
Monarch of the Divine

A Celestial Beauty, with a voice sounding even sweeter than the moans she would one day let out, whispered softly in my ear before I sank into the darkness... "Be strong, My Prince. You must survive this challenge for us. As a gift...... this ladys name is Long Xue." ----- This is a story of Reincarnation. A story of growth. A story of love and lust. A story of battle and slaughter. After being thrown in a situation out of his control. A boy was cast into the dog-eat-dog world of cultivation, coming straight out of novels he has read. A world where infinite races, opportunity and endless beauties exist. A multitude of realms, factions, Old Monsters and Young Masters waiting to be slaughtered. This tale follows Dante the Peerless, but this is the tale before he was known as 'The Peerless'. Before he had the largest harem in the history of the Nine Heavens. Before he had swept through the 108 Layers of the Nether God Abyssal Realm. And long before he provided proof of his dominance to the eighteen holy lands in the Verdant Immortal Heavens. Watch as he evolves from a scared-traumatized boy into a realm conquering powerhouse man amongst men! [ Tags ] | Action | Harem | Adventure | Ecchi | Romance | Comedy | Overpowered | | Thicc | Loli | Milf | Humiliation | Dual Cultivation | Demons | Handsome MC | Weak to Strong MC | Antihero | Cunning MC | Exploration| Cultivation | Powerhouse | Old Monster | Milf | R-18 | Mature | Adult | Disclaimer; cover pick is only edited by me. - Idk if I will be releasing the smutty chapters on WN! So stay updated! Release schedule; DAILY! If I don't upload that day I probably had some IRL issues!

dvces · Eastern
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

// Chapter 1; Little Beggar



(Disclaimer: Make sure to keep dates in your head whilst reading)

Inside the middle of Blue Marsh Forest, an area known for having a large amount of extremely demonic and wild beasts, a broken down settlement of about 6000 men appear in the middle of the towering, massive trees. At a closer look, the settlement looked more like the ruins of an old city or town, instead of an outpost for adventuring. Built with half-effort it appeared it had been re-purposed for the current inhabitants, however the villager-type layout was still there from before. Besides cobble roads and a large amount of broken looking but still livable homes, there were only two other buildings in this small city of men. What appeared to be the Lord's Manor, 5 large massive-looking newly constructed warehouses. Encapsulating all of this, was a shabby city wall, with a few guard posts

It was currently nighttime in this settlement but this world, Bingyun, however has two suns and three moons, making nighttime especially beautiful.

In a part of the small 'town', a certain broken-looking house was being illuminated by those same moons. The starlight peering through the broken parts of the home showed it was occupied by three people with their features brightened by the moon and fireplace of the home.

The first was an old sickly man that was laying down on the bed, he had saggy-old wizened features, deep green eyes, and an extremely large stature, standing up it looked he would be 6'8 or so, his upper body was also massive, with arms and forearms looking like pythons, but his legs were completely deteriorated, by the looks of it he used to be a strong warrior, but now he was a cripple.

The second man standing in the room had near identical features to the older man, it could be inferred that he was his son. He stood at six-foot-six tall, around two-hundred fourty pounds, and his attire was only beast hides. Along his back was a massive broadsword nearly 8 foot in length. Even with his stature, the buster-sword made him look normal as it looked like just dropping it would cause enough damage to kill something. His forearms were like pythons, and his legs were stronger thicker and bigger than cattle.

The last induvidual, was currently crouching in the corner of the room, tinkering on some sort of wood-piece, looking as if it was just a single material for a larger project. The boy looked as if he was a young homeless-beggar, around 10 years old, a tiny emaciated skinny body, with a stature of around five foot. He was stained with blood, mud, and silt. The only redeeming feature he had could be said to be his hair.

He had long midnight black hair which was once like silk, had started to become natural dreadlocks. On an even closer inspection, the boy's entire face was riddled with scars, acne, and cysts. His body was also covered with countless bruises, and large meaty scars, showing large amounts of torture and cruelness he experienced. But beneath the mangle of hair and dirt, the young man's eyes showed a cruel flash for a moment, however the gleam quickly left before his hands started tinkering once. This small beggar, was Dante...

Yes, this was Dante, who reincarnated to Bingyun..

(Dante Flashback - First Encounter )


'Hmmmm, I wonder if Sav is making breakfast this morning, I hope she makes eggs and bacon, extra crispy... Mmm just like her ass.... Ah this is the life.'

