
Chapter One: A Dark and Storming Night

Sixteen years ago... It seems to be raining harder here than anywhere else in the forest, stupid temple, stupid guild master sending me here for no reason, he knows I've been crippled and I'm trying to get the orphanage set up. the woman thought to herself as she approached the village temple. There had been a rumor of a large Spirit beast in the area, powerful enough that even the village hunters could not sense it aura, and they thought it was above their rank. The village elder sent Morena soon to be matron of an orphanage, in this backwater country for the sake of her grandchild. Ever since that thing crippled her soul, she couldn't even stay in her home country without the suppressive atmosphere trying to crush her. Now Morena, once the world champion and a peerless warrior, was going to raise abandoned, as well as a grandchild from a son whose face she had barely seen since the day he was born. Wait a minute, I must be getting too excited thinking of the child because I swear I can hear crying, she then stood still and shook her head waiting for a minute.

"Waah ahh waaaah." there was a child crying the woman thought drawing her sword and running towards the noise, when she arrived she was in the temple's central chamber, and on the dais was a bundle of cloth, a crying bundle of cloth. Morena sheathed her sword and went to the child, it was wrapped in a once fine, but now tattered blanket there was a note and a pendant pressed neatly inside the folds of the tattered blanket, the envelope read 'read the letter inside and raise him he will one day save all of your world' so Morena opened the envelope and read the letter, noticing another one titled 'for when you consumes your monster seed.'

"To whomever finds this child, I ask you to raise him with the love and care that his mother and I cannot provide, we have enclosed a monster seed, it is soul bound to him, not the pendant he wears. His name is Hunter Raebir, and he is the last of a clan that dies if he dies." Morena looked over to the child, now feeling the weight of two children specifically for her to bear. and as Morena walked out of that temple with a now quiet baby in her arms, lightning struck all around her and the storm stopped, almost as suddenly as it began.