
Monster Girl Quest: The Wushu System

Andrew wasn't unfamiliar with violence or fighting. However, once he is mysteriously transported into the world of Monster Girl Quest with an annoyingly limited system, he has no choice but to put his martial skills through the test in order to survive in this new world and the adventures that await him.

KungFu_Nerd · Video Games
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Wushu System

As far back as I remember, I've loved Chinese Martial Arts.

I was quite the precocious kid in that regard, at age 8 I had already convinced my parents to enroll me into a Wuguan (Dojo). At first, my reasons for doing so were as shallow as anyone else's: I loved Kung Fu movies, I wanted to be just as cool and brave as the heroes in them, someone capable of sending evil doers flying high with just a kick or a punch, someone who would stand up against bullies and make them piss their pants in terror!

Well, maybe I've lied a little bit. My initial intentions for picking up Kung Fu also, maybe, had a lot to do with the fact that I was kind of, no, really wimpy as a kid. It doesn't take a genius to guess that exactly the king of boy that'd a prime candidate for bullying. Frankly, my so-called sense of justice was actually part vengeful spite, though, looking back, that kind of thinking was somewhat understandable - I was just a child after all.

Regardless of the motives, It led me to, as luck would have it, finding the real deal. After a few months or so, my mantis Kung Fu was good enough that I no longer had anything to fear from people my own age. This was something that I, quite happily, demonstrated to anyone that tried to mess with me. However, and this should be obvious, my newfound taste for violence and fighting was not well received neither by my parents not by my mantis master.

Accordingly, their response was to threaten to end my training if I didn't get that temper reeled in. At that point I had already fallen in love with that martial art and the thought of stopping was, for me, something I didn't want to risk.

It was not immediate, sure, but I'm proud to say that I think of myself as a much calmer and peaceful person that I was before… I think.

That all happened a bit over 12 years ago, and I'm still training my mantis Kung Fu with dedication. I'd go so far as to call myself a good fighter, though not a master by any means…


Why did I tell you this whole spiel, you ask?

Well, I just wanted to clarify that, at that point in my life, I was already pretty confident in my fighting abilities.

I was pretty confident that I could come out on top against most fighters.

Still, against something like the being in front of me right now, I can be forgiven for letting my confidence be a little shaken, right?

After all...

I get into my fighting position and face grinning Slug Girl in front of me.

"Oh, going to resist, are you?", the woman with yellowish and mucous skin laughed softly, her soft voice echoed in an almost singing tone, only betrayed by the clear sadism present in her words.

Her grin widens into a full blown smile.

"...Fine. Actually, It's more satisfying draining and eating them the more they struggle."

I never expected to fight a real life monster.

-----WUSHU SYSTEM-----

A Few Hours Before





As a little jingle suddenly interrupts my sleep, I can't help but lazily open my eyes, wondering just what the hell had made such a weird noise inside my house. It wasn't the alarm clock, that's for certain, those things are set up to be much louder that this.

However, as I open my eyes and get my senses together, my vision is immediately assaulted by abundant rays of light shining over tree tops. No, more than that…

'Wha- what the hell?! What happened to my house?! Why am I on the ground?!', I though in a panic as I sat up and started to realized just how lost I was.

I frantically start looking to the sides, as if my residence would suddenly appear among the trees.

Of course, that would never happen. I wasn't some kind of forest monk, my house sat squarely in the middle of a residential area, far removed from forests of any kind.

Had I drunk one too many beers and ended up falling asleep in the middle of some park far away from home?

No, that wasn't the case. Not only do I not remember going drinking yesterday, I'm just also the kind of guy that doesn't like to drink alcohol til passing out.

Besides, there are a few more things that don't seem to match.

For instance, I don't remember my city having a forest like this close to it, whether in a park or not…

"Brrrr", I shiver a bit as the cold and dry morning wind passes by me, leading me to another realization.

I gaze to the plants around – the grass, the bushes and the mighty trees.

I don't recognize any of them. I might not be a biologist, but I can tell that these are not species found in my region.

No, even country-wise they don't match. The region I'm from doesn't have trees like these, nor was this kind of cold temperature normal, and it's not like I had just sleep walked my way across the continent, so...

"Just what the hell…"



Congratulations, Warrior!




The sudden jingle presented itself again in it's musical song. This time, however, it came followed by a semi-transparent blue screen suddenly materializing in front of me, words of congratulation above a button that said "Next", probably serving to continue the message.

I stare at the screen in front of me for a few seconds.

"What… the… hell…?"

I swipe my hand across the screen, confirming that it had so substance as it passed right though.

My mouth opens and closes for a bit, my brain trying to find the appropriate words to express the confusion that I currently felt.

For a second I wondered if I had gone completely insane and this screen was just some kind of delusion from some form of schizophrenia, however, I quickly threw that theory under the buss.

Not only was it counter-productive to just assume that I had gone insane, but something in my gut told me that this whole situation felt too real to be just an illusion.

The ground' cold humidity felt too real.

The sun's warm light felt too real.

The sound of birds chirping also felt too real.

If all of this was just some onset of insanity, then I was just too far gone at this point. So I chose to believe that what's happening right now is real, at least for now.

I sigh and do a few deep breaths.

After calming down a bit, I click the "Next" button.



Congratulations, Warrior!

You have been transported to a fantastical realm, filled with mystical creatures and incredible adventures. Prepare yourself for an extraordinary journey where your martial arts skills will be put to the test.

Within this new world, you will encounter various challenges and formidable opponents. Fear not, for the Wushu System is here to aid you on your path. As you progress, you will have the opportunity to learn and master diverse martial arts styles, unlocking new techniques and abilities.

Your dedication to the Seven Star Mantis style has laid the foundation for your martial prowess. Remember, the path of a warrior is one of discipline, perseverance, and continuous growth. Train diligently and you will succeed.

The Wushu System will provide you with vital information, track your progress, and offer rewards for your achievements. Embrace the system's guidance and make strategic choices as you shape your martial arts journey.

Beware, for this world is not without its dangers. Powerful adversaries, cunning foes, and unexpected allies await you. Stay vigilant, be mindful of your surroundings, and trust in your training and instincts.

As you navigate through this realm, remember that the Wushu System is but a tool. Your true strength lies within your spirit, determination, and training.

May your path be filled with honor, courage, and legendary victories. Embrace your destiny, Andrew, and let the spirit of martial arts guide you towards greatness.

Farewell and let your fighting spirit soar!

The Wushu System


Imagine a blue screen opening in front of you while thinking of the word "Status" to open your Stats window.


Silently, I do as the message dictates.





Name: Andrew

Level: 1

Experience Points: 0/100

Style Points: 0

Styles Known: Seven Star Praying Mantis



HP (Health Points): 35

Qi (Qi Points): 45

Strength: 15

Endurance: 13

Dexterity: 20

Agility: 25

Internal Power: 15

Attribute Points: 0


(Open Martial Achievement List)

(Open Skill List)



Well, this confirms it. Either I've gone completely insane… or I'm totally fucked.

And here it is, the beginning of the story. This chapter serves as a basic introduction to the character and the kind of road he will take in regards to leveling up. See ya in the next one, where he will have his first fight against a monster girl!

KungFu_Nerdcreators' thoughts