
The Path Of Rising Up

The Path Of Rising Up

Inside the Immortal Martial Realm, Li Tian's onslaught was as relentless as it had been outside, yet Dongyue Hanjiang displayed no sign of weakness. In fact, he matched Li Tian blow for blow, radiating an equally indomitable presence that reached for the heavens. Their battle was a clash of titans, a spectacle of unmatched intensity.

Of the three battles unfolding, Qin Wentian's engagement appeared the most subdued.

Facing Chi Lian, an overwhelming wave of blood-red malevolence surged from the latter's body. He seemed like a demon, with a resplendent diabolical shadow materializing behind him, its turbulent and chaotic aura shaking the very fabric of the cosmos. However, his gaze upon Qin Wentian held no trace of disdain; instead, it was filled with a grave seriousness.

Chi Lian understood all too well that Qin Wentian had solidified his foundation since the first row of monuments, evolving into an exceedingly perilous opponent. In fact, he might be the most dangerous among the participants. The eight era-suppressing geniuses had all sought a balance between comprehension and advancement, invading others to progress as soon as their understanding reached a certain level. They especially accelerated when they observed others advancing, determined not to fall behind. Only when they reached the fourth or fifth row did they deliberately slow down, investing more time in deciphering the stone monuments' profound energies.

Concerning Qin Wentian's situation, if someone could dislodge him, that would be the optimal strategy. Unfortunately, Di Shi failed to achieve it, and, in an ironic twist, found himself eliminated by Qin Wentian instead. This revelation dawned upon the others; they had squandered their prime opportunity to eliminate Qin Wentian. Now, he stood as a formidable threat to their ambitions.

As they watched, Chi Lian's devilish power surged, bathing the heavens in a crimson radiance. He became shrouded in crimson runic lights, blotting out the sky, and rapidly, the stone monument's space transformed into a dark red realm, as if devil kings within were bellowing in fury.


Chi Lian advanced, seemingly transforming into a malevolent entity. His eyes bore into Qin Wentian, their gaze exuding a terrifying penetrating force, accompanied by a dreadfully destructive aura.

This spectacle sent shivers down the majority of onlookers' spines. Previously, many believed that Qin Wentian had a high likelihood of defeating Chi Lian, but witnessing the violent and savage surge of devilish power from Chi Lian made them question their earlier assumptions. Among the eight era-suppressing geniuses, there were no ordinary individuals, and Chi Lian differed from Di Shi. He had spent an extended period contemplating the fourth and fifth row stone monuments, making him far stronger than the already eliminated Di Shi.

Chi Lian raised his palms, unleashing a torrent of blood-red light that swept toward Qin Wentian. Terrifying devilish palms wielding colossal halberds took form, striking out as if a colossal giant stood before him.

Bathed in a radiant golden glow, Qin Wentian surged forward like a primordial roc, ascending into the air. Astral light enveloped him in an instant, as his body expanded, transforming into a celestial fiendgod that defied the heavens.

A cascade of astral light, spanning ten thousand feet, descended from the celestial realm, blanketing him. The colossal fiendgod's silhouette flickered and multiplied, sending forth palm imprints brimming with power capable of seizing stars and plucking suns and moons from the sky.

The scene that unfolded left the spectators in breathless shock. The palm imprints contained an indomitable might capable of crushing everything, and the blood-colored devilish gigantic halberds were annihilated beneath the astral light. Chi Lian, though still standing with pride, now harbored traces of disappointment in his tyrannical eyes. He was already incredibly powerful, yet he hadn't expected another monstrous figure like Qin Wentian to appear in the Immortal Martial Realm.


A surge of formidable energy blasted Chi Lian out of the stone monument's space, courtesy of Qin Wentian. Among the three ongoing battles, theirs had been the last to ignite but the quickest to conclude.

Chi Lian, the formidable contender, had fallen, allowing Qin Wentian to solidify his ranking in the Immortal Martial Realm. Chi Lian now held the #8 position.

