
Tiny Astral-Being

Qin Chuan beheld the unified front presented by the members of the Qin Clan in the face of danger, and his heart swelled with pride. The resilience and determination exhibited by the men of the clan were unwavering, even in the shadow of impending peril.

"Second brother, third brother, come with me to see our father. Wentian, Yao'er, the two of you can return for now," Qin Chuan directed, leading Qin He and others away from their current location.

Reflecting on the situation, Qin Yao's voice held a mixture of concern and resolve, "The previous emperor once showed kindness to our ancestors. Our grandfather Qin Wu and our ancestor cherished that gesture, and they were willing to sacrifice their lives for the country. But now, the Royal Clan seeks to erase our existence. Grandfather may no longer tolerate this."

Qin Wentian, offering reassurance, responded, "Don't worry. I'm sure grandfather has a plan."

The conversation shifted as Qin Yao questioned Qin Wentian about his cultivation progress. She was curious about his strength, especially after he had concealed the fact that he had condensed his Astral Soul during the exam. Qin Wentian playfully challenged her to guess his current cultivation level, a light-hearted exchange that eased the tension.

With a mischievous grin, Qin Wentian teased, "What's it like to call off your engagement with the city's top beauty? Are you feeling down?"

Qin Yao responded with a feigned annoyance, but their banter was interrupted as Qin Wentian's gaze appraised her beauty. Blushing, she pinched his waist, sparking a playful moment between them.

"Sister, I apologize," Qin Wentian said, his expression rueful, and Qin Yao's stern demeanor melted into a smile.

Their conversation took a more serious turn as they discussed the unfolding events involving the Ye Clan, Bai Clan, and Royal Clan. Qin Wentian's thoughts turned inward as he considered the recent rapid changes and the progression of his cultivation.

As he quieted his mind, Qin Wentian immersed himself in contemplation. He sensed the presence of his Astral Gate, housing the Heavenly Hammer Astral Soul with its formidable strength. He understood that the true potential of the Astral Soul would only be fully harnessed once he reached the Heavenly Dipper Realm.

He recognized that his Astral Soul's quality influenced its power. The stronger the Astral Soul, the more effective its boosting effects. Qin Wentian's Astral Soul, formed through a link with the constellation from the 5th Heavenly Layer, was a testament to its quality.

"The Heavenly Hammer Astral Soul's strength can only be fully unlocked after I reach the Heavenly Dipper Realm," Qin Wentian mused. He had a firm belief that the higher the quality of an Astral Soul, the more potent its power.

His thoughts shifted to the tiny Astral Being he had encountered before, which had imparted the Tempered Thousand Hammers Refinement Technique. He sensed a mystery and connection between the Astral Being and his late father. Every encounter with the Astral Being granted him valuable insights and techniques.

Driven by curiosity, Qin Wentian activated the Astral Being once more. He felt a surge of energy and information flow into his consciousness, and he experienced an intense connection with the Astral Being, as if their thoughts merged.

The Astral Being's consciousness enveloped Qin Wentian, overwhelming him with a sense of insignificance and awe. He was exposed to fragments of the Astral Being's memories, a glimpse into an extraordinary existence that stretched beyond his comprehension.

Qin Wentian's consciousness was drawn to a particular memory fragment, where he sensed a heightened awareness. The memory revealed knowledge about forging weapons, particularly the importance of divine imprints and inscriptions. He realized that his Heavenly Hammer Astral Soul, a forging-type Astral Soul, could be instrumental in crafting weapons.

Determined to utilize his Astral Soul's potential, Qin Wentian immersed himself in studying the memory fragment. He absorbed the information about divine imprints and their connection to formations. This knowledge ignited a passion within him, driving him to become a formidable weaponsmith.

Over the next five days, Qin Wentian delved into mastering divine imprints during the day and honed his cultivation with the Tempered Thousand Hammers Refinement Technique at night. He was unfazed by the chaos outside, focusing solely on improving himself.

Within his training courtyard, metallic materials were scattered about, adorned with complex imprints. Qin Wentian's comprehension of divine imprints had grown significantly. He harnessed these imprints and incorporated them into his forging process, creating intricate patterns on the metal plates.

His determination yielded results. He grasped the nuances of divine imprints, seamlessly integrating them into his forging techniques. The metallic plates transformed under his skilled hands, bearing the indelible marks of divine imprints that radiated vitality and strength.

With satisfaction, Qin Wentian observed his handiwork. He realized that his forging-type Astral Soul granted him a natural affinity for the process. His expertise in divine imprints surpassed his expectations, giving him a newfound confidence in his abilities.

"Now, I possess the advantage of divine imprints. Forging weapons will be a natural extension of my skills," Qin Wentian mused. He recognized the value of becoming a weaponsmith and decided to harness his Astral Soul's potential to its fullest.

As he contemplated the future, Qin Wentian aspired to become a 1st-level weaponsmith, gaining entry to the prestigious Star River Association and elevating his status. He envisioned a future where his forging skills and cultivation prowess would earn him respect even in the Royal Capital, compelling the Royal Clan and Ye Clan to reconsider their arrogance.

Qin Wentian dedicated his time to understanding divine imprints and practicing the Tempered Thousand Hammers Refinement Technique. Unbeknownst to him, his determination and skills were destined to shape his destiny and the fate of the Qin Clan.