
Reversal of Situation

Reversal of Situation

In the blink of an eye, five experts met their demise, their lives extinguished by Qin Wentian on the spot. Witnessing such a gruesome spectacle sent shivers down their spines, and an icy chill gripped their hearts.

They had been deceived! This man had deliberately baited them out here, only to mercilessly slaughter them. Had they remained in Ginkou, under the vigilant gaze of so many experts, this outcome would have been impossible.

The Great Solar Chen Clan had never anticipated such a twist of events. Logically speaking, a group formed by experts from three transcendent powers against a lone young man should have been a clear advantage for them. That's precisely why they had allowed the young man to escape and acted afterward to prevent reinforcements from the Ouyang Aristocrat Clan.

"That gigantic sword, what kind of divine weapon is that?" Wang Jian stared at the colossal sword gripped in Qin Wentian's hands. The sword's power was nothing short of astonishing, capable of killing through vibrational shockwaves. It was worth noting that the Astral Novas of Heavenly Dipper Sovereigns were even mightier than Divine Weapons. Yet, all five of their companions had fallen victim to this weapon.

The sole reason Heavenly Dipper Sovereigns would use divine weapons was if that weapon possessed extraordinary power. Otherwise, they would prefer relying on their Astral Novas, which not only complemented their attributes but also provided a significant boost to their strength.

Hence, the only plausible explanation was that the sword wielded by the young man surnamed Di was an exceptionally formidable weapon.

In truth, Qin Wentian's colossal sword was not a high-grade divine weapon. It was simply a custom-crafted blade from the White Deer Institute—dense and weighty, intended to mask his true strength in combat.

"RETREAT!" Wang Jian bellowed, prompting the three Wang Clan members to hastily withdraw. However, Qin Wentian's eyes remained as frigid as ever. With a display of Roc's Flash, he materialized right before them, his colossal sword unleashing a deafening blow that ruptured the very fabric of space. Employing Shattered Void once again, a technique of his own invention, he combined insights from the second level of the Mandate of Force with the third stance of his Great Dream Halberd Art, Fractured Void. This fusion of forces, refined by the sword's sharpness and enhanced by the sword intent of his Kingly Sword Astral Soul, unleashed shockwaves of unimaginable strength. Even a third-level Heavenly Dipper Sovereign could do naught but wait for their heart to rupture.

In the aftermath of the clash, Qin Wentian's devastating blow struck his opponent, setting off an explosive shockwave that reverberated through the air, shattering his foe from within. The unfortunate victim was left jolted to oblivion by the fierce impact, like a firework of doom.

In the blink of an eye, only Wang Jian stood alongside Qin Wentian. Their faces were painted with sheer terror, as the sheer might displayed by this mysterious warrior exceeded even their wildest imagination. Their hearts raced as they took hesitant steps backward, their eyes locked onto Qin Wentian, who seemed to possess an almost unnatural strength.

"Wang Jian, my friend, seems like we're the last ones standing," Qin Wentian remarked with a wry smile, breaking the tense silence.

Wang Jian nodded, a mixture of fear and determination flickering in his eyes. "Indeed, it appears so. But I won't go down without a fight!"

Just as the words left his lips, Qin Wentian's figure vanished in a blur. His execution of the Roc's Flash technique was nothing short of astonishing, propelling him forward with incredible speed. A shadow streaked across the battlefield, and before Wang Jian could react, a colossal sword materialized out of thin air, obliterating the remaining cultivator into a cloud of dust, leaving Wang Jian as the sole survivor.

"Looks like you're my final dance partner," Qin Wentian mused, his voice dripping with an icy chill, as he advanced towards Wang Jian.

Wang Jian clenched his teeth, his eyes blazing with defiance. He summoned multiple long spears with a furious roar, sending them hurtling toward Qin Wentian like a barrage of deadly projectiles. The air crackled with energy as the spears streaked through the battlefield, aiming to pierce their target.

"Stellar Transposition!" Qin Wentian's voice rang out, and he materialized right in front of Wang Jian, his palms radiating a dark and malevolent aura. The surge of power was palpable, and Wang Jian's face turned ashen as he realized the impending doom.

"BOOM!" The impact was deafening as Qin Wentian's colossal sword descended in a ferocious overhead strike. Wang Jian's Astral Novas erupted in a desperate attempt at defense, but the overwhelming force shattered his defenses like fragile glass. The colossal sword cleaved down, slicing through the Astral Novas and splitting Wang Jian in half.

