

He endured the worst when they deceived him, removed his title from him, and made him lose his wolf. But what will happen when his mate took him in without knowing that they’re mates.

Brooklyn_Ruger · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Chapter fourteen

Quick notice: Ashton is Blake... Ashton is the fake name he gave to Frank in the last Chapter.

Weeks have passed since the day Blake started working. Currently, he was sitting in a secluded corner of the library, engrossed in a book about war. As the library receives few visitors, he often finds himself getting bored and therefore he could only exploit his time in reading...

The bells above the door chimed and in walked someone, he donned a long dark cashmere coat, he had a shoulder length dark hair that unfortunately obscured his face from Blake's view who observed the man that looked quite suspicious.

Blake couldn't tell who this man was, he wasn't a human that was obvious but what exactly? And despite sniffing the surrounding air, Blake was unable to discern the identity of this non-human.

The man proceeded to the door behind the counter prompting Blake to stand and intervene. However, before he could, Frank opened the back door and welcomed the man inside and said "Right on time" then he let the door wide open for the man to enter.

As he got inside, the door closed behind him, leaving Blake to his suspicions and curious thoughts. He was sure that he wasn't a human, but he couldn't quite tell from which realm.

Blake's hearing sharpened as he directed his attention towards the murmurs behind the closed door.

"Would you like something to drink?" Blake could hear Frank's voice, accompanied by a derisive noise from the stranger.

"Come on Roger" Frank added further, triggering a realization in Blake's mind. This might be the same Roger from the day he visited the library for the first time.

Then the mysterious man talked "You're acting as if I'm a guest here" making Blake confirm his assumptions about him being Roger from that day and not only that but also elicited an uneasy feeling in him... from his voice— the voice was oddly familiar to Blake but he couldn't quite place who it belonged to. The voice was deeply embedded in his memory, but his owner remained elusive.

"Which is quite right because you barely visit" Frank retorted, before shuffling was heard then the door went open.

Frank was out or rather his head "Ashton could you please make us some coffee"

The question was much like a command and that sent Blake's blood boiling. His alpha nature not liking to be commanded around, causing his wolf to try to surface; However, he managed to control himself and suppress his ego, and eventually agreeing with a nod.

With no further words, Frank headed back inside while Blake went to make the both of them coffee.

After he was done he held the two steaming cups and made his way to the back door, knocking; he opened the door and went inside. His gaze fell on the man who was sitting in a chair with his head hung low absorbed in reading some papers, and for the second time Blake was unable to see the man's face.

Blake carried on to serve the group their coffee and as he neared the so called Roger, and from this close he caught a whiff of an unusual scent...a warlock. With this realization, many things about the man, from his appearance to his interest in the book of Lycans, fell into place.

Roger realized that the person who was supposed to deliver him his coffee was standing before him so lifted his head to take his cup, but to his surprise he was met with the sight of someone believed to have been dead for long ago... as stated by folks of the supernatural realm.

The two of them stared at one another for a considerable amount of time, with Blake's gaze brimming with animosity towards the warlock. Meanwhile, Roger displayed a one heck of a confused expression.

Frank observed the scene before he piped in "Oh Roger, I haven't introduced to you our new colleague, Ashton."

Roger rose from his seat and extended his hand towards Blake. "It's good to see you Ashton. The name is Roger," he said with a sly grin, fully aware of the man standing before him.

Blake squeezed Roger's hand with some force, a clear indication that he remembered him. However, he maintained a tight hold, revealing his deep-seated hatred towards Roger.

Roger sought to have a private conversation with Blake and get some explanations about his alleged death so he asked "Frank? There's a batch of books that needs to be sorted out in the stock room. Could you do that?" Frank didn't question him and proceeded outside the room, closing the door right behind him.

"Well... if that is not the Famous Blake Cartal then I don't know who's standing in front of me." Roger started with a hint of sarcasm yet a touch relief somewhere lacing his voice.

Blake who stood with his big frame that loomed over Roger's frame, scoffed at his words, and slipped his hands into his tux pants pockets, before he spit out "Quit with your playing, warlock"

Roger took a deep breath and braced himself for the intense glare from Blake. But he couldn't really blame him for the deathly looks and insults... knowing what had happened almost a decade ago.

