
Winter Snow, Again

Winter Snow, Again....

In the wake of the war, Chu Country had finally regained its long-lost peace.

Within the ancient heart of Chu, the Royal Capital, one place thrived above all—the Emperor Star Academy. The newly reconstructed academy acted as a beacon, drawing in fresh, talented students. The returning senior members were determined to restore the academy to its former glory and even surpass it. Their goal was to cultivate formidable experts capable of weathering any future storms.

The Mo Clan incident remained a secret to most. What they did know was that Mo Qingcheng had gained the favor of a senior from a transcendent power and was taken away as a disciple. This news left many sighing with regret. The number one beauty of Chu was departing, but with Mo Qingcheng's talent and beauty, she was destined for greater horizons than a mere regional country.

Qin Wentian remained a popular topic of discussion during leisurely moments, over tea or after meals. In just two short years, he had become a legend in Chu and the idol of countless young cultivators. Whenever Qin Wentian appeared at the Emperor Star Academy, he caused a stir.

His involvement in the war only added to his mystique. His deeds grew larger-than-life with each retelling, elevating him to a god-like status.

However, the people of Chu began to notice that Qin Wentian's presence was gradually waning. It was as though he intentionally sought to fade from their conversations, to the point where he was rarely seen in the Royal Capital.

Rumors swirled—had Qin Wentian left Chu?

After all, with his talent, Chu had become too small a stage. Sooner or later, he would set his sights on the Grand Xia Empire.

In the Bamboo Lodge, nestled on a mountaintop across from a flowing creek, a space roughly the size of a dueling ground was situated halfway up the mountain. Inside this area, a young man thrust an ancient halberd through the air with relentless determination. Each time he thrust, a powerful gust of wind manifested, as if created by sheer force, as the ancient halberd sliced through the resistance of the air.

After a thousand thrusts, the young man sat cross-legged, closing his eyes in deep meditation. He entered a state of profound stillness.

Day after day, month after month, he repeated this cycle, tirelessly honing his skills without pause.

Behind the mountain's peak, a graceful figure descended, gliding toward the mountain's midsection where the young man practiced. However, she stood there in silence, watching as the young man continued his relentless halberd training. At a critical moment, the ancient halberd thrust forward, its immense force shattering a massive boulder.

A sharp "Puchi!" resounded, followed by a series of thunderous explosions in the distance. Far behind the massive mountain rock, a peak disintegrated into fragments.

The youth pointed the ancient halberd's tip downward, a satisfied smile gracing his face as he strolled toward the voluptuous figure.

BOOOM! A deafening boom filled the air. The enormous mountain rock that had shattered earlier had been reduced to dust, leaving no trace of its former self. The voluptuous figure's eyes gleamed with fascination.

"What kind of innate technique is this?" An Liuyan asked, her curiosity and wonder evident in her gaze.

"It's the Great Dream Halberd Art," Qin Wentian replied with a smile. This third stance, known as "Fractured Void," had been derived from modifications to the foundations of the first two stances, "Mountain Splitter" and "Fallen Star." The attack power of the third stance surpassed that of the previous two. Furthermore, Qin Wentian had reached a stage where he could execute the Great Dream Halberd Art even without a halberd.

"Such a powerful innate technique, yet I've never heard of it before," An Liuyan remarked, her eyes sparkling with interest.

"The Great Dream Halberd Art is a product of my own insights, so it's understandable that you haven't heard of it," Qin Wentian replied modestly, earning a brightening of An Liuyan's beautiful eyes. "You truly are a rare talent."

"I'm here today to deliver the cultivation resources you requested." An Liuyan reached into her interspatial ring, producing several Yuan Meteor Stones, each radiating intense Astral pressure.

"It's an honor that the esteemed Great Beauty An delivered the resources personally," Qin Wentian said as he accepted the Yuan Meteor Stones. Cultivators required resources to advance. The higher their cultivation, the greater the need for these resources to break through to the next level. This was why nurturing a Heavenly Dipper Sovereign in a small country like Chu was so challenging. Achieving the Heavenly Dipper Realm demanded not only extraordinary talent and insight but also a wealth of cultivation resources.

"That poor Francis, I feel bad for making him run so many trips. Besides, I wanted to see you. Aren't you happy to see me?" An Liuyan's smile held a teasing quality. Observing her beautiful and matured visage, Qing Shui shrugged in response. "Of course, I'm happy... but unfortunately, I can't repay the favor."

"You? Forget it. The total value of those third-ranked Divine Imprints you gave us back then far exceeded what we've given you," An Liuyan replied with a smile. "Oh, and Chu Wuwei investigated the background of those assassins who worked with Chu Tianjiao back then. While they may not pose a direct threat to you, they are still a formidable force. It turns out they had ties to the Star River Association and were sent by Murin. Murin has already been expelled from the Star River Association and is currently imprisoned in the Black Stronghold by Chu Wuwei."

"Mhm," Qin Wentian nodded. With so much happening, he had almost forgotten about Murin. Who would have thought that Murin harbored such a deep grudge against him, enough to collaborate with Chu Tianjiao in an attempt on his life.

"Okay, I've got to go. I'll come and visit you again in the future if time permits," An Liuyan bid farewell.