Beside Qin Wentian, his loyal companion, a mischievous creature named Little Rascal, sprung into action, deftly looting the fallen Heavenly Dipper Sovereigns for their spoils. Qin Wentian rewarded the creature with an affectionate pat on the head before mounting its back, surveying the chaotic battlefield in the distance. Bai Qing and Ouyang Kuangsheng were embroiled in a fierce struggle against Chen Wang, while Chu Mang and Fan Le held their own against formidable adversaries.

Amidst the clash of weapons and the chaos of battle, Qin Wentian's arrival with the ominous black sword caught everyone's attention. Shock and disbelief painted the faces of the combatants as they witnessed his unexpected appearance. Only moments ago, he had been pursued by a horde of foes, yet now he stood before them unscathed.

A chilling realization spread among them, and involuntary shudders ran down their spines. Qin Wentian had emerged from his ordeal victorious, having single-handedly eliminated his pursuers. All their fears were confirmed by his very presence.

Locking eyes on Chen Wang, Qin Wentian strode forward, his steps filled with purpose. "Well, well, look who we have here. It's been quite a day, hasn't it?"

Chen Wang, no doubt, possessed immense power. His flame clones had already managed to engage Bai Qing and Ouyang Kuangsheng effectively. Even with their remarkable strength, it was apparent that battling Chen Wang would eventually lead to their defeat. At this moment, merely sensing Chen Wang's overwhelming aura, Qin Wentian could tell that he was teetering on the brink of reaching the third level of the Heavenly Dipper stage.

Although he was often dubbed as the eternal runner-up, no one could dispute Chen Wang's prowess. Even as a second-level Heavenly Dipper Sovereign, he had no trouble taking on opponents at the third level.

Qin Wentian pondered the scenario: What if Chen Wang were to fall here? Wouldn't the Great Solar Chen Clan be in excruciating agony, feeling as if their hearts were about to burst?

"Watch out, Chen Wang!" A voice rang out as someone spotted Qin Wentian approaching him, issuing a warning.

A sudden gust of wind swept through the battlefield. In battles among experts of this caliber, even a momentary distraction could be fatal. A massive axe swung down from an Ouyang Clan cultivator, narrowly missing its target—Chen Wang's head. The Chen Clan's cultivator broke into a cold sweat, hastily raising his defenses and retaliating with a palm strike to counter the oncoming assault.


With lightning speed, Qin Wentian's black colossal sword pierced through the palm imprint, reducing it to nothing but dust. The Chen Clan expert's expression turned grim as he swung his weapon with all his might, intending to clash with the colossal sword.

However, upon impact, an overwhelming corroding energy surged through his weapon and into his body. Before he could even scream, the Ouyang Clan cultivator behind him swung his great axe once more, ending his life abruptly.

"This young man is incredibly formidable," someone remarked, sending a shiver down the spines of the onlookers. With his ability to overpower third-level Heavenly Dipper Sovereigns, the odds of the battle were unmistakably shifting in favor of the Ouyang Clan.

"Regroup," Chen Wang commanded, swiftly retreating while launching a palm strike. In an instant, those from the Chen and Wang Clans who had been battling Chu Mang and Fan Le also withdrew, standing firmly behind Chen Wang.

Chen Wang's numerous clones merged back into his original body, and his aura surged explosively. Ouyang Kuangsheng and his comrades regrouped as well, forming a tight-knit formation.

Both groups turned their gazes toward Qin Wentian, who was now in their midst. Ouyang Kuangsheng burst into raucous laughter. "You're one hell of a fighter. How about we team up and give these bastards a taste of their own medicine?"

"That's precisely what I had in mind," Qin Wentian replied, concealing his true identity. In Grand Xia, he had assumed the persona of Di Tian, determined to turn the entire realm upside down. Whenever he closed his eyes, he could still see Mo Qingcheng, her hands stretched out in longing and reluctance—a memory that fueled his resolve.

"Chu Mang, Fan Le, your mission is to back us up," Ouyang Kuangsheng declared with authority. Chu Mang and Fan Le acknowledged his command with determined nods, raising their resplendent Astral Bows. These bows were now imbued with explosive power, thanks to their strengthened abilities and the Mandate of Arrows, Insta-shot.

"Brother Di, we'll take the frontline. Any objections?" Ouyang Kuangsheng turned to Qin Wentian, seeking his approval.

