
Thoughts of Revenge

Thoughts of Revenge...

Navigating with heightened perception, Qin Wentian skillfully avoided a myriad of traps. Yet, in addition to evading these traps, he bore the responsibility of shielding Bailu Yi from the thunderfire deluge above. The multitasking proved taxing, causing a momentary lapse that led to his ambush by a Puppet. The blow was absorbed by his Fiend Transformation Art-enhanced physique, averting a grave injury.

"I can stand on my own," Bailu Yi said bashfully after Qin Wentian set her down. She then turned her gaze to him, concern evident in her voice. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he assured her. As he positioned himself for the upcoming task, he instructed, "Keep watch while I dismantle the formations."

Qin Wentian's Yuanfu churned with Astral Energy, his rapid movements culminating in the emergence of a massive Roc—its majestic form poised to defend against the plummeting thunderfire. Bailu Yi, Astral Souls released, remained vigilant by his side, a Divine Weapon in her hand.

Facing the daunting traps arrayed before him, Qin Wentian adopted a solemn demeanor. He understood that each trap possessed formidable power, necessitating the inscribing of a third-ranked Divine Inscription to repel them effectively.

Sitting cross-legged, eyes closed, Qin Wentian summoned the calming presence of the inner candle flame. His heightened perception allowed him to grasp his surroundings with unparalleled clarity, as if he could penetrate the very heart of the formation. The intricacies of the runic patterns held him in awe as he examined them, seeking a pathway to their escape.

"Hundreds of Inscriptions interlinked seamlessly," Qin Wentian marveled. The realization dawned upon him, echoing a truth he'd encountered in Bailu Yi's secretive manuals. The chasm between a third-ranked Inscriptionist and a fourth-ranked one mirrored the gulf between Yuanfu and Heavenly Dipper realms. The complexity of creating such a formation was staggeringly high. Formations were an offspring of Divine Inscriptions, and despite this formation's suppression to the peak of third rank, it remained, at its core, a fourth-ranked entity.

Qin Wentian felt the intricate weave of the formation—a tapestry of third-ranked Inscriptions meticulously interlinked, synergizing and enhancing one another, creating a cumulative power that far surpassed the sum of its parts.

"To dismantle this, I'd have to nullify the entirety of the third-ranked Inscriptions at once. But that's nearly impossible. Instead, I'll have to understand a few Divine Inscriptions here, negate them before they restore, and exploit the resulting flaws for my escape," Qin Wentian contemplated. He realized that he lacked the ability to fully disband a fourth-ranked formation. It explained why Grandmaster Fenrir emphasized safe exits rather than complete destruction.

Within the array, Qin Wentian sensed vague silhouettes—a testament to the Li Clan brothers' fluid efficiency. Barring mishaps, they'd likely be the first to escape. Ghaus was also visible in his perception, guarded by Puppets. Although Ghaus was close to Bailu Yi, he opted to go solo, paying no heed to her predicament.

"What an admirable character," Qin Wentian mused, a hint of disdain flickering in his eyes. Ghaus's reputation appeared undeserved. His vanity compromised his judgment, driving him to compete directly against the Li Clan brothers to claim the first exit.

Qin Wentian shifted his focus to Yan Tie's silhouette. It was futile to ambush him; Yan Tie's prudence was evident. With Puppets safeguarding him, he methodically sought an escape route.

The youth from the Demon Cult and Zuo Yu, along with his Scarlet Thunder Sect assistants, also registered in Qin Wentian's perception. Yet, shock seized him as he witnessed a dagger impale Zuo Yu's heart, wielded by none other than the youth from the Demon Cult. The assailant tossed Zuo Yu's remains into a ball of thunderfire, claiming his interspatial ring once all had turned to ash.

In an instant, all members of the Scarlet Thunder Sect had fallen.

The youth from the Demon Cult pressed on, his eyes gleaming with sinister intent as he scanned for more potential victims. Eliminating one more team would reduce the total participants within the formation to three—assuredly securing his entry into the secret realm.

However, a frown creased the youth's forehead, sensing a prying gaze upon him. As if aware of being observed, he surveyed his surroundings warily.

Meanwhile, Qin Wentian refrained from extending his senses further. He knew none of the participants had benign intentions.

"An opportunity lies ahead," Qin Wentian thought. Although the energy fluctuations from a Divine Inscription there were weaker, he refrained from opening his eyes just yet. He required time to study the Inscription.

Bailu Yi's anxiety grew; she sensed the strength of the manifested third-ranked Roc waning.

"Negate," Qin Wentian declared, his eyes snapping open. Rising to his feet, he strode in a specific direction and thrust his fingers out. The runic outlines of the Divine Inscription at that spot flickered, dispersing audibly.

"Bailu Yi's eyes widened. "A Reverse Inscription."

In this exchange, she had once assumed her abilities would stand out among the third-ranked Divine Inscriptionists. But now, she realized her relative inadequacy compared to the other participants, a truth that unsettled her resolute heart.

