
Monarch of the Divine

A Celestial Beauty, with a voice sounding even sweeter than the moans she would one day let out, whispered softly in my ear before I sank into the darkness... "Be strong, My Prince. You must survive this challenge for us. As a gift...... this ladys name is Long Xue." ----- This is a story of Reincarnation. A story of growth. A story of love and lust. A story of battle and slaughter. After being thrown in a situation out of his control. A boy was cast into the dog-eat-dog world of cultivation, coming straight out of novels he has read. A world where infinite races, opportunity and endless beauties exist. A multitude of realms, factions, Old Monsters and Young Masters waiting to be slaughtered. This tale follows Dante the Peerless, but this is the tale before he was known as 'The Peerless'. Before he had the largest harem in the history of the Nine Heavens. Before he had swept through the 108 Layers of the Nether God Abyssal Realm. And long before he provided proof of his dominance to the eighteen holy lands in the Verdant Immortal Heavens. Watch as he evolves from a scared-traumatized boy into a realm conquering powerhouse man amongst men! [ Tags ] | Action | Harem | Adventure | Ecchi | Romance | Comedy | Overpowered | | Thicc | Loli | Milf | Humiliation | Dual Cultivation | Demons | Handsome MC | Weak to Strong MC | Antihero | Cunning MC | Exploration| Cultivation | Powerhouse | Old Monster | Milf | R-18 | Mature | Adult | Disclaimer; cover pick is only edited by me. - Idk if I will be releasing the smutty chapters on WN! So stay updated! Release schedule; DAILY! If I don't upload that day I probably had some IRL issues!

dvces · Eastern
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13 Chs

// Chapter 3; Journal

(Read authors note if you are lost :) )


DAY 1- Age 11Y/5M/1D - This is the first day of really being a slave. It's so depressing to think about my experiences up to this point.

I always thought that being reincarnated guarantees some form of cheat, or safety measure, but it seems I was rewarded with horse-shit luck instead.

The only good news I have realized is that while in this soul form, I don't think I'll need to sleep at all. Since I have not felt tired once. This started after breaking through whatever that purple film-barrier was.

However, since then it appears that nothing notable has happened. This is my only solace in my conciousness, I will try to only put more relevant info I find out about.

DAY 5 - A few new findings happened since the last time I updated this. The first, is that the pain of unmuting myself during these assault sessions has not receded at all, if anything it has continued to worsen. So I make sure only use it when im interacting with Cigarette Lady.

I know when she is around by learning to differentiate the sensations of torture and ahem, love from her...

The thing that has been eating at my mind lately, is the fact that there has been no improvements to my command center during this time. So for now I still have no vision at all.

Today however I did uncover some solid information. My nurse, Cigarette lady, her real name is actually Vera, I learned this while she was 'treating me'. But that isn't the most important part.

It happened earlier this morning. I was called to the 'infirmary' around the usual time, I learned this name through the crazy woman's moans. She leaked that this is the healing ward, and she is this tribe's priest or 'Maiden' in charge of said ward.

I was confused why she was telling me this but from what I could tell, nearing the end of our session, Vera began acting extremely odd. She started moaning some incomprehensible phrases in a different language, but the only thing I picked up was a word, 'Stone' since she happened to repeat it multiple times.

Everything was fine until said 'Stone', arrived. From what I picked up before being brutally attacked, the conversation went something like this as he arrived at the this so-called infirmary.


As my ears were being filled with heavy moans and clapping noise, a thundering voice that shook my conciousness rang out from the left of me,

"VERA! You!!!"

Immediately from the tone of his voice, I realized that this situation was not at all what I expected.

It appears I was caught in some sort of weird love triangle, even though I have been completely fucking unconcious during my entire time here??? I can't even fucking move?!?!

As he begins to start yelling some incoherent engish about about how the strength of the tribe will be lowered, Vera and him switch over and argue in their native tongue.

As I'm clueness to my next move, the argument began to escalate even further, until it came to an abrupt end as I was assaulted by the worst pains I have felt since coming to this world. I then spazzed out and began falling unconcious in my soul-form.

However, just before darkness greeted me, I picked up something that was said to me as.

The man Stone, whispered in my ears,

'You a barbarian trash slave, only live today because you puppet!'

As darkness welcomed me into its open arms, I contemplated on what that exactly means.


DAY 6 - Waking up inside of my conciousness platform, I realize that the lake bed around me has become a bit more damp compared to when I inspected it last. The downside is that I still have no clue what this means, but it doesn't seem to be a bad thing so far.

Recalling what that man 'Stone' said to me, I began to assemble my thoughts.

To start, even in my old world, there were not many women as crazy as Vera. I didn't know if this was common here, but given she is the only woman I have interacted with so far, only time would tell.

