
monster Hunter John

monster's have ravaged humanity but humanity fights back but it's unlikely that humanity will last much longer a warrior must rise up to save humanity

Goke_black · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 18 John vs the Vampire leader end

John slowly rises to his feet weakened considerably and looks at the approaching Vampire leader and says "That was a surprise however I am not finished yet" John unleashes an immense amount of energy that surpasses his previous amount and rivals that of the Vampire leader. John says "Let's end this" John and the Vampire leader rush towards each other and attack. John evades countless attacks while his enemy also evades countless of his own attacks they are both evenly matched. However soon into the fight the Vampire leader's blood destruction gives out causing great damage to them their bones are ripped apart and they fall to their knees. John says "It's over" John decapates the vampire leader with his sword. John then falls to his knees weakened considerably he says "Just in time I don't know how much longer I could have maintained that mode" John sighs completely exhausted from the fight.