
Monarch of Time and Fate

Time, What is time? And What is Fate? What is the connection between the two? For others, time is indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole. Fate is the predetermined destiny of an individual. In a realm where time bends to the will of an enigmatic ruler, the balance of fate hangs in delicate equilibrium. As the Monarch of Time and Fate, Ark's discovers a forgotten race that threatens to unravel the very fabric of existence. With the help of Ether, Ark embarks on a perilous journey to prepare himself for the upcoming threats that involves the very fabric of ones existence. With each decision shaping the course of time and fate. Ark must navigate the complexities of time to safeguard the future and confront the ultimate question: Can one truly control fate, or is it an immutable force that transcends even the Ruler himself?

Midnight_Scribe · Fantasy
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Count Xanders

It was once a famous family of swordsmen, until the head of the family suffered an incurable injury that caused the strength of the family to plummet. Before suffering from such injuries,the head of the Count Family is one of the strongest swordsman of the empire. The Count Xanders of the Escarion Empire's northwest frontier also protected the northern border alongside with the Ducal family of Fross in the Empire's northeast frontier who specializes in the use of ice magic. With their strength, They managed to protect and guards the empire's northern border together.

But even so, they were just a County.

They don't have enough authority to manage a large amount of manpower, they can't exceed the limits imposed on them. That's why every time the enemies invade the northwest frontier on a large scale, they're always in quite the predicament.

But even so, the ducal family of Fross didn't leave them behind and always gave them reinforcement every time there was a problem in the northwest frontier that they can't handle.

In the mansion of such Count Xanders…

There was a man sitting down in the Eldest son's room, who was called the 'Failure of the Swords.'


It was a boy in his mid teens, he had a pained expression in his face and letting out strange groans.

He had snow white hair, a white and slender face, and a pair of mysterious deep crimson eyes that all blended together to show off his good looks, but now, he was wondering about his situation as he looked in front of him.

The boy was named Ark Xanders, who was also known as the Eldest son of Count Xanders and was now flustered wondering  what was happening as he stared at the translucent screen floating in front of him bewildered.

"Wh-wh-what's that!!!"

The Translucent screen has words written in unknown language that seem familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. Despite the language being quite unfamiliar to him, he still managed to read it. The words in the translucent screen says:

[Congratulations!!! You've reached the 5 rank and are now eligible to awaken your Monarchy]

"Did I succeed?"

"Did I what?"

"Why did I say that"

"What's happening?"

"Where am I"

"And who am I?"

Ark is now panicking and doesn't know what to do. He tried to stand and figure out the situation but suddenly....

[Awakening Is Starting]


He feels excruciating pain in his head. His head feels like it's getting poked by thousands of needles and feels like it's breaking apart.


Ark falls in his bed and passes out.




Ark found himself in some unknown space and standing in a small  circular stone platform. The surroundings are dim but not completely dimmed because there's some light glittering in the surrounding like a star in the starry sky.

'Wait!! Stars?'

Ark came back to his senses after noticing his surroundings. Unlike before, it seems like he's much calmer now.

'Where am I? It looks like I'm in outer space or something and those glittering lights, it seems like those are stars that will die now because even if it still has lights, it's quite dim' Ark thought to himself.

Because of the light from those dying stars, he managed to take a glimpse of his surroundings. And in front of him are an immeasurable amount of Celestial Bodies. Some of the stars are dying and their appearance is quite similar to the appearance of the star in his memory that he didn't know he had. It's the same case with the planets, their appearance may vary but still, it's no doubt that those are planets. Same as the star, some of the planets are already dying.

There's even a moon orbiting planets, and there's also an asteroid that sometimes hits planets and destroys them if big enough.

And seeing those celestial bodies getting destroyed, Ark's body gone cold from fright.

He tried to take a step back when suddenly.....

"Hmm... The next one seems worse than I thought".

"!!!" He heard an unknown voice behind him.

"Who?!!" He quickly turned around to see the owner of the voice but....

The only thing he sees is a worn-out greyish white throne and a broken crown.


He walked near towards the throne and touched the broken crown when suddenly.....


"Wh-wh-what's happening?"

The worn-out throne and broken crown suddenly gets envelopes in a dazzling light. Under the beaming light, the throne and crown are getting a new look, and after a few seconds the appearance of both quickly changes from a worn-out throne and broken crown to a completely brand new appearance with even the missing part of the crown getting filled by new ones.

"Whoaa" Ark exclaimed amazed by the spectacle that happens.

"But anyway what's with that voice"

Still wondering where the voice came from, he tried to search the nook and cranny of throne and the platform but still no avail.





Tired of searching around. He sat on the throne, and wore the crown in his head.


Just as he sat on the throne, the platform beneath him cracked and showed its true form. Which is a clock.

"What's this? A clock". Suprise by its appearance, Ark is suddenly at lost with words.


The hands of the clock beneath suddenly moved counter clockwise In a speed that can't be followed by the naked eye.

The hands continue to spin until it suddenly stops at the number 12 mark.

"What the? Why did it suddenly stop?" Upon stopping, the clock exploded in the blinding that swallowed Ark.

"Who.." Before he lost his vision, his eyes caught a silhouette of a person within the blinding light.






[You've successfully awakened as a Monarch]

Upon awakening, a screen appeared in front of Ark, but it seems like he didn't notice it.

'My mind feels fuzzy. What was that dream? Wait!, is it even a dream?it's too wierd to call it a dream.'

'I'm really confused about what's happening right now, and Who am I again?' still confused about his identity, Ark thought to himself.


"Who!" An unidentified voice was suddenly heard. It was a voice that neither feminine nor masculine.

