

"Captains Harry and Luffy, we've seemed to have arrived at some sort of castle. The Log Pose is not responding. If I may, due to all the energy, discharge, and magnetic pull we were feeling as we left our last battle it may be possible we left the New World entirely and have entered another dimension.

"That may be possible, this is the New World we're talking about. There have been reports of stuff like this happening but I didn't think it was possible until now, well at least we lost the marines." Said Pirate Empress Boa Hancock, wife of Pirate King Monkey D Luffy and mother of Monkey D Harry and Monkey D Nana.

"This is very strange indeed. Ralix, tell the crew to prepare a landing party and to lock down the island. We'll be heading down but I'm keeping us afloat." Harry said addressing his First Mate.

"Yes captain. I'll fetch your cloak as well."He said running off with three crew members wearing grey vests with my jolly roger on the front.

"Speaking of, where's the Sunny? We were on it earlier but now I can't find it." said a pancking Usopp as he frantically searched for their ship.

"There it is Uncle Long Nose. It's in the lake, but there appears to be another ship as well, strange it's not marine or pirate so it may be merchant but I don't know for sure." Stated Nana who was nearest to where the lake was and had spotted it shortly after we landed. Everyone let out a sigh of relief when they saw it was unharmed.

"Captain, there appears to be people on the ground. Possibly the inhabitants of the castle." I looked over at the monitor closest to where I was as we had all went to the navigational building to try and get a reading and one of my crew spotted people approaching on the sonar.

"Well then looks like we can greet the people after all and maybe figure out what's going on." said Nami but everyone can see her eyes turning to beli signs and you didn't have to be a genius to know what she was thinking.

We all headed out to the edge of the island closest to the hurdle of people and we saw them staring strangely at the flags as if they'd never seen a pirate ship before, but then I reminded myself that this was another dimension and that was most likely the case. I noticed an old man staring at me as I put on my cloak over my suit (red version of what Luffy wore during Strong World) and after summoning a boulder for everyone to use I floated them to the ground and after they were off I jumped off floating myself down to join them.

The old man who looked like a saner Garp stepped forward showing he was most likely in charge. "I am Albus Dumbledore Headmaster of Hogwarts which is a school of magic which is where you currently are. May I ask who are you people and what are those things you arrived on?" Bristling slightly at the slight on both the ships it took a while before Reila, one of my fighters, stepped up.

"They are our pirate ships. You see where we come from there are people all over the world who rule the seas as pirates who set out in order to surpass his father who set out several years ago to obtain the greatest treasure our world has to offer. To answer you other question, the floating island is our hideout/ship. Due to our captain's Devil Fruit, which is a special fruit that gives a random power depending on what it is, it floats in the sky."

"Oh that makes sense. Wait a minute, how are you talking? You're a white tiger for crying out loud!"

It's always funny to see people react to the fact that I have a talking white tiger on my crew, it gets funnier every time. My crew wasn't even trying to hold in their laughter and some were rolling around on the ground.

"Alright old man we've answered your questions, now it's time for you to answer ours. How did we get here and where are we?" My father stepped up voicing the questions were all wondering.

"You're in a secret part of England known as the Wizarding World. Here we study to train and hone magical abilities." To prove his point he brought out a weird pointy stick which immediately had everyone on edge and then he summoned a flag with four animals on it out of nowhere.

"Oh I see, so it's a mystery stick then." Everyone sweat dropped at that. Even after all this time and after accomplishing his dream he was still the same old Luffy.

"Not quite father" said Nana speaking up for the first time, "it's energy manipulation, similar to what my Devil Fruit can do, but it's controlled using those weird sticks of theirs."

Ignoring the confusing sentence Dumbledore continued, "Now then I believe I know the reason you've all arrived here." That immediately got everyone's attention. "You see this school is hosting a dangerous tournament this year and using an ancient artifact known as the Goblet of Fire. Three champions were selected this evening to compete. However there was a fourth drawn. For over a decade there has been a child missing from our world. As a baby he was able to defeat the darkest wizard our world has ever known but disappeared with most thinking him dead. I believe that you are him. The child's name was Harry Potter."

