
Mysterious Visitor

Mysterious Visitor . . .

On the grand stage, Qin Wentian and Mo Qingcheng stood facing each other, bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun. Their smiles radiated the pure happiness of a couple about to embark on a lifelong journey together. Hand in hand, they advanced gracefully, casting their eyes upon the sea of well-wishers who had gathered to celebrate their union.

Qin Chuan, beaming with pride, approached them. "Wentian, are you ready to begin?" he inquired.

"Just a bit longer," Qin Wentian replied with a smile, casting his gaze towards the horizon. He knew that there were still many who had yet to arrive.

As if on cue, several figures appeared in the sky, rapidly approaching the ceremony. They descended gracefully, their powerful auras creating ripples in the air.

"Congratulations to the newlyweds from the Venerate Heaven Sect of Ginkou Continent, a transcendent power of Grand Xia."

"Congratulations from the Shi Clan of Ginkou Continent."

"Congratulations from the Hua Clan of Moon Continent."

The voices of well-wishing representatives from various transcendent powers of Grand Xia reverberated through the air, resonating not only within the Emperor Star Academy but also throughout the entire Royal Capital of Chu.

Ascendants from these transcendent powers had come to honor this occasion.

As the guests proceeded along the red carpet, their attention was fixed upon a single figure on the stage. Their gazes converged upon the young man who had managed to subdue Grand Xia's transcendent powers to such an extent.

Qin Wentian stood on the stage, his calm demeanor belying the significance of the moment. With a smile, he addressed the assembly, "I am truly grateful that all of you esteemed seniors could attend my wedding."

Internally, many guests harbored their own thoughts, though they dared not voice them. Only Old Man Tianji, who had observed the rise of the Demon Star, wore a genuine smile as he watched Qin Wentian. He had foreseen the changing tides of Grand Xia, with Qin Wentian at the center. His intuition had been proven right, and now, Qin Wentian was poised to reunify Grand Xia.

"We couldn't possibly decline Palace Lord Qin's invitation," remarked the Shi Ancestor. "When we heard that Palace Lord Qin intended to announce his plans for us on his wedding day, we simply couldn't miss it. While we may not possess Palace Lord Qin's extraordinary talents, we are leaders of our respective powers in Grand Xia. If Palace Lord Qin has something to say, he should consider that we are leaders in our own right. We cannot simply submit to the will of others." The Shi Ancestor's words carried a sharp edge, and there were even more ascendants gathered here than during their previous attempt on Qin Wentian's life.

All the ascendants of Grand Xia were present today, including those who had agreed to align with Qin Wentian's vision. He had extended invitations to every transcendent power to ensure none could evade this momentous occasion. His message was clear: Grand Xia's unification was inevitable, and no one could remain an independent power.

Qin Wentian's gaze locked onto the Shi Ancestor, his expression growing equally determined. He scanned the assembly, noting the defiance and confidence in the eyes of the ascendants. This left him pondering whether they had truly learned their lesson or if they were concealing another trump card.

"As decreed by destiny, from this moment forward, the Azure Emperor Palace shall reign supreme as the regent power of Grand Xia, governing all transcendent powers," Qin Wentian declared with chilling resolve. His words resounded with authority, and the ascendants could feel his presence growing even more formidable. His penetrating gaze struck fear into their hearts, leaving no doubt that Qin Wentian was a force to be reckoned with.

Amidst the grandeur of the Emperor Star Academy's ceremonial stage, tensions hung thick in the air. Qin Wentian, standing tall, faced a formidable assembly of transcendent power leaders. Among them, the Wang Clan's Ancestor, with ice in his voice, confronted Qin Wentian. Their Wang Clan was renowned in the War Continent, and the idea of submitting to the Azure Emperor Palace was an affront to their pride.

To relinquish their independence and become subjects under the Azure Emperor Palace's rule? It was a bitter pill to swallow, and the weight of this decision bore down on all the transcendent powers assembled.

Within the Emperor Star Academy, a hushed anticipation gripped everyone. Rumors had swirled, but now they witnessed firsthand the indomitable spirit and sheer dominance Qin Wentian possessed when confronting these mighty beings.

Qin Wentian broke the silence with a cold voice, addressing the gathered ascendants. "I assume all of you have made it here today."

