
Putting Away the Ancient Weaponized City

Putting Away the Ancient Weaponized City . . .

Driftsnow City, one of the prominent cities within the expanse of Jiangling Country, bore a rich history intertwined with the ebb and flow of power. In the days of yore, the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect held sway over the Cloud Prefecture, including Driftsnow City. However, the emergence of the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect brought about a profound change. As a new era dawned, the mantle of city lordship in Driftsnow City passed naturally to a representative of the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect.

Hidden within the city's embrace lay a testament to an ancient legacy—the handiwork of the enigmatic Driftsnow Master. This ancient iteration of Driftsnow City possessed an ethereal beauty that lured the most esteemed experts from far and wide. They came to bask in the scenic splendor and, upon hearing the age-old tales, couldn't help but sigh with a mix of admiration and melancholy.

Over time, the legend had begun to fade into obscurity within Driftsnow City's bustling streets. Yet, with the arrival of Qin Wentian, the city rekindled its vibrancy. It surged with newfound energy, unleashing a devastating force that razed a holy site within the Cloud Prefecture—the Jiang Clan. This cataclysmic event sent shockwaves throughout the entire region, reigniting the collective fascination with the tales of the Ancient Driftsnow Master and the enigmatic Immortal Jade. The narratives flowed through the populace, drawing a multitude of experts who sought to witness the ancient weaponized city firsthand.

Within the city's confines, the Nine Immortality Bells garnered the attention of many. It had been a considerable span since the resounding chimes had graced the ears of those in Driftsnow City. Presently, Pei Yu sat before the bells, seemingly lost in a deep slumber. Her steadfastness stirred silent admiration among the city's denizens. She had chosen to remain within the city even as her entire clan had been relocated.

—BOOM!— In a breathtaking moment, the long-dormant bells sprang to life once more. Pei Yu's eyes flickered open as a wondrous energy enveloped the surroundings. Delicate snowflakes descended from the heavens, creating an enchanting spectacle.

"When the ancient bells toll, the Driftsnow Master yearns for Immortal Jade anew?" Whispers filled the air as people extended their hands to catch the drifting snowflakes, watching them melt within their palms. The Driftsnow Master's soul found eternal expression in his yearning for Immortal Jade. His tears, when they fell, transformed into these ethereal snowflakes dancing in the atmosphere.

Pei Yu gazed at the snowflakes blanketing the sky, a radiant smile gracing her features. "Are you awake? It seems you're missing Immortal Jade once more. She's truly fortunate to have someone like you."

"Ai…" A deep sigh reverberated. Pei Yu's eyes gleamed as she continued, addressing the unseen presence, "Driftsnow Master, is that truly you? Can you hear my words?"

"Pei Yu, why persist in deceiving yourself? I am an ancient being who has long departed from this world. You, who still possess the gift of life, why waste your emotions on one already gone? It pains me to witness such a futile endeavor."

Pei Yu's countenance shifted. "But I willingly choose to be with you."

"I am unwilling to see you squander your life in this manner. It is a grievous folly. Individuals like you, who lack a purpose of their own and cannot live for themselves, how can they befittingly love others? Your love becomes a burdensome weight, winning you naught but pity and no true respect," a solemn voice resonated, sending tremors through Pei Yu's entire being as tears streamed down her face.

"Go forth and claim your own life. Staying here will only lead to my disdain," his words had cut through the cold air, landing heavily on her heart.

Was this truly what he thought of her?

Tears had flowed for what felt like an eternity, but now, Pei Yu's weeping had ceased. She turned her gaze to the gently falling snowflakes and spoke softly, as if addressing the very essence of the drifting crystals. "I understand now. I shall depart. Your words ring with truth; it is time for me to embark on my own path. Farewell, and take care."

With newfound determination, Pei Yu turned away and walked into the distance, her footsteps resolute. Soon, her figure vanished entirely from view.

Onlookers watched her departure, their hearts heavy with a mixture of emotions. Had the soul of the Driftsnow Master awakened once more?

