

The weekend has finally came, it's my birthday, i've arranged a party at my house and invited all my friends.

As i'm getting the house ready for the party, my friend Cathy came in and said, "Come on, you go to the hairdresser and get yourself ready, and i'll call Anne to come and help me get the house ready." I agreed (Anne is my other best friend)

It was time for the party to start and my friends started to come, but some time passed and Jackson didn't come so i called him and he said he's on his way and i shouldn't wait for him because he might be a little late when i asked him why he didn't give me an answer and changed the subject he said he was in a hurry and hung up.

When he arrived i was in the living room and he walked in with the fashion designer i had dreamed of seeing since i was little and when i got rich i bought all of his clothes i looked at Jackson and ran to him and hugged him and said, "Thank you, you're the most beautiful boyfriend in the world." "Did you see why i'm late?" I shook my head and went to talk to the designer.

The party was over, everyone left and Jackson stayed. I asked him if he wanted to sleepover and he stayed.The second day was Sunday, so he took me and introduced me to his brothers and sisters he had 2 brothers and 3 sisters on earth , who each one of them had a different strength.