

Madman . . . 

Evergreen Longhao's smile concealed his curiosity. He couldn't help but wonder what the Skymist Immortal Empire had in store. Did they truly believe that a mere prince from their empire could waltz in and meet the revered Evergreen Immortal Emperor? Such audacity! To secure an audience with the immortal emperor required a level of prestige and power that surpassed that of a mere prince.

Surveying the vast assembly before him, Evergreen Longhao observed the multitude, consisting of representatives from over ten different major powers. Among them, the most prominent were the peak-tier Eastern Regions powers: the Skymist Immortal Empire, Paragon Sword Sect, Sky Demon Palace, Taihua Immortal Dynasty, and the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect, represented today by Qin Wentian.

Despite his awareness of Qin Wentian's existence, Evergreen Longhao's gaze merely brushed over him before moving on. They had never met formally before, and although Evergreen Longhao had sensed Qin Wentian's breakthrough to immortality, this occasion marked Qin Wentian's representation of the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect.

"Our Evergreen Immortal Empire has never hosted such a grand gathering before. The opportunity for our younger generations to engage in friendly sparring is indeed a momentous occasion. Prince Skymist, may I inquire about the method of sparring you have in mind?" Evergreen Longhao inquired from the host seat, radiating an air of authority and composure that belied his youthful appearance.

Both Evergreen Longhao and Skymist Jiang may have appeared young, but their combined millennia of existence had endowed them with wisdom and experience that surpassed their physical years. They were well-acquainted with the turbulent tides of history that had shaped their world.

Skymist Jiang responded nonchalantly, "The specifics of the sparring need not be overly regulated. As long as representatives from various powers are willing to engage in combat, they should have the opportunity. What do you say?"

"Very well, we shall accommodate your wishes, Brother Skymist," Evergreen Longhao agreed with a nod. Raising his wine cup, he added, "I, Evergreen Longhao, offer the first toast to all in attendance. Cheers, everyone."

Respecting Evergreen Longhao's status and the occasion, the assembled experts dutifully raised their cups and reciprocated the toast. After all, Evergreen Longhao was not only a prince of the Evergreen Immortal Empire but also an immortal king. This event unfolded on his home turf, and respect was due.

Meanwhile, a contingent of marquises and kings from the Evergreen Immortal Empire had gathered behind Evergreen Longhao, ready to answer any challenge posed by the Skymist Immortal Empire. The elite juniors of the Evergreen Immortal Empire wouldn't miss such an opportunity for anything. The challenge was set, and the stage was theirs to command.

Skymist Jiang's voice carried an air of deliberate calmness as he addressed his entourage. This time, they had brought with them several hundred experts, a formidable assembly of both immortal kings and immortal-foundation experts. Such a confident challenge to the Evergreen Immortal Empire necessitated the presence of their best.

"Yu Feng, why don't you take the first round?" Skymist Jiang's words reverberated through the air, and a young man promptly stepped forward. His name was Yu Feng, and despite his relatively low cultivation, being at the first level of immortal-foundation, he emitted an air of undeniable uniqueness. The crowd couldn't help but notice the extraordinary aura that surrounded him.

Yu Feng, now positioned on the specially constructed battle platform, turned to face Evergreen Longhao. With respectful determination, he voiced his intentions, "I wish to experience the strength of the geniuses from the imperial palace of the Evergreen Immortal Empire. Please guide me."

The audience couldn't help but speculate on the significance of this initial bout. It seemed that the Skymist Immortal Empire was genuinely committed to this challenge, as they had chosen to begin with a relatively low-level combatant. The message was clear: they were ready to escalate as necessary.

As the challenge was laid before him, Evergreen Longhao surveyed the descendants of nobility who were eager to step up and represent their empire. He understood the underlying danger of this situation, despite the seemingly modest opponent. He recalled the days when Qin Wentian had first established his immortal foundation within the Evergreen Immortal Empire.

Back then, Qin Wentian's foundation was near perfection, and upon breaking through, he had easily outclassed many of his immortal-foundation peers. His combat prowess was unparalleled, a testament to the advantages of possessing a high-grade immortal foundation. Such individuals held a distinct edge, far surpassing their contemporaries and transcending ordinary first-level immortals.

Evergreen Longhao discerned that this challenger was similar to Qin Wentian—a prodigious talent who had achieved a remarkably high-grade immortal foundation upon attaining immortality. Such individuals were exceedingly rare, even within the vast halls of the imperial palace.

While the imperial palace boasted many experts, only a select few were at the first level of immortal foundation. Given the strength displayed by this challenger, Evergreen Longhao found himself with little cause for concern. The presence of someone akin to the formidable Qin Wentian made any worries largely unwarranted.

Inwardly, Evergreen Longhao noted that if Qing'er were present, there would be no cause for alarm. However, she was currently cultivating under the guidance of her master, Matriarch Ji, and her return remained uncertain.

"Very well, you may proceed," Evergreen Longhao finally declared, his eyes resting upon a young noble from the Evergreen Immortal Empire. This heir to nobility possessed exceptional talent, ranking among the most potent first-level immortal-foundation individuals assembled on this momentous occasion.

As the battle commenced, Yu Feng's opponent erupted with ferocity, summoning a colossal golden axe that radiated a malevolent aura capable of rending anything asunder. The axe cleaved through the air with the intent to divide Yu Feng into two.

Yet, Yu Feng met this onslaught with unwavering resolve. His immortal foundation resonated, enveloping him in a protective shroud of immortal runes, a testament to his unique physique. The battle had begun, and the outcome was yet to be determined.