B-A-R-B-A-R-I-A-N, you heard correctly. A BARBARIAN. Thinking of all of the races that I could have been dropped into, a battle-crazed group of unitelligent people really isn't the worst case scenario.

But the fact that I am a confirmed I am a human here, the same as I was back home makes me a bit happy. I hope the tropes from the novels on Earth prove true, and these people are as dumb as they say.

Again I was called to Vera's building. Oddly, she did not assault me in any way today. Instead she had a downcast tone of voice as she was seemingly lost in her own thoughts. For some unknown reason she began telling me about the current situation of this barbarian tribe. She must have thought I couldn't understand as a slave, because it weighed on her mind as she had no one else to vent her frustrations about this to.

Through this 'puppet therapy' and her ramblings. I found out that I am currently inside of the 'Battle Moon Tribe'. They have around 6000 members, and have been formed two generations ago by following those 'Divine Stags'.

I also found out learned she is actually the Barbarian Chief's daughter, and has to get married to that man, Stone, since he happens to be the Heir of a mid-sized tribe, called the 'Hemlock Tribe' consisting of nearly 50,000 barbarians.

This started due to the fact that the beasts and humanoids in the forest have gathered to seige Battle Moon, causing them to ask for assistance, but the demands were some form of marriage alliance causing the current situation.

This village used to originally be an exploration outpost for humans and other friendly-races, but the barbarians raided and conquered it, taking it as their new home.

Regardless, this forest filled with elvish 'world trees' is actually called is Blue Marsh Forest. I'm still not sure what significance that has or how large the world I am in is, atleast I know my current location. She didn't say anything about towns, or human cities either.

A lot of information is still missing, hopefully I'll be able to unlock my vision soon and learn more soon.

DAY 8 - It's been a rough few days since the last entry, no new information, the only thing I have been experiencing whilst unmuting is torture. I'm not exactly sure which kind my body outside is enduring, but the immense pain is there.

The weird thing is that I have not been called to Vera's office, so im assuming something must have taken place in these last few days within the tribe.

Another key factor is that I realized over this time, is that the torturers are people like myself, using some form of tools or machine to operate on me but I haven't heard them speak yet.

I think they may be puppets like myself, however each time I try to listen to my surroundings what greets me in the sound of flesh and metal scraping against each other.

It took me one day to mentally prepare myself, even whilst being in soul-form, but I realized the risk of missing information is to much to bear, so I began to regularly unmute during these torture sessions.

I can tell that the two who flay me alive use various means, I don't feel the actual sensations on any parts of my body, but I only feel the pain in my soul-form. It feels as if my entire body is being torn into pieces, to the point of mental collapse.

Whats odd is that at my breaking point, where I am about to have a mental breakdown, the same refreshing feeling from when I broke through that barrier washes over me, albeit much weaker.

I have been investigating it and can't figure out what it is, but it must have to do with the changes in my 'lake bed'. After each torture session the lake bed becomes a bit more damp, even though its so miniscule I noticed it after today's session.

DAY 18 - The last ten days have been extremely rough. I still have not learned anything new about this world. The pain of torture is the only thing I have had on my schedule these days.

'Lord Diego' the man im assuming is commanding my body, is not even making me do menial tasks as a slave. I am only to be tortured, eat, and sleep.

This new discovery happened as I gained enough strength to be unmuted for a bit longer than an entire torture session. My body did nothing at all, which leaves me with the question if this torture has any meaning at all, or is he simply a sick sadistic bastard who takes joy in these things?

Regardless, the only positive of all this is that my lake bed is beginning to become soggy under the saturation of torture and recovery. I also noticed, very slightly, that the platform my control center is on has become a bit smoother, it still looks like shitty rock, but it's a little less shitty than before.

DAY 48 - I did not know when to make as the days have been sliding by without me noticing. I realized that I still have no clue what a month is known as in this world, even though I have now been here for seven of them.

The news? VERY GOOD! I've slowly become numb to the pain of torture, I don't even think my real body is being put through this much pain in comparison to my soul form. I think this is what the cultivation novels would call, willpower development?

Two weeks ago, my pain tolerance gave my the ability to walk around unmuted at all times, however, I still have yet to gain control of my vision or body. I can't even make subtle suggestions to move or grab things. However, being unmuted at all times allowed me to pick up some juicy details about my situation.

Apparently it was not just Vera who is a physcopath, yes, you guessed it. Maybe its just due to the nature of the barbarians, or specifcally this tribe of them, but walking around hearing the other barbarians speak made Vera sound very normal in comparison.

The guards that bring me to and from places, Rocco and Brick, are two absolute meatheads, also oddly the village gossipers.

I'm not sure if they are full-blooded barbarian since they have been speaking in 'english' and not the native barbarian toungue. I think the only language I know must be the common human-language of this continent atleast. Assuming they chat so much because they are so bored, they compalined that weaker men get exiled from hunting and are forced to do menial tasks such as this.

I can tell from the noises, these two fuckers must be my torturers as well. I'm not exactly sure why they dont speak while harming me but. Regardless, this somehow ended up working out in my favor.

Through these morons, The first thing I learned, is that this 'air' inside of my conciousness, is actually something called Soul Power. Secondly, I found out that the world I'm currently in is named Bingyun, the barbarians said that there are multiple continents in this world but they are seperated by sea.

They only knew the name of the one we are currently on, the Fire Palace Continent which should be enough for now. With their way of speaking and tone of voice, I inferred that this single continent should atleast be hundreds of thousands if not millions of kilometers large, especially remembering the size of the trees around me.

Also, in this cultivation world, there are bloodlines, cultivation techniques, and alchemists. However, I'm ninety-nine percenty sure that these guards only know basic knowledge, if that about the true power in this world. Assuming anything from novels is true, there must be multiple types of cultivation, ranking in techniques, bloodlines and even beasts.

Ugh, this is fucked....

They also only heard about these things from word of mouth, since they were essentially just a tier above slaves in standing. They apparently did not have any of these professions like alchemists inside the tribe but it seems to be something they yearn for badly.

They also complained about a word I could only assume is barbarian for 'Elf' along withsomething called, 'Maku' in their language. This gives me a bit of hope as my earth soul and my 'Elvish Beauty' fantasy I have is not dead.

*wipes tear from soul-diary* *deep-breath*huuuuuuuuu*

The 'Maku' may be the name for wild beasts or whatever was going to seige this tribe. Assuming they can gather, intelligence would be present in beasts in this world as well. Meaning, maybe that stag was really nodding and understood what I was saying back then....

Lastly, there has not been a word about my 'Master' Lord Diego. These scum appear to be scared to even speak his name.

Taking a realistic stance, I am surely doomed in this world if that middle-aged asshole was not lying to me. I must find out about cultivation in this world, if its like the worlds in my knowledge, im beyond fucked, not even accounting for the slave situation.

The only positive I have right now is that the torture-training is still hydrating my lake bed albeit slowly. The worst part is, I'm starting to become like one of those masochistic weirdo's... that I've seen who self harm for strength..... ugh.....

DAY 82 - It's been a while since I've made an entry, the reason being something odd has happened to my conciousness recently. For some reason, about a month ago, the aura surrounding my golden-ball of soul, increased in strength dramatically.

I concluded that sick bastard must have had an breakthrough in strength. The light shade of purple slowly melded into a darker purple. But this was only the beginning, after that took place, a pain racked over my entire body that made the torture I have endured so far feel comfortable in comparison.

As I collapsed from my command center seat, onto my rock platform. Mind-numbing pain assaulted me once again, with increased power.

Darkness slowly overtook my soul-body's vision....

DAY 104- I don't know how long the loop has continued for, but this is the first time in a long time that I have been able to retain my conciousness under this pressure. The purple aura coming off my the miasma linked to my soul-ball increased the sensitivity of the pain I felt by a lot.

Even with this pain, I went unmuted to the torture chambers for the first time in a long time. I was even escorted by my two 'guards' which continued to gossip. Vera has not summoned me either, I'm sure something has happened to her.

However, with the new information I found out today, I can't really say this is the worst of my problems anymore. Because I found out one of the forms of cultivation in this world.... and more importantly about my current 'master', Lord Diego.

To start, there are three types of cultivation in this world. They help create Qi, Body, and Soul Cultivators. The cultivation system these barbarians usually follow is the Body system, however, some geniuses can cultivate two like my 'master', who I learned cultivates Body and Soul. Beyond this there are legends of Heaven's Chosen who can cultivate all three systems of cultivation equally, but those are just 'legends'.

They spoke about Lord Diego, my master, only once since my last entry. But from what I understood is that Diego is a dual-cultvation master, he has knowledge in two 'elements', Darkness and Wind. I don't know shit about these yet, but its another thing on my list.

I'm assuming the darkness allows him to enslave people, and the Wind can be used to create those decapitating strikes that ended Mr.Stag instantaneously.

The last part of importance, I was wrong about these guards, it seems it is natural for all of these barbarians in the tribe to be cultivators of some sort, even the children. It seems as if every living thing is a cultivator in this world....

Regardless, my ears are still peeled for information!

DAY 120 - The pain of torture increased a little bit again, but in comparison to the last breakthrough 'Lord Diego' had, it didn't really feel like much at all.

I recently focused a majority of my energy into trying to recover my vision, and finally see my surroundings. But all my attempts have been failures so far, when I manipulate the Soul Power in my conciousness I get a feeling there is not nearly close to-enough to unlock my vision.

I'm not sure if it usually takes this long to build up soul cultivation, or maybe im really a trash?