The snowflakes continued their graceful descent, a delicate ballet in the air. Suddenly, a figure materialized and descended from the heavens.

"Who is that?" Gasps of astonishment rippled through the crowd. Could this man be the one who had conversed with Pei Yu? Had he masqueraded as the Driftsnow Master?

"It's Qin Wentian, he's Qin Wentian!" A voice rang out, recognizing him, and sharp glimmers of realization flashed in their eyes. The reawakening of ancient Driftsnow City had been ignited by this man—Qin Wentian had finally returned to Driftsnow City.

Qin Wentian stood atop the Nine Immortality Bells, his eyes locked on Pei Yu's receding figure as he murmured softly, "Pei Yu, I hope you won't blame me."

Qin Wentian had no desire to witness Pei Yu squander her life in this place, dedicating her youth to a phantom figure.

"Everyone, kindly vacate this area," Qin Wentian announced. Those unfamiliar with him responded with cold laughter, "Who do you think you are, ordering us to leave?"

Qin Wentian directed his gaze toward the speaker, then closed his eyes, emanating a potent aura of immortality. In an instant, the Nine Immortality Bells resounded with thunderous clamor, sending tremors through the onlookers' hearts.

"BE GONE!" Amidst the thunderous pealing of the bells, his voice rang out with authority, echoing in the air. Like a sudden lightning strike in a clear sky, it pierced into the very core of the defiant individual. He spat out a mouthful of blood, his face drained of color, his disbelief palpable. Could this man truly harness the power of the Nine Immortality Bells?

It was Qin Wentian!

In that moment, memories of past rumors flooded his mind, and he finally comprehended that the young man before him was none other than Qin Wentian—the same Qin Wentian who had ascended to immortality and crafted an immortal-ranked weapon while still a lowly ascendant.

—BOOM BOOM BOOM!— The bells continued to resonate, the world awash in a sea of white. The snowflakes pirouetted gracefully in the sky as the ancient city shivered and began its ascent into the heavens. Inside, its occupants hurriedly evacuated, aware that something extraordinary was unfolding before their very eyes.

Qin Wentian's immortal awareness melded seamlessly with the ancient Nine Immortality Bells, granting him an aerial view of Driftsnow City. From this vantage point, the city's layout took on a remarkable resemblance to a human figure, an intricate manifestation of the Driftsnow Master's devotion. He had infused the very essence of his being, his soul, and even his life into the city, all in pursuit of Immortal Jade.

—RUMBLE!— Driftsnow City quaked as Qin Wentian pushed his immortal awareness to its limits. It felt as though he might transmute into the city itself, bearing the weight of an immense pressure. Within the realm of the Nine Immortality Bells, Qin Wentian materialized.

"RISE!" With a resounding cry, the colossal ancient city lifted off the ground as Qin Wentian raised his arms. Onlookers stared, scarcely believing their eyes—the venerable Driftsnow City was, in fact, mobile.

The sonorous toll of bells reverberated through the air as Qin Wentian and the city ascended. The Nine Immortality Bells converged into one, their radiance enveloping both Qin Wentian and the city. In this pivotal moment, the bells transformed into a magnificent immortal bell, radiating boundless power.

"The Nine Immortality Bells are the heart and soul of Driftsnow City," Qin Wentian recognized with crystal clarity.

"The Driftsnow Master's prowess in weapon forging was truly unparalleled in every aspect," he marveled. The ancient bell emanated an expansive brilliance, enveloping the entire city. Then, Driftsnow City seemed to merge with the bells before vanishing from sight. In a separate dimension within the grand bell, the city reappeared.

Shrinking the ancient bell, Qin Wentian held it aloft and prepared to enter it.

Suddenly, a pacing figure came into view from a distance—it was none other than Pei Yu. She raised her head, her gaze locking onto Qin Wentian in mid-air.

"It's you," Pei Yu murmured.

"It is I," Qin Wentian confirmed. "Pei Yu, it's time for you to live your own life, free from the confines of fantasy. As of today, the legacy of the ancient Driftsnow Master is a thing of the past. I am the new Driftsnow Master."