I tried to know the source of voice but....

I didn't saw anyone other than me in the room.

When I tried to search the source again. I caught a glimpse of a translucent screen hovering in the corner.

"Are you the one who just talk" Ark asked, still unsure if he's right.

I didn't notice it earlier because my mind is to fuzzy to pay any attention but it seems like it was the source of the voice.

And it might also answers my questions.

[That's right]

A reply came from the screen. It seems like it was the one who talked earlier.

"So, what do you mean that I'm Ark Xanders" I asked it a question, expecting some reply for my question.

[Because you are]

"What do mean by 'you are'. And can you tell me what's really happening?"

Confused by its reply, I asked more to make it more clearer.

[Why are you still asking? Can't you tell it already? It should be very obvious to you by now.]  It seems like it's already annoyed by my questions.

Still, I explained myself to know more about the situation.

"Well, I don't really remember anything so I don't really know what's happening"

[So that's why you've become dumber. It seems there's an error in the process.]

'Did he just insulted me? Well, I forgive it for now. It seems like it already know what's happening'

"So do you know what's really happening"

[Yeah I know]

"Really? So can you tell me what's happening now?". Delighted by its reply, I urged it to tell me now.

[Yeah I can, so just ask me anything you want to know.]

"Really? Then I start". Delighted by its reply, I started asking it questions

"Can you tell me what's the error you're talking earlier"

[The error is about the abnormality that's happened while synchronizing.]

"Synchronizing with what?"

[With your memory of your past life]

"My past life? While would I synchronized with it when I don't even need it in my current life?"

[Your synchronation with your memory is not your intentions, it's already bound to happen because unlike others, you are concious when you're reincarnating.]

"Ehh? Why would I be concious? And isn't it quite normal?"

[I don't know, it's quite strange even for me. And Of course it's not really normal, you're already dead by the time you're reincarnating so it's impossible to be concious.]

"What about my identity"

[You're Ark Xanders, the Eldest son of Count Xanders]

"Will my memories will be fixed eventually?"

[Of course it will, it will already be fix by tomorrow and by the time it's fixed it will be the time you will find all your answers]





I keep asking it questions until I asked it about the one thing that bothers me since I first woke up.

"What's the Monarch? I keep seeing the golden screen flickering besides your usual translucent blue one, it's congratulating me into becoming one."

[They're special people who received the greatest gift of the universe for the world, the Monarchy. There are currently 20 Monarchs in the world. The difference you and 19 others have to a usual known Monarchs is that you guys are not just a ruler, you and others ruled a respective World Laws and Divine Kingdom which later became a Divine Empire.]

"Wait! Ruled? Does that mean I'm a ruler? Then where's my kingdom"

[Yeah you're a ruler, and your Divine Kingdom is in the special dimensions  for Monarchs called Domain. The domain can only be enter with the permission of the Monarchs who owns the Domain.]

"Then what's the respectively world laws?"

[World Laws is a collection of rules that makes up a world. It can be a profession, environment, natural phenomenon, attributes, rules, Races and etc. For now, the there's only 20 Monarchs and mostly of them are Monarchs that based in Environment. Monarchs are named after their respective World Laws.]

"Then what's type of Monarchs I am"

[You're the Monarch of Time and Fate.]

[The Ruler of Time and Fate.]





Three weeks Later

It's been three weeks since I recovered and synchronized with my past life memories, Just like Ether said.

Ether is the name I gave to the Translucent screens because it said that it was a universal consciousness of the Akashic Records. I tried calling it system just like those in the system novels, but he said not to compare it to those inferior imitations.

Well anyway, I didn't waste my three weeks after I recovered. Instead, I explored some functions of Ether to know its uses.

One of the Function is status window

'Status Window'. With a thought, a translucent screen that only I can see appeared. It shows the informations of my abilities to help me further understand it.

[Name: Ark Xanders]

Title: Monarch of Time and Fate

Rank: Lower 3rd Rank


*Authority of Time ↓

*Authority of Fate ↓


*Sword Body (EX)

*Heightened Concentration (EX)


*Xanders Sword Style (A)

[*Swordmanship (D)]

My rank, Lower 3rd Rank is quite low if you consider the standard average rank in the Central Continent where I lived. It's also the reason why I'm known as the "Failure of Swords" Because despite coming from a swordmanship family, my rank and swordmanship abilities is too low.

It's not like I don't have a talent, it's just I didn't give any effort in developing my abilities before. Ark thought as he regreted those time he wasted in the past.

Knock!! Knock!!...


Suddenly, a nine year old little girl appeared and entered the room. She had a snow white hair and crimson red eyes just like Ark. It was Lilith Xanders, Ark's little sister and the youngest of the Family.

[Name: Lilith Xanders]

Title: N/A

Rank: 1st Rank

Authority: N/A


*Call of the Night

*Spirit Sword Manifestation


*Xanders Sword Style (A)

[*Swordmanship (F)]

A status window appeared, but instead of showing my abilities, it shows someone else. It's one of Ether's function, Identification. It can show the abilities of an lifeform through status window.

Anyway, my sister is already in the 1st rank when she's just a 9 year old kid, as expected of our family.

Ark crouched to matched his sister's eye level and smile at his little sister. "What does my little sister needs for me?".

Lilith smiled cheerfully and said. "Father asked for you to meet him in his office".

"Eh, Father did?". With Confusion evident in his Face, 'Didn't Father hate me?' Ark thought.

"Yeah he did, anyway brother I'll leave now". Lilith smiled and run off the room.

[So will you meet your father] Ether appeared at the corner of Ark's eyes.

"Yeah I will". Ark said with a resolute expression in his face.