
Provocation with Words

Provocation with Words . . .

The news of the Evergreen Immortal Emperor's audience with Qing'er swiftly reverberated throughout the realm, igniting intrigue and anticipation among the kingdom's prominent figures. They all waited with bated breath, eager to discern the Evergreen Immortal Emperor's stance on this matter.

Ever since Qing'er's return to the royal palace, numerous heirs of kings and marquises had harbored aspirations of winning her affections. However, Qing'er remained impervious to their advances, her demeanor unyielding. As for the Evergreen Immortal Emperor, his stance remained an enigma, a riddle concealed beneath a mask of neutrality. None could decipher his true sentiments, leaving them to engage in a speculative guessing game.

But this time was different. Princess Qing'er had not only brought a man into the royal palace but had also sought an audience with the Evergreen Immortal Emperor himself. In such circumstances, the King's intentions should, at the very least, be made unequivocally clear, shouldn't they?

Would the Evergreen Immortal Emperor extend his support or vehemently oppose this union?

If his Majesty were to grant his approval to Princess Qing'er and Qin Wentian, the uproar and debates surrounding Qin Wentian would lose their relevance in an instant. Qin Wentian would be catapulted into the role of the prince consort of the Evergreen Immortal Empire, his status etched in stone. This outcome was evidently undesirable to many within the aristocracy.

Meanwhile, in Princess Changping's residence, an aunt who had shared a close bond with Qing'er had issued orders to prepare a grand reception banquet in honor of Qin Wentian. After all, as the one who arranged for Qin Wentian's residence in their abode, it was incumbent upon her to ensure his comfort and well-being.

The banquet was attended by Princess Changping's husband and daughter, both of whom regarded Qin Wentian with keen interest. They posed him with a series of inquiries, gradually unraveling the enigma that was Qin Wentian.

Princess Changping's husband bore the title of the Scarlet Eye Immortal King, a prominent figure among immortal kings in the empire. He had been bestowed the honorific of the Scarlet Eye Marquis by the Evergreen Immortal Emperor and shared the title of prince consort of the Evergreen Immortal Empire with Princess Changping. While neither Princess Changping nor the Scarlet Eye Marquis could boast of remarkable combat prowess, their authority and status within the empire remained formidable. Princess Changping, being the blood-sister of the Evergreen Immortal Emperor, had rendered invaluable aid in the establishment of the empire.

"Qin Wentian, you are now a name on everyone's lips. A simple sweep of my immortal sense reveals endless discussions about you echoing throughout the royal palace. Even the slaves and servants are abuzz with chatter," the Scarlet Eye Immortal King remarked jovially, his laughter filling the room. Qin Wentian responded with a wry smile, "I anticipated some commotion when Qing'er brought me into the palace, but I didn't expect the news to spread so rapidly."

"Ah, you must understand the caliber of individuals residing in the royal palace. Each of them is either a king or a marquis. Their immortal senses effortlessly permeate the palace, allowing them to acquire information with ease," the Scarlet Eye Immortal King explained, his mirth undiminished. Qin Wentian contemplated this and nodded in agreement, acknowledging that this gathering was a convergence of elites within the Evergreen Immortal Empire.

"So, what are they saying about me?" Qin Wentian inquired, curiosity dancing in his eyes.

"They're discussing your cultivation level, your background, your place of origin, and more," replied the Scarlet Eye Immortal King.

"I imagine there are those who hold me in disdain, am I correct?" Qin Wentian inquired with nonchalance. He knew that many would harbor resentment toward him, though the Scarlet Eye Immortal King's politeness had prevented him from revealing the extent of such sentiments.

"Do you feel the weight of their scrutiny pressing down upon you?" The Scarlet Eye Immortal King cast an appraising glance at Qin Wentian. Their situations bore a striking resemblance; both were prince consorts who had faced their fair share of criticism when they pursued their respective royal matches. While they possessed commendable talents, they were not considered pinnacle figures among the immortal kings of the royal palace.