He deeply exhaled, then he stated, "Your people, Vampires and witches... think you're dead"

Blake's eyes showed a mix of surprise and sadness, but he quickly regained his composure and grabbed Roger by the collar, growling, "And they sent you here to make sure that I'm dead?"

Roger instinctively raised his hands in defense, knowing he was no match for Blake's strength. He felt like a weak and powerless man in his presence.

"I've been living here for years, I cut all my ties with the supernaturals... Does that answer your question." He said as a matter of a fact.

Blake growled once again as he tightened his hold on Roger's collar lifting him off the ground "Why would I believe a warlock like you."

The conversation was going to no way but only a dead end, Roger thought to himself, a deep sigh left his mouth before he uttered "I quit sorcery... After what happened guilt ate me out so I just quit and left, I've been living here for years now— you can ask Frank"

His words were genuine, he was telling the truth and the evidence of that is his very faint scent that Blake couldn't detect at first, which meant that he had stopped doing sorcery.

Blake eventually released Him and took a few steps back before he folded his arms and asked "Why though?"

Roger flopped down onto the chair he had occupied moments before, his tone filled with remorse. "I already told you; I felt guilty," he stated. Blake let out a disbelieving snort. "As you should. But you know I thought warlocks and witches don't feel any guilt."

Roger's pupils enlarged as memories flooded his head and he began...


"Ready or not I will find you..." the tan little girl said as she sprinted, her lengthy dark braids swinging alongside her, her white floral dress fluttering with the breeze.

She was running haphazardly until she spotted the fabric of a white dress identical to hers, she followed the piece of cloth which led her to a tree where she leaped and exclaimed, "Found you!" Startling her twin sister in the process.

The seeker eagerly implored, "Come help me find Roger and Tuscana." However, her twin sister didn't follow, stating, "Don't bother, they'll use their magic thingy" Disappointed, the bubbly girl persuaded, "oh come on don't be a joy killer." But her sister remained unmoved, she was never one of fun. Nevertheless the bubbly girl shrugged and continued her search journey for the two siblings— her cousins.

As the young girl was running, she suddenly collided with nothing visible and fell to the ground. It wasn't until her two cousins appeared from their hiding spot, the "disappearance cloak".

Tuscana, one of the cousins, found the situation amusing and started to laugh at the pretty girl who was sprawled on the ground. However, her brother Roger scolded her as he said "stop laughing at her" before he kindly extended his hand "Come on Marelyn" then a small warm hand was placed on his hand and soon Marelyn was up to her feet. She gratefully thanked Roger for his assistance.

The children— the twins and their cousin, had a deep connection during their childhood. However, as they grew older and took on more responsibilities, this bond began to fade. And it eventually ceased to exist once the twins reached the age of 18 and were obliged to leave their hometown and childhood memories behind to join their mate -the high blooded alpha-.

But their lost memories in their previous land weren't a saddening tool on them as they began to make new and much better memories with their mate, and especially Marelyn— the bubbly kind hearted young girl who grew into a pretty smart gentle lady; who had the most cherished memory... having her first child— the first hire to their land... Blake Cartal. A couple weeks later she cherished the memory of having her nephew Domino, the son of her dear sister, the sister of whom she saw a friend yet a strong blood, the sister of whom she sought refuge to in every troubling matter... the same sister who sadly didn't cope back with those feelings.

But instead turned evil against her own blood— when Blake started growing into a remarkable child; Despite his young age, Blake displayed exceptional qualities and a strong personality, which only intensified with the guidance of his father and the love and care of his mother.

And day after another he approached the picture of the perfect high blooded alpha... all while Aromalyn — Domino's mother felt envy for her sister along with her son who got their mate's attention, unlike her and her son.

And Aromalyn could only wish and dream with only if's... until she could no longer bear it when her mate favored Marelyn as the perfect Luna who bore his heir.

