

Retaliation . . .

Pei Tianyuan maintained his calm demeanor as he looked at Zurius, a polite smile on his face. "Since everyone seems to be in agreement, I see no reason to decline. The view from the Driftsnow Inn is stunning, and a lively combat match would only enhance the experience."

Zurius nodded, a hint of coldness in his smile. "My King, should there be any bloodshed during the banquet, we ask for your forgiveness in advance."

Pei Tianyuan waved a dismissive hand. "In true combat, one can't always hold back. Fighting with all one's might is part of the experience. Even if a fatality occurs, there's no need to seek my approval. Today, I'm but a spectator. The true hosts of this event are all you, the rising stars of our generation."

Zurius appreciated the king's straightforwardness. "The Jiangling King is indeed a man of candor. We appreciate your agreement."

A chilling intent emanated from Zurius as he stared at Qin Wentian. "Your arrogance stems from ignorance, but I won't belabor the point. The War Immortal Palace, under my Battle Heavens Immortal Manor, has three third-level ascendants. They are more than enough to teach you the gravity of your words."

Nion, her beautiful but cold eyes brimming with killing intent, chimed in, "No need for understanding. Let's just kill him. His words are like thorns, irritating and infuriating."

Shu Luyao's frosty gaze agreed, "That's a good idea."

Jiang Yan, his disdain palpable, said, "Do you all want me dead that badly?" He regarded Qin Wentian with the look of a man watching a condemned soul.

Qin Wentian's eyes sparkled with determination. "Are you all so eager for my death?"

Beside him, Cheron remained calm and composed. He had faith in Qin Wentian's abilities, knowing that someone capable of resonating the Nine Immortality Bells should handle this situation effortlessly.

Mu Yan, the enigmatic Ghost Saber, also watched silently. He had a keen interest in combat and believed that Qin Wentian, a friend of Cheron, possessed extraordinary skills.

Three third-level ascendants from the War Immortal Palace positioned themselves in the airspace above the banquet, ready for action. The space was a tad confined for a battle, but with proper control, it should suffice. The spectators were all formidable individuals, capable of withstanding the shockwaves of a fierce confrontation. The stage was set, and the tension hung heavy in the air as the banquet threatened to transform into a battleground.

"Get the hell out." The venomous words sliced through the tense air as one of the three challengers locked eyes with Qin Wentian, radiating an icy, murderous aura that tainted the atmosphere with the stench of blood.

In response, Qin Wentian remained seated, lifting his wine cup with an air of nonchalance. He gazed at the trio before him, his voice carrying a steely resolve. "I didn't come here to perform circus tricks. I don't engage in battles for the entertainment of others. That would be an affront to my martial path."

A scornful, mocking laugh erupted from the crowd. Nion, her eyes laced with derision, retorted, "You were so brash earlier. Now you're trying to worm your way out of a fight with such a feeble excuse. Your presence at this banquet is an embarrassment to me."

The laughter grew, echoing loudly, but Qin Wentian's gaze remained unyielding. His palms began to glow with radiant runic patterns, a dazzling and fearsome display.

Suddenly, he unleashed a resounding palm strike, a celestial force hurtling like a shooting star. It carried the might to pluck stars from the sky and extinguish the moon, a devastating energy channeled with lightning speed.

The trio's faces contorted in terror. They raised their palms to defend against the celestial onslaught, but in an instant, their bodies disintegrated into motes of dust. The palm imprint continued, its astral brilliance illuminating the tragic aftermath.

The raucous laughter ceased abruptly. Qin Wentian's wine cup, held in his left hand, gently tapped against the table. The clink of crystal on wood rang out in the silence. Nion's mocking smile froze in place. Did Qin Wentian dare to battle? Before her laughter had even faded, he had responded with a single strike—a resounding slap across the face.

Not only Nion, but those who had laughed were also struck dumb. Their faces darkened, unwilling to accept what they had just witnessed.

"Is this the vaunted pride of your Battle Heavens Immortal Manor? How laughable," Qin Wentian remarked calmly. His voice, though not loud, carried the weight of judgment. It was as if he had turned the tables, using their own mockery to slap them in the face.

When Zurius had spoken to the Jiangling King earlier, he had treated Qin Wentian as prey, someone to be casually dispatched. Qin Wentian's role was to be the clown, dancing for the amusement of those at the banquet. But in the blink of an eye, he had demonstrated that he didn't need to lift a finger to eliminate these members of the major powers. He could sit there, sip his wine leisurely, and crush their arrogance. His martial path wasn't a spectacle; it was a weapon to humble people like them.

