

He endured the worst when they deceived him, removed his title from him, and made him lose his wolf. But what will happen when his mate took him in without knowing that they’re mates.

Brooklyn_Ruger · Fantasy
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21 Chs

chapter five

The sound of laughter echoed throughout the house as Roy continued to crack jokes. Alaska's laughter, or what Blake referred to as the mermaids' singing, mixed with Roy's filled the air, but never Blake's.

He couldn't help but imagine himself lying in Alaska's bed at that moment, surrounded by her woodsy scent, with her lying on the other side. They could either be looking into each other's eyes or staring at the ceiling in peaceful silence, or they could share some random facts about each other. But instead, he was stuck in the place he called a hellhole with Roy, feeling complete misery.

It was late at night, and the three of them were in the living room, with DVDs scattered around for Alaska to choose from. However, she asked Blake what he wanted to watch, and he shrugged, not recognizing any of the movies.

Alaska picked one, and Roy looked at her with a surprised expression and open mouth before exclaiming, "No way. Alaska picked a comedy?"

"I've known Alaska for years, and I can assure you that she has never enjoyed comedies, only thrillers and mysteries," he added.

Roy then walked over to Blake and held his shoulders, unknowingly, squeezing his scars a little, causing Blake to hiss. "What have you done to my friend?" he asked jokingly.

However, Alaska reacted strongly to Blake's hissing. And instantly shoved Roy away with such intensity that it was evident her wolf was on the verge of surfacing. Roy gazed up at her and saw the grey glow in her eyes. He was taken aback and remained lying on the ground, staring at her in astonishment.

'Alaska, what's wrong with you?!!' he asked through the mindlink.

'Just admit that he's your mate already' he retorted.

Heat spread across her delicate, pallid cheeks as she timidly reached out her hand to Roy and whispered softly, in a voice meant for his ears alone, "Sorry."

They attempted to move past the incident and enjoy the movie while seated on the sofa. Blake and Alaska shared the love seat while Roy reclined on the single couch with his feet dangling from the other end. However, they were unable to move past it. The atmosphere was tense, and the silence was suffocating, making it feel like a tragedy rather than a comedy.

Roy was gazing at the screen with distant look, while Alaska was fumbling with her fingers, feeling remorseful about the two incidents and regretting her decision to come and bring Blake along. As for Blake, he was fixated on Alaska's fingers like they were the most interesting thing in the world, lost in the thoughts of touching the soft skin of her hand.

Fatigue was overwhelming him as his eyes began to droop, and unknowingly began leaning towards Alaska.

A sensation of warmth on her shoulder caught her attention, she turned to see the black halo of his head with her nose close to it, savoring the divine fragrance of his hair, even though they used the same shampoo that she has never liked on her hair. 'He resembled a baby, my baby', she almost laughed at her own notion.

"Roy, it's getting late. We should go upstairs," Alaska said, aware that it would be difficult to put Blake to bed if he fell more and into a deep sleep.

"Sure, Alaska. You can take your usual room, and for Blake, the one across from it... I cleaned it up yesterday," Roy replied, not paying much attention, which irked Alaska.

Turning her attention to Blake, she gently prodded him until he was on his feet.

As she led him upstairs to a grand hallway adorned with dark wooden doors and candlelights flickering on the walls. The hallway was illuminated by the pale moonlight shining through the large tall windows at the end of the hall, creating a path on the dark wooden floor. But Blake could care less about

the view as his eyes were focused on Alaska, who walked ahead of him, her hair that appeared even darker blending with her pale skin in the dimly lit hall. She resembled a forest covered in snow on a dark night, with the bright moon shining from above... so beautiful, so delicate. Finally, Alaska reached a door, and Blake's euphoria could not be contained.

Finally, he could have alaska for his own, he even was contemplating to hug her and even maybe confess his fondness for her... he mentally laughed at himself for his wild thoughts... Confessing his feelings to her after only a week of acquaintance?, he really did like her, but would she think he was insane? that's possible and with a high probability of happening. He decided to settle for a simple hug, not one that conveyed his liking and fondness, but rather his gratefulness.

