
Unsettled Waves

Unsettled Waves...

As Qin Wentian ventured deeper into the heart of the Dark Forest, he came to a startling realization: this place was far more mysterious and terrifying than he had ever imagined.

The Dark Forest that shrouded Chu had a history even older than the nation itself. No one knew just how long it had been there, and no inhabitant of Chu had ever unraveled all its secrets.

Before this journey, very few had ventured into the forest's deepest reaches, and even if they had, they certainly wouldn't have remained within Chu's borders. As a result, there was no recorded history or information about the innermost areas of the Dark Forest.

Qin Wentian stood on the back of the Blackwind Condor, watching a countless multitude of demonic beasts racing behind them at breakneck speed. Together, they traversed through enigmatic locations, ancient tunnels, pathways, and the dense foliage of the Dark Forest. Eventually, the scene that unfolded before Qin Wentian left him in awe. Countless razor-sharp mountain peaks were intricately connected, forming an enormous barrier that blotted out the sky.

The horde of demonic beasts surged forward, entering the space beneath this peak barrier. As the sun's rays struggled to penetrate fully, the light dimmed. The area ahead was no longer within the Dark Forest but a vast expanse of plains.

The Blackwind Condor gradually reduced its speed, descending lower. The other demonic beasts also slowed down, moving forward with bowed heads. Their behavior astonished Qin Wentian.

Their actions planted a curious thought in his mind—were these beasts on a pilgrimage?

Hundreds of thousands of ferocious demonic beasts had congregated in this region, yet their demeanor appeared remarkably devout, as if they were preparing to worship the Sovereign of all demonic beasts.

In this moment, Qin Wentian's eyes sparkled with a brilliant light. Before him, two colossal statues stood, their grandeur beyond comprehension. One depicted a towering giant, reaching hundreds of meters in height, while the other showcased a fearsome demonic beast crouching beside the giant.

"Are these demonic beasts truly on a pilgrimage?" Qin Wentian wondered, utterly astounded by the scene unfolding before him. As they drew closer to the statues, even the Blackwind Condor descended to the ground, taking on the same posture as the other beasts. It prostrated itself before the statues, as though they were all paying homage to their sovereign.

Demonic beasts possessed a certain level of intelligence, and while they were often more ruthless and tyrannical than humans, they were also inherently loyal and straightforward in expressing their emotions.

Suddenly, Qin Wentian felt a chill running down his spine. He realized that the icy gazes of a few immensely powerful demonic beasts were fixed on Little Rascal, whom he held in his arms.

Qin Wentian froze. It was evident that these formidable demonic beasts were displeased that neither he nor Little Rascal had bowed in reverence to the statues. Waves of sinister demonic Qi surged, moving toward Qin Wentian, accompanied by menacing growls. They seemed to be communicating with the Blackwind Condor.

Little Rascal, sensing their hostile intentions, leaped from Qin Wentian's arms and assumed its battle form. The golden fur on its forehead gleamed brilliantly as the demonic scale armor covered its sharp claws. Little Rascal stood there, coldly surveying the powerful demonic beasts, exuding an air of majesty and nobility.

"ROAR!" A low, rumbling roar echoed as Little Rascal growled defiantly at them all. In an instant, it transformed into a streak of light and dashed forward.

Little Rascal's speed was astonishing, reaching the head of the nearest statue in the blink of an eye. The other demonic beasts erupted in a frenzy, filling the air with howls and shrieks. They yearned to devour Little Rascal but dared not approach the statues.

"Wooooof!" Little Rascal howled, a hint of respect echoing within, its howl resounding throughout the dark forest. Lifting its head skyward, it exuded an aura of pride.

The few powerful demonic beasts could no longer tolerate Little Rascal's provocation. Anger clouded their features as they charged forward, but as they approached the statue, they found themselves unable to advance further, as if an energy barrier blocked their path. Rumbling sounds filled the air as they were pushed back by a counterforce. Undeterred, they repeatedly rushed toward Little Rascal, causing them to spit blood from the injuries inflicted by the counterforce.

This spectacle left Qin Wentian utterly flabbergasted; these demonic beasts were truly relentless. Yet, what astonished him even more was the fact that these mighty beasts were undeniably obstructed by some enigmatic energy. So why could Little Rascal effortlessly breach the same barrier and even perch atop the head of the beast statue?

Little Rascal continued growling provocatively, much to Qin Wentian's amusement. Who would have thought that his little pup had such an arrogant streak?

"Yiyiyaya," echoed Little Rascal's strange attempt at communication within his mind. Qin Wentian raised a puzzled eyebrow as he watched Little Rascal gaze at him, then point its tiny paws towards the towering statue, signaling for him to approach.

Qin Wentian advanced, but a group of demonic beasts blocked his path. Only when the Blackwind Condor at his side menacingly loomed over them, screeching loudly, did they begrudgingly clear a passage for him. However, their venomous glares never wavered. If looks could kill, Qin Wentian would have perished a dozen times over.

As he drew closer to the statues, Qin Wentian gradually felt an overwhelming pressure pressing down on him.

Rumble~ The pressure crashed into Qin Wentian's body, thrusting him backward. The impact resonated within his organs, and he wiped a trace of blood from the corners of his lips. Qin Wentian's eyes widened in shock. At the moment of impact, it felt as though the statues were alive, and the overwhelming pressure must have been a manifestation of their will.

