


Old Man Tianji and the experts from the transcendent powers turned their attention to the newcomers, their expressions giving away no surprise. It seemed they had been aware of this group's existence, and some even seemed displeased.

"Taking a break sounds good," Old Man Tianji replied calmly.

"It appears you can hold on a bit longer," Chen Wang remarked coldly, his gaze locking onto Qin Wentian.

Qin Wentian's face took on an eerie, otherworldly quality, with a glint of icy light in his eyes, making it impossible for anyone to discern his thoughts.

The group stood and made their way into the Ancient Kingdom. Ouyang Kuangsheng approached Qin Wentian and asked, "How did it go?"

"It seems like you've made remarkable progress," a faint smile graced Qin Wentian's lips.

"Don't get smug. Your demonic aura has grown more profound too. Is it due to the ancient luck?" Ouyang Kuangsheng chuckled. His eyes shifted forward as he added in a hushed tone, "By the way, watch out for those newcomers."

Qin Wentian nodded in agreement. The middle-aged man led them to a place where a banquet had been prepared, surrounded by beautiful maidens. He stood near the host's table, inviting everyone with a warm smile, "Please, enjoy the feast."

The crowd took their seats, relishing the meal. Qin Wentian sat at the head table, with Ouyang Kuangsheng on his right and Mo Qingcheng on his left. Zhan Chen's eyes narrowed, revealing a sharper gleam. He, too, had acquired a unique legacy.

"Si Qiong, how are you feeling?" The middle-aged man beside the host inquired, causing astonishment among the guests. Si Qiong was a member of the 'Ancient Kingdom'?

"The Ancient Luck of Grand Xia is a secret art separate from the nine ultimate arts," Si Qiong replied softly.

Secret arts were renowned for their immense power, especially one originating from Ancient Grand Xia. The might of such a secret art would undoubtedly rival or surpass the nine ultimate arts. The ten secret arts were considered priceless treasures of Ancient Grand Xia. The fact that they had been hidden within the Vermilion Bird Formation, controlled by the Vermilion Bird's divinity, was a stroke of luck. Fortunately, the nine grand clans hadn't dismantled the formation, or this day might never have come.

Qin Wentian couldn't help but tremble when he considered the Fiend Transformation Art and the Demonic Divinity Sacrificial Transformation Art. Despite the numerous powerful innate techniques and cultivation arts in Ancient Grand Xia, it was rare to find any that could match their might.

"To be frank, our identities are likely already known to the upper echelons of the transcendent powers. After the ranking battle ends, you can seek answers from your elders and may even have the opportunity to join us," the middle-aged man smiled. He continued, "Furthermore, for the ancient luck you possess, we are willing to exchange it for any one of the nine ultimate arts of Grand Xia."

The contenders' expressions sharpened as their eyes filled with a strange glint. It was evident that these newcomers were solely interested in the secret art tied to their ancient luck.

"What are your thoughts?" The middle-aged man's gaze wandered, finally landing on Chen Wang.

Chen Wang pondered the proposition. He had come here to compete for the top rank and, due to his close ties with the Great Solar Chen Clan, was privy to certain behind-the-scenes stories. He knew who these people were.

"Alright," Chen Wang agreed, thinking that using his ancient luck in exchange for one of Grand Xia's nine ultimate arts wouldn't be a bad deal. Their strength was formidable; if they decided to forcibly take it, he would be powerless to resist.

The nine ultimate arts, although highly valuable treasures, had long been mastered by them. They didn't mind if the arts were shared with others. After all, the Great Solar Chen Clan was nowhere near their league.

"I'm in," Shi Potian nodded in agreement.

Si Qiong, Zhan Chen, and Emperor Azure all readily consented. Their hearts were brimming with excitement at the prospect of acquiring one of the nine ultimate arts. To them, this deal held no disadvantages and only endless benefits.

"I need time to consider," Qin Zheng stated calmly, causing an unhappy glint to flicker in the middle-aged man's eyes.

"I require more time to ponder," Yun Mengyi added serenely, drawing Qin Wentian's gaze.

Yun Mengyi had always carried an aura of mystery around her. She undoubtedly had a connection with Ancient Grand Xia, but the exact nature of that connection remained unknown to Qin Wentian. At this moment, Yun Mengyi's beautiful eyes were fixed on him, filled with anticipation.

"I, too, need to think it over," Mo Qingcheng murmured. All three of them needed more time to evaluate the offer. This response caused the middle-aged man's eyes to turn cold.

"You'd better think carefully," Si Qiong warned, a threatening glint in his eyes.

Qin Wentian furrowed his brow and added, "I also need further consideration."

His words hung in the air, and Si Qiong's cold gaze swept over him. It seemed like a direct challenge to him when Qin Wentian spoke up right after his comment.

"The Heavenly Fate ranking battle is not yet concluded," Si Qiong cautioned.

"I stand by Qin Wentian," Mu Feng chimed in. The remaining five contenders all expressed their need for more time to ponder the offer, transforming the previously convivial atmosphere into one of tension.

"You really have no idea of your place," a voice dripped with icy disdain pierced the air. It emanated from a young woman standing beside the middle-aged man. She continued haughtily, "Consider yourselves fortunate that we're even offering the nine ultimate arts in exchange."