Alaska opened a door revealing a spacious room with twin sized bed. She took the view of it before muttering to herself "Yep its clean" she then turned to Blake and assured him inside saying "Well this is your room for tonight. Get yourself comfortable and if you need anything... like literally anything i'm right across the hall" she finished pointing to the opposite door.

Blake couldn't utter a word, his plans of embracing her, sharing a bed with her, and being enveloped by her fragrance like a cocoon were all in vain. He was filled with anger. It might be Roy who had made this decision while I was dozing off, he pondered to himself.

He looked up at the azure-eyed angel and his eyes instantly softened as sadness engulfed him. And she saw it as she herself felt down "Sleep tight" she chirped reaching out to hug him, making his earlier plans go easier than he has thought.

They relished the hug but as it lasted longer, it began to feel weird and awkward. Eventually, they reluctantly broke the hug -that resembled one a mother would give to her son who was leaving for college- "Good night Blake."

And suddenly he found himself alone in the room... his guardian angel left, taking her bright with her and leaving him to his darkness ... his nightmares and his tormenting thoughts.

It was past midnight and neither Alaska nor Blake had any intention to sleep, they were sprawled on the bed with running thoughts which mainly revolved about one another... as cliche as it sounds.

Alaska was laying in her bed and listening to his heartbeat that gradually decelerated, indicating his slumber.

A furious howling from outside startled her, the howling was none of a normal wolf but a werewolf, she promptly shifted her attention to Blake, ensuring he remained undisturbed and asleep - which he was.

She tried to ignore the bizarre howling, making assumptions about a wandering rogue.

However the howling came again now closer than the previous one but still far.

She looked at the window with enlarged eyes as if attempting to intimidate whoever was out there.

Something must be wrong and she couldn't simply continue gazing out the window. So she left her room and went downstairs to find Roy laying on the couch precisely the same way as they had left him only with a headset on his ears and candles lighting up the room. She had grown accustomed to witnessing this type of scene every time she stayed over... it was his way of relaxing.

There was no point in asking him if he had heard the howling as he was having the headset on but nonetheless she approached him and started nudging him, he opened his eyes with confusion then asked "Alaska? What the-?".

He was unable to finish when Alaska put her pointer on her lip and shushed him.

"You heard that" she inquired.

Roy looked confused at her before saying " heard what?"

"The furious howling?" She stated.

"Howling is normal alaska i mean we're basically in the middle of the forest, of course you gonna hear such things, rouges pass from time to time." He explained.

"It wasn't normal howling Roy" She insisted.

He then grasped her shoulders and advised " Alaska it was a stressful day you need to relax" Roy proceeded to walk over to the small circular table in the corner and fetched a bottle of perfume.

"Here some lavender will help you to relax" he said before spreading the liquid all over her.

"Roy!! stop and that was NOT NORMAL HOWL-".

She couldn't finish her words as yet another howl, and the third of that night, came from the outside.

Roy acted swiftly, instructing Alaska to remain as he sprang to his feet and dashed towards the door. But Alaska, being a rogue refused to heed his words and instead followed closely behind him, after all... She was a rebellious person and wolf.

At the furthest boundary of his property they saw a sizable brown wolf baring his sharp fangs. In a split second Roy removed his shirt and shifted to a grey wolf that resembled silver with the moonlight looming over him.

Close enough to him was the dusky brown wolf of Alaska, they stalked closer towards what they perceived as a threat with snarling mouths.

As they approached, they could smell him and tell that he was of a higher rank, with with Alpha blood.

They were creeping forward with predatory strides, each on opposite sides growling, a few feet apart they faced each other in what appeared to be a staring and growling battle; then the unfamiliar wolf began to inhale the air around... lavender filled the air. He stayed for a moment longer before slowly retreating until he disappeared into the dark woods.

The two wolves of Alaska and Roy kept rooted in their place before sharing a confused glance then started stalking their way to the house.