In the middle of his thoughts, he was a bit confused, because when he was feeling around his bed, it was not the usual soft and sensual skin surrounded by fluffy sheets and pillows, instead, it felt like grass, twigs, a little bit of mud. This was the feeling of a forest.

Even though he was mentally shaken, Dante still took a deep breath before opening his eyes, the verdant smell of plant life came into his nose, but this was a sensation like he has never experienced, the smell of the forest here was so pure and clean in comparision to any of the National Parks and beaches he has ever been to in the USA. It was like the smell was calming to his heart.

However, the calm did not last long.

Opening his eyes, Dante saw something he would never forget, laying down on his back, he saw trees that were bigger than anything in his memory, even in manga and novels. The only similarity he could make with anything in his life was, Elves, its an elvish world tree right in front of him.

However, what did not make sense, was that the entire forest was made up of these gigantic five-thousand meter tall trees. Peering upwards even more, just barely breaking through the crown of the trees, was what appeared to be two gigantic 'suns' floating of an ocean of sapphire.

'What the actual fuck is this.... Infinite World Trees? Two suns? How is the sky even that color?'

Dante immediately went into survival mode, attempting to stand up quickly as his thoughts raced,

'Nope, not a fucking chance, 0% chance on I'm still on earth. Have I been isekai'd? I didnt even meet a goddess beauty or an old fucker with a staff, that takes 90% of the probability of being isekai'd. Well lets see, I saw no yellow-springs grandma, and no memories lost, I even remember laying pipe on Sandy and Sav last night.

Even waking up next to them and going back to rest, so something must have happened to me during the time I went back to sleep in this morning. None of this makes sense!'

As Dante tried getting to his feet, he quickly stumbled and face-planted back into the ground, swallowing some grass and dirt on accident

'Ptoooey! Bleh, nasty as hell! What is with this shit? Why do I think it tastes kinda good?'

Looking down as his body, Dante was filled with horror for a moment, before accepting the fact oddly calmly.

'Hmm, my hands are toddler sized, I can't believe these are mine? They are way too skinny, Wait, my entire body is shrunken aswell... No not shrunken, is this even my body?'

Dante was inspecting his new body taking in the reality that he is in a completely body and completely different world. His new frame was about four-foot tall taking a decent estimate, with dried out long black hair, which was tied into a loose ponytail. This was a far leap from his blonish- six foot self he was used to.

His clothing was some type of peasant-villager gear, it was weaved with hemp in some sort of odd- unidentifiable fashion. With cloth shoes made of the same type of weave, however they were made of materials Dante has never seen, or felt.

'Ok well, lets just man up, and get it over with'

As Dante finally decided to look at what was eating at his mind since he saw his body, he finally decided to look at Dante Jr.... As he looked down into his new hemp-pants, a single tear shed down his eye.

But he cried blood tears in his mind,

'God damnit, My prestigous Beauty Conquering Heavenly Devouring Rod.... You.... Whoever isekai'd me, you'll get my revenge some day... and I swear I will use my rod to strike you down... Demon..!'

(In a certain place...

Long Xue'er slumbering in her soul form, sneezed)

Finally getting some form of control with his new body, Dante scuttered to the underbelly of a massive root, taking account of the situation in all seriousness for the first time.

'Realistically, this body seems to be around 5-6 years old in my current state, It's extremely odd for me to be lying in a forest all alone at this age. In this situation I should have parents, or even be around people. Along with the fact that I have absolutely no memories of the supposed 'past life' of this person. Usually in this situation, I should have already recieved some form of headache, or past soul give me his last wish since I didn't get isekai'd with my own body. Hmm, all this is pointless for now. Firstly, I need to find some people, there is no way a forest with trees this large can be newbie friendly.'

As Dante began inspecting his surroundings, he was in awe. The forest had an infinite amount of life, in his surroundings, the trees extended as far as the eye could see, and the underbrush of them was filled with a multitude of flowers, plants, and other vegetation he has never seen before.

There was a melody of bird chirps, insect buzz, and forest scatter that flooded his all five senses aswell.

'It seems I've arrived in a very dangerous place, I can't help to wonder what type of world this will be like though, its making me so excited! I still haven't recieved any cheat skills, so its very likely if I run into some enemies I will die, especially with this tiny toddler body'

It appears that I will have to do it the old fashioned way...'