That's when she called for her cousins, her childhood friends, the two siblings who grew to be one of the most famous sorcerers in their realm. Asking for them to weaken the bond between her mate and her twin... but surprisingly their magic did not affect the high blooded alpha and his bond with his mate.

Aromalyn went frustrated with that and called for the siblings once again "Do anything and everything you could... even if it means killing my sister" Roger could remember clearly how the words left her lips easily and mercilessly, "Please, I can give you as much money as you want" and despite her asking for such sinful thing, they compelled; blinded and tempted by the offer.

And indeed a couple weeks later the news of the Luna's death flew through the entire land, leaving a sorrowful impact on the hearts of their land's people but it wasn't the same case for her mate as reacted so worse differently, he went on a complete rampage looking desperately for the lost piece of his soul, his other half which was stolen from him with no return; as for her son he was like a homeless child despite him being in one of the most vast mansions.

Who was left emotionally adrift and craving the nurturing love of his mother... he was left to the emotional hunger and lost motherly warmth... to eat him alive.

Despite the passage of time, Aromalyn remained unable to attain what she desired—the love and affection of her mate. Instead, he devoted his attention to his deceased mate and their child, the heir. And Aromalyn only gained the burden and weight of her twin's death, but she didn't repent and instead held more grudge to her nephew,

'If my mate abandoned me, mentally stripping me from my title, my son could restore my former glory as the Luna, mother of the hire... but only if Blake was no more.' With this thought, she set her focus on eliminating Blake, and once again sought assistance from the sorcery siblings, offering something in exchange.

Roger who has been consumed by guilt and regret over Marelyn's death. Could not even bear to look at her twin— her evil twin, thus he refused to follow or to have any contact with her anymore, and tried to resonate with his sister but her greedy self made her treat her brother so poorly that he packed his things and left so far with no return in hopes to ablution his impure soul and get some sanity... It has been four years since then, as well as four years since the hire's passing - the hire, who is said to have died from overwhelming sadness after his mother's death... the same hire who was standing here today in front of Roger.

End of flashback

Blake was holding the chair so tight that the vines on his arms were on the verge of bursting.

Recalling the tragic memory of his mother's death was taking a toll on him, and he had no idea that witches played a role in it. He only knew of their involvement in his imprisonment, but it turned out to be much more severe. And the sight of a warlock before him only added to his growing fury.

He stood from his place and approached Roger his eyes completely gold, his claws extended.

Roger didn't budge from his place despite the terror he was feeling, Blake was going to end his life and he deserves it.

Blake effortlessly held Roger from the neck, his grip so strong that his feet said farewell to the ground, his sharp claws dug into his neck, leaving a puncture spilling blood. He was chocking him that his face lost its color.

However, Roger was fortunate enough when their coworker Frank approached the room, catching Blake's attention. Blake closed his eyes and inhaled deeply in attempt to surpass his wolf instincts and let go of Roger, who collapsed to the ground with a loud thud.

Roger started coughing hard but as he heard footsteps next to the door he recovered fast and composed himself. He sat in his chair, adjusting his coat collar and reaching for the glass of water that had been left on the table.

The door opened and Frank stood in the doorway looking between the two them before he said "Roger,re you alright? I heard you coughing."

Roger smoothly replied, "Yes, just something got stuck in my throat" before he held the glass of water once again.

Frank nodded completely oblivious to the white lie of his friend, and turned his attention to Blake who stood in the center of the room with his eyes fixed on the floor. "I came to bring Ashton to help me arrange the books on the shelves" at his words Blake remained still, seething with anger that you could almost see anger sipping from his pores; and any further he would make sliced meat of both of them.

"Well don't bother because Ashton will no longer be employed here... unfortunately I found him to be unsuitable." Although it may not have been the most tactful response, it is at least partly true that Blake has no intention of continuing to work here. Despite Roger's less-than-wise words and attempt at pushing Frank away, Blake was partly grateful for his intervention.

Frank remained under the doorframe with confusion and surprise washing his face. Roger clicked his tongue before he added "Haven't you heard me Frank? Please go prepare his paycheck because he's leaving." The tone roger was giving told Frank to not dwell on the matter.