"Exchange? What happened to our free will? Is this still considered an exchange when we can't even consider the terms?" Qin Zheng retorted. "This banquet is insufferable. We should leave."

"Why don't we just start the ranking battle now?" Qin Wentian added calmly. The five of them rose, turning to depart. Si Qiong forcefully slammed his palms onto the table, a malevolent smile curling his lips. "Hold on a moment."

Qin Wentian and the others turned to look at Si Qiong, who grinned sinisterly. "If the ranking battle begins immediately, I won't hold back against any of you."

"Enough of your nonsense." Mu Feng's voice dripped with venom as he continued to walk away. Si Qiong's smile froze as he watched Mu Feng dismiss him, then said, "Very well, I'll see you in the ranking battle."

Qin Wentian and the others left the banquet, leaving behind Chen Wang, Shi Potian, and those who had agreed to the exchange.

"Descendants of the Chen and Shi Clans, both of you are promising talents. When you return to your clans, inquire if they would allow you to join us. Perhaps, one day in the future, you might bask in the same glory as your ancestors," the middle-aged man said, glancing at them with evident delight. "The ranking battle will be temporarily postponed. Go and cultivate the ultimate art you wish to choose."

Chen Wang and the others were visibly excited. If they could indeed cultivate another ultimate art, their combat strength would undoubtedly soar. When the time came, how could the other five contenders hope to compete with them?

Currently, the person they feared most among the five was Si Qiong, who had originated from this place.

Zhan Chen and Emperor Azure also chose to remain behind. The middle-aged man smiled at them and calmly stated, "For this ranking battle, the four of you, along with Si Qiong, will definitely secure the top five rankings."

Then, he added, "Follow me."

Chen Wang and the others left with the middle-aged man. As for Qin Wentian and the rest, they returned to the Vermilion Bird Arena Platform and resumed their cultivation in their respective corners.

"Chen Wang and Shi Potian didn't leave with them. What's happening?" Many spectators were perplexed. Old Man Tianji and the other leaders knew what was transpiring but refrained from intervening.

"As the ranking battle concludes, it shall mark the true commencement of Grand Xia's shifting destiny," Old Man Tianji sighed. He had observed the inexorable course of fate, knowing that destiny was often beyond anyone's control, as evidenced by the fall of the ancient dynasty. No one possessed the power to reverse their destiny.

Predicting the future was beyond Old Man Tianji's abilities. The demonic star was the catalyst for all changes, and he couldn't discern where Grand Xia would ultimately end up. In this ranking battle, how many contenders could emerge as pivotal figures shaping Grand Xia's future? No one, not even Old Man Tianji, could accurately forecast it. He could only observe the movements of the constellations and make educated guesses, unable to pierce the murky clouds of fate to glimpse the future. Yet at this moment, he had a strong suspicion about the identity represented by the demonic star.

Time passed, but Chen Wang and the others still hadn't returned. The audience's suspicions grew, yet seeing Old Man Tianji's composure, they could only wait.

Qin Wentian and his companions remained remarkably composed. They focused on their cultivation, not seeking power to change the course of events but rather to follow their hearts and live without regrets.

The continued absence of Chen Wang and the others cast an invisible pressure on Qin Wentian and his companions. They must be deep in the process of cultivating the nine ultimate arts.

Chen Wang, Shi Potian, Si Qiong, Zhan Chen, Emperor Azure – these five were already formidable. How much more powerful would they become after acquiring one of the nine ultimate arts?

After several more days passed, a whistling wind announced the return of the middle-aged man. Behind him, Chen Wang and the others wore confident smiles, their arrogance markedly intensified.

Si Qiong's gaze shifted towards Old Man Tianji as he declared, "The destiny of Grand Xia will be determined by today's battle. The ambition of the contenders has soared to the heavens, but none of us fear death. With this battle, we shall shape the heavenly fate of Grand Xia."

"So, you're suggesting that the contenders' fate, whether they live or die, should depend solely on their own abilities?" Old Man Tianji calmly met Si Qiong's gaze.

"Yes, precisely. Those who lose won't even be worth considering for the Heavenly Fate Rankings," Si Qiong replied, his sharp gaze shifting to Qin Wentian and his companions.

Old Man Tianji turned to the contenders and inquired, "What do you think?"

In previous ranking battles, contenders who couldn't win could still admit defeat, ensuring that Grand Xia's talented geniuses remained intact. However, Si Qiong's audacious proposition had thrown a wrench into that tradition.

The spectators in attendance fixed their eyes on the contenders on the arena platform. Countless shockwaves of emotion surged through them. Chen Wang's overwhelming confidence was palpable. If Old Man Tianji agreed to this proposition, today's ranking battle would become one of the cruelest and most unprecedented events in Grand Xia's history.

Despite the unexpected turn of events, the spectators found it all the more intriguing, filling their hearts with anticipation. Who among these contenders would shape Grand Xia's Heavenly Fate?

Qin Wentian's fiendish eyes locked onto Chen Wang, a resplendent demonic light flickering within.

"The weak don't deserve a place on the Heavenly Fate Rankings," Qin Wentian declared, his voice frigid and tinged with a demonic edge. "Remember your proposal well: to determine our destiny with a single battle? To decide who will control Grand Xia's fate among us? I don't believe in such nonsense, nor do I fear the battle."