
The Purpose of the Royal Sacred Sect

The Purpose of the Royal Sacred Sect

In the midst of the fervent crowd, an imposing figure emerged, representing the Core Faction of the Royal Sacred Sect. This faction held the reins of the entire sect, and their authority was unchallenged. It was no wonder his tone carried the weight of command.

The spectators, however, were caught off guard by the timing and location of this announcement. The Sacred Battle Platform had drawn geniuses from all corners of the Royal Sacred Region, including enigmatic sects and ancient clans. Why had the Royal Sacred Sect chosen this particular moment, in the presence of such a distinguished gathering, to make this proclamation?

To the common populace, the inner workings of the Royal Sacred Sect were shrouded in mystery. Once the geniuses of the Royal Sacred Region entered the sect, their actions remained veiled, hidden from the public eye. They could only speculate about the potential achievements of someone like Qin Wentian within the Royal Sacred Sect.

The true powerhouses within the Royal Sacred Sect were an enigma, and their might was a subject of intrigue. How did Qin Wentian, this Heaven's Chosen, measure up against the specially groomed core disciples of the Royal Sacred Sect? It was a question that would remain unanswered, for once they entered the sect, these figures vanished from the public arena.

Even the Battle Sword Sect, along with other prominent sects, harbored suspicions about this sudden summons. Why would the Royal Sacred Sect summon such an extensive array of talents?

Among the representatives from the Battle Sword Sect were two Sword Sovereigns, the Flame Mountain Sword Sovereign and the Desolate Mountain Sword Sovereign. Despite sitting side by side, they were separated by a middle-aged expert. Upon hearing the Royal Sacred Sect's announcement, this middle-aged figure's countenance grew increasingly solemn, with a flicker of discontent in his eyes. The two Sword Sovereigns exchanged silent messages, their gaze focused on him.

An elder from an ancient sect voiced their curiosity, asking, "Might we inquire about the purpose of this summons?"

The Royal Sacred Sect's representative responded impassively, "You need not delve into the specifics at this moment. Decide whether to send your geniuses or not on your own terms."

His indifference toward the major powers beyond the Nine Great Sects left others pondering their options. One by one, the representatives from the Nine Great Sects declared their intention to send their disciples to the Royal Sacred Sect in three days.

"It appears that the Royal Sacred Sect's summoning is a favorable opportunity," the major powers conjectured, sensing a chance worth seizing. With determination in their hearts, they made their decisions.

"Very well, three days from now, we shall await you outside the Royal Sacred Sect," the Royal Sacred Sect's representative declared. With that, he vanished into the skies, leaving a contemplative crowd behind.

In the hushed aftermath of the extraordinary battles that had unfolded on the Sacred Battle Platform, the platform's administrator broke the silence with an inquiry that hung in the air like an invitation to the audacious: "Is there anyone who still wishes to step on the Sacred Battle Platform?"

A resounding silence answered the query. Qin Wentian, the central figure of today's incredible spectacle, had proven his unparalleled might by defeating all the Heaven Chosen who dared to challenge him. Fan Miaoyu and Wu Teng, equally brilliant, had showcased their extraordinary talents. To challenge any of these three, a contender would need to have grasped at least two true intents—a feat so exceptional that most would choose to ascend to the Celestial Phenomenon Realm rather than continue.

Amid this silence, a familiar voice resonated, cutting through the air like a clarion call. "Junior brother Qin!" It was Lin Shuai, extending an invitation that piqued Qin Wentian's interest.

Qin Wentian turned his gaze towards Lin Shuai, who nodded and gestured for him to approach. At Lin Shuai's side, between the two Sword Sovereigns, stood a middle-aged man. Lin Shuai introduced him as the junior apprentice brother of the Battle Sword Sect's ancestor, a representative of the Battle Sword Faction within the Royal Sacred Sect.

The middle-aged man, a dignified presence, had a proposition for Qin Wentian. He wished to extend an invitation for Qin Wentian to explore the Royal Sacred Sect—an offer laced with respect and intrigue.

