
Origin of the Fiend Transformation Art

Origin of the Fiend Transformation Art...

Qin Wentian's cold gaze shifted toward Peng Zhan. In an instant, thunderous booms reverberated through the area as the Golden Primal Ape pounded the ground with its mighty steps. The Crimsonblood Thunder Hawk emitted a fierce cry as it gracefully soared in an arc towards Peng Zhan.

Demonic energy surged around Qin Wentian as he summoned his Astral Souls, causing his aura to violently escalate.

Yet, at this critical moment, a radiant beam shot forth from the center of Qin Wentian's forehead. Peng Zhan's face contorted into a grimace as he launched a palm strike at Qin Wentian. However, Yao Jun observed with astonishment as Peng Zhan's attack struck empty space—there was nothing there.

"What's happening?" Peng Zhan's heart constricted as a profound sense of peril washed over him. Just as he attempted to retreat, the mighty palms of the Golden Primal Ape landed on his body, launching him into the air. The Thunder Hawk's full-force strike hit him like a missile, sending him hurtling away until he disappeared from Qin Wentian's view.

"This..." Yao Jun wore a shocked expression. He had originally believed that he could at least hold his ground against Qin Wentian, but the unexpected attack shattered that delusion. If he truly confronted Qin Wentian, the outcome would likely be just as humiliating, and he would become the second Peng Zhan—completely and utterly overpowered.

Puzzlement filled his mind. Why had Peng Zhan's earlier attack missed by such a significant margin? It seemed impossible; Peng Zhan's strength was undoubtedly on par with his. How could he make such a grave mistake? Gazing at Qin Wentian once more, Yao Jun couldn't help but sense that the young man standing before him possessed unfathomable power, far beyond his ability to gauge.

Qin Wentian spared him only a glance before entering the cave with the Purgatory Vermilion Bird. The Golden Primal Ape and the Blue-Scale Flood Dragon stationed themselves outside the cave, vigilant against any intruders.

Yao Jun understood that his chances with this legacy had dwindled to nothing.

As Qin Wentian ventured further into the cave, the darkness gave way to light. Eventually, he laid eyes on a grand palace. His expression froze, his eyes reflecting a peculiar radiance.

Incredible, a hidden palace was concealed within the mountain cave.

The palace before him was vast, radiating an air of authority. A palpable and eerie intent hung in the air, as though an immeasurable demonic energy was contained within.

The palace housed numerous statues, all resembling demonic beasts. Oddly, the statues' eyes appeared strangely lifelike, as if they were more than mere sculptures.

"Ka Cha!"

A sharp, crisp sound resonated through the palace, causing Qin Wentian's heart to tighten. He swiftly turned his gaze towards the source of the noise, his eyes flashing with alarm. There, the statue of the Wind Devil Demonic Tiger was shedding its stony exterior, revealing a malevolent countenance that grinned menacingly at Qin Wentian.

The statue was coming to life!

A symphony of crumbling stone echoed throughout the palace as more statues began to reveal their living forms. Countless pairs of demonic eyes fixed on Qin Wentian, and an overwhelming surge of demonic energy saturated the space.

The Purgatory Vermilion Bird emitted a sharp cry, with the Crimsonblood Thunder Hawk and Silvery Roc flocking to its side. However, the demonic energy in the palace only grew denser as the statues continued to awaken.

Qin Wentian's expression remained impassive as he ascended into the sky. Suddenly, the transformed demonic beasts sprung into action, rushing at him with a frenzied determination. The sheer force of their demonic energy would have terrified even the bravest.

The Purgatory Vermilion Bird, cloaked in flames, screeched loudly and soared upwards, incinerating the oncoming horde of demonic beasts with its purgatory flames. After dispatching the first wave, it transformed into a radiant golden hue and initiated another assault, swooping down to eliminate more beasts. Wherever it passed, fresh blood splattered on the ground as the transformed demonic beasts met their demise one after another.