The ascendants exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of Qin Wentian's intentions.

"As for the debt from your previous attempt to assassinate me, I have yet to settle that score. While my goal is to reunify Grand Xia, I do not wish to weaken the strength of the transcendent powers. If you insist on resisting, I offer you two choices: We resolve our issues within Grand Xia, or we allow the Royal Sacred Region's experts to intervene."

Qin Wentian's eyes pierced through the crowd. "If you choose the first option, I will refrain from seeking the Royal Sacred Region's assistance. But if you opt for the second choice, I will not object either. Tell me, what is your decision?"

The ascendants frowned, taken aback by Qin Wentian's apparent confidence. Wasn't he gravely injured not long ago? Why did he exude such certainty?

His audacity hinted at knowledge of their hidden trump cards, yet despite their strength, they hesitated. They dared not reply to his challenge.

"I support Grand Xia's reunification, but I beseech you, Palace Lord Qin, to spare the Venerate Heavens Sect from the impending conflict. We desire neither confrontation nor power. Should you unify Grand Xia, the Venerate Heavens Sect is willing to pledge allegiance, seeking only a peaceful and neutral position," Old Man Tianji humbly requested. His words stunned the other ascendants, as the mighty Venerate Heavens Sect willingly submitted?

"Very well. After Grand Xia's unification, the Azure Emperor Palace will govern all. The Venerate Heavens Sect of Ginkou will serve as a center for knowledge and education, nurturing talents from across Grand Xia. Your role in maintaining the ranking boards shall remain intact. Do you agree to these terms, Senior?" Qin Wentian inquired.

"We do," Old Man Tianji affirmed.

Qin Wentian nodded, harboring no ill will towards the Venerate Heavens Sect, which had never posed a threat to him. He understood their unique position and the circumstances that led to their decision.

The other ascendants wore expressions of discontent. The Venerate Heavens Sect had secured an advantageous position by yielding. What position might they obtain if they followed suit? But their opportunity seemed to have slipped through their fingers. The Thousand-Jue Alliance, Jiang Clan, and Mystic Moon Sect were already ahead in the queue. There might be no room for them to negotiate anymore.

"Since none of you wish to take a stand, you shall abide by my rules," Qin Wentian proclaimed. "Henceforth, the transcendent powers of Grand Xia shall come under the governance of the Azure Emperor Palace. Does anyone object?"

Qin Wentian's unyielding gaze swept the crowd. The ascendants' expressions grew increasingly grim, with the Wang Ancestor rejecting his proposal, stating firmly, "None of us will ever consent. The Azure Emperor Palace lacks the qualifications to rule over Grand Xia."

With unwavering resolve, Qin Wentian descended from the stage, each step carrying an aura of dominance. The entire atmosphere grew tense as all eyes remained fixed upon him. It had been rumored that he had once driven these ascendants away, and now it seemed history might repeat itself. The sight of Qin Wentian, fully healed and brimming with vitality, instilled awe in those who beheld him.

As the climactic standoff unfolded, a palpable tension filled the air, causing the ascendants to instinctively step back. Astonishingly, they remained motionless as Qin Wentian strode purposefully towards the Wang Ancestor, the pinnacle figure of Grand Xia. It was a startling testament to the unprecedented authority he held.

Qin Wentian's eyes, now cold and unwavering, blazed with determination as he addressed the dissenting transcendent powers. "Do you oppose this?"

The Wang Ancestor, representing the collective defiance, locked eyes with Qin Wentian. Behind him, his fellow ascendants began to rally to his side, a united front against the Azure Emperor Palace's claim.

Qin Wentian's voice remained unfeeling as he acknowledged their resistance, his resolve never wavering. An ominous third eye materialized in the center of his brow, and with one piercing gaze, he ensnared the Wang Ancestor in a surreal dreamscape, isolating him from his compatriots.

Within the dream, the Wang Ancestor found himself alone, facing the unyielding Qin Wentian. There was no escape, no allies to turn to—only the impending confrontation.

"You have provoked me multiple times, threatening my family without consequences. Since you wish to be the first to challenge me openly, I shall grant your wish," Qin Wentian's voice resounded in the Wang Ancestor's mind as a torrent of annihilating energy surged forth.