Pei Yu's captivating eyes remained fixed on the empty air. Indeed, Qin Wentian now held complete dominion over Driftsnow City. He was the rightful successor to the mantle of the Driftsnow Master.

"Pei Yu, take care," Qin Wentian uttered. With those parting words, he disappeared into the folds of Driftsnow City.


Around the same time Qin Wentian arrived at Driftsnow City, the members of the Battle Sword Sect found themselves at the imposing King Manor of Jiangling Country. They had followed Qin Wentian's instructions, but the formidable guards stationed at the manor's entrance made them acutely aware of the invisible pressure that surrounded the king's abode.

One of the guards stepped forward, his gaze scrutinizing the newcomers. "Who are you?"

The elderly ancestor of the Battle Sword Sect took a step forward and respectfully explained, "We were summoned here by Qin Wentian to seek an audience with the King of Jiangling Country." He couldn't help but feel the oppressive atmosphere surrounding them in the presence of the majestic immortal manor.

The guard's eyes swept across the group, taking in their seemingly modest strength. "Please wait a moment. I will relay your request."

"Of course," the elderly ancestor replied, refraining from voicing his thoughts. Even an ordinary guard in this realm held more power than he could fathom.

Soon after, a commanding figure, none other than the king of Jiangling Country, approached them. He surveyed the members of the Battle Sword Sect with a quizzical expression. "And who might you be?"

He could sense their limited strength, making it unwise for them to fabricate a lie.

"We belong to the same sect as Qin Wentian, from the time he resided in our particle world. Our sect leader, much like myself, is an elderly man. We apologize for the intrusion, Senior. Qin Wentian has tasked us with finding the King of Jiangling Country, who he said would guide us to the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect. He has entrusted us with a crucial message of utmost importance to convey to the sect," the elderly ancestor explained in a hushed tone. The middle-aged man before them clearly surpassed him in power.

The Jiangling King, upon hearing their words, recognized the probable authenticity of their story. He spoke courteously, "Ah, you must be Young Lord Qin's fellow sect members. Please, come inside. I will arrange a banquet to welcome you."

He stepped forward, prepared to lead the Battle Sword Sect members himself.

"You needn't be so polite, Senior." The elderly ancestor of the Battle Sword Sect was astonished. His companions exchanged puzzled glances, growing increasingly perplexed.

The Jiangling King had referred to Qin Wentian as Young Lord Qin. This revelation left them astounded. What exactly was Qin Wentian's status?

"As Young Lord Qin's senior, such courtesy is only fitting. Please, do not stand on ceremony and accompany me inside," the Jiangling King insisted, his demeanor unpretentious. The elderly ancestor cautiously led the way, his voice trembling as he added, "Qin Wentian urged us to reach the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect swiftly. Senior, there is no need to prepare a banquet for our welcome…"

After brief contemplation, the Jiangling King nodded. "Very well, Young Lord Qin's matters hold paramount importance. Let us depart immediately."

"Yes, let's proceed." The elderly ancestor concurred, and with that, the Jiangling King personally led them toward the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect in the Cloud Prefecture.

Within the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect, immortal palaces stood tall, shrouded in an ethereal aura of immortal qi. Even the ordinary guards were immortals, causing the members of the Battle Sword Sect to feel their hearts race. All the immortal foundation experts they encountered along the way treated them with unparalleled politeness. These experts possessed the power to annihilate them with a mere thought.

Furthermore, everyone within the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect addressed Qin Wentian in the same manner—Young Lord Qin.

At this moment, Ye Lingshuang exuded an ethereal, immortal radiance as Qin Wentian's immortal sense activated, materializing his presence.

"Wentian!" Ye Lingshuang exclaimed.

"I have some pressing matters to attend to in our particle world. I will be meeting with the Emperor Lord now. Sis, you, the elderly ancestor, and the rest of the Battle Sword Sect should remain here for the time being," Qin Wentian informed them. He then led the Battle Sword Sect members forward, causing them to gape in astonishment. Their shock had reached a level akin to a raging tsunami, impossible to quell!