Certainly, back in those days, Princess Changping did not enjoy the exalted status that Qing'er currently commanded. The Evergreen Immortal Emperor now ruled the empire, and his affection for Qing'er knew no bounds. Adding to her prestige was the fact that Qing'er had gained another immensely powerful mentor. Her standing in the immortal realms was nearly peerless, which was why her decision to bring Qin Wentian back to the royal palace had stirred such a tremendous commotion.

"Indeed, there's a certain level of pressure. But some things cannot be swayed by numbers alone, no matter how many people are involved. Since Qing'er brought me here, I'll confront whatever challenges may arise head-on," Qin Wentian declared with unwavering resolve. Both Princess Changping and the Scarlet Eye Immortal King wore approving smiles, silently acknowledging the maturity displayed by Qin Wentian. Such courage was a rare find among junior cultivators like him and Qing'er.

However, as Qin Wentian rightly pointed out, some matters could not be altered easily, no matter how many people were involved. This was especially true when it came to an individual's convictions. A prime example was the Evergreen Immortal Emperor's stance. Even if everyone else in the royal palace stood in support of Qing'er and him, but her father remained opposed, their collective endorsement would merely signify their position. Ultimately, it would not wield the power to effect change.

In that moment, a black-clad butler approached and addressed them, "Princess, Marquis."

"What's the matter?" Princess Changping inquired.

"We have visitors seeking an audience," the butler replied. The Scarlet Eye Immortal King and Princess Changping extended their senses and exchanged knowing smiles as they glanced at Qin Wentian.

"There are individuals who have come to assess you. Qin Wentian, brace yourself. Among these people, you'll find no benevolent souls," Princess Changping cautioned. She then turned to the butler and instructed, "Invite them to join the banquet."

"Yes, Princess," the butler acknowledged before departing. After a brief interval, a group of over ten proud-looking youths appeared. They all hailed from noble backgrounds, boasting both exceptional looks and talents. The majority among them were at the eighth or ninth level of Celestial Phenomenon, and they hailed from the same generation as Qin Wentian. This arrangement seemed deliberate.

"We extend our respects to Princess and Marquis," these individuals greeted, bowing courteously in the direction of Princess Changping and the Scarlet Eye Immortal King.

"Youngsters, there's no need for such formality here. Please, take a seat," Princess Changping warmly invited them with a smile. Each person respectfully made their way to the banquet and found their places. At this moment, numerous curious gazes were fixed upon Qin Wentian, their eyes sharp with interest.

Qin Wentian, however, remained unperturbed by the attention. He leisurely sampled the wine, indifferent to the scrutiny he was currently enduring. He allowed these individuals to observe him as they wished.

A young woman chimed in, her tone playful, "Princess Changping arranged such a splendid banquet for this dashing young man, but forgot to extend the invitation to us. It's left us juniors heartbroken, truly."

Princess Changping chuckled at the teasing remark. "You all have your hands full with your daily responsibilities. I wouldn't want to be accused of delaying your cultivation progress."

"Don't say that, Princess. If you had invited us, I'm sure our elders would be thrilled," the lovely young lady responded in a gentle tone. She then turned her attention to Qin Wentian and continued, "Princess, why don't you introduce this young man to us? Given that he's here at this banquet, he must be someone extraordinary."

The underlying message in her words was clear. She already knew who Qin Wentian was but wanted to hear it from the Princess.

Princess Changping obliged, "His name is Qin Wentian. I'm sure most of you are already familiar with his name. Princess Qing'er entrusted him to me, so naturally, I must take good care of him."

"Indeed," the young lady agreed. "This is the first time Princess Qing'er has brought someone to the royal palace. The other kings and marquises are watching this closely. Since Brother Qin has earned Princess Qing'er's approval, he must possess a remarkable background, don't you think? Would you be willing to share where you come from? And by the way, which immortal emperor's descendant are you?"

Princess Changping and the Scarlet Eye Immortal King continued to sip their wine, quietly observing the unfolding exchange. They had no intention of intervening; they had already cautioned Qin Wentian to brace himself for these inquiries. These were the challenges he had to face if he wished to be with Qing'er.