Luffy and his crew gasped at that as that was the name attached to the blanket that they found him in all those years ago. Now it wasn't exactly a secret to him that he might've come from another world or something like that but to find out that this was where he was from was still surprising.

"Oh this is where I'm from. Nice to know. Well if there's nothing else I'm going back up to my ship." I said dismissively as I didn't really care all that much. Though this may be originally be my home, I've already made my home with my crew in the New World, telling me I have to compete in some ridiculous competition because a strange goblet told me to wasn't going to change my mind at all.

"Wait just a minute." A cranky looking old man said approaching from somewhere behind the other old man. "You've been selected to take part in the Tri-Wizard Tournament and it is a magically binding contract. If you don't compete then you shall lose your magic permanently." That peeked my interest. You see with all the strangeness of the blues I've known about this strange ability of mine all my life. I never really knew what it was exactly but I've found a way to hone it and it's become an invaluable resource in pirating.

"Fine I'll be a part of this stupid competition of yours. But I'm only doing it because I don't want to lose the one thing that gives me an edge outside of my Devil Fruit. Ralix go back up with the crew. So what am I supposed to do exactly?"

"If you'd follow me I'll take you inside to meet with the other champions and we'll go over what this tournament entails."

With my parents we followed him inside the castle with Reila tailing behind us.

A few minutes later we entered the room where the other champions were impatiently waiting. From what little I've seen of the place I've got to say I'm not impressed at all. I've seen better places, heck my hideout is better than this place, everything is so ancient that it's not that impressive. Quite an odd trio of people, a stuck up looking blonde, a surly Crocodile wannabe, and a pasty brunette.

"Sorry for the wait boys and girl, but we had a bit of a complication." said a short f at man who is clearly a kiss up with a gambling addiction. Since I've spent my whole life on a pirate ship I've become an excellent judge of character.

"A bit. We've been waiting for over half an hour, what the hell could've taken so long?" said the surly looking guy. I understand he must be pissed but he doesn't have to be so obnoxious about it.

"Champions, it seems we've come across a very strange situation. It seems that the goblet hass selected a fourth champion but not only that, but he's been presumed dead. This boy here you see in red is the missing Harry Potter."

The three of them gasped in shock as even they knew that Harry Potter was presumed dead about a decade ago. "That's impossible, he's supposed to be dead, and now you're saying that this child is Harry Potter."

"She shouldn't have said that." All the pirates said at the same time.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Stated a confused headmistress.

Suddenly the stupid french found herself thrown into the wall. "Reverse Grapple. Using the power of my Devil Fruit I can use a specific point to cause a person to be stuck to that part no matter how big or small. Normally this wouldn't be very effective but since I awakened my Devil Fruit I've been able to use my powers on people as well as objects. She'll be stuck there until I feel like it. Now then seeing as I have a crew to debrief can we get this over with. Oh and don't even think about using those ridiculous sticks of yours to get her down. The reason why it's called reverse is because it throws anythings that comes at it back at the attacker." True to his word each of their spells came back at them throwing them out of the room.

Cowardly kiss up was the only one left in the room, his nervousness obvious as his voice was shaking with every word. "Well then as you all know that the tasks will be spread throughout the year and that you are to have no outside help. The first task is on November 24, see you then." With that he ran out of the room with his tail between his legs. Me and my parents laughing at his quick retreat.

"Let's go back to the base, see you in the morning. I'm sure Franky has the ship prepared for a long stay by now. Oh and before I forget, have fun sleeping on the wall blondie. I'll come by in the morning to peel you off, if I remember that is. Just remember this is what happens when you cross me. Be glad I've decided to be lenient.

This tournament might not be so bad. I might even be able to have a little fun and probably even find some gold along the way. I thought as I step over the bodies of the unconscious adults. This world better watch out, it'll just be another one of my playgrounds.