
Suppressing all Obstacles

Suppressing all Obstacles...

As Qin Wentian contemplated this, a sudden silhouette materialized, exuding an overpowering pressure as it positioned itself loftily in the air.

Gazing across at Qin Wentian and his companions, the figure inquired, "Are you three interested in attempting the test to breach the entrance of the Unmatched Realm?"

"Breach?" Ouyang Kuangsheng nodded at Qin Wentian and the others. "This is a gathering place for Grand Xia's most exceptional talents. Only by successfully breaching the entrance of the Unmatched Realm can you earn the right to cultivate within its confines. Many formidable individuals are present here, and if you wish to stand on par with them or surpass them, undergoing this test is a must."

"Exactly." Qin Wentian and the others acknowledged, reassured by Ouyang Kuangsheng's sincerity.

"Very well." Fixing his gaze on the aerial silhouette, Qin Wentian responded. Without delay, the figure stamped its foot, causing an earth-shaking rumble that conjured an illusory city before them. The silhouette continued, "The test to gain entry into the Unmatched Realm is a solitary endeavor. The three of you will be separated. If you aspire to enter, your strength must speak for itself. Should you falter, you are forbidden from ever returning to the Unmatched Realm."

A spark of determination ignited in Qin Wentian's eyes as he locked onto the shimmering entrance of the illusory city. "Let's proceed."

As his words lingered, he advanced through the entrance, his silhouette vanishing. Fan Le and Chu Mang, brimming with excitement, mirrored his actions, stepping into the illusory city and disappearing from the onlookers' view.

Instantly, figures from all sides soared toward the scene. These individuals exuded an air of extraordinary excellence, their presence towering above the crowd.

Had Qin Wentian been present, he would have recognized some familiar faces among them.

Back in the Celestial Lake Palace's Refinement Grounds, he had battled alongside Ouyang Kuangsheng and confronted several formidable opponents. Shiki from the Beast King Hall in the Demon Continent, Yao Sheng from the Skydemon Sect, and even Wang Xiao from the War Continent—all stood present, surveying the test site.

"It's been a while since anyone attempted this test. I wonder which influential clan or sect they hail from," a voice murmured within the assembly.

"I have no clue, but it seems they were guided here by the Ouyang siblings."

"Ouyang Kuangsheng?" Wang Xiao's eyes sparked with interest as he shifted his gaze onto Ouyang Kuangsheng. "Ouyang, did you intentionally bring them here to make a spectacle of themselves?"

Ouyang Kuangsheng raised an eyebrow and stared up at Wang Xiao. With a hearty chuckle, he responded, "Wang Xiao, can't you recognize him? He's the one who gave you a beating in the Celestial Lake Palace's Refinement Grounds."

"What?" Wang Xiao's expression darkened. "That's him? What's his cultivation level now? I hope it's not too disappointing."

"He's at the fifth level of Yuanfu," Ouyang Kuangsheng replied nonchalantly, refusing to be baited by Wang Xiao's disdainful tone. Wang Xiao's voice turned cold. "Fifth level of Yuanfu is passable, I suppose. Let's hope he can pass the test. Only then will he be worth my attention."

"Ha, don't worry, he won't let you down," Ouyang Kuangsheng replied with a dismissive wave. Wang Xiao of the War Continent meant little to him. The Wang Clan excelled in crafting Divine Weapons and Armors, boasting several formidable experts within their ranks. They were, in essence, a significant transcendent power.

Wang Xiao shared the same cultivation level, having reached the sixth level of Yuanfu. His aura seemed as sharp as a blade's edge, his entire being exuding a sense of refinement akin to a set of Divine Weapons.

"Ouyang Kuangsheng, you knew he was here, yet you dared to bring him to the Unmatched Realm?" Shiki, a half-beast beastman, snickered with feral excitement. "Although we can't kill or cripple anyone here, I'll make him beg for death."

"Wang Xiao, who's that person?" A beautiful woman joined Wang Xiao's side, casting a curious glance at him.

"Qiao Xuan, just a pest I encountered a while ago," Wang Xiao responded with a dismissive tone.

Qiao Xuan hailed from the Mystical Maiden Palace, a transcendent power in the Azure Continent. Possessing exceptional talent, she was groomed as a chosen by her sect. Wang Xiao had been pursuing her ardently and had already won her heart.

The Unmatched Realm—a proving ground for cultivators aspiring to stand unrivaled in the Azure Continent. It wasn't exclusive to the Azure Continent's natives; young experts from transcendent powers in other continents also sought entrance. Their common goal was to earn the opportunity to become disciples of the realm's revered elders.

Within the Unmatched Realm were several cavern abodes, occupied by these revered figures. At that moment, their eyes opened, drawn to the image-screen adorning the cave walls. They observed the ongoing test undertaken by Qin Wentian, Fan Le, and Chu Mang.

"People actually want to attempt the entrance test into the Unmatched Realm? And not just one, but three?" muttered an aged figure within one of the cavern abodes.