Through testing, I learned the torture does help increase it. The only change from the torture-training, is that on the 'lake-bed' now looks as if a bunch of tiny puddles filled with golden water are beginning to pool up in tiny puddles. The golden liquid looks a bit like my soul power, however its in liquid form...

I have no clue what that means to me but any change is good at this point. I still have no clue on the realms of cultivation, or any type of cultivation technique, But I think I should be able to unlock vision soon, hopefully.

DAY 147 - This is getting so boring and lonely... The days are filled with torture, even inside of myself, I have started to congratulate myself for making it this long without breaking down. Even with the small powerups that come from that refreshing feeling, it is still hard.

Considering I came from an ordinary world, I honestly dont think I'm doing so bad for being in this fucked situation. The only annoying part is that recently every time I get used to the pain, it just increases by another level.

But, around a month ago I figured out why.

Vera finally called me back into her 'office' and gave me the long awaited 'treatment' once more. During this session, she said that this would be the last time since the barbarians are getting assaulted by the intelligent beasts and she would have to be sold off soon.

Diego apparently has had his hands full for a while, with beasts, and the Hemlock Tribe. She also mentioned how her father was extremely confused on how my conciousness had not been erased after so long due to my odd soul.

She leaked out that this slavery magic was some of the most cruel, after applied to the victims soul, the darkness corrodes and erases their conciousness by trapping them inside of a cage. It also has a factor of evolving with the victim to increase the pain sensitivity, therefore speeding up the process.

It make sense as she said this, that must have been the light-purple bubble I popped... ultimately erasing it completely.

As I heard this, Soul-form me flipped out completely. I tossed my desk into the lake bed before it teleported right back in front of me. I began to scream and cry. Why me?

Is the world out to get me here? I hated this world so far, I hated all of these fuckin' barbarian bastards physcopaths, all I wanted was to atleast explore a bit as I was isekai'd was it really too much to ask for?

I made a vow to myself and swore to rip Diego's spine out then shit down his throat...

I feel lonely, depressed. I miss Savannah and my catalogue of beauties back home, I wonder if she is thinking about me or even cares? The saga of Dante will end as a hobbit slave if it continues like this.

Day 182 - The torture continues, I won't collapse anytime soon. I've been reinforcing my mental state by thinking about all the hidden folders on my computer back on Earth. Since I can't really see shit besides my little conciousness world, I have been organizing all of my life's memories and staring off at the puddles of golden liquid condensing after each session.

From my birth, to my orphange, to my first kiss, and up until my last moments with the beauties I remember my old life. I miss it.

But as I look at this situation logically, my hope is beginning to fade away. Can I really escape this? In my memory of cultivation novels, I've never heard of a master being able to enslave people at the first realm of cultivation.

Even more, if i managed to escape the slavery. Im still a trash midget mortal currently, with a tortured-destroyed body. Why would I be tossed into this world? To be broken?

Day 183 - Today felt ominous, as I unmuted and heard the guards next to me. I realized that they were not speaking whatsoever, and even had tensed up breathing with quick steps.

As we arrived inside of the normal torture chamber, I heard them both yell and sounds of a salute in their barbarian language. The reason was soon revealed to me, inside of the torture chamber today a special treat was waiting.

Diego was making a tapping noise with his hand onto his sword. I assume he asked the guards what was taking so long, and why I haven't been broken yet.

To which they replied they dont know, from what I could tell they tried to show and explain to him what they were doing to me, but he was not interested at all. Instead he said a single word and they backed off.

The next moment I heard footsteps walking up to me, until what felt like bear paws in the shape of hands squeeze my head.

Seconds later a pain assaulted my real body and spiritual, that was unlike any of the ones that I was exeperienced in the past hit me.

Jumping up from my seat with gritted teeth, in my soul-form I peered up towards the sky, where the original light barrier was shattered. In that direction a massive tsunami of purple-black aura was streaming down from my inner heavens. Like a curse it flooded straight towards my golden-soul ball.

I was being overwhelmed with horror as I watched the mass get closer and closer to my soul. Using all of the Soul Power I collected over this time.

I tried using my full willpower to make a latticed-hexagonal barrier. With the knowledge of my last life, making advanced calculations like this on the spot could be considered extremely easy, especially with after being tortured for so long.

But things do not always go as planned, the latticed soul-shield held up for about 0.00001 milliseconds until it was crushed into bits.

With a horrible expression I braced myself and tried to cast a barrier, The last thing I remember is watching the mass of purple crashing over the seal covering my soul before everything turned black.


For anyone confused; this chapter is Dante's log of everything that he has been through since being enslaved and trapped inside of his conciousness.

I thought this would be the easiest way to time skip, build character, and introduce some world building the world.

This is starting to get juicy, 2nd part of the compendium is next chapter, & that will be the time skip.

Dont worry, he will be stronk as fuck.      

dvcescreators' thoughts