
Monster Empire

In ancient times, terrible monsters, owners of colossal strength and incredible abilities, ruled everything. All of them differed among themselves in their nature, form and habitat. Some of them were intelligent, while others lived only by instinct, but they all had one thing in common, the boundless power of their eternal master, the master of life, Inmir. Inmir was the one who ruled over everything, and there were no fools in the world who wanted to fight him. His strength had no limit, and his wisdom was glorified through the ages. And then one day, the great master of this world, with the help of his all-seeing eye, foresaw a great catastrophe. The two suns that illuminated this world must have collided, and the smaller one would have been swallowed up by the larger one. But this process will be accompanied by radiation of immeasurable strength, which will wipe out all life from the face of the planet for many millions of years. Inmir, who, like a father, loved his subjects, could not sit idly by. He gathered all the most worthy at his feet, and declared that he would save his children from a terrible fate and create an impenetrable barrier deep underground that would withstand all adversity. All as one bowed to the great Lord, and by his order they created a whole country, deep underground, in the great caves of the night ...

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42 Chs


The sixth floor was a floor of spiders artificially divided into six equal zones, each of which was inhabited by a separate species with its own progenitor mother.

And although each of the many inhabitants of this level was loyal only to his queen mother, Lord Inmir placed over them all the true ruler of the spider race, the terrible spider monster Exhaustion, who was allowed to mate and receive offspring from all six female queens.

What can we say about the fact that there were a lot of offspring, and given the genetics of the father, it turned out to be much stronger than usual. And everything would have been fine, but before hibernation, the great master ordered the spiders to stop breeding until his special order, and only a few thousand servant spiders were left in the possessions on the sixth "floor".

And it was reasonable, no one was going to waste energy on maintaining the life of spiders, which at any moment can be born again in huge quantities.

Unlike queens that were born every few hundred years, and Exhaustion, who was a unique monster at all, ordinary spiders: servants, wars, workers, etc. had no value at all, given the fact that they died five or six years after birth and could not produce offspring.

The race of spiders living in the empire was semi-intelligent and, in terms of development, reached somewhere up to a dog, but unlike the latter, it did not have the same great loyalty and devotion, but rather, on the contrary, was distinguished by waywardness and selfishness.

Of course, the queens were much smarter and could almost not be inferior in intelligence to people, as for Exhaustion, he was completely special and certainly not inferior to a person in intelligence, and besides, he was distinguished by much more strongly developed personal qualities.

He, once saved by the Lord, was imbued with great devotion to him, followed on his heels, showing affection in every possible way, thanks to which he became one of the faithful and beloved pets of the Lord.

Someone even said that the entire sixth floor was created just for Exhaustion. Yes, and spider queens were tamed and brought here, for the sake of this pet of Mr. Inmir.

* * *

The sixth level itself was one large tunnel-shaped cave, from the walls of which stone ledges of various sizes and shapes protruded at different heights.

Naturally, all this was wrapped in tons of cobwebs and servant spiders roaming back and forth on it.

But the monster charmer sent here, who adored spiders, was not only not embarrassed by all this, but on the contrary, she was pleased.

If it were her will, she would live here!

Unfortunately, Exhaustion took a dislike to her and could not bear her long presence.

Nuri herself did not understand why he did not like it so much, she was from a race of dark people and owned a staff of submission, a special artifact of her people. The very presence of this staff in her hands made most of the monsters tremble with the desire to obey her. But the Lord's pet, Exhaustion, on the contrary, was ready to kill her at any opportunity, apparently holding back only because of the prohibition of his beloved master.

Once again, having found herself in the abode of her sweet dreams, on a floor full of spiders, the girl, with clearly fetishistic inclinations, slowly examined every corner, eyes shining like stars.

Her black dress, stylized as cobwebs of strands of jewels, studded with jewelry that either imitated spiders or were real dried spiders, betrayed her as a deranged pervert who ridden hard on spiders.

Naturally, everyone who somehow knew Nuri or just talked with her for more than five minutes understood that she was not completely healthy. And of course, Lord Inmir understood this too, so he forbade her, without his personal decree, even to approach the sixth level, at the mere mention of which she choked with saliva.

Now, finally having received an order from the ruler himself, Nuri combined business with pleasure. Enjoyed the spiders and completed the task.

Here, she suddenly saw one of the females that ruled this area of ​​the "floor", and waving her staff, she ordered her to come.

Even one of the six main females could not resist the power of the staff of submission.

Having lost her mind, the twelve-meter female spider literally rushed to meet Nuri, running towards her with outstretched arms and tears of joy in her eyes.

But Exhaustion prevented these much-desired hugs.

A huge mutated spider demon emerged from a hole in the cave wall.

He was not quite an ordinary spider and the place of a standard body, head and paws, had two bodies and several types of paws.

His first body was indistinguishable from a spider, and was a carrier, but the second sprouting from the place where his head should be, went up, resembling a centaur.

This body ended with two paws on the sides and a head, more characteristic of demons than spiders.

From the point of view of optical perception, Exhaustion was blind, since he had no eyes, but in terms of the perception of sound and heat, he was without equal.

* * *

Being four times the size of the female spider that was now nearby, Exhaustion was a real giant for Nuri, whose height did not exceed a human.

The spider monster, taking its female with its upper pair of paws, pulled it away from the little man it hated.


"I came to convey the order of the Sovereign," Nuri said in an upset voice, fully understanding what this monster was telling her.

"Waaaaaaaaaa," he continued.

- Listen, let me squeeze her at least by the paw, well, are you sorry or what?


- Well, if you want, I'll cuddle you, although you are some kind of ugly, well, fish for fishlessness and cancer.


"Okay, okay, calm down," the girl took one last look at the female, which Exhaustion was hiding behind him.

"Now listen to me," the girl's voice became serious, "the Great Lord, the ruler of this mortal world, the Lord of life Inmir, commands you to conceive new offspring, for the benefit of our unsurpassed empire.

"Waaaaghoo," he said happily.

Sighing sadly, Nuri turned to leave, but then suddenly turned back to Exhaustion.

"Listen, can I come in?"