Desperation drove the Wang Ancestor to claw at his own forehead, attempting to break free from the tormenting dreamscape. But all his efforts proved futile; he was trapped within the boundaries of Qin Wentian's formidable dream-will.

"You have broken through," the Wang Ancestor muttered, his countenance ashen with realization that Qin Wentian's dream-will had far surpassed his expectations.

"Yes," Qin Wentian affirmed, his response causing the Wang Ancestor's features to crumble like ashes.

"The Wang Clan of the War Continent is extinguished," Qin Wentian declared. He waved his hand, and the torrent of destructive energy erupted into a tempest, shrouding the dreamscape in a devastating gale. The Wang Ancestor could only watch helplessly as despair consumed him. With Qin Wentian's breakthrough, he had become an indomitable force.

A thunderous "BOOM" marked the Wang Ancestor's demise, his form dissolving into dust and scattering into the wind.

A profound silence enveloped the Emperor Star Academy. The Wang Ancestor, once an indomitable figure, had crumbled without resistance. The other ascendants watched in stunned disbelief, struggling to comprehend the unfolding events.

Their collective thoughts turned to a singular question: where was the mysterious figure they had been waiting for?

Qin Wentian, unfazed by the aftermath of his decisive action, surveyed the crowd from his lofty vantage point. His voice, filled with unwavering authority, demanded obedience. "Is there anyone else who opposes this?"

At that moment, Qin Wentian's gaze sharpened, and he directed his attention to the horizon, a cold smile curving his lips. It seemed the moment had finally arrived, and he had been anticipating this encounter for a long time.

In the vast and desolate expanse of Grand Xia, where few cared to observe, one man's curiosity surpassed the rest. Jun Yu, never one to miss significant developments, had been closely monitoring the Pill Emperor Hall's downfall. He couldn't remain indifferent to the unfolding events, and now, he boldly declared his presence.

Today was the day he had been waiting for, the day when an old score would be settled. Jun Yu, accompanied by a cadre of experts from the Royal Sacred Sect, approached with a seething mix of anger and cold determination in their eyes, all directed squarely at Qin Wentian.

Qin Wentian met Jun Yu's gaze with a steady, unruffled demeanor. He had, after all, been forewarned earlier in the day by the Medicine Sovereign. Within the Royal Sacred Sect, it had been decided that matters involving the younger generation were their own responsibility. The Sacred Emperor, with his lofty status, wouldn't backtrack on his word. As for Xia Sheng's demise, it had been because Xia Sheng had proven himself useless. His death was inconsequential to the sect's leader.

But just because the Sacred Emperor remained aloof didn't mean the rest of the Royal Sacred Sect shared his sentiment. Moreover, after Qin Wentian's departure, another threat had emerged to challenge the sect's stability. Someone needed to be held accountable for these disruptions.

"Listen carefully, Qin Wentian," Jun Yu began, his tone dripping with disdain. "The Medicine Sovereign won't be joining your wedding festivities today."

"I'm well aware," replied Qin Wentian, his expression as placid as ever. The Medicine Sovereign had already communicated to him that the Royal Sacred Sect had stationed experts outside the Medicine Sovereign Valley, without taking any overt hostile actions. They seemed intent on keeping the Medicine Sovereign confined within the valley, avoiding any pretext for his intervention. Their motive was clear: they wanted to ensure the Medicine Sovereign wouldn't attend Qin Wentian's wedding.

Jun Yu's brows furrowed in confusion. How did Qin Wentian know about this? Had the Medicine Sovereign contacted him directly? If so, why did he still appear so self-assured? Jun Yu had brought powerful experts with him, even prepared to confront the Human Emperor, Ye Qingyun himself.

Suddenly, a soft tapping sound pierced the air, the rhythmic thud of a walking staff against the ground. The gathered crowd turned their attention to the source, and what they saw left them baffled.

A figure emerged, one that, at first glance, seemed insignificant—a crippled man. Puzzlement filled their eyes as they tried to make sense of his presence.

Qin Wentian's gaze, however, fixated on this newcomer, and his heart surged with emotion. He felt like a bolt of lightning had struck him, causing his entire body to tremble slightly, his eyes reddening with a surge of emotion.