

Well, Hanna was one of those monsters. A very talented girl who, by the age of 12, was already fluent in Latin and folk Latin too, German and Greek, and writing too, although she also understood Spanish and French. She knew how to impress men and in society.

Georg_Haller · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Well, that's pretty much what it looked like. Hannah was a monster, a vampire, a prostitute, a mutant, whatever...

And an amazingly beautiful woman.

Knowing my ancestors.

And now lying in the pool opposite me, completely naked, beautiful and exuding an incredible sexual appeal.

And I went to her.

At that moment, she opened her eyes and looked at me. Apparently her senses reacted to the release of testosterone in my blood...

- We will go with you to Zurich. You do not mind?

She sounded like she was offering me fried eggs for breakfast, but her eyes were sly and mysterious.

Then, of course, she clung to me and we did everything that I dreamed about and could not even imagine. And then again...

And the water was soothing. And her skin burned.

I don't know how to put it into words. Guess yourself))

A prostitute. Vampire. Monster. Mutant...

And in the morning, opening my eyes, I saw her shoulder, which slipped out of a silk robe, and her neck, and a lock of hair ...

- we're going to Zurich, do you remember?