
Monster Deity of Yltirix Bastion

An immortal being has made an contract with a wardens of the most secure prison in the country called Yltirix Bastion. There are many criminals who need to be monitored and made sure that they will serve their sentence. This immortal being, now known as Luther, hangs around the prison to make extra sure that no one escapes. He gets bored easily, so he tends to chat with prisoners, be it a minor offender to a most hated scum. Even though he is only trying to keep up appearances and feed his selfish desires, he ends up getting the favor multiple women of the prison, be they behind the bars or out. Most of them seem to misunderstand his intentions and some of them see right through him. Nevertheless he seems to be favored by most women. But in the end, Luther can't escape his nature. After all, he is often called monster by those who are test their fates. And by his own accord, he deserves to be called nothing else. For him, immortality is the sentence and the reason.

SanderTomson · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Resident of the grand prison

The Yltirix Bastion. An inescapable prison known for holding prisoners of many strands. There are all sorts of prisoners, ranging from theft to mass murder.

The prison is on an island that is connected to the mainland with a long single bridge. After the island that the prison belongs to is a deadly ocean known for taking many unprepared souls. Many prisoners have tried and failed to escape via the ocean route and none of which has succeeded.

Having prisoners, there must be guards who make sure the prisoners will serve their sentence. And having guards means that there needs to be a warden to make sure the prison is running right.

So there are prisoners, guards and a warden. But then there is a special resident in this prison who goes by the name of Luther. He doesn't belong to any of the previously mentioned categories, so he has a special place in this prison.

Luther spends his time reading books and seeing the wonders of modern technology, which also include playing video games. He lives in a house built on the island and spends time doing his due diligence.

What does Luther do exactly? Well he makes extra sure that the prison stays in order and no one tries to escape. You see, Luther is… special. He doesn't follow the rules regular mortals do. To explain this, let's get on with the story.

Luther is reading a book that he is very interested in. Until suddenly a group barges in from the front door, which Luther doesn't lock. The group have some knives and they seem to have a mage who has broken free of the magic restraining bracelets.

One of the people points a knife at Luther and shouts "Don't you dare move!" Luther keeps calmly reading the book and seemingly ignoring the demand of the person.

The person shouts again "Are you ignoring me?! I said don't move!"

The leader of the group, the one with magic power, says to the group "I heard that there was someone living on this accursed island, so I guess that it's you. I don't know why you would settle in a place like this, but now your luck has run out. We will now loot the place and you stay put. Don't you dare call for help."

Luther just calmly turns another page and the mage orders the other to loot the place.

Eventually, when the group didn't find anything useful, one of the people said "We should bail. The guards might already be on their way." To which the mage says "Yes. Let's go. It was a pointless trip after all."

Then the mage pauses for a moment and then says "Then again. I guess we could use a hostage." The mage gives a sinister look at Luther, who seems quite unbothered by it.

Then the mage says "Capture him" and the people start to go and grab Luther. But before they could touch him, one of the people screamed in pain as blood splattered around.

The mage looked and noticed that the person who tried to take Luther had his fingers cut off. The man whose fingers were cut was in pain squirming. Others didn't know what to do and started charging at Luther with their weapons, which caused all of them to lose the fingers that were holding said weapons.

Most of the group was now squirming in pain and the mage was speechless. He was someone who was considered to be powerful, but he couldn't see what cut the fingers with such precision.

In panic, the mage decided to cast a fire spell at Luther, which caused an explosion. This caused the house to get on fire and the group retreated from the house. One of the men asked "What was that guy's deal?"

As the group was starting to leave, they started to hear a maniacal laughter coming from the burning house. All looked at the house as the laughter continued.

Eventually the laughter stopped and it was suddenly replaced by a scream from one of the men behind them. Luther was now holding one of the prisoners a couple meters above ground by only holding their head. Then he threw the prisoner at the other ones and in a blink of an eye, blood started to splatter everywhere.

People's upper bodies were separated from their lower bodies, arms and legs were starting to fall off or being ripped out and people's bodies were pierced by metal poles.

The mage looked in horror as his group was being dismantled. He decided to run as fast as possible, but Luther grabbed his leg and started floating above ground, making the mage be upside down.