As Dante found his first purpose since arriving in this world, he stood up from under the root and started foraging the vicinity for a rod-shaped stick. After a few minutes of searching, he scavenged a edged rock and a decently long tree-branch, about 5 foot to his estimates, a whole foot taller than himself.

Since this was something that in worst case scenario he could use as a weapon, using the rock he sharpened the branch into a simple wooden spear, something he picked up from Cub Grylls in a YuuTube video.

With his new trashy looking spear in hand, walked to an open part of the forest and picked up a small stick, he then set it vertically on the ground waiting for it to fall.

Three minutes later, the stick fell towards the direction of the 'twin' suns that were beginning to set.

'Hmmm, so towards the sunset. So it should be west right? I wonder if that rule still applies here as it did back home. Since theres no use thinking about it, so lets get walking'

As Dante began his very ownjourney towards the west, he used what little experience he had in this enviroment to creep on his way, realizing that he was still inside of a completely random deadly 'Elvish' forest...

On his path, he saw a plethora of different forest animals, plants, insect life and forestry that is all completely new.

'This world is so beautiful, its like an artist created it with his brush. Those Red Monkeys I saw earlier were extremely agile, even while being the size of gorillas... Its a good thing that these animals dont notice me for some reason'

The forest felt endless as the never-ending trees towered over the small boy walking.

As Dante's journey continued, the Twin Suns were beginning to set, he felt that he had been walking for about 9 hours. His throat felt parched, and had bad cotton-mouth, added a rumbling stomach did not help the overall situation either. But through the forest trip, using his intellect, he was learning to understand how to walk, percieve, the forest.

His gait and movement looked much more relaxed, but Dante did not notice this change taking in himself. Although he was much better than when he arrived, it was still a long shot from being close to skillful.

'No heavy movement, smooth, be smooth, remember those ninja fucks. Shinobi were they called?'

Whilst walking, and continuing his movement subconciously, when he heard the sound of a stream up ahead. With a quick pause, he moved towards the direction of the stream,

'Hmmm it's up ahead... the sound of water. I'm so thristy!'

As Dante was heading towards the source of the water, he got a feeling that he must hide, listening to his new body's natural instincts which guided him this far. His breathing and his nerves began to calm to an extreme.

He strided with small, light steps to cover behind a large root, located just before the clearing that the stream was in.

'Whats that other sound, is it still water?...'

Cuddled against the mossy fabric of the root, sounds of splashing came from the stream.

'There must be a beauty! God I cant believe my first encounter will go this way! Let me chant a quick mantra...

'Dear Jezus, Please let there be an elvish milf, preferably a queen or princess. Regardless any food is free food. Thank you, Amen,'

Dante took a deep breath to prepare his taut nerves for whatever sight he would see before peeking over the root,

As his eyes inched over the top of the moss, he freaked out.

' Thi-This... What the actual fuck is that'

'What in the actual..... Is that not a white stag? Whats up with the silver markings on its body? Even the Antlers look like they are radiating some sort of aura or glow. Its also about twenty-foot tall, that thing must weigh minimum two tons.'

In front of him the scene that was unfolding could only be described as 'Unreal'

Surrounded by towering trees was what looked to be a Divine Stag illuminated by a vermillion sunset. On the torso of the beast, a series of silver-runic patterns lined nearly 70% of its body. With the tips of its silver hooves stanced inside of the stream, and the rest of its body revealed it looked as if it was pulled straight out of 'Yuusha' Manga and books, the body of this creature was naturally endowed by the heavens to run and glide in the forests, with rippling muscles and an intimidating stature.

'The antlers alone must be atleast 3 meters long... And the natural hieroglyphic markings on it provide it with a look of divinity and mystery'

'Well, considering those markings, there is no chance im in a normal world. This must be it, of course!'

'How could I be so naive to think that I would not be reincarnated with a cheat, or even an elvish beauty! Those must be worked for! However, this stag must be the first step towards godhood. Infinite world trees, white stag, it only makes sense to thank the elven beauty-goddess sending me a stag type mount immediately.... Well, I guess becoming a powerhouse in whatever magical world this is will be much less difficult now.'

As Dante was not thinking straight currently, being exhausted, soul-fuzzy from his transfer, and had his senses overloaded with so much new information in a single day, he somehow gained the confidence to approach this creature, with charisma.