On their way the silvery-like wolf grabbed the shirt of his human, that was laying on the grass and nudged Rogue to take it; However the stubborn wolf refused but then realized she couldn't get to the house in her wolf form and risk Blake seeing her.

And the next thing she did was taking the shirt and proceeded behind a tree. After finishing, Roy was nowhere to be seen.

"I'm here, but don't turn i'm..." Roy's hesitant voice came from behind her, which made Alaska chuckle.

"Roy is shy?!! oh how cute" She said mimicking a voice of a little girl.

"Yeah, yeah... walk naked yourself" He mocked.

Upon entering the house Roy retrieved a short from some corner of his living room. While Alaska sat on the couch.

"Isn't what happened weird? I mean what an alpha would be doing around here at this time" Alaska said from her place as soon as Roy joined her.

"Maybe he felt like becoming a rogue but found himself stupid-ing" Roy joked coming up with words that doesn't even exist, and dropping his arm around her shoulders with such carelessness and easiness like nothing has happened.

"No Roy i'm being serious" Alaska replied earnestly.

"What?!! i'm being serious too"

He then let out a laugh before counting "Let's go to sleep, it's pretty late."

"Ugh Roy, answer my question and stop being ignorant and acting like my big brother"

"Oh missy if i don't act like your big brother who's gonna do? huh?" he asked giving her a stern gaze that Alaska dismissed with a roll of her eyes; However it was true, Roy has always regarded Alaska as his little sister. He was the one who helped her through her first days of becoming a rogue, and she would always be grateful for him.

When she was climbing the stairs Roy held her arm before saying "I'm serious Alaska you can count on me as your big brother..."

She looked at him with a face saying- i think that was settled- before saying "Of course Roy... you already know that."

"And if i see your lover boy treating you bad i'll break his hands" he added addressing the guy who was a couple feet far.

"What brings him now?" She replied more defensively than needed as her thoughts wander to the man who has occupied her mind and emotions in just a matter of a week. The beauty of his silk messy hair, the deep greens with the dark dense eyelashes blending roughly with how manly he was, the sharp jawline, chopped lips that still looked desirable, even his bruised chest was a majestic sight, the rough skin of his hands... She was so lost in her reverie about him that she didn't notice the accelerated beat of his heart, indicating that he was awake.

"No i'm being serious. like honestly i sense something weird about him" Roy said. Heck even Blake considered himself weird. He was in that room all alone fighting sleep so he would not see another nightmare like the one earlier. It was full of howling, Howling of a wolf he knew all too well, a close yet a traitor one. he recalled hearing Three howls in his nightmare, each one bringing the traitor closer... The dream was so vivid that he woke up, but his guardian angel, Alaska, was not there to chase away his nightmares.

'Roy maybe a jerk some times but i agree with him in that,' Rogue affirmed. acknowledging Roy's earlier remark.

"Roy i think we should go to sleep" Suggested Alaska hoping to divert the conversation away from Blake, She felt for him and any negative comments about him angered her.

Alaska's faint voice caught Blake's ears... she was awoke too he thought to himself as desire filled him, and felt an intense urge to hear more of her melodious voice, to talk to her and converse about his nightmare just like a session with a psychiatrist. That's when he left his bed and went out of the room...

But as his eyes wandered around he regretted his actions... Alaska and Roy strolled side by side with Alaska wearing Roy's shirt and he wore basketball shorts. Without another glance, he immediately went back to his room.

They were having fun as he was fighting his nightmares alone, like he has during his four-years suffering in that dark gloomy cell.

He took heavy slow steps towards the bed and lingered there momentarily before a deep exhale escaped his lips, heat filled his body as anger dominated his emotions, That's when mixed thoughts bursted inside his head.

'She just took pity on me' He pondered as he removed his shirt.

'I'm a broke man after all,' He flopped onto the bed.

'Bruised inside and out,scares and gashes all over my body' He began tracing the open gashes on his chest.

'Showing how weak, how abandoned i am even Audaz gave up on me, but i don't need anyone's pity.' He let a small sarcastic chuckle as he swept his fingers through the dark locks of his hair.