A surge of mighty power erupted from the battle axe, its forceful aura palpable to all who watched. With a commanding stomp, Yu Feng conjured a radiant circular wheel of light that extended from his body, forming a protective barrier. As the luminous axe strike collided with this formidable defense, it became evident that the axe had met an immovable object.

Gasps of astonishment rippled through the crowd. The Evergreen Immortal Empire's expert had unleashed a devastating attack, yet it failed to penetrate Yu Feng's unyielding protection. Instead, the impact caused the immortal runes adorning the wheel to shift, transforming into radiant runic symbols that appeared poised to surge forth.

The noble descendant who had initiated this formidable strike roared in fury. His immortal foundation released a torrent of energy, creating a starry void in the air above. The massive axe cleaved through the heavens with cataclysmic power, descending upon Yu Feng with unparalleled ferocity.

In a breathtaking display, the ancient words etched upon Yu Feng's wheel transformed into countless miniature runes that shot forth in unison, hurtling towards his opponent's immortal foundation. Although a brilliant golden axe beam flashed, it couldn't intercept all the oncoming runes. Unperturbed, Yu Feng continued his advance, closing the distance with his adversary and intensifying the pressure.

In a climactic moment, the golden axe beam finally shattered. Yu Feng's remaining rune-imbued attack struck his opponent with unrelenting force, causing the noble descendant to cough up blood before hurtling through the air. He collided with one of the protective light screens, erected to mitigate the collateral effects of these powerful clashes.

Yu Feng emerged as the indisputable victor, his triumph evident to all who witnessed the spectacle. Spectators couldn't help but marvel at the outcome. Despite his considerable combat prowess, the noble descendant had been bested by Yu Feng, who exhibited an even greater level of extraordinary might. Possessing a formidable physique, Yu Feng's defensive wheel of light had proven impervious to the fearsome onslaught of the opponent's mighty axe. It was abundantly clear that the Skymist Immortal Empire had come well-prepared, exuding unwavering confidence in their prospects of victory.

Skymist Jiang, maintaining his composed demeanor, addressed Yu Feng with a measured tone, "Yu Feng, why did you unleash such a potent strike? Remember, we are guests within the Evergreen Immortal Empire." In response, Yu Feng offered his respects to the injured noble descendant from the Evergreen Immortal Empire, acknowledging the unavoidable injuries that could arise during such spirited sparring. "It's difficult to prevent injuries in the heat of battle. I hope you won't hold this against me," Yu Feng remarked.

However, the expert from the Evergreen Immortal Empire, now nursing his wounds, responded with a disdainful "Hmph." The defeat he had suffered in this duel meant that he had inadvertently tarnished the reputation of the Evergreen Immortal Empire, and the sting of that loss was palpable on his face.

"Is there anyone else willing to step into the ring against Yu Feng?" Skymist Jiang inquired, his tone confident. A hushed silence followed, for Yu Feng's prowess was such that challenging him at the first level of immortal-foundation seemed nearly impossible. The Evergreen Immortal Empire wouldn't live down sending a second-level immortal-foundation expert to the platform.

But then, with a glint of mischief in his eyes, Skymist Hai redirected his gaze toward Qin Wentian, a sly grin forming on his face. "Ah, weren't you the one showing such disrespect earlier?" he taunted. "Now that the opportunity for a spar has arisen, why don't you have some of your comrades join the fray? Naturally, when it comes to sparring with the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect, neither side will be held responsible for any injuries or fatalities."

Without a doubt, Skymist Hai was issuing a direct challenge to Qin Wentian. All eyes turned toward Qin Wentian as he responded with a wry smile. "Among the members of the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect on this expedition, there are no first-level immortals," he explained. "We have no intention of taking advantage of the less experienced."

Skymist Hai, however, remained unrelenting. "You can step up if you're willing," he insisted. Qin Wentian was merely a second-level immortal-foundation cultivator, and Skymist Hai had no qualms about allowing him to take on Yu Feng.

Qin Wentian's eyes gleamed with an enigmatic smile as he contemplated Yu Feng on the platform. Yu Feng, in turn, raised his hand in invitation. "Please, guide me," he urged.

Qin Wentian's response dripped with arrogance as he gazed at Yu Feng. Though Yu Feng's words might have appeared polite on the surface, his underlying arrogance was unmistakable. But then again, a cultivator possessing a first-level, king-grade immortal foundation, an unparalleled combat prowess, and a unique physique did indeed have grounds for such confidence.

The people from the Evergreen Immortal Empire watched eagerly, hoping that Qin Wentian would accept the challenge. After all, this was the individual who had summoned a celestial phenomenon upon establishing his immortal foundation. His combat prowess was unrivaled, and now that he had reached the second level of immortal-foundation, his might would have only grown. They believed he could effortlessly defeat Yu Feng.

In response to Yu Feng's two challenges, Qin Wentian maintained his calm composure. His retort, though delivered with a placid tone, oozed with arrogance and dominance. "Perhaps, after a few more decades of cultivation, you might become worthy enough to face me. As you are now, you fall short," he declared, causing the crowd's collective gaze to freeze on him.

Arrogance clashed with arrogance as Yu Feng's formidable combat abilities faced off against Qin Wentian's audacious confidence. Skymist Hai, growing impatient, added, "Enough with the boasting. We all know how to talk the talk. How about walking the walk, if you dare."

Without hesitation, Qin Wentian locked eyes with Skymist Hai and issued a direct challenge of his own. "Would you like to try your luck against me? I don't mind that your cultivation surpasses mine," he challenged, his gaze unwavering and his spirit unyielding.