On the floating bridges, many drew in deep breaths, unable to believe their eyes. It was becoming evident that no one could halt the ascent of the young warrior from the Battle Sword Sect. Speculating that he would be among the top five no longer seemed like an overestimation.

The battle between Li Tian and Dongyue Hanjiang raged on. Hua Taixu's body remained cloaked in shifting light, oscillating between reality and illusion, rendering him nearly inscrutable. But Ji Feixue was no pushover either. His sword arts were peerless, seamlessly combining offense and defense into an impeccable whole. His sword strikes were already extraordinarily formidable, bearing an overwhelming threat.

After vanquishing Chi Lian, Qin Wentian didn't pause. He immediately invaded Fan Miaoyu's stone monument, leaving the spectators in stunned disbelief.

The once low-profile young man now bared his sharp fangs and claws. Being one of the eight era-suppressing geniuses held no sway over him. No one could hinder his advancement. Once he defeated Fan Miaoyu, he would have secured enough victories to advance to the seventh row of stone monuments, cultivating seven distinct powers. This would put him on par with Gu Liufeng, making him one of the most successful participants, unless someone ousted him before he reached the seventh row—a highly improbable scenario.

Gu Liufeng was currently engrossed in comprehension, no longer initiating invasions. Should Hua Taixu defeat Ji Feixue, he too would have the requisite victories to move on to the seventh row of monuments. At that point, he would refrain from invading others before the final ranking battles, as there would be no need.

Fan Miaoyu, a disciple of the Forgotten Immortal Tower, was also a member of the Nine Great Sects and the Holy Maiden of the Tianfan Sect. Her long hair danced in the wind, and despite her youth, she exuded a noble and elegant beauty in stark contrast to Lou Bingyu.

Her eyes held a captivating clarity, revealing a wealth of untold stories. It was as though her eyes had a language of their own.

"I've contemplated many possibilities, but I never envisioned this outcome," Fan Miaoyu spoke with a voice as clear as a mountain spring, radiating nobility and elegance. Clearly, she too was surprised that her challenger was none other than the young man she had previously paid no heed to.

Qin Wentian had already eliminated Di Shi and decisively defeated Chi Lian. Though Fan Mengyu was exceptional, she knew she stood no chance.

"The era is changing," Qin Wentian replied softly, causing a beautiful smile to grace Fan Miaoyu's ruby-red lips.

She gazed at the young man before her and declared, "Indeed, the era is changing. Those who rise to the ranks of era-suppressing geniuses do so by trampling on the bodies of others. After the Immortal Martial Realm, your name will resound throughout the Royal Sacred Region. However, this doesn't mean the current eight era-suppressing geniuses have been vanquished. This place is but the Immortal Martial Realm. If you seek to replace one of us, you must prove yourself in the real world. I will eagerly await the day you ascend to become a dominant figure in this era."

"I will," Qin Wentian affirmed as a radiant beam of light emanated from him.

Fan Mengyu unleashed her energy simultaneously, opting to go all out despite knowing her impending defeat. The battle that ensued was a spectacle of grandeur and fascination. Yet, as expected, Qin Wentian emerged victorious over Fan Miaoyu. However, apart from a hint of sorrow, no other emotion colored her expression. Just as Qin Wentian had remarked, the era was undergoing a transformation, and she had, unfortunately, become one of the stepping stones in this realm.

Meanwhile, the other two battles continued. Qin Wentian's victory over Fan Mengyu settled her ranking at #7 among the participants.

A short while later, Hua Taixu finally defeated Ji Feixue, securing his position at #6.

Li Tian's intense battle with Dongyue Hanjiang had shaken the heavens and earth, causing the very winds and clouds to shift. In the end, Li Tian emerged victorious, leaving Dongyue Hanjiang with the #5 ranking among this group of participants in the Immortal Martial Realm.

The rankings from 5th to 10th were now clear: Dongyue Hanjiang, Ji Feixue, Fan Miaoyu, Chi Lian, Lou Bingyu, and Si Ling.