'How amusing i was making plans to show my affection for her but she was having fun with roy... she doesn't like me.' He sighed rubbing his eyes.

'I don't blame her though, i blame my broke self that got attached fast... but God couldn't i help it?' He thought to himself looking up the ceiling as a psychotic smile planted his face.

'She fills me with desire by just breathing... so angelic so fragile yet so brave.' He didn't stay laying and instead sat on the bed with his hands covering his face.

'Honestly she deserves someone like Roy who could make her laugh like he always does, not my grumpy self...' He got up and started walking towards the tall window.

'she deserves someone who would cradle her until she's asleep. She deserves to live in a vast estate heck she is entitled to an entire castle which i the homeless Blake, who

lived in a cell for years could not afford.' He then went speechless or maybe thoughtless... and just kept gazing over the breathtaking sky that began to brighten as the stars faded from the horizon.

'Rough broke men with tough miserable life like me can not have love' he summoned.

Dawn painted the sky,

The shirtless hunk placed his hands in the rear pockets of his dark denim extending his shoulders in the process, giving a regal spectacle while doing so.

He was looking at the early morning sky with admiration as he hadn't had the opportunity to witness this sort of panorama much in his last four years. The sight reminded him of a song, a Spanish song specifically.

His mind functioned oddly, shifting from cliché thoughts to rebellious ones to songs... peculiar songs.

' ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je ne sais pas

¿Qué voy a hacer?, je ne sais plus

¿Qué voy a hacer?, je suis perdu

¿Qué horas son, mi corazón?

Me gusta la canela, me gustas tú

Me gusta el fuego, me gustas tú...'

A song he was familiar with, He despised the song but knew the lyrics by heart, after all it was a song that his mother adored and sang frequently, with her harmonious voice she would transform the most unattractive songs into a soothing melodies. And young blake would sit and listen to his mother with her sun-kissed complexion, long silk-like dark hair, hazel eyes... a beautiful Mexican lady, a loving mate for his father and above all a caring mother to him.

He ran his fingers through his black silky locks that bore a striking resemblance to his mother's, as well as his tan skin, which mirrored hers as well. Except for these two gifts and blessings - as he would claim - he took after his father... the duel of emerald eyes, facial expressions, the thin manly lips, the chiseled jawline... so powerful, so rugged, so masculine...

He returned to his bed and laid with one foot dangling from the bed... and vacant thoughts... just staring at the ceiling.

At precisely five in the morning Roy woke up after merely an hour of sleep but that wouldn't affect him in a bit. And at that moment Blake was still awoke.

Roy who exited his room roused Alaska just with a click of the door since her senses where heighten due to the last incident.

She left the bed and prepared herself once she finished getting ready she left the room, and went downstairs with roy who was busy making breakfast.

Roy sensed her and without turning around, inquired, "Why're you up? it's still early."

"You know i'm an early bird" Replied.

"And a night owl as well" He remarked back with a spatula pointed at her "Stay today?" His generous self added back.

"Thank you Roy. But we can't stay... want some help with what you cooking?"

"I'm good thanks," The words flowed effortlessly from his lips as he placed a hand on his hips, he wasn't a big brother only, he was such a momma.

Blake who was upstairs, felt the urge to leave, he wore his shirt and left the room trailing the noise downstairs... there he went.

Alaska was perched on a stool conversing with Roy as he was making breakfast.

"Good morning" Blake uttered with a hoarse voice startling Alaska or perhaps causing shivers down her spine and butterflies in her stomach with that rough voice.

"Morning Blake" Came Alaska's cheerful reply.

"Come join us, breakfast is almost done" She added as she patted the stool beside her.

"Thank you, but i don't feel like eating— i'll go have some air" He said sternly which worried and surprised Alaska, but she still nodded.

When he reached the door, he rotated and added "I'll wait for you next to the car" He didn't linger for her response and departed. So bold.