"Could these be the statues of ancient powerhouses?" A bizarre notion crossed Qin Wentian's mind. This time, his blood roared as monstrous demonic Qi radiated from him. Clad in a protective layer of Astral Light, he took a step forward toward the statues.

This time, the power of their will was even more conspicuous, and the pressure intensified, causing Qin Wentian's blood vessels to constrict and his heart to race. This pressure was unimaginably terrifying.

Despite the immense difficulty, Qin Wentian pushed forward. However, a thunderous boom reverberated, and the pressure, like a thousand-pound hammer, struck his chest. Once again, his body was thrown back, and he spat out fresh blood.

As his blood sprayed into the air, a mysterious force caused it to congeal into a thread-like shape before drifting towards the giant statue.

Suddenly, the earth trembled, and an overwhelming aura emanated from the statue, resembling an ancient celestial deity. It was so potent that the demonic beasts could barely draw breath.

Bzz! The statue shed clouds of dust, and its eyes gleamed with divine light. The earth quaked, and the surrounding mountain peaks trembled continuously. Countless beams of starlight poured down through the gaps in the mountain peak barrier, landing on the statue before radiating outward, suffusing the vast plains.

In an instant, a projection encompassing everything emerged from the starlight.

"Heavenly Constellation Manifestation," murmured Qin Wentian. In one of the memory fragments he unlocked, his father, an old expert, was outside the Heavenly Qin Divine Sect, battling a group of immensely powerful foes who could manifest the heavenly constellations.

As the mysterious projection manifested, Qin Wentian and the other demonic beasts felt as if the weight of a colossal mountain was pressing down on them.

Simultaneously, Qin Wentian sensed enigmatic waves of energy entering his body, assisting him in resisting the overwhelming pressure.

Qin Wentian continued his steady advance, moving closer to the ancient statue as he contemplated the enigmas it held.

"Woof!" Little Rascal's tail wagged enthusiastically, and it barked with joy, excitement glittering in its eyes.

The surrounding demonic beasts were utterly perplexed by this scene. They couldn't help but wonder about the true nature of these two beings, the young human and the spirited little puppy.

Meanwhile, in a distant part of the Grand Xia Empire, on a stargazing platform within the Venerate Heavens Sect of the Ginkou Continent, an elderly man with white hair stood with his hands clasped behind his back. His eyes gleamed with Astral Light, as if he could peer through time itself.

With a casual wave of his hand, a colossal map materialized in the air. The map was incredibly detailed, featuring countless territories meticulously outlined. It was a comprehensive map of the Grand Xia Empire, pinpointing landmarks and the influential powers across various continents.

The old man flicked his finger, and a tiny speck of starlight zoomed in, homing in on a minuscule dot on the map. After a brief moment, the words 'Chu Country' illuminated.

A deep furrow appeared on the old man's brow. Chu Country? How could such an extraordinary phenomenon manifest in such a small nation? If this information held true, it must be connected to those ancient historical sites in Chu.

"The Demonic Star has descended upon Chu. Dispatch investigators immediately," the old man's voice resounded throughout the Venerate Heavens Sect, stunning countless experts who turned their gaze toward the direction of Chu.

"Chu Country." These two words sent shockwaves rippling through the Venerate Heavens Sect for the very first time.

As time passed, the old man's voice resonated beyond the Ginkou Continent, eventually reaching all corners of the vast Grand Xia Empire.

However, within Chu itself, the populace remained oblivious to these momentous events.

In the heart of Chu, 3rd Prince Chu Tianjiao was plagued by an unprecedented sense of unease. He found himself wrestling with emotions far more intense than his usual resolute demeanor could contain. Before him, a figure stood with head bowed, bearing news that had sent tremors through his very being.

"Are you absolutely certain?" Chu Tianjiao inquired for the third time, his gaze fixed on the messenger.

"Your Highness, I am absolutely certain. It was indeed Xiao Lan, and he met his end on the outskirts of the Royal Capital," the messenger replied, his voice somber amid the heavy atmosphere.

"What of his body?" Chu Tianjiao pressed further.

"We have it under our control for the time being," the messenger answered.

"Dispose of it discreetly. You know what must be done," Chu Tianjiao ordered with a cold resolve, a glint of icy determination in his eyes. The messenger nodded in acknowledgment. He understood the gravity of the situation and the need for caution. Those privy to this matter had already been eliminated, leaving him as the sole witness. It was imperative that he plan for contingencies in case Chu Tianjiao decided he posed a threat.

Once the messenger withdrew, Chu Tianjiao shuddered involuntarily as he drew a deep breath. He was well aware that he hadn't orchestrated Xiao Lan's demise.

Xiao Lan had been the representative of the Xiao Faction within the Nine Mystical Palace. If his death could be linked to Chu, it would implicate the Royal Clan in a dangerous conspiracy.

It was highly unlikely that Diyi's faction was responsible. Since Diyi had spared Xiao Lan, it made no sense for him to then order an assassination, risking a direct confrontation with the Nine Mystical Palace.

So, who was behind this?

And what sent a chill coursing through Chu Tianjiao's veins was the swift dissemination of this news throughout Chu. In a panic, he swiftly devised a plan and dispatched messengers to notify the Nine Mystical Palace of the incident.