Qin Wentian, showing respect to his senior, responded with a bow. "I will gladly accept your offer."

Given the intense scrutiny and animosity that had marked his journey, this invitation from the Battle Sword Sect was a lifeline, an opportunity to shield him from those who sought his downfall. Qin Wentian harbored no reason to decline their gracious offer.

"Shall we?" The middle-aged man's smile conveyed warmth and anticipation, and together, they prepared to depart.

Before leaving, Qin Wentian posed a question, his eyes gleaming with a hint of concern. "May I bring my friends along as well?"

The middle-aged man readily agreed, casting an approving look toward Mo Qingcheng. These two companions were not just compatible; they were a testament to the power of their bond.

As Qin Wentian approached Mo Qingcheng, their eyes locked, and a shared smile illuminated their faces. Their hands intertwined, but Qin Wentian noticed a chill in her touch—a reminder of the anguish he had unknowingly caused. The grand battle on the Sacred Battle Platform had been fraught with danger, and he couldn't shake the guilt that now coursed through him.

Yet, in the midst of his turmoil, his attention was drawn to a figure in the crowd, a figure preparing to slip away unnoticed. "Qing`er!" he called out instinctively.

The figure paused, her silhouette turning back to meet his gaze as she observed Qin Wentian holding Mo Qingcheng's hand, drawing closer.

"What's wrong?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

With a soft voice, Qing`er revealed her decision. "I will return to the Battle Sword Sect first."

A pang of inexplicable sorrow gripped Qin Wentian's heart. He remembered the day when Qing`er had once told him that he no longer needed her. Back then, he had anticipated her departure, fearing she would vanish forever. The weight of sorrow that had settled in his heart at the time was inexplicable. When she decided not to leave and accompanied him to the Sacred Battle Platform, he had felt relief. Now, she was saying she wanted to leave again.

However, Qin Wentian was holding Mo Qingcheng's hand, and he found himself at a loss for words, unable to stop Qing`er. With a heavy heart, she declared her departure once more and turned away, leaving Qin Wentian to grapple with his mixed emotions.

"Qinger~" A gentle, melodious voice drifted across the scene. It was Mo Qingcheng, her eyes filled with warmth as she approached Qinger, who had halted in her tracks. Mo Qingcheng wore a sweet smile, her eyes gleaming with sincerity. "Qing`er, why don't we go together? I have no companion; can you accompany me?"

Qinger's emotionless demeanor was momentarily replaced by surprise. She locked eyes with Mo Qingcheng and detected a subtle glimmer of mirth in her gaze. Uncertain how to decline such a sincere offer, Qinger hesitated before finally responding, "Okay..."

"Thank you, Qinger." Mo Qingcheng stepped forward, her eyes reflecting gratitude. She understood the sacrifices Qinger had made for Qin Wentian, actions she herself had never had the chance to undertake.

As women, Mo Qingcheng felt she might comprehend Qing`er on a deeper level than even Qin Wentian did.

Despite her initial cold composure, Qing`er was now showing signs of unease and confusion.

"Two celestial beauties..." Little Rascal reverted to its original form and chimed in with a playful, baby-like voice. It reached out its paw and brushed aside Qing`er's veil. The onlookers were left in awe by her beauty, finally understanding why the mischievous creature had referred to two celestial beauties. The description seemed fitting.

Mo Qingcheng was already breathtakingly beautiful, but the veiled woman possessed a captivating allure, comparable to that of celestial beings. Her icy demeanor mirrored the purity of a snow lotus, untouched and pristine.

"How beautiful," whispered many among the spectators, who couldn't help but admire her radiant beauty. She stood on the same pedestal as Mo Qingcheng and Lin Xianer, a stunning beauty who drew astonishment from all. Even Lin Xianer herself was surprised but couldn't help but smile with a touch of approval. This extraordinary woman had exceeded her expectations.