It wasn't him behaving like a jealous teen, No, he was way past over that. It was the suffocating stifling atmosphere urging him to leave as he also felt a sensation of queasiness.

However Alaska felt oddness regarding Blake and his behavior. And delved into her memory to find if she has done anything that might have offend him. but she couldn't recall any.

She made up her mind to leave as well and might get some responses on his sudden behavior. "Roy i think i should go too, Blake is waiting for me"

"Already? Well at least have your breakfast."

"Just a small bite because i don't want to be an ignorant bitch" She finished with a laugh. and took a small bit as she said... a small hot bit.

Since she couldn't finish what Roy has made and tire himself to do she said"You owe me a dinner big bro"

She left the house and headed towards where blake was casually leaning against the car, supporting himself with one elbow, legs crossed, his verdant lackadaisical eyes gazed up at the sky with a mixture of wonder and emptiness. You could get the vibes that he owned the field with power radiating from him 'Ugh that's so hot'.

After taking control over her emotions she proceeded to the car bid her goodbyes to Roy and once again she and Blake were all alone in that car.

There was a period of deadly silence, which was completely normal as Blake was not a talkative guy. But the tension emanating from him was new to Alaska.

"You enjoyed it at Roy's" She broke the silence and that was the first thing she said not the ideal question to pose, but anything to alleviate the tension more than the silence.

"Eh well your small little cabin was more relaxing and appealing to me?" He let small chuckle. And Alaska was impressed by him opening up.

"Hmm? I'll ensure we'd reduce our visits and stays there," She responded with an awkward chuckle. And for a first Alaska was experiencing awkwardness, Alaska was not one to have soft and awkward feelings, she was one seeking power, authority, freedom, she was a strict and radical person, as evidenced by her refusal to submit to her alpha and instead become a rogue, heck at some point in her life she decided to even reject her mate, not believing in love. She only believed in god caring and herself. However, since Blake entered her life, she began to feel these soft and awkward emotions, and she felt completely vulnerable to him without him even trying.

"Thank you so much Alaska, but i think we won't be..." He hesitated briefly and it began to clarify for Alaska, but he carried on, "If you could drop me downtown..." ouch, those simple words were harsh on her, She had been embracing newfound emotions throughout the week, but it seemed they would soon come to an end.

Blake who was speaking with audacity and boldness felt somewhat remorseful for what he has said. But he had to suppress his feelings and leave for good, he was such a burden on her and that's no act of a man like him. Now she could be happy with Roy or whoever. He thought he had the chance with her but he was wrong she only helped him no more, and now his time is up.

She was at her words and upon their arrival to the town, she parked the car in the same lot from their first day in town... The day she bought him clothes,

A deafening silence engulfed the car as she switched off the engine, they were both gazing straight ahead.

A long sigh escaped Blake's lips before he began speaking. "Where do i start and how to... Alaska i can't truly describe the depth of my gratitude and appreciation for you. I..." He yearned to express his feelings further but found himself unable to find the right words.

"I didn't want our last time to end so abruptly but i didn't want to burden you more... and i promise, i'll come someday and return the favor"

Alaska chuckled sarcastically before stating, " That wasn't a favor Blake, helping you was a must"

He remained silent at her words and only nodded his head.

He then scooped her hand that was on the gearshift before expressing gratitude to her for the umpteenth time.

Spinning around he unlatched the door and that was it...until Alaska nearly shouted "Blake, wait" slipping her hand into her pocket and retrieving a one-hundred.

"Take this with you in case you needed transport or... i don't know?" She hastily included, prolonging in his leave.

His heart softened at her gestures, that he wanted to kiss her for how kindhearted she was. He gently unfolded her palm, placing the one hundred dollar within it before clasping it shut. "Thank you, i'll call one of my family and they will show up". he falsely claimed. Deep down, he knew he was deceiving both her and himself. What family? the one that he escaped from? Nevertheless, he would prefer to die while wandering the streets than accept money from a woman... a woman he held affection for.

And just like that, he left making his departure so casual and nonchalant... not like a week acquaintance but more like a one 'day acquaintance'.