"See you next time, then," Qin Wentian smiled, watching her departure. Afterward, he walked to the edge of the path, took a deep breath of fresh air, and sat down with Yuan Meteor Stones in both hands. He closed his eyes and began channeling his will toward the tiny Astral-Being.

During the past few days, Qin Wentian had unlocked and observed several memory fragments. Although these 'playbacks' showed bits and pieces of the middle-aged man's life, if the man was indeed his father, then these experiences were his father's.

Cultivation could be an extremely tedious and diligent pursuit, but it varied from person to person. For some, especially those with a strong thirst for power, each improvement motivated them further. To these individuals, cultivation was an enjoyable endeavor.

Qin Wentian belonged to the category of "these" people. He felt himself improving every day, and his thirst for greater power only grew stronger.

Hua Xiaoyun was still alive, and he didn't yet possess the strength to crush the Nine Mystical Palace. Mo Qingcheng was on her way to becoming a significant figure in the Pill Emperor Hall. The knowledge that there were countless supreme experts in the Grand Xia Empire fueled his motivation, keeping the flames of his passion burning.

Time flowed on, and winter arrived in the blink of an eye. Heavy snowfall had blanketed Chu for several days, transforming the city into a picturesque winter wonderland.

Even the mountain peak where Qin Wentian sat was covered in a pristine layer of snow, creating a breathtaking scene reminiscent of a dream.

Perched on the peak, Qin Wentian gazed out at the entirety of Chu. A snowy puppy sat beside him, mirroring his actions as it observed the horizon.

Behind Qin Wentian stood a peerless beauty, marveling at the falling snowflakes. She extended her open palms, letting the delicate snowflakes land gently on her skin. The spectacle unfolding before her was truly magnificent.

Had there been onlookers, they would have realized that the sight of Qing'er marveling at the falling snow was even more captivating than the snowy landscape itself.

Qin Wentian turned his head, observing Qing'er in her state of wonder. He couldn't help but become captivated himself. This mysterious maiden possessed a unique beauty, akin to a celestial fairy from the realms of immortality.

"Isn't the snow beautiful?" Qin Wentian asked in a soft voice.

Qing'er withdrew her hands and gazed at Qin Wentian, her long lashes flickering. However, she remained silent. Her actions left Qin Wentian feeling somewhat helpless; this exquisite girl was like an ice princess, making it exceedingly difficult for him to engage in conversation with her.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Qin Wentian asked once more.

Qinger's beautiful eyes fixed on him, but her thoughts remained a mystery. Just as Qin Wentian thought she would maintain her silence, Qinger gave a slight nod. "Okay..."

"Much better, right? You should speak more often," Qin Wentian teased, grinning as he picked up Little Rascal and soared into the sky.

Qin Wentian strolled through the snow-covered streets of the Royal Capital, leaving his footprints behind. He passed by the familiar little wine shop, where three individuals were seated: Chu Wuwei, Chu Mang, and Immortal Drunken Wine.

Despite being the current emperor of Chu, Chu Wuwei hadn't changed much from his previous self. This brought a sense of satisfaction to Qin Wentian. His earlier decision had been the right one. Chu Wuwei, the prince who couldn't cultivate, might be the only one fit to become a great emperor of their generation. He would focus on developing Chu and elevate the nation to new heights, leaving behind an era of prosperity.

"Wentian, care for a drink or two?" Chu Wuwei greeted Qin Wentian with a smile.

"No, I planned to take a walk outside," Qin Wentian replied with a laugh.

"Alright, but remember to take this blockhead with you when you leave," Chu Wuwei chuckled, referring to Chu Mang.

"Sure, I'll keep that in mind," Qin Wentian agreed. Chu Wuwei wanted him to take Chu Mang along, a testament to the trust and confidence he had in Qin Wentian. Chu Wuwei's level of patience was a quality few could hope to match.

As Qin Wentian departed with an unparalleled beauty following behind him, Chu Wuwei and Immortal Drunken Wine exchanged knowing smiles. This fellow was truly extraordinary.

Qin Wentian wandered aimlessly, occasionally exchanging smiles with those who glanced his way. At one point, two figures hurried past him.

"Liu Yan, let's go," a young man urged his girlfriend, seeing her standing in the snow, seemingly entranced by something.

Qin Wentian recognized her – it was Liu Yan. She appeared different now, a bit more worn. The youthful dynamism she once exuded had faded.

He noticed that her boyfriend was not Ye Zhan; they must have parted ways after the Ye Clan's downfall.

Qin Wentian gave Liu Yan a polite nod and continued on his way. She remained where she was, still in a daze, her eyes betraying a hint of sadness as she watched the beautiful snowflakes fall.

Unintentionally, Qin Wentian arrived at an ancient tree. He sat down, his back resting against the weathered bark, lost in memories. A radiant smile crossed his face as he reminisced, just as he had a year ago.

Little Rascal squatted beside him, its eyes glinting with intelligence.

"Am I really so foolish?" Qin Wentian suddenly asked, echoing the same question he had asked a year ago.

Just like a year ago, Little Rascal nodded, a glimmer of laughter in its eyes.

Qin Wentian chuckled as he glanced at the snowy puppy.

Leaning back, he gazed at the falling snow ahead, as if he could envision the girl from his past, dressed in white, smiling sweetly at him.

Memories were like paintings, unchanging, but where was the person who could warm his heart?