
Money is my slave

Transported to an unfamiliar world, Gavi "Dive into a World of Shadows, Betrayal, and Redemption as Gavi Transforms from an Underdog to a Mastermind. Will He Conquer the Darkness or be Consumed by It?"

_Azezal_ · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 27: Unlikely Rescuer

Gavi's mind raced as he heard a familiar name echo in his thoughts – Aryan. Could it be? His steps quickened, driven by a mix of hope and urgency. He rounded a corner and there, in a dimly lit alley, his eyes fell upon a scene that filled him with a surge of emotions.

Aryan, a fellow roommate and friend, lay on the ground battered and bruised, surrounded by a trio of ruthless goons. Anguish welled up within Gavi as he witnessed the brutal assault, a stark reminder of the cruel world they now navigated. He couldn't stand idly by; he had to intervene.

Without hesitation, Gavi lunged forward, his adrenaline-fueled strength propelling him into action. His fists flew, striking one of the goons with a force that sent him reeling. The element of surprise worked in his favor as he took down another assailant with a swift and calculated strike. However, outnumbered and injured, Gavi's efforts were not enough to subdue them all.

As he fought valiantly, Gavi's vision began to blur, his injuries and exhaustion catching up with him. He could feel his strength waning, his body protesting against the exertion. His limbs felt heavy, and darkness crept at the edges of his vision.

Just as he was on the brink of collapse, a series of shadows flickered along the alley walls. Footsteps echoed, and a group of unknown figures emerged from the darkness. Gavi's heart pounded, unsure if these newcomers were friend or foe.

The newcomers swiftly engaged the remaining goons, their movements fluid and synchronized. Gavi's vision continued to fade, and as he fought to stay conscious, the world around him dissolved into darkness.

Moments later, consciousness returned to Gavi in fleeting glimpses. He was lying on a cold, hard surface, the sounds of distant voices and echoing footsteps reaching his ears. Aryan's presence was beside him, a reassuring reminder that they were no longer in immediate danger.

Gavi's strength had been depleted, his body battered and bruised from the ordeal. His eyes fluttered open, catching brief flashes of his surroundings – unfamiliar walls and a dimly lit room. Voices murmured, but the words remained indistinct.

Aryan stirred beside him, and Gavi managed to croak out his friend's name. "Aryan…"

Aryan's voice was weak, filled with pain but laced with relief. "Gavi... we're safe."

In that moment, the events of the past hours seemed distant and surreal. They had faced danger, fought for their survival, and emerged on the other side. Gavi's eyelids grew heavy, and his consciousness slipped away once more, a sense of gratitude and hope carrying him into the depths of sleep.

And so, Aryan and Gavi remained shrouded in the shadows of uncertainty, their fates intertwined as they embarked on a journey that would shape their destinies in ways they could never have imagined.