
Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

[COMPLETED] "20,000 USD per year," he frowned. "That's too less." Gayoon stood there with question marks swirling her head. "Eh?" she asked stupidly. "Your net worth," Minho nodded. "And you earn 1666.777 dollars per month. It's too less. You bring zero profit to my company. So I decline your feelings." It was as if she was hit by lightning. Was she...being rejected? "Poor momma," Jina sighed, patting her mother's head. "Don't worry! We'll get him to kneel! Right Casper?" The invisible ghost beside Jina nodded in agreement. Even a ghost is feeling sorry for me! Gayoon cried inwardly in despair. I'm gonna die an old maid! .... Jeon Gayoon is a feisty and hardworking detective in her mid twenties. She only believes in two things: Hard work and determination. Optimistic and yet, short tempered, Gayoon strives in her life on her own while hiding a terrible secret which makes her guilty till this day. Enter Hwang Minho, the country's richest man and the CEO of Hwang Constructions. Handsome, volatile and devilish, Minho only cares about two things: Money and his daughter Jina. The volcanic CEO is known for rating people based on their wealth and power. Hiding the scars of a painful past, he and Jina run into the hot headed detective, Jeon Gayoon, when his daughter began a search for her real mother. Only catch? Jina inherited the ability to see deadly spirits from the mother she had never known. And the biggest surprise is? Minho recognizes Gayoon as Jina's birth mother. Follow their journey as they come together to solve crimes and fight off evil spirits haunting their little bun. DISCLAIMER: This novel deals with ghosts and gruesome crimes. Please be aware of the horror aspects and read at your own risk! *Enjoy the mix of supernatural and cute romance* *No FL violation* *ML is aloof but a fluffy guy* Join my discord for spoilers: https://discord.gg/snBuKUx

Tea_Tae · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
425 Chs

Kanji's Rules of Love: Rule 4

Soojin served their food on the table. Gayoon sniffed the sizzling dishes, her mouth watering at the sight.

"Ahjumma really makes the best food!" she chirped. Minho simply stared at them with a poker face. For some reason, Gayoon was very excited to eat the food. 

"What's so special about this food?" he frowned. He did not sound condescending nor was he looking down on the preparations. In fact, he was more curious. The people around them were also munching down the food happily without a care which only piqued his interest more.

"It's the best food out there!" Gayoon claimed. 

"There was better cuisine," Minho scoffed. "No, there's something else. People here are genuinely enjoying it. What makes these dishes so special? What are the ingredients? Is it profitable? Or is it-"

Suddenly, Gayoon popped a takoyaki into his mouth using her chopsticks. As soon as the takoyaki touched his tongue, Minho felt a rush of emotions swirling within him.

"How is it?" Gayoon asked. Even though she made so many claims, his taste buds may differ from hers. What if he did not like it? Or worse, was allergic to it?


He could find the right word as he slowly chewed on the food. Taking another bite, he tried to savor the flavor. Eventually, he ended up tasting every dish on the table. 

It felt as if the food was melting in his mouth. The dishes were not made with precision but rather consisted of the cook's passion. The feelings of joy and love the cook felt while making the dishes were reflected through its homely taste, something which Minho had not tasted ever since…

"Ahjumma!" he called out. "Can we have more of these dishes?"

Gayoon was pleasantly surprised. "You like the food?" she asked happily. Minho did not reply but kept on gulping down the food as if he was not willing to share any of it, making Gayoon giggle. For a moment, Minho was distracted by her smile. Her eyes crinkled a little whenever she laughed. 

He looked away, red faced, and continued to focus on his food.

"This woman who runs the restaurant," he began. "Her husband died?"

"He was a police officer," Gayoon said sadly. "He died while chasing a criminal who shot him in the end. Ever since then, his wife has been trying to run this restaurant while raising her two children. It's a hard life but she manages it with aplomb. I don't know where she gets the strength from."

She admired Soojin for her resilience. It was heartwarming to see the woman rise from her sudden sufferings to create a life for herself and her children. 

Minho quietly contemplated her words. "Excuse me for a minute," he said. "I need to make a call."

"S-sure," Gayoon said. Minho got up and went towards the back of the restaurant. Gayoon turned her attention to her food and was gulping it down.

A few minutes later, Minho came back and resumed eating. They ate in relative silence until they were done. As soon as they were done, Minho's phone vibrated.

"I'll take this call," he said. Gayoon nodded as he went off to his call again. She got up and headed towards the counter to pay the remaining tab.

"Ahjumma, here's the rest of the bill," she offered to Soojin but the latter shook her head.

"No,I'm not taking it," the older woman said. 

"Why not?" Gayoon frowned. "We ordered a lot-"

"Mr. Hwang told me to add it to his company's tab," Soojin said excitedly. "He talked to his HR Department. Starting from tomorrow, I will be catering food to his office employees everyday! Three hundred and fifty employees per day!"

Gayoon gaped at her in astonishment. "When did he arrange for this?" she asked.

"Just a few minutes ago!" Soojin informed her. "He told me to meet with his team tomorrow and sign the contract. They'll pay me a hundred dollars per person! I'll be making almost thirty five thousand dollars per day! That's enough for me to afford a good school for my kids…"

Soojin was crying in joy. She could not thank the heavens enough for sending an angel like Hwang Minho into their lives. Unable to control her excitement, Soojin hugged Gayoon.

"He's a good man!" Soojin stated. "You are really lucky!"


Gayoon was at a loss for words. She had no idea how to react. All this time, she had only seen Hwang Minho as an eccentric man who simply loved money with an occasional deeper side to him. Who knew he could also be considerate?

She peeked a look at the man who was engrossed in his phone call and smiled. She should have known that the man who raised a good girl like Jina must have a heart of gold too. 

"All the best," Gayoon wished Soojin. "You can do it!"

Soojin nodded enthusiastically and waved her goodbye. Gayoon waved back and approached Minho, who had just finished his call.

"Let's go back home then?" she suggested.

"How about we walk around for a little while by the river park?" he counter suggested. "It's not far from here."

"A-are you sure?" Gayoon asked, feeling uncertain. "Isn't it nearly Jina's bedtime?"

"The nanny put her to sleep already," Minho replied. "Tomorrow is a weekend anyway. Unless you're on duty?"

"Uh no!" Gayoon said. "I'm off tomorrow as well."

"Let's go then."

He led the way. She smiled a little and followed him towards the park by the river, glad that their time was being prolonged. Soojin's words were still echoing in her ears. 

Gayoon was still unsure of why Minho had asked her out that night. Was it because he wanted to repay her kindness towards Jina? But why go to such lengths?

She glanced at the man walking by her side and could help but slightly marvel over how handsome he was. Even though he was almost a decade older than her, he barely looked over thirty. 

Minho noticed her looking his way. "What are you staring at?" he frowned.

"Nothing!" she squeaked, looking away. Don't stare at him! She scolded herself. But her wretched eyes were darting at him every now and then. Moreover, she also wanted to repay him for his kindness. 

Suddenly she stopped in her tracks. "Can we go to a mall instead?" she requested. 

Minho stared at her in surprise. Mall? But the rule said park!


"Great!" Gayoon exclaimed, tugging his arm. "Let's go to the nearest mall!"

She kept on dragging him towards the car, completely unaware that the money loving CEO was at a loss for words.

Rule 4: Never took off.

Poor Minho's date is going haywire lol

What do you want Gayoon to gift him with? Let me know in the comments!

Gift this poor author with coins too ;-;

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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