Qin Wentian's combat skills were nothing short of remarkable. With Qin Wentian and Ouyang Kuangsheng leading the charge, Bai Qing could use her agility to dance through the battlefield like a phantom, launching surprise attacks, while Chu Mang and Fan Le's arrows could cover any blind spots and even cut off the opponents' escape routes.

"Of course," Qin Wentian replied confidently, gripping the massive sword's hilt tightly. He positioned himself on the left, with Ouyang Kuangsheng on the right. The battle-hardened experts on both sides released their Astral Novas without reservation, generating such violent energy clashes that they distorted the very fabric of space.

Both groups of attackers were cautious, neither wanting to make the first move and become the target of the enemy's combined assault.

"Swish, swish, swish..." The sharp sound of arrows slicing through the air resonated. Suddenly, a total of eighteen arrows—nine from each archer—danced intricately in the sky, encircling members of the Chen Clan alliance.

But this was just the beginning. After the initial volley, a continuous barrage of arrows rained down. Chen Wang and his allies reacted swiftly, unleashing powerful palm strikes to shatter the arrows.

With precision and coordination, Qin Wentian and Ouyang Kuangsheng sprang into action. Thunderous flames surged around Ouyang Kuangsheng, while an enormous icy saber materialized above his head. The explosive power of the thunderfire condensed onto the blade, imbuing it with a promise of utter annihilation.

"Watch out, that's the Thunder God's Slash," someone among Chen Wang's group exclaimed. Thunder God's Slash was the ultimate technique, renowned for its devastating single-strike power. Even at Ouyang Kuangsheng's current level of cultivation, using this technique would consume at least 50% of the astral energy stored in his Yuanfu. Its sheer destructive force was almost inconceivable.

Typically, techniques that drained such a substantial amount of energy would deliver equally powerful attacks. However, not all techniques were capable of depleting so much energy in one strike. Thunder God's Slash was the exception and represented the pinnacle of dominance in the entire Grand Xia.

Qin Wentian's blood surged with excitement. He stepped forward, emanating an overwhelming pressure that caused the Astral Novas of his adversaries to tremble. He and his colossal black sword stood at the ready, poised to complement Ouyang Kuangsheng's saber strike at any moment.


In a dazzling display of power, Ouyang Kuangsheng executed Stellar Transposition, vanishing and reappearing right in front of Chen Wang and his comrades. The Thunder God's Slash descended with the force of a genuine thunderbolt, slicing through the very fabric of space. The unfortunate few who found themselves in its path had their Astral Novas obliterated, their energies shattered into fragments, while the rest scrambled to retreat.

As Ouyang Kuangsheng launched his attack, Qin Wentian swung his massive sword with devastating force. A shockwave of cataclysmic proportions rippled through the void, tearing apart everything in its wake.

"HANDSOME!" Fan Le couldn't help but exclaim, awed by the sheer power of their combined assault. Seizing the momentary distraction, he fired off more arrows that unerringly found their mark, piercing the foreheads of several unsuspecting foes. Fan Le's arrows seemed to have a mind of their own, changing direction at will.

"Bzzz!" Two beams of light streaked across the battlefield. After Chu Mang unleashed his arrows, he conjured a colossal battle axe using Stellar Transposition, bringing it down with earth-shattering force. Bai Qing, utilizing Stellar Transposition herself, weaved among the enemy ranks, executing the Nine Slashes of the Underworld with deadly grace, leaving a trail of blood in her wake.

The tables had turned in an instant. These combatants were all masters of Stellar Transposition, and their foes had no time to react. By the time the opponents realized what was happening, it was too late—the battle was nearing its end.

Only Chen Wang and two other Chen Clan members survived, thanks to their knowledge of Stellar Transposition enabling them to evade the devastating Thunder God's Slash. Nevertheless, even their evasion came at a cost, as it disrupted their formation's strength. The slash's overwhelming power claimed three lives and wounded the rest.

Inside the ancient kingdom, various factions remained locked in a tense standoff. However, an expert from the Chen Clan's expression turned unsightly, and Chen Wang sent out a signal for help.

"Damn, something's not right," someone muttered.

The Chen Clan members tried to break away, but this time they were blocked by Ouyang Aristocrat Clan experts. Tensions rose, and a confrontation seemed inevitable.

"HOLD THEM HERE!" a commanding voice bellowed, and both sides surged forward, ready for a clash. Nearby spectators exchanged puzzled glances. What could have possibly gone wrong? Wang Jian and Chen Wang were clearly in the superior position. There shouldn't have been any issues, right?