But the waves of beasts appeared never-ending, continuously charging forward without fear of death.

The Crimsonblood Thunder Hawk and the Silvery Roc also plunged into the fray, engaging the relentless waves of transformed demonic beasts. Meanwhile, one beast broke through the three birds and lunged at Qin Wentian. He responded with a mighty stomp, delivering a furious palm strike that shattered the hapless creature into pieces.

"Wait, what? I can't inscribe any Divine Inscriptions here?" Qin Wentian's gaze turned icy. He wasn't sure if the floor was made from a special material or if this place was subject to certain restrictions. In any case, he couldn't employ Divine Inscriptions. His only option was to rely on pure combat to carve a path through the unceasing horde of demonic beasts.

The three birds were undeniably formidable, especially the Purgatory Vermilion Bird. The eternal flames that enveloped it resembled the true flames of Purgatory, carrying devastating power. Its wings, like blades of unparalleled sharpness, sliced through the flesh of demonic beasts with ease. However, despite their might and the number of beasts they slaughtered, it seemed to make no difference in reducing the relentless onslaught of demonic creatures. Suddenly, a fearsome demonic ape descended and collided with the Vermilion Bird's body. Although the ape was instantly incinerated by the perpetual flames, the collision had injured the Purgatory Vermilion Bird.

Subsequent assaults followed in rapid succession, a relentless barrage of attacks from the demonic horde. The transformed beasts displayed no fear of death. In an astonishingly short span, the Silvery Roc succumbed to its wounds, while the Crimsonblood Thunder Hawk met the same fate not long after.

Qin Wentian's third eye blazed with resplendent light as an overwhelming pressure descended from the heavens. His body was enshrouded in a suit of demonic armor, and as the waves of transformed demonic beasts rushed at him, they were met with vibrations of such intensity that they burst into pieces, littering the ground with their remains.

Understanding Qin Wentian's intent, the Purgatory Vermilion Bird flew forward, obliterating any demonic beast that dared obstruct their path. Though blood dripped incessantly from its beak, its resolve remained unwavering.

With the duo of Qin Wentian and the Vermilion Bird, none of the demonic beasts could halt their advance. Eventually, they reached a location where a terrifying ancient demonic divinity loomed in the air—an illusory manifestation of a Vermilion Bird, the Underworld Vermilion Bird. Its aura was horrifyingly potent, capable of overwhelming the minds of those of weaker resolve. When its gaze locked onto Qin Wentian's Purgatory Vermilion Bird, an intense wave of killing intent emanated from it.

The Purgatory Vermilion Bird emitted a piercing screech, poised to launch an attack. However, Qin Wentian intervened with a cold assertion, "Allow me."

As his words faded, Qin Wentian sprang forward. He was the one who had unveiled this cave; therefore, he should be the one to undertake its challenges.

The Purgatory Vermilion Bird pivoted and continued its relentless combat against the ceaseless onslaught of demonic beasts, safeguarding Qin Wentian's rear.

Qin Wentian's third eye opened, projecting a brilliant golden beam. Yet, to his astonishment, he realized that the Underworld Vermilion Bird remained unaffected by his gaze, continuing to stare at him with icy indifference.

"Immunity?" Qin Wentian's expression stiffened. The formidable Vermilion Bird was impervious to his ocular attack.

A spine-chilling hiss escaped the Underworld Vermilion Bird's beak, releasing a frigid gust of underworld air that seemed to originate from the realm of the dead itself. Qin Wentian thrust out with a dragon-shaped imprint, but it was swiftly encased in ice. As the cold air seized his palms, Qin Wentian felt the very Astral Energy coursing through his meridians congeal, rendering him powerless.