The remaining participants were mostly elders, except for the youth from the Demon Cult and Qin Wentian. In terms of potential, both of them outshone her by far.

Beyond the formation's boundary, spectators could only witness the fluttering of the formation flag, oblivious to the ongoing events within.

Suddenly, cracking sounds filled the air in a certain direction, and the space quivered. Three silhouettes emerged from the formation. The Li Clan's three brothers, the first team to succeed, stepped forth.

"The Li Clan's brothers," the crowd murmured. The siblings' flawless cooperation and synchronization were evident in their seamless coordination, which secured their position as the first to exit the formation.

Among the onlookers, the members of the Watermoon Mountain Villa wore satisfied smiles. It appeared they were the prime contenders for clinching the top spot in this exchange.

"Hehe, where's that old man Ghaus? Still not out yet?" Old Third's gaze fixed on the direction of the White Deer Institute, a touch of provocation in his eyes.

"I'm here." A voice sounded out as an elderly man accompanied by his Puppets emerged from the formation.

"Though a bit behind my brothers and me, you've shown some competence," Old Third chuckled.

"Hmph, you three have the advantage of numbers, while I have no capable aides," Ghaus retorted dismissively.

At that moment, Yan Tie and the youth from the Demon Cult also stepped out of the formation, each unaccompanied due to the loss of their assistants to traps and Puppets within.

"Where's Bailu Yi? Grandmaster Ghaus, have you seen her?" Worry etched the faces of the White Deer Institute members.

"We got separated within the formation. She followed the young man, so I have no clue where she is," Ghaus answered, raising further concern among the White Deer Institute members.

A rumble shook the space, announcing the arrival of Qin Wentian and Bailu Yi. The Institute's tension eased upon their appearance. Although he lagged slightly behind others, it was clear that Qin Wentian possessed formidable perception as well as other Divine Inscription skills.

"Alright, everyone's out." Fenrir clapped his hands, causing the formation flag to shrink and return to him. Yet, his eyes held a knowing glint, well aware of the events that had transpired within the formation.

While the Li Clan brothers and Ghaus had exited through their abilities, the youth and Yan Tie had exploited the temporary vulnerability created by their breakthroughs to escape. Fenrir glanced at Qin Wentian before reappearing at the vantage point. A faint smile touched his lips as he murmured, "A promising seedling, indeed."

The crowd exchanged puzzled looks.

Promising seedling?

Who was Fenrir referring to?

And what about Grandmaster Zuo Yu and the Scarlet Thunder Sect? Did they all succumb to the formation's dangers?

Members of the Scarlet Thunder Sect exhibited sour expressions.

Currently, only four teams remained in contention:

Watermoon Mountain Villa: Li Clan's three brothers.

White Deer Institute: Ghaus, Qin Wentian, and Bailu Yi.

Yan Clan: Yan Tie.

The youth from the Demon Cult.

The next step would determine the top three of the exchange—just as long as one team was eliminated.

All eyes turned to Yang Fan and Grandmaster Fenrir atop the vantage point. Fenrir didn't waste time, his smile revealing his intentions. "For the final test, I grant you all two hours. Use this time to inscribe the most potent attack-based Divine Inscription you're capable of and engage in combat until a victor emerges."

"Inscription battle?" Yan Tie's lips curled into a sinister grin as his gaze settled on Qin Wentian. "Finally, the time has come. Do you realize how pitiful Leng Ning's death was?"

A glacial determination surged from within Qin Wentian, his piercing gaze slicing into Yan Tie like sharp-edged blades. His desire to eliminate Yan Tie was overwhelming.

"Do you grasp how fortunate she was to have died?" Yan Tie's voice dripped with malice. "Had she not met her timely demise, I would have savored her body's offerings before refining her into a Puppet. And as a Puppet, I'd take my pleasure with her again and again, for all eternity. Now wouldn't that be intriguing? What a waste." His laughter sounded like the scraping of nails on a chalkboard. "Oh, the Leng Clan dispatched a few more girls my way after that. Care to imagine their fate?"

The intensity of Qin Wentian's rage made even Bailu Yi, standing behind him, feel a tightening in her chest. As Qin Wentian advanced, Ghaus interjected, "Stand aside, this fight is mine."

Qin Wentian's cold glance brushed past him. "My Inscription and this battle have no concern for you. We needn't collaborate."

"Hmph, just don't hinder my progress," Ghaus retorted with a snort. To him, the real challenge was the Li Clan's three brothers.

Qin Wentian and Ghaus distanced themselves, as the presence of only four remaining teams granted them ample space within the training grounds provided by the Star-Seizing Manor.

With a solemn demeanor, Qin Wentian tilted his head, his gaze locking onto the heavens above. It was as though, among the drifting clouds, he saw Leng Ning's face wearing a gentle smile.

"Today, those accountable for your death will join you in the afterlife," he whispered, his voice carrying across the open space. As he shifted his gaze downward toward Yan Tie and Yan Kong, his eyes emanated an icy aura so intense that those who caught its frigid touch felt a shiver run down their spines, as if their blood had turned into ice.