Upon stepping into the illusory city fashioned by the Unmatched Realm, Qin Wentian found himself transported to another dimension. In this realm, a series of caves sprawled out, leaving him with no window to witness external events. A third-ranked Puppet suddenly manifested before him, its voice crackling to life, "Hey, young one. I'm the guardian of the first checkpoint. My strength matches yours. To proceed, you can't rely on other methods or innate techniques. You must outmatch me with sheer power."

"Sure thing," Qin Wentian responded.

"Don't forget to infuse your attacks with your Mandate's will, kid. But don't be overly self-assured. My strength will definitely catch you off guard. You bet," the Puppet lectured in a tone reminiscent of an elder teaching a junior.

"Got it." Qin Wentian nodded and approached the Puppet. Without warning, the Puppet launched a punch that rippled the air with shockwaves.

Reacting swiftly, Qin Wentian countered with his own punch—devoid of complex principles, just raw force.

"Manifest your Mandate!" Qin Wentian willed, summoning his Mandate of Force and Strength. Having reached the Transformation Boundary, his strength surged eightfold.


Their collision resounded, but Qin Wentian remained steadfast, while the Puppet disintegrated. However, before shattering entirely, it managed a final exclamation, "Brat, you're not getting away!"

A wry smile played on Qin Wentian's lips. The Puppet's dramatic final words were likely the creation of an old man. Stepping over the broken fragments, he continued his journey.

"Hey, watch where you step!"

"You're doomed, kid."

Echoes of the Puppet's rants followed Qin Wentian as he forged ahead.

In a new area, Qin Wentian met a pair of sinister eyes gleaming in the darkness. As his vision adjusted, he realized it wasn't just a single pair. The cave's obscurity was punctuated by the crimson glint of eyes belonging to black-furred demonic wolves. Their fur blended seamlessly with the shadows.

All these eighth-grade demonic beasts, their combat prowess rivaled human Yuanfu Cultivators at the fourth to sixth levels.

"The aura emanating from these wolves suggests they're at the peak of the fifth level," Qin Wentian noted their strength. A larger, sleek wolf sprang at him, prompting the rest of the pack to follow suit with echoing howls, charging him.


Qin Wentian surged forward, his aura intensifying as a heavy shroud of demonic energy cloaked the surroundings. The Mandate of Force flowed from him, saturating the space with an oppressive might.

A faint hum filled the air as Qin Wentian's form accelerated, heading straight ahead. He spotted a demonic wolf launching a black spear with explosive velocity in his direction.

With a powerful punch, Qin Wentian obliterated the incoming spear. The wolf's claws swept down, aiming to rend his arms.

"Peng!" The claws shattered upon contact, the immense force causing them to tremble. Undeterred, Qin Wentian maintained his momentum, obliterating the wolves barring his path. In a flash, he reached the end of the cave, refusing to look back as he pressed forward.

The display of strength caught the attention of a burly, robust man exuding explosive power. He observed Qin Wentian closely, intrigued. As Qin Wentian entered the third checkpoint, a Back-Connecting Ape materialized in his way.

Qin Wentian charged forward without hesitation, a single punch directed at the ape.

"Such strength," the burly man marveled. Could Qin Wentian, without resorting to innate techniques, repel an opponent a level above him using sheer force alone?

The Back-Connecting Ape, peak sixth level of Yuanfu, could potentially withstand even a Transcendent's blow. The burly man's eyes lit up when he witnessed the ape slam against a wall, its hostility replaced by docility as Qin Wentian continued unhindered.

"I'll take him as my disciple!" the burly man exclaimed, his excitement reverberating through the cave, drawing disgruntled glances from others. "Is this guy smitten by that young fellow with a knack for the Mandate of Force? But strength alone isn't enough!"

Yet, their views shifted swiftly. Qin Wentian shattered six checkpoints consecutively, all through sheer force. This remarkable display was a rarity.

As Qin Wentian cleared the fifth checkpoint, he earned his passage into the Unmatched Realm, marking his qualification.

Upon breaching the sixth checkpoint, whispers began to spread. People were starting to take notice.

By the seventh checkpoint, the atmosphere grew more serious among the observers. Few managed to overcome this stage, making it a significant accomplishment.

Then, as Qin Wentian triumphed over the eighth checkpoint, disbelief flashed across the gazes of the spectators. Bypassing two levels and still overwhelming the opposition? Just which transcendent power had this audacious youth emerged from?

"What about the final two checkpoints?"

Old figures in several cave dwellings stirred. The ninth checkpoint, one of the last two, presented Qin Wentian with the challenge of besting three peak-tier seventh level Yuanfu cultivators.

Among the younger generation, many awaited the outcome, curious whether the trio could conquer this formidable trial.

With time remaining, the longer they stayed within the illusory city, the more checkpoints they'd conquer. The number achieved was a testament to their prowess.

"Wang Xiao, let's hope your friends endure and don't leave prematurely. It'd be a spectacle if none of the Unmatched Realm elders extend an invitation," Wang Xiao jeered. Old eccentrics' appearances were rare; typically, they summoned cultivators to them. But on occasion, they'd make an exception for those whose talents demanded their personal attention—truly outstanding individuals.