Luther then said "Thanks to your little spark, you gave me an excuse to go wild. For that, I thank you, prisoner number 17223, or should I say Maxwell Lorens." The mage says "You… you know all that? I thought you were just some bum living in cheap housing."

Luther says "That is true. I get to live there for barely doing anything. But back to the matter at hand…" He drops the mage to the ground, which didn't kill him, but broke some of his bones.

Luther landed calmly and said to the mage "As you gave me this opportunity to go wild, I will grant you the opportunity to attack me with everything you got." The mage slowly stood up and knew that this was his last chance to get out of there. He decided to cast his greatest spell, which should incinerate everything it touches. He started chanting and Luther looked at him with great expectation.

When the spell was done, it was launched at Luther in what felt like instant and a huge explosion came out of it. This made the mage fall to the ground as the shockwave was so great.

When the dust settled, the mage saw a splattered corpse of the man who caused him so much trouble. He decided to leave, until a familiar maniacal laughter started echoing around the forest.

The mage looked around, thinking he had lost his mind and started to run. But as he was running, a shadowy hand grabbed the mage by his face and he couldn't break free. Then a familiar voice was heard from the forest "Thank you for this entertainment."

Then the shadowy hand grabs the mage by his shoulders and releases the hand on the mage's face. Then the mage sees something forming in front of him in grotesque fashion. It was Luther's head forming as the brain, eyes, bones, muscles and skin seemed to grow from out of nothing.

The mage was horrified and managed to fumble the words "Who… what are you?" To which Luther says "I am currently called Luther. But as for what I am, I will let you figure that out in your last moments." And as Luther's jaws opened to the size that can fit a human head, the mage muttered in disbelief "Monster". Then blood starts to splatter as the monster eats the mage slowly.

When Luther was done, a woman's voice could be heard saying "As expected of my Luther, you made quite a short work of them." Luther bows his head a little towards where the sound is coming from and says "It is merely my duty, contractor."

The woman then walks closer and comes out from the shadows with some guards next to her. She has long blonde hair and sky blue eyes. She is wearing the clothes fitting of a warden of the most secure prison in the country and has an elegant stature. Then she says "So you are once again bending the rules of self defense in order to have your fill?" To which Luther says "I merely follow the orders that my contractor has given me. Forgive me if it seems a bit crude by complying with your orders in my own way."

The woman then says "You sure know how to talk nicely when keeping up the appearances. Now Luther, bring them back." To which Luther says "As you wish" and magical circles start to form with the prisoners that Luther just killed start coming out of them. They are wide awake and most are terrified.

Then the woman says "Take them back to the bastion." To which other guards comply with her orders.

Eventually the woman and Luther are left alone. The woman says "You could have been a little nicer about it, you know." To which Luther says "I'm sorry Liz, but I feel like those people needed to know a little fear." Liz says "If they are afraid all the time, how are they supposed to reflect on their actions?"

Luther smirks and says "You really are trying to make them reflect on their action. Believe me, there are people in this world that are just molded to become scummy people. And that is putting it nicely for you."

Liz says "I still believe there is a chance to make them become proper people." Then Luther says "What about the inmates who are serving a life sentence?" To which Liz says "Even though they may never find freedom again, they still can reflect on what they have done."

Luther then says "But in the end it will be pointless. While I think it is true that those who realize the gravity of their sins will have a harder time existing, trying to drill common sense to them benefits no one. Just let the filth of this world stay filthy is what I think."

Then Liz says "But there can be beauty found in filthy things if they are cleaned." To which Luther sighs and says "Whatever you say. That won't change the way I do my job."

Then Liz says "Speaking of your job, where are you going to live now that your house has burned down." Luther pauses for a moment, then starts to internally scream "AAAHHH!!! MY BOOKS!!! MY GAMES!!! MY THINGS!!!" But outwardly Luther says "Material things are trivial to me. I think I can manage without them for the time being."

Liz gives a light giggle to which Luther reacts by saying "What's so funny?" To which Liz says "Nothing special. You can live in my quarters before your new house is built. Just like old times."

Internally Luther thinks "Thank the gods. That way I won't get bored. I hope Liz still has that game console that we used to play." But what he says is "I suppose I can spend some time with my little contractor for the time being."

Liz giggles a little and then says "Good that you agreed. I have gotten better at cooking after you left and I can't wait to see your reaction."