The most shocked, however, were Wang Yunfei, Shen Jing, Rong Yan, Moon, and others. They had dismissed the veiled woman much like they had ignored Qin Wentian, relegating them both to Moon's care. Yet, this woman's beauty outshone them all. Even Shen Jing, known for her remarkable beauty, would pale in comparison to her radiance.

Qinger retaliated by swatting at Little Rascal's head while giving it a stern, cold glare. The puppy whined softly in response. Eventually, Qin Wentian, Mo Qingcheng, and Qinger made their way back to the members of the Battle Sword Sect. They soared into the air and departed, leaving the onlookers with mixed emotions.


The Royal Sacred Sect, the reigning hegemony of the era, stood as a testament to its power. Its towering palaces seemed to reach the heavens themselves.

An array of armored figures surrounded the sect's entrance, a formidable presence protecting the Royal Sacred Sect from any potential threats.

Inside, a colossal cloud-reaching ladder, over a hundred feet tall, led to the inner sanctum of the Royal Sacred Sect. Qin Wentian and his companions ascended it before proceeding to a vast palace. This was the domain of the Battle Sword Faction.

"Wentian, come with me," the senior from the Battle Sword Sect smiled at Qin Wentian. Qin Wentian nodded, leading Mo Qingcheng and Qing`er as they followed closely. After a brief journey, they reached a particular location where an old man, hands clasped behind his back, awaited them with a mischievous smile, reviving memories from the distant past.

The air was charged with tension as Qin Wentian and Qinger stood frozen in disbelief, their eyes locked on the peculiar figure before them. They couldn't deny the familiarity of this old man. Memories flooded back from their encounter in Xuan King City, where danger had loomed, and they were chased relentlessly into the treacherous mountains. In those dire moments, they had met a peculiar old man who had harbored an intense desire to accept Qin Wentian and Qinger as his disciples. Yet, fate had other plans, and they had declined his offer.

Now, here he stood, grinning shamelessly with his hands tucked behind his back, basking in their astonished expressions. "Little rascal, it seems you couldn't escape my grasp, muahaha."

A mixture of emotions welled up within Qin Wentian. He couldn't hold back a retort, "You undying old fart! Could it be that you are the esteemed ancestor of the Battle Sword Sect?" Understanding dawned upon him, connecting the dots of a grand scheme that had eluded him until now. Why had his senior brother Lin Shuai appeared in Xuan King City at precisely the right moment? And what was the significance of the rumor about the Battle Sword Sect's upper echelons orchestrating a disciple recruitment event in Xuan King City? It was all crystal clear now, looking at this old man.

Surrounding onlookers were drenched in sweat, their shock palpable. To hear their revered ancestor addressed as an 'undying old fart' by a young upstart was beyond belief.

The old man himself was taken aback by Qin Wentian's audacity. He harrumphed, blowing air through his beard as he shot an indignant glare at Qin Wentian. "Impudent brat, you have guts."

Qin Wentian, however, was undeterred. "Cut to the chase. What's the Royal Sacred Sect up to this time?" He was beyond the point of pleasantries, having realized that his entry into the Battle Sword Sect had been masterminded by this very old man. There was no time for niceties.

The old man let out an exasperated sigh. "Very well, listen closely. The Royal Sacred Sect is summoning geniuses from all corners because of an immortal palace they need to explore. It's a treacherous place, one they have probed for years but still couldn't unravel its mysteries. Their plan is to gather the most formidable Heavenly Dipper Realm talents and send them in to investigate. Be warned, it's perilous, and you mustn't underestimate the strength of those gathered. Some are Heaven Chosen nurtured by the Core Faction of the Royal Sacred Sect. There are many in the Heavenly Dipper Realm more powerful than you."

"An immortal palace?" Qin Wentian's eyes sparked with intrigue.

"Yes, the Vermilion Bird Immortal Palace, believed to be left behind by an immensely powerful figure from ancient times. Even the sect leader of the Royal Sacred Sect—an immortal—cannot forcibly enter it. Imagine the might of the palace's master in days long past." As the old man's words settled, Qin Wentian's heart raced with excitement.

The Vermilion Bird Immortal Palace!