in clothing from the last century.

Noah smiled and said, "Looks like the cavalry came...not bad, huh!"

Deus said, "It's my own team...you don't mind, right?"

"No, no, I'm going to kill them all anyway..." Noah said with a calm smile.

The old man said, "Hmm... that's a strange being, he's not a vampire, he's like... an abomination..."

"That's always 'abomination' this and 'abomination' that... Can you just shut up...?" Noah said with a smile. Suddenly, a loud sound rang.

"Monster Hunter, yeahhhhhh!!" Noah coughed with some embarrassment and took out a phone from his pocket. He looked at who called him and said, "John." He sighed and said, "Wait, I have an important call..."

He answered the call and said, "Yes...?"

"Hey... I think it's time for you to come back, it's going to be dawn in a few hours," Noah heard John's voice and said, "Yes, I'll be there right away, but first I have to do a little job."

"Okay, don't do anything stupid, understand?" John said in a voice with obvious annoyance. Noah smiled and said, "Yeah, I know."

Noah ended the call and said, "Well, I think it's time to continue, right?"

Deus smiled and said, "Yes, it's time for the main course."

Deus appeared in front of the three people who had entered and said, "It's time for a bite."

Noah smiled and said, "It's morbin tim--, I mean, it's time to show what a vampire really is, useless trash!"

Noah shapeshifted into his usual form, his Victorian clothes in all their glory.

"Ohh... that's new. It seems like this will be a bit complicated. But are you ready for this?" Deus said with red eyes and a fierce look.

"Obviously, you guys will make me stronger..." Noah said as he pulled out his two guns. He licked one of them and said, "Time to destroy some bats..."