And that's what happened... Frank left to do as told leaving Blake and roger once again in a tension-filled room.

"Well" Roger began as he stood, he wetted his lips before he added "I really hoped I could get your forgiveness... and set myself free from this guilt torture but I guess that's too much to ask for" Sadly, it seemed his hope was in vain as he acknowledged the unlikelihood of attaining it. With a disordered mind, he casually left the room, aware that those who have sinned are bound to experience some form of emotional or physical torture, and the forgiveness of their victims may not always be granted.

A few minutes were sufficient to calm Blake just in limits where he would grant the safety of those around him. With a sense of calm, he exited the room and immediately noticed that there was no trace of Roger. Instead, he saw Frank standing by the counter, fumbling with an envelope. Upon seeing Blake, Frank hesitantly spoke, "Oh...umm I really don't understand why he found you... unsuitable" the words were barely audible as he felt such lamentation for losing such a nice guy, honestly Blake was more than just a regular worker to Frank- he was a trusted companion in this bleak and monotonous store, despite his short time here.

He let out a sigh before extending the envelope forward and towards Blake, uttering, "Here's your payment." Blake accepted it from between his fingers with a nod and a quiet expression of gratitude. Frank gave him a warm smile and added, "Wishing you the best of luck, Ashton." And with that, he exited the store, most likely never to return.

Oh how funny and uncertain life can be. When he first arrived at this store, he had no intention or expectation of becoming an employee here. However, circumstances led to him working here with minimal effort and he found himself enjoying it. The atmosphere was peaceful and the surroundings were decent, you wouldn't expect any problem inside this small vintage square full of books. Little did he know, that the store was actually under the control of ab evil warlock who was responsible for his mother's death.

The traumatic and gruesome memory of his mother's death was on a play between his eyes... like a raw scene, he felt suffocated. He quickened his pace, so he could reach the forest and unleash his beast free.

As he penetrated deeply in the woods he tucked the cash envelope into his tux pants and swiftly shed his clothes, fully unleashing the terrifying display of his beastly form.

The ferocious creature thundered through the woodland terrain, its colossal paws violently thudding against the earth relishing his anger in the deep holes he has made in the soil. As he continued his sprint, his fur was drenched in rain, mirroring the turmoil of emotions within... he ran and wept, where his fur was rainswept.

Anger from the encounter with Roger, grief from the memories of its mother's passing, and self-disgust for its perceived weakness and failure to protect her and himself. These feelings engulfed his mind, and consumed it.

The dark of night descended upon him while he remained in the midst of the desolate woods, soaked from the relentless rain, disoriented and depleted of strength. He emitted a single enraged howl before making his unsteady way towards his sanctuary and solace...his mate, whose mere presence could alleviate his pain and turmoil.

It was a lengthy journey to their humble cabin due to his dazed state, but as he caught her scent, he hastened his pace...yearning to comprise her, and for her to comprise him.

Upon entering the cabin, it was deadly dark, accompanied by the only sounds being the slow beating and the heavy breaths of his sleeping mate. With his enhanced vision, he was able to locate her easily; she was curled up on the chair by the window, as if she had been waiting for him. However, seeing her in such an uncomfortable position filled him with guilt, knowing she had fallen asleep waiting for him.

He sat on the ground facing his sleeping mate, before he sighed and carefully laid his head on her lap..."I don't deserve a mate like you, I'm a complete failure, I failed my parents and myself... but... but I wish I won't fail you because you are the only one left for me in this world" he was talking nonsense and technically to none listening... Yet, talking to his sleeping mate in a room full of the fragrance of his mate filled him with serenity and his vow to her and himself gave him purpose. He wept on the past now he must put that aside and focus on safeguarding and cherishing the precious gift of his present.

He stood from his place and bent over, cradled Alaska's neck and legs carefully so he wouldn't disturb her sleep, before he carried her to their room.

I apologize for the late update. Work and the superior school of commerce are so frustrating and took all my time. let me know if there are any mistakes. Enjoy!!

instagram: brooklyn.a.ruger

Brooklyn_Rugercreators' thoughts