
Mad Sweep

Mad Sweep . . .

The intricacies of runic inscriptions and divine inscriptions were essentially the same, merely given different names. According to the Heavenly Talisman Treasured Tome, runes served as the wellspring of all energy and the key to unlocking heavenly laws. Qin Wentian had delved into this treasured tome, and his expertise in inscriptions had reached an exceptionally high level. This mastery allowed him to seamlessly employ runic inscriptions to invoke the power of heavenly law for both offense and defense.

Moreover, Qin Wentian had previously established a connection with the Nine Immortality Bell, granting him the ability to harness its formidable power. In front of this ancient bell, he considered the battlefield his domain. Consequently, he harbored no fear of engaging in combat with multiple adversaries simultaneously.

Even if they were to launch a concerted assault, Qin Wentian exuded unwavering confidence that he could vanquish them with ease.

His arrogance emanated from an unshakable self-assuredness. As his gaze swept over his adversaries, the expressions of these opposing geniuses turned increasingly grim, their eyes brimming with intensified murderous intent. They had deemed themselves quite arrogant, but they hadn't anticipated that someone could surpass their audacity. This seemingly ordinary young man, who had kept a low profile during the banquet, was now revealing his brilliance and radiating pride. The phrase "not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth" seemed tailor-made for him.

Qin Wentian likened them to crows and sparrows, only daring to compete among those who flew at lower altitudes, while he himself embodied the ambition of a roc, aiming to soar to the highest of skies. The two comparisons couldn't have been more disparate. Notably, he even dared to challenge them to assail him together.

Yet, who were these individuals? They hailed from the mightiest major powers in the Cloud Prefecture, regarded as elites and heaven-chosen disciples. Now, they found themselves slighted by an outsider.

Nonetheless, they couldn't dismiss Qin Wentian's remarkable qualities. He had demonstrated his capability in harnessing the power of runic inscriptions, effectively countering Nion's Seven Swords Slaughter attack. His strength could not be easily belittled.

Nion, unfazed by Qin Wentian's taunts, stepped forward, conjuring a trail of blossoming lotuses with a backdrop of astral radiance. An entire constellation materialized in the sky behind her, accompanied by seven menacingly sharp swords that extended outward. An overwhelming surge of sword qi permeated the surroundings, laden with her intent to annihilate.

With a dismissive wave of his hand and a hint of icy derision in his eyes, Qin Wentian summoned the boundless runic light, molding it into a river of sword qi surging toward his adversary.

"PERISH!" Nion cried out, her murderous intent reaching its zenith. Her constellation expanded to a complete seven by seven formation, totaling forty-nine swords. Brilliant beams of light streaked forth, launching an explosive assault.

"Hmph," Qin Wentian scoffed, and the river of sword qi spiraled into an apocalyptic maelstrom. As it surged forward, it left a trail of destruction in its wake, an unstoppable force of devastation.

The clash between the sword qi river and Nion's celestial constellation was nothing short of astounding. The onlookers watched in awe as the river of sword qi effortlessly overwhelmed and submerged Nion's constellation. She shuddered, her complexion paling, and her body convulsing uncontrollably.

Upon realizing that something was amiss, the other experts from the Seven Sword Sect rushed forward, but it was already too late. Qin Wentian raised his hand and unleashed a powerful palm strike, sending Nion hurtling through the air. She crashed into the ground with a deafening thud, blood spewing from her lips.

Zurius and the rest of the observers stared at Qin Wentian in disbelief. Only now did they grasp that this young man was far from easy to deal with. While Nion might have been slightly weaker in terms of strength, she wasn't significantly so. Yet, Qin Wentian had effortlessly defeated her, relying solely on the borrowed power of the runes. He had achieved this victory with remarkable ease, a testament to his extraordinary proficiency in divine inscriptions. He had harnessed the runic inscriptions' power, transforming them into his own formidable strength.

Zurius seethed with battle intent, his aura radiating sheer aggression. However, Qin Wentian burst into hearty laughter and pointed an accusatory finger at Zurius. "A heaven-chosen disciple from the Battle Heavens Immortal Manor? And you dare to utter such shameless words? A group of seventh to eighth-level ascendants ganging up on a third-level ascendant, and you have the audacity to challenge me directly? Have you no regard for your sect's honor? I don't need my cultivation base to surpass yours. As long as we're on the same level, I could crush you with a flick of my finger."

"He's shameless beyond belief," quipped Ghost Saber Mu Yan, his lips curling into a contemptuous smile.

"So, are we going to fight or not?" Qin Wentian challenged. "A bunch of self-proclaimed geniuses, if none of you have the guts, then get lost. From now on, none of you are allowed near this Nine Immortality Bell. Anyone who dares to approach will face annihilation. So, I suggest you all beat a hasty retreat."

Qin Wentian pointed his finger at the geniuses from the major powers, sending shockwaves through the hearts of the surrounding spectators. Who was this man, they wondered? His arrogance seemed boundless, and he clearly held these geniuses in disdain.

A thunderous roar echoed through the air as Zurius's battle intent surged to new heights. He simply couldn't tolerate such provocation. With a furious bellow, he unleashed a palm strike, conjuring a fearsome demonic apparition that loomed menacingly before Qin Wentian. Its malevolent aura swept over the entire area.

Qin Wentian, seemingly prepared for this moment, didn't flinch. His palms moved gracefully as runic light danced around him. Tens of thousands of runic inscriptions whirled, enveloping him in an ethereal, crystalline shroud. He exuded an aura of invincibility, intimidating even the gods themselves. When the malevolent aura crashed into him with full force, some of the circulating runic inscriptions around him cracked, and the armor they had formed was damaged.

As Zurius unleashed his formidable aura attack, the very earth seemed to tremble beneath his feet. He took a resolute step forward, his clenched fists delivering a bone-shattering punch that unleashed a deafening roar. The skies themselves seemed to pale in comparison to the sheer power of his strike. In the air above, colossