
Monster Girl Encyclopedia: Awakened Influence

Thirty years have passed since the defeat of Andariel Pendragon and peace have been brought to the humans and monsters. However, an ancient adversary has now awakened and wants to bring back the a world where monsters only care about their pleasurable desires. It's up to new heroes to take a stand against them with their newfound abilities. Sequel of Wailing Moans.

UncleJimbo95 · Others
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3 Chs

Humble Beginning

In the eastern part of Amelie, two miners are digging a tunnel.

"God dammit! We still haven't found the treasure!" The brunette man wipes his brow with a cloth.

"She told us this is where the source is located." The blonde man looks at his map with a flashlight. He strikes the dirt in front. "Hmm?" There's an opening behind. He can feel a draft. They keep breaking down the hole, revealing an entrance.

"All right! We're finally making progress!" The brunette celebrates and uses his own flashlight

They seem to be in a tomb. There's ancient vases and jewelry around a stone coffin. The blonde reads the text written on it.

"Here lies the slumbering…only the touch of m…" he scratches his head. "Some of these are faded and hard to read."

"Who cares. We've hit the jackpot!" The brunette pulls out a potato sack to grab the items.

The blonde is curious about the inside of the coffin. "Hold on. I think there's a greater treasure here. A mummy of an old monster. That will definitely make us famous!" He laughs. "Help me move this." Both of them remove the lid with ease.

Expecting a corpse wrapped in cloth, they are surprised to find a woman instead. She has long white hair and pale skin. Her wings are also white. She has black skimpy armor covering her voluptuous body. There are red orbs around her armor. She looks like she's sleeping.

The brunette backs away. "Oi. W-What the hell is she?"

"Fascinating. To think we would discover another Lilim. And very well preserved." He caresses her cheeks. "Huh? She's still warm." Her eyes snap open. Her crimson iris scanning the man. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" The man falls out of surprise.

She stands and stretches. "Mmmm~!" She faces the distraught men. "Good. That slumber has left me famished. Will you share your mana with me?" She licks her lips. Her eyes glows. They can feel the influence invade their consciousness. Moans and sounds of flesh smacking one another echoes the walls.

Three days later

Near the eastern coast of Amelie, is a city named Fargor, bustling with dreamers and inventors. The place is known for its vast amount of wealth, due to the amount of gold that was unearthed from the lands a decade ago. The well has long been dried up, but it doesn't stop people with clouds in their heads from arriving. Due to this, hotels and casinos were opened for travelers to strike riches in another way.

One of the casinos is called The Great Bates. Where people of every background come to try their luck. A man is sitting at a poker table. He has long black hair and hazel eyes. He's wearing a green long sleeve shirt with a khaki trench coat, black jeans and shoes. His unique trait are the permanent bags under his eyes.

The dealer draws an Ace on the board. There's a nine, ten, Jack, and Queen. The man smirks. "All in." He pushes the chips.

"Fold." Two men sigh.

"Call." A burly man pushes his chips. They reveal their hands. The burly man has three of a kind with queens, while the baggy eyed man has a straight with the Ace.

"Hehehe! I win, baby." The baggy man tries to grab his prize, but someone slams his head against the table from behind. It's the head security. "Urgh! Hey! What gives!?" The security pulls down the man's sleeve, revealing other extra cards.

"We've been observing you after your fifth consecutive win. If you're going to cheat, at least try to not make it obvious." The security handcuffs him and drags him out of the building.

"Yo man, I wasn't cheating this time!" The man tries to make his case.

"Well, you'll just have to tell that to the authorities." The security escorts him to the nearest police station.

The baggy man is now in a jail cell. An officer is looking through the man's file. "Dominique Dwight Raziel? Like the hero?" He asks.

Dwight looks away. "Yeah. So? Has nothing to do with me." He says with spite.

"I would imagine. If you were related to him, he would've been disappointed by a failure scum like you." The officer sneers. "Make yourself comfortable, cause you'll be here until tomorrow." He sits on his desk to eat donuts.

Dwight sighs and lays down on the hard bed. Despite the small light that hangs above the room, the illumination of the full moon can be seen from the barred window.

Some time passes. The officer is snoring loudly, making it hard for Dwight to get some sleep. "That son of a bitch." He groans. Suddenly, a loud high frequency pitch invades his ears. It is extremely painful that he rolls off the bed. "Rrrgh!" It only lasted a couple seconds. "What the hell was that?" He asks while standing up. The officer is still sleeping. "Even slept through that? Fucking pig." He looks out the window.

They're at the border of the city. He can smell the salty breeze from the ocean. The light from the city is still shining off their huge wealth. He hears a sound from behind him. "Hmm?" The officer's keys are in front of his cell. "How did this get here?" He questions, as even if it fell off, it would've been next to the officer. "Doesn't matter. My lady luck is still with me." He chuckles softly, as he surreptitiously unlocks the door. Once open, he sneaks out of the room.

Dwight scans the hallway. To his joy, it's empty. He still is careful in case there are officers skulking around. When he reaches the front desk, he looks out the window. The police cars and horses are gone. Save for the horse that belongs to the one sleeping. "Must be one hell of an emergency. Hehehe." He keeps chuckling about how fortunate he is. Dwight exits the building and approaches the animal. "There there. Want a treat?" He pulls out the donut he grabbed before. The horse sniffs it and eats. He unties the reins and hips on. "Let's go!" He commands. They ride away.

Home sweet Home

It was a twelve hour trip, but Dwight finally arrived in his small hometown called Galian. It's the sanctuary of the unfortunate people who have lost everything in Fargor and are trying to regain their status.

Dwight stops at the edge of the town, removes the reins and gears off the horse and hides them in a bush. "Off you go, buddy." He slaps the horse's ass. The animal neys and runs deeper in the forest. "Back to square one." He yawns before walking back home.

The buildings are run down and the people live on top of their shops. Children are playing tag on the street.

"Good morning, Dom." A strawberry blonde chubby woman greets him in front of an alleyway. She's smoking a cigarette.

"Morning, Rebecca. You got a spare fag?" He asks.

"Sure. If you got a nickel to spare." She smirks.

He recoils in surprise. "Geez! One more dime and I could get my own pack." Regardless, he flicks the coin at her. She hands him a cigarette and lights it with a lighter.

"Rough night? Your bags are baggier than usual." She says.

Dwight exhales the smoke. "Yeah. Got caught cheating. Had to run away from the law. They'll forget about me in a week."

"Oh. Still trying to strike big?"

"Of course. Who the hell wants to be in this dump?" He inhales the cig.

Rebecca shakes her head. "How's your mom?"

He looks down the block where his tiny house is located. "Tired. I know those rich fucks are exhausting her to no end." He scratches his head out of frustration.

She smiles. "As I expected from a mama's boy. I wish mine were as dedicated as you."

"Give them five years. Let them enjoy their childhood." He stomps the cigarette. "Anyways, I have to get going." He waves goodbye and jogs the whole way.

He slowly opens the front door. It's dark. "Good. She must still be sleeping." He says quietly. He closes the door and tiptoes towards his room, when the lamp in the living room turns on.

His mom is wearing a maid's outfit. Her hazel eyes are glaring at him. "Where were you last night?" She asks in a commanding tone.

Dwight is flustered. "I-I was staying at Nicky's place."

"Really? I went there two hours ago and you weren't present." She stands up. "You went to Fargor again, didn't you?"

"Pfft! Me? I promised you I wouldn't go th-" she pulls out a flier of the grand opening of The Great Bates casino. Which he purposely wrote the date and time he would be arriving. "Shit. I knew I forgot something."

She confronts him. "Dwight, we've talked about this. There is no easy way to get rich. We have to earn our money. What would your father think knowing you're out there gambling and smoking cigarettes?"

He looks at her angrily. "Why do you care about a man who left you at the whorehouse!?"

She slaps his face. "He didn't know I was pregnant! I never told him. In fact, I am thankful to have carried the child of a hero. He even gave me extra coins to move out of that dreaded place." She holds back her tears. "I'm going to work soon. Get ready." She leaves. Dwight massages his cheek and follows her.

Watkins Mansion

"Wendy!" Mr. Watkins greets Dwight's mom at the entrance when they arrive. He is a well defined man in a business suit. He has a stylish red mustache. He finally notices Dwight. "Dominique." He says dryly.

"Samuel." Dwight responds the same way.

"Good morning, Mr. Watkins." Wendy bows. "How's Jessica?" As soon as she mentions the name, a silver haired woman in a white dress covered in diamonds comes out. "Good morning, Jessica." She bows to her.

She giggles. "No need for the formalities. You are family to us." She gazes at Dwight.

"That is correct! You are both family!" Samuel laughs. "Come Wendy. I have a special assignment for you." He guides her inside. Dwight glares at the man wrapping his arm around Wendy.

"Are you okay, Dommy?" She asks uncomfortably close to him. "You look tired."

"What are you talking about? They're just my usual charming bags." He forces a grin. The corner of his mouth twitches.

"Hm. Would you accompany me to the garden?" She smiles while grabbing his hand. They go to the backyard, which is full of flowers of all kinds that a couple maids are tending. There's a water fountain in the middle. The statue is based on the legendary heroine Wilmarina Noscrim. "Do you know who that is?"

"Yes. You've been telling me about her legend since we were kids." He yawns.

"I know. But there's something I discovered recently." She pulls out an old diary. "I found this in the attic. It turns out I'm part of the same family tree as her!" She jumps excitedly.

"Really? That's cool." He tries to sound interested.

"Mhmm! This is the diary she kept throughout her journey. She grew up alongside the man she cared for, but he disappeared after the demon invasion. She became a hero to not only save the world, but to find her childhood friend." She faces him. "Sounds a lot like us!"

"Yeah? I guess we need another invasion to complete the cycle." He chuckles to himself.

"Don't joke about that! That would be terrible." She almost cried at the thought.

"Sorry." He puts his hands up defensively. He looks at the statue. "Guess we both have something in common now. But what does it matter? Sure. They saved the world, but they died without witnessing their outcome. Sometimes I wonder if it was even worth it."

"How could you say that!? Of course it's worth it! We wouldn't be talking right now if it wasn't for their bravery." She scolds him.

He shrugs. "Not like it matters. Their accomplishments doesn't change the fact that we have to scrounge every penny just to live another day."

Jessica is about to complain, but stops herself. "You know. If money is the issue, you could live with us. And maybe…" she mumbles at the last part.

"Jess. I appreciate your concern, but I see you as my little sister."

She sighs. "I know. You've made that extremely clear on my eighteenth birthday." She still remembers that night she poured her heart out to him at the balcony. Only for Dwight to shut her down. "It's weird to marry family." She says imitating his voice.

He laughs. "It's true though!" She blankly stares at him. "I guess I'm the weird one. I was never interested in relationships. And I would only hurt your feelings if I acted like I did."

Jessica warmly smiles. "Thank you, Dommy. I appreciate your honesty. Any other person would've taken advantage of this poor maiden's heart." She feigns fainting.

"That's me!" He genuinely grins. She blushes at seeing a warm display of emotion. "Anyways, I'm going to check up on them and see if they need any chores done." He waves goodbye and heads inside the manor.

She sits on the edge of the fountain. "How cruel. Falling in love with a man that will never reciprocate." She sighs.

"How tragic." An otherworldly voice speaks to her. She looks around, then turns to face the statue. "Men. Always love playing hard to get."


"That's right, child. I've been watching you this whole time. And it saddens me to see that man reject you." She chuckles. "I know the feeling too well. I have lost the one I loved and I don't want you to share my fate."

"Really?" She looks away. "But I can't force him to love. He has that right to live his own life."

"Hora? And what about your desires? Isn't it your right to live your own life, as well?" Jessica stays silent. "I can give you a gift that will surely make him fall for you. Just gaze upon the water." Jessica hesitates for a moment, before complying. She looks at the water and gasps in horror.

Instead of her own reflection, it's Wilmarina staring back at her with those red eyes. Except she's different. She is a Succubus. Not like the ones in the stories. She extends her arms and clasps Jessica's head. "I will share with you the gift of ultimate pleasure~!" She kisses her. Jessica feels her body being corrupted.

Dwight enters the building. It's completely empty. "Hellooooo! Anybody home?" He shouts. He notices the cleaning equipment have been scattered on the floor, as if the maids left in a hurry. Having a bad feeling, he power walks towards the dining room. "Mom? Where are you?" No reply. Anxiety takes over his mind and he rushes towards the room. Sounds of moans can be heard from the other side. He opens the door.

The maids have been fully corrupted and are having sex with the butlers. Samuel is being raped by multiple Succubus. The most shocking are the maids enjoying themselves with Wendy. One of them is covering her mouth as she is being corrupted. She notices Dwight and expresses horror behind her eyes, as tears fall down her cheeks. He is in complete shock. Trying to process whether this is a terrible nightmare. Wendy bites the hand. "RUN DWIGHT!"

It's too late, three Succubus hold him down. "You can't leave. The fair lady is waiting for her husband~!" They cackle.

"Rrrgh! Mom, what's going on!?" He asks with desperation.

The windows overlooking the garden burst open. A fully corrupted Jessica hovers into the room. Her white dress is now replaced with a black bikini armor. She has black wings adorned with black diamonds. "My love~!" She extends to embrace Dwight. "Look! I've changed to look like the heroine. You and I can finally be together forever!" She goes down to remove his pants.

"No! Jessica! Stop! STOOOOOOOOOP!!" A being materializes behind him and punches her face hard, sending her slam against the wall.

The being is a man in a blue hunter's gear. He's wearing a blue bandana covering his eyes, but the defining bags are still shown. He punches the wooden dinner table, converting into the tree it was built upon. The sudden appearance causes the branches to impale all the corrupted maids. Leaving him, Wendy, Samuel and Jessica unharmed. He faces Dwight.

"W-What the fuck are you?" His question is interrupted by the sudden appearance of Wilmarina.

"My my. What a mess." She says nonchalantly. "So that's the gift she was talking about." She mentions looking at the blue hunter. She smirks. "No matter. I got what I wanted. And they will make great subjects for the Lord." She laughs and teleports away with Wendy and Jessica. With the immediate threat gone, the hunter disappears.

Dwight falls to his knees, crying. "What…THE HELL IS GOING OOOOOOOOON!?"