Zurius struggled to contain his rage, left momentarily speechless by Qin Wentian's audacious remarks. The undeniable truth hung in the air, making it impossible for him to offer a retort. The experts from the War Immortal Palace, a subsidiary of his own Battle Heavens Immortal Manor, had been effortlessly crushed, like insignificant insects beneath a boot.

"What a bunch of presumptuous individuals, all puffing up their chests, but how many among you are genuinely extraordinary? You're nothing more than a bunch of fools," Qin Wentian continued, his gaze now fixed on Pei Tianyuan, the Jiangling King. "My King, if this junior is so unwelcome here, I shall take my leave to avoid dampening the mood."

With those words, Qin Wentian rose and turned to leave. The Jiangling King had shown favoritism toward disciples of the major powers, but Qin Wentian was clearly an exception. Besides, he had no desire to linger in such a setting. It didn't suit him.

Despite the picturesque surroundings and the tale of the Driftsnow Master and Immortal Jade, the cast of characters had changed drastically.

"You think you can just walk away after killing my men?" A frigid voice sliced through the air. Qin Wentian halted, his steps faltering, and he turned to face Zurius. A hint of annoyance crossed his face, his eyes tinged with sarcasm. "It seems your audacity knows no bounds. I'm genuinely surprised."

"My horizons have expanded as well," Ghost Saber Mu Yan chimed in with a chuckle.

"Zurius, you ordered your subordinates to kill him earlier, and everyone here heard it. Now that they failed and were killed by him instead, you dare to speak these words? You truly bring shame upon the Battle Heavens Immortal Manor," Cheron mocked, his contempt for Zurius palpable.

"I couldn't care less about that," Zurius retorted, a note of dominance in his voice. He radiated a terrifying battle intent, and the War Immortal Palace members behind him unleashed their formidable auras, as if they intended to end Qin Wentian's life on the spot.

If they allowed Qin Wentian to depart unscathed, the reputation of the Battle Heavens Immortal Manor would be tarnished. Since he had slain their members, he must leave behind his life as recompense. Only then would everyone remember the Battle Heavens Immortal Manor's indomitable might, rather than their disregard for convention. In the world of cultivators, strength dictated the rules. Whoever held the most power set the standard.

"And you, who hurled insults at me, do you think you can simply walk away?" Nion chimed in, her voice cold. The Seven Sword Sect's experts rose, their sword intent filling the air and pressing down on everyone present.

"You people truly have no shame," Pei Yu remarked, sweeping her gaze across the scene with sarcasm in her tone.

"Pei Yu, you have no rights to talk here. Come here now," scolded Pei Xiao, who was seated beside Jiang Yan. Pei Yu turned her gaze toward Pei Xiao, her eyes reflecting unwavering determination.

"Pei Yu, this is none of your business. Come over to my side," even the Jiangling King, Pei Tianyuan, felt compelled to intervene. His tone carried a regal authority, signaling his reluctance to involve Pei Yu in the escalating conflict.

Despite Pei Tianyuan's stern command, Pei Yu shook her head defiantly, provoking a cold response from him. "Impudent," he muttered, casting a chill over the atmosphere. But Pei Yu held her ground, meeting his gaze with steadfast resolve. "My King, you should really address this injustice."

Pei Tianyuan's once-friendly demeanor turned frosty. He was deeply disappointed in Pei Yu. Beside Pei Tianyuan, Han Dongjiang, a disciple from the Ninepeak Immortal Court, one of the Cloud Prefecture's supreme major powers, spoke up.

"Miss Pei Yu, you must understand a simple truth," Han Dongjiang began. "Conflicts among peers are common, and as long as they don't lead to fatalities, they can be resolved. Having rivals can even spur faster improvement. However, when facing individuals of a different caliber, some things are simply unattainable."

Though Han Dongjiang's words may have stung, they held a nugget of undeniable truth. For instance, if the conflicting parties were Cheron and Jiang Yan, as adversaries, they would motivate each other to grow but not go so far as to kill. However, Qin Wentian was an exception. Most believed he was in a different league compared to Jiang Yan and the others. He had no right to be their equal, yet he remained audacious and arrogant. Consequently, his impending doom was seen as inevitable. Even if Cheron wished to protect him, it would be an arduous task. These people would not easily forgive Qin Wentian.

As for the Jiangling King, Pei Tianyuan, he had no interest in intervening. If someone targeted Cheron during the banquet he had organized, he would step in to assist. However, since Qin Wentian was the focus of attention, he saw no reason to waste his time on the matter.