
Chapter Four: Where the Roads Will Lead?

Morning came too quickly, as we were all tired from the Mon-Fu ritual yesterday, but we didn't want to set a bad example for the children who would be going to undergo the ritual next year. So we got up on time and went to help with breakfast, and once that was over we returned to our room to discuss future plans. "So where do you two sky breakers think your going to start your conquest of the world?" Hektor opens with a good natured grumble

"Well I am going to meet my biological parents and join them in Silver Vine City, like I was supposed to do when I turned sixteen after being raised by my grandma here in the orphanage." Aura says in a somber tone

"I am going to join the treasure seekers guild out of Ever Night City." Grim says standing up from his spot "I want to be a famous treasure hunter, that way the girls will come to me and I'll never have to chase them again. What are you going to do Hektor?"

"Actually I'm joining the free adventurers guild here in Rust Bern town, the guildmaster gave me a formal invitation after the Mon-Fu ceremony yesterday." Hektor beams "And He finally gave me a last name 'Ursais'... Wait a minute Hunter hasn't said anything about his plans yet, where are you going what are you doing?"

"To be honest I am not a hundred percent sure yet, My monster is going to make it difficult for me to join a guild or faction, because he grows by consuming monster cores already, so making enough money to eat and stay in town is going to be hard, if I'm eating my cores when I should be turning them in for profit, without over hunting it'll be hard."

"Well I may have a solution for that, to make the transition easier I have been writing back and forth between my parents and here, I also have come up with you coming with me to Silver Vine City, so I'll have a friend with me for a while as well as someone I trust at my back on my first few hunts, as I'm not thrilled about moving to the big city on my own." Aura said matter of factly

"Thank you Aura, but are you sure you want that it might seem rude to show up with a second person to meet your parents, and they might think we are more than just friends." I reply "I'll come with you though as it is the best idea yet, also it'll be fun to show up with one man in tow, I think"

"Be glad that Grim and Ursais have their own gigs or they'd be coming too, you guys are more than friends you are my family way more than blood can ever be, just like Granny. also you and I leave in five days make sure you have everything packed and ready we may not be back here for a while, six months at least."

"Five days huh, that's the same for Hektor and I." Grim says as we go our separate ways for the day. I walk to the training field on the outskirts of town and practice with my new sword, after a while I notice that some of the other adventurers are watching me, but I continue practicing until a man walks up and call out to me, I slowly stop what I'm doing and sheathe the blade before turning to face him.

"Yes sir is there something I can assist you with?" I ask in my most polite voice

"Yes there is, I am the vice guildmaster here in town and watching you practice I was wondering if you would care for a sparring match? Also I'm the new vice guildmaster and I am wondering if you know a young man named Hektor Ursais."

"I accept the sparring match proposal, and if you want to speak to Hektor I can't speak of his whereabouts until I have your name." I reply trying not to let ice creep into my voice

"I am terribly sorry I completely forgot my manners for a minute, my name is Irvin, now might I ask your name and Mr. Ursais' location before we spar?"

"Yes my name is Hunter, and Hektor is probably at the bakery diner, eating lunch with the guildmaster like they usually do on Thursdays." I reply walking towards one of the chalk circles that are designated sparring grounds, Irvin follows 'you don't have to beat him, but last longer than three strikes' I think to myself. as Irvin steps into the ring opposite of me, we do a salute, and he brings out his weapons of choice axes yes there are four of them as he untucks two extra arms from his pockets, I don't let any of my monster out, because I don't want to rely on the scales too often right off the bat. I'm keeping my eyes locked on his, and I see when he goes to swing his first axe its a large overhead swing, back up and that opens me for his second swing, its wide and sweeping, I duck it and go for a side roll but he has two axes coming in from the sides, cutting off my left and right escape paths, if I go any further backwards it'll be a ring out, so I try something else I jump using his incoming axes as a step ladder to come behind him, then I turn and let my sword go to his neck. "dead" I say and he literally falls face first into the sand, I go to check him and then he rolls over laughing "what's so funny?" I ask as I extend a hand to him

"You've been a fused for less than a day and managed a win against a grandmaster realm with three extra weapons, all without using your own monster, kid you are going to change the world someday!" he said as he took my hand and let me help him up, that bad feeling I had about him is gone. Just then the guildmaster and Hektor appear on the training grounds and then I return to my solo practice trying to incorporate what he just did into my mind, then I just give it up and sheathe my sword, opting for a couple laps around the track that surrounds the training field, I run until the sun starts to set.

When I get home I help Morena with dinner, and getting the smallest children off to bed. "I sparred with the new vice guildmaster of the adventurers guild today, and I won." I say before going to head to bed.

"I heard, he was taking it easy on you though so remember that, but congratulations anyway to beat a grand master before he can increase the difficulty on you is hard for even the fastest learners." Morena replies then shoos me off to bed, and with that my day is over.

The next few days fly by like the wind I find myself helping out at the orphanage less and training more each day the vice guildmaster and others spar with me and even thought they usually beat me I learn quickly, I also spend the third day hunting using my monster claws and fangs, so I can get used to the senses and effects, I manage to kill three spirit deer and enjoy their cores cultivating them through my entire body especially focusing on my mana veins, And then its finally the fifth day and when I wake up I'm the first, so I shower and get ready, then head down to my last breakfast at the orphanage, the kids are outright crying, the sisters are tearing up, the only one who has her composure is Morena. Breakfast is loud and sad and happy all at the same time, afterwards Aura and I give a farewell speech, and Grymalkin lets the kids play with his black cat.

We head to the train station, and then Hektor who has been uncharacteristically quiet this morning says; "This is good bye for now, I hope we can see each other soon, but walk with your heads held high for who knows where our respective roads will lead, and remember this we are family no matter what blood says." and then he brushes a tear from his eye, and the train rolls in and we board. Grymalkin bound for gold and glory Aura for family, and as for me I'll be with Aura for a few months then who knows.