
Monster Fusion System In MHA

The soul of an avid My Hero Academia fan was transmigrated into the body of Izuku Midoriya before the UA entrance exams. However, in this universe he had never met All Might or gained One For All. Luckily, his transmigration came along with the Monster Fusion System to help him become stronger.

L_6 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


In a dimly lit alleyway that exuded an aura of crime, a young man of about sixteen could be seen speaking to another man who was covering his face with a medical mask. This was clearly something illegal to anyone who could possibly witness it, but thankfully there was nobody else around.

The young man spoke, "Hey man, you got what I asked for?"

The face mask on the other man raised a little as he smiled and he replied, "Of course I do, when have I ever let you down before?"

"That's a good point, you're a reliable dealer and a good friend."

"You know it. Like I told you the other day, it'll be thirty quid for five grams. This is some good weed trust me bro. The only reason it's so cheap is because I need to offload it quickly and you're my mate."

"Yeah man, its chill. I trust you we've been friends for years so I'm grateful for the discount."

The young man reached into his pocket and pulled out thirty pounds in total. There were two tens, a five and the rest was in pound coins. He handed it to the dealer and got his 'product' in return.

His face was lit with a smile, "Thanks man, I ran out the other day and I really needed to get some more. I'll see you around, or when I need some more supply."

The dealer nodded and responded, "Yeah sound mate, in a bit bro." He then walked off and left the young man to himself.

All he could think about was getting home and smoking for the first time in what seemed like was forever. It only took about fifteen minutes for him to arrive home and get into his room.

He sat down at his desk and rolled a joint as quickly as he could without it turning out absolutely horrendously. After he finished this, he pulled out one of his many lighters and lit his joint.

He leant back in his chair and started to smoke his joint with a feeling of pure joy enveloping his entire being. His plan was to get really high and then read some My Hero Academia. To him this was the greatest pleasure on Earth and he could think of nothing better.

However, after about thirty seconds of starting to smoke, he noticed something was wrong. He felt different to every other time he had smoked weed before, and that wasn't a small amount of times either.

His heart started beating incredibly fast and he was sweating from every area of his body. As his body started to cramp up and paralyse his muscles, he could only think to himself, "Shit, I think that weed was laced with something else."

His vision began to go blurry and then he fell unconscious. After an unknown amount of time, his vision returned and he was faced with a different view than before.

He was floating in a seemingly endless area with brilliant colours, none anything like what he had seen before. His body was slowly moving against his will, as if he was being pulled by forces unknown to him.

After what seemed like an eternity, he felt himself get pulled much more strongly than before and he appeared in front of a being.

It was incredibly wide, as if one could never reach its end, but it was only about a meter tall. The being had no legs or arms, only a mouth and a single eye ball which he had to assume were in the direct centre of the being.

Unable to speak or move, the young man stared in silence at the being. He waited for something to happen, and eventually, it did.

The being blinked.

Nothing more, nothing less. A single blink, and the young man was in a completely different location.

He was staring at the ceiling with the comfort of a bed beneath him. A flood of memories entered his mind and he relaxed and let them enter. He came to the realisation that he was now in the body of Izuku Midoriya, the protagonist of My Hero Academia. However, this was a world in which he had never received One For All but was still intent on taking part in the test for UA's Hero department.

The young man who was now Midoriya stood up and looked at himself in the mirror on the wall. He had the same appearance as Midoriya did before UA and was clearly in no shape to be trying to compete with regular people his age, let alone those with quirks.

There were only eight days until the test including the one that was currently occurring, and there was seemingly no way out of it. Although applying for the test was not something you had to do, it was mandatory to attend once you had signed up. This meant that once the day came for the test, Midoriya would have to hide from the robots and stay uninjured.

Although he did believe there was a possibility of becoming a hero without a quirk and just training your body, eight days was nowhere near enough to get to a level that would allow him to rival Heroes or Villains, especially not with his already relatively weak build.

From the memories he had received, Midoriya could tell that the chain of events that unfolded throughout My Hero Academia history were the same as in the original, with the only difference being All Might never meeting Midoriya.

There was no point in being down about this though, as he could not change what had already happened, or more accurately not happened. Noticing that it was dark outside and his new body was tired, Midoriya lay down and went back to sleep.

(Read the Auxiliary Chapter for an in detail explanation of the Monster Fusion System)