Setting his wine cup aside, Qin Wentian fixed his gaze on the young lady and replied, "I come from a particle world, and I don't bear any prestigious lineage."

"Oh?" A flicker of intrigue danced across the young lady's countenance, as if she had just discovered this piece of information.

"Brother Qin, your sense of humor is truly remarkable," commented a young man in blue, his sharp brows resembling finely honed swords. He raised his head and continued, "We are currently in the royal palace of the Evergreen Immortal Empire, a place reserved for kings and marquises. Even regular immortal kings would find it difficult to gain entry. If Brother Qin indeed hails from a mere particle world, what right do you have to partake in this banquet?"

"Indeed," chimed in another young man, his eyes glinting with a hint of sharpness. While his words weren't overtly disrespectful, the disdain in his tone was unmistakable. He implied that Qin Wentian shouldn't even be in the royal palace, let alone attending a banquet.

Though their words were plain, their implications were clear to all present.

All eyes turned to Qin Wentian, awaiting his response.

Instead of answering immediately, Qin Wentian posed a question of his own, "Have all of you attended banquets at other significant gatherings before?"

"Of course," replied one of them.

"We've been to several banquets hosted by important figures," added the young lady with a smile.

"When you attend such banquets, do you need to disclose your clan and identity to gain entry?" Qin Wentian continued his inquiry.

Laughter rippled among the group. One person responded, "Naturally. At some places, even if you possess exceptional talent, you won't be allowed in without revealing your identity. Without providing proof of your identity, you essentially have no right to attend any immortal banquets."

The last sentence was delivered with emphasis, accompanied by a sly smile.

"In other words, if your current identity and status were stripped away, none of you would qualify to attend these banquets?" Qin Wentian rephrased the question, infusing his voice with a hint of mockery.

"Status and identity are like radiant halos that define us," someone replied, narrowing their eyes as they stared coldly at Qin Wentian.

"Correct," Qin Wentian nodded. "But some people are rather pitiable, believing that a prestigious identity and status are the be-all and end-all. Ultimately, without genuine strength, they become nothing more than a joke in the eyes of others. In any case, I haven't lied to any of you. I do hail from a particle world, and I see no shame in that. Moreover, I'm here, seated at this banquet. Princess Changping and the Marquis have even become my good friends. At the very least, they don't mock me."

"But aren't you forgetting something? The very reason Brother Qin is here in the first place is all thanks to Princess Qing'er," the young lady countered.

"You all seem rather proud of your identities and statuses, which were handed down through the generations as a result of the merits of your ancestors. Are you implying that Princess Qing'er's judgment is flawed?" Qin Wentian asked with a cold laugh. "Or perhaps, are you all envious of me?"

"Brother Qin sure has a knack for humor," the young lady retorted, her voice turning cold.

"Such a sharp tongue you have. It's no wonder Princess Qing'er took a liking to you," a young man rudely interjected, causing Qin Wentian's expression to freeze as he fixed a stern gaze on the offender.

"Don't blame them, Brother Qin. They're quite straightforward and tend to speak their minds without much thought," the young man in blue chimed in. "But the person who spoke does have a point. You managed to win Princess Qing'er's favor with your silver tongue, which led to your presence here in the royal palace. It's quite the display of your 'abilities.'"

"However, this brand of 'ability' is only deserving of contempt," the speaker continued, making no effort to conceal the disdain in his voice. His tone grew even ruder, but Qin Wentian remained unmoved, regarding them with an emotionless gaze. These individuals had clearly come here with the intention of provoking him. If Qin Wentian had reacted as they hoped, he would have played right into their hands.

"Hmph." Qin Wentian's lips curled into a smile. Did they think they could provoke him into taking action? It was laughable. He continued to sit there, savoring his wine in solitude, his smile growing wider.

"What are you smirking at?" someone demanded to know.

"I'm smiling at how shallow and ignorant the noble descendants of the royal palace can be," Qin Wentian remarked, setting down his wine cup. His words instantly turned every eye in the room into sharp swords, all focused on him!