'Thank you elven goddess, for your guidance'

The moment he finished praying to the 'elven goddess' instead of the usual guy, Dante raised himself a bit from the root he was hiding behind, the stag stopped what it was doing and immediately turned to the side to look at him.

With a single glance, Dante was frozen. When the Stag made eye contact with him, Dante saw the eyes of the beast for the first time.

It had silver deep eyes that shone like the crescents of a moon, and an illusion of instant death crossed over his mind. Multiple different scenarios played out in his mind showing him what the possiblites were if he took a single step from his position.

Once he realized that he was still alive, his face pale and back now soaked in cold sweat and realized the stag was looking away now, seemingly uninterested in him like all the other creatures of this forest.

'This beast must have caused that to happen with his aura and eyes, I still hardly can breathe and my joints feel like they are croaking. Why is this happening? This animal is just glanced at me and I cant bear this any longer!'

Dante was familiar with cultivation novels, and fantasy worlds, but reading and experiencing are two completely different things, he did not expect his willpower to crumble this quickly.

When the boy was about to croak over from stress and exhaustion, the stag suddenly glanced back once more and took the pressure disappeared.

Taking a deep breath in, Dante stood up once more,

'The pressure was released when it disregarded me fully, I wonder if that is a form of acceptance? This must be a test for the contract between companion and master! Firstly,I need WATER!

But, to get some water from this stream will this stag creature of mine really let me?'

With his confidence somehow filled again. He believed the stag accepted him, with long strides Dante went towards the stream.

"Hahaha! Elder Bro Divine Stag, Her Highness sent you over to retrieve this young master right? I recently arrived from the other realm, I believe we must have met here to drink some of the this Holy Stream and commence our contract as well correct?"

As he started speaking the animal looked over at him, When he said the Highness part, it almost seemed as if the Stag got a bit scared a bit inside, atleast that is what it's eyes said to Dante. But as the word contract was mentioned the eyes of the animal filled with bloodlust for a second before it was retracted just as fast.

After a few moments of silence, with a small nod, the stag actually agreed.

"Ah? It's okay? Well I won't deny your kindness Elder Stag Brother."

'Holy shit, I'm seriously talking to a deer, well semi-conversation, But! That nod just told me he has basic understanding of language atleast, and he is okay with the contract! Fuck Ya! Since I don't know any other language besides English it is a little hard to tell... Well whatever let's just rehydrate'

As Dante crouched down next to the stream, he started scooping mouthfuls of water down his gullet. Each drink seemed to never be enough to quench his thrist. But he did feel a bit re-charged from drinking this water, it was similar to a Red Calf when it filled him with energy.

As it was about to be shift from day to night, the setting before Dante's eyes him transformed once more. It looked like the sky was on fire in a world of verdant orange, and the trees were fueling it. The world looked so amazing, so passionate and clear.

The scenery in his surroundings reminded him of the fact that he was currently in a magical fantasy world where everything is possible, the future was looking bright!

As he was lost in his reverie, the Stag walked up to him and inspected the small boy.

In a loli-cute sounding voice, the girl Stag started speaking to herself whilst inspecting him,

'Eh, how the hell did this small boy end up here? He is complete mortal? Hmph he is already lucky I didn't pinch him to death after calling me Elder Br-Br-Brother and all that nonsense about Her Highness, who even is that?!?'

However, you have to be atleast a True Mansion expert to get this deep in the Blue Marsh Forest! I dont sense a wisp of qi on his entire body, no bloodline either, unless he is just some secluded old monster tricking this lady? No way, let me make sure!'

The stag startled Dante by poking him with its hoove once lightly,

'Okay lets see his bone age... eh?

This kid is eleven years old? Hmph! Too bad for him, he hasn't started cultivating yet, so for humans he is destined to be a trash. Stupid human, thats what you deserve for calling this Lady elder Br-br-, Hmph!'

As the Stag quickly got over looking at the trash boy, what she didn't realize the boy was already awakened from his reverie staring back into the crescent eyes of the stag, whilst staring at the massive beast in front of him, the boy suddenly let out a smile.

'Yep, I'm happy I was reincarnated here, even though I will miss my beauties and passionate life back home in LA... I can run free and wild here, and we have our contract!'

With a his grin beginning to get even larger, he let his thoughts run even more

'Whatever Magic world this may be, now that this Divine Stag has taken me under his wing, I'll be sure to have an enjoyable time, especially in a place like this. Ahhhhh, in a few years, once my little brother grows, we can go adventure for elvish beauties with Elder Bro Stag...'