"What a sinister underworld aura. Is this the challenge I must overcome?" Qin Wentian's gaze flickered with unwavering determination. Behind him, the Purgatory Vermilion Bird waged a frenzied assault, thwarting the relentless waves of demonic beasts and preventing a single one from reaching Qin Wentian. It appeared to comprehend the might of the Underworld Vermilion Bird and was determined to keep its master focused.

Qin Wentian peered deeply into the icy gaze of the Underworld Vermilion Bird and thrust out with another palm. This time, the divine inscriptions etched within his Yuanfu radiated into the form of ancient bells.

"Heartbreak Echo!"

But to his surprise, the Underworld Vermilion Bird remained unmoved, its cold gaze fixed firmly on Qin Wentian, displaying no sign of being affected in the slightest.

Qin Wentian realized that his only chance of vanquishing the Underworld Vermilion Bird lay in unleashing pure, unadulterated strength. The bird was impervious to most innate techniques, save for raw power.

Behind him, a fierce shriek reverberated through the air. The Purgatory Vermilion Bird had sustained grave injuries to the point where its form became ethereal once more. Nevertheless, it valiantly repelled the waves of demonic beasts, steadfast in its resolve to prevent a single one from reaching Qin Wentian.

The spectators in the outside world remained oblivious to the trials unfolding within the legacies. If they could witness these events, they would undoubtedly be astounded. The ancient luck, in the guise of Vermilion Birds, possessed the ability to materialize into genuine Vermilion Bird demonic beasts. Not only that, they exhibited unwavering loyalty to their masters, willing to give their all to aid them in securing ancient legacies.

None of the onlookers had any inkling of the struggles the contenders faced, whether they succeeded or failed, or even the nature of the legacies they sought to obtain.

As Qin Wentian charged forth, he stared down the Underworld Vermilion Bird. An overwhelming demonic aura emanated from him, shrouding him in a maelstrom of demonic energy. His visage had transformed into that of a true demon, no longer resembling a human.

The Underworld Vermilion Bird met Qin Wentian's icy gaze head-on and expelled yet another surge of underworld qi. Qin Wentian sensed his entire body on the brink of being encased in frost, the underworld qi gnawing at his armor and flesh. Yet, his determination remained unwavering as he pressed forward. When he set his mind on a goal, nothing could stand in his way.

The malevolent currents of underworld qi swirled around Qin Wentian, and the Underworld Vermilion Bird abruptly dove, launching a talon strike that pierced Qin Wentian's chest. It then channeled the underworld qi directly into his body, casting a shadow of impending death over him.

However, Qin Wentian had no intention of allowing the bird to escape after such a close-range attack. He seized hold of its body and delivered a punch infused with the will of his Mandate, bolstered by the harmonious rhythm of Heaven and Earth.

The Underworld Vermilion Bird emitted a bloodcurdling shriek, struggling desperately to break free. But relentless punches caused its corporeal form to weaken, reverting to an illusory silhouette.

"Devour it," Qin Wentian commanded coldly. The Purgatory Vermilion Bird screeched and swooped down, tearing at the Underworld Vermilion Bird with its beak while Qin Wentian continued his relentless assault.

Eventually, the Purgatory Vermilion Bird successfully consumed its prey. As the commanding light in its eyes swept over the oncoming demonic beast horde, they halted and reverted to their stone statue forms.

Qin Wentian's wound recovery was hindered by the lingering Underworld energy. The Purgatory Vermilion Bird cooed in concern, eyeing the gaping wound running down Qin Wentian's chest. Qin Wentian smiled and reassured, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

With those words, he pressed forward. An ancient path materialized after the demise of the Underworld Vermilion Bird. Qin Wentian followed the path until he faced a golden stone wall, engraved with three imposing words—Fiend Transformation Art.

"Fiend Transformation Art!" Qin Wentian exclaimed, his eyes filled with boundless astonishment. So this was the origin of it all. Back then, the Azure Emperor had undoubtedly competed in the ranking battle to accumulate ancient luck and visited this place. The Fiend Transformation Art had its roots here!