The remaining four participants would occupy the top ranks: Gu Liufeng, Hua Taixu, Li Tian, and Qin Wentian.

The journey within the Immortal Martial Realm was nearing its conclusion.

In this battle, it was Qin Wentian who left the most people astounded, closely followed by Hua Taixu.

Among the eight era-suppressing geniuses, Qin Wentian had single-handedly eliminated three of them, a feat unparalleled in its excellence. Presently, Li Tian found himself in the most uncomfortable position. He needed one more victory to advance to the seventh row, but facing any of the other three remaining participants filled him with a sense of hopelessness.

Unless unexpected events occurred, Gu Liufeng, Hua Taixu, and Qin Wentian were poised to secure the top three rankings among this group of participants who ventured into the Immortal Martial Realm.

"The top three rankings... who would have imagined that Qin Wentian would be among them? Furthermore, of all the Nine Great Sects, Seven Supreme Clans, and two grand empires, only Qin Wentian hailed from one of the Nine Great Sects. Gu Liufeng and Hua Taixu weren't affiliated with any of the top-tier powers," the spectators marveled silently. If those within the realm could witness this turn of events, they would undoubtedly be left dumbfounded.

Di Shi, who had been observing the battles from the first row of monuments, clenched his fists tightly. A glint of murderous intent flickered in his eyes as he locked his gaze on Qin Wentian. This surge of killing intent emanated unrestrainedly; he hadn't even had the chance to acquire an immortal art before being eliminated by Qin Wentian.

Not too long ago, Qin Wentian, who had slain Di Shi's brother, was still unable to face him head-on. But now, he had triumphed over Di Shi within the Immortal Martial Realm.

Di Shi found himself in a bewildered stupor, and Ji Feixue and Duan Han shared his disbelief. Of the three senior members of the Battle Sword Sect present - Ji Feixue, Duan Han, and Lou Bingyu - not a single one had foreseen that Qin Wentian would be the one to journey all the way to the end of the path.

"Junior brother Qin never fails to surprise," Ji Feixue admitted with a bitter smile, a complex mix of emotions in his heart.

Lou Bingyu's heart was similarly thrown into turmoil as she gazed at the figure before her. She glanced at Ji Feixue beside her, realizing that from this moment onward, Qin Wentian's status in the Battle Sword Sect would be on par with theirs.

Outside the Immortal Martial Realm, the massive ranking monument displayed the names of the seventy-plus participants, their illumination shifting and writhing. Among these names were renowned figures from the Royal Sacred Region, including the eight era-suppressing geniuses. The question on everyone's mind was, what would the final rankings be after this event concluded?

"I wonder what's happening inside; the top ten rankings must have been determined by now, don't you think?"

"Who do you think will make it to the top ten among this batch of Immortal Martial Realm participants?" Many were eager to discuss.

"It's safe to assume the eight era-suppressing geniuses will claim the top eight spots. As for the remaining two, it's likely that Si Ling from the Violet Thunder Sect will be among them, considering his strength. The last spot could go to either the Saint Child of the Supreme Demon Sect, Lou Bingyu from the Battle Sword Sect, Nangong Shuang of the Nangong Aristocrat Clan, or Lin Xian'er from the Celestial Maiden Sect. They all have a strong chance of making the top ten."

"That seems reasonable. But what about the top three? I'm guessing Gu Liufeng will be first, Fan Miaoyu second, and Li Tian third."

"I think Gu Liufeng will take the top spot, Chi Lian will be second, and Di Shi will be third."

Various speculations about the rankings circulated among the crowd, with many predicting Gu Liufeng as the likely number one. However, opinions diverged when it came to the second and third positions. Surprisingly, Hua Taixu's name was mentioned the least in these predictions, as he had risen to fame relatively late. As for Qin Wentian, his name didn't even enter the discussions for the top ten rankings, as those outside the Immortal Martial Realm had no way of knowing what was unfolding within its mysterious confines.