Dante was in the midst of his thoughts imagining riding into the sunset with beauties and the stag, before realizing the stag was staring at him, he looked the huge beast in the eyes, they made eye contact once more but this time there was no pressure.

With a slight smirk he began to speak,

"Elder Bro Stag, This young Master is Dante, sent here by Her Highness, I presume the formalites are done and we can start with our contr-

While he was speaking from the corner of his eyes he saw a flash of purple light being shot out from the forest, cutting the verdant sunset in half.

Right before his eyes, that same beam of purple light instantly decapitated the massive twenty-foot behemoth stag.



Dante still hadn't registered what just happened when, A fountain, no, a geyser of blood started exploding upwards from the wound, creating a blood fountain out of the beast he was supposed to be 'Contracted' with.

As he became drenched from head to toe in stag juice, Dante blinked twice to comprehend what the hell just happened in front of him before breaking into a freakout,


'WHAT THE ACTUAL F*CK, HOW DID DIVINE STAG BRO DIE SO INSTANTLY? IS HE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE MY SIDEKICK TO GO WITH ME TO LATE GAME BOSSES?? Instant Death?? Not even a reaction to that beam of light either! I didn't even know what the fuck happened until the geyser of stag blood was being sprayed into my eyes.....'

Blinking once more, wiping his face, he saw a middle-aged man appear before him like a ghost, standing infront of the dead beast.

The man was about 6'1 tall with long brown hair and bright purple eyes, he had the swagger of a mafia boss, donned in a few different types of animal hide, and wielding a simple steel longsword on his hip.

As the man came near the beast, he waved his hand and it disappeared.

A low raspy voice came from the man's mouth,

"Hmmm. this is a Moon Stag, Low-Tier True Mansion beast..... Truly not bad for a trip here... Maybe there is a herd around."

As Dante heard the voice of the man and saw what just happened, he immediately realized where and what type of world he was in now, and sank into happiness since he knows that this man must be a powerhouse.

'Im....Im in, a fucking cultivation world! Hahahahaha, I cannot fathom that instead of the Divine Stag, whoever Isekai'd thought it would be better to set up a fortuitous encounter by getting this master to realize my talent and take me in as his disciple!Yes, he must be the recluse of an ancient sect no one has heard about, about to die, ready to impart me every secret technique he has... How excellent!'

Dante quickly ran up before the man and kowtowed,

"Ah yes Master, This Disiciple, Dante, was just convincing that Di--Moon Stag to surrender itself to our Ancient Sect... It seemed that everything went well with the subjugation?'

The man quickly heard what came out of Dante's mouth and his face contorted a few times. Then broke into a small cackle, as he turned around his hazel eyes inspected the boy for the first time.

'Hmmm, no bloodline, no qi, no cultivation at all? How did this little brat get this deep into the Blue Marsh Forest. However its odd, his soul is ordinarily strong. Well whatever he's still another battery'

As the older man was probing Dante, he realized the same thing that the Stag did, Dante was a trash.

'I guess ill just throw him with the other slaves, JIE JIE JIE'

The man stared down at Dante with an evil grin and a little laughter as he said,

"You boy, you realize you are a trash with no cultivation, no talent, and no future since you're already 11 and haven't introduced your body to qi, or opened a single meridan. There is not even a single wisp of qi in your body, But let me give you the good news"

As Dante listened in on the mans words, he fell into despair on the first part, but the last section of the sentence filled him with hope, he continued listening.

But he was no idiot, Dante saw the look in the eyes of the man as he finished the sentence and he knew, before the man spoke another word, that he was fucked.

"Sure, I will be your master! However you will not be my disciple, HAHA, you young boy will be another one of my SLAV-

'Well, its worth a shot'

Finishing that last thought before the man even finished speaking, Dante turned around before running his toddler legs as fast as he could.

The man quickly stopped his monologue and took action.

A sound of a hand hitting flesh echoed throughout the forest, after came sounds of footsteps and dragging, with an occasional mad cackle.

As Dante was knocked out, the man was running full speed dragging him back to his settlement laughing,


Here we go yall, shit bout to get dark for next couple of chapters. Then it goes from 0-10000000 real quick. Real quicc...

And these chaps will be anywhere between 3000-5000 words i think. Depends, i can just section them out if anything.

Lmk if you fux with this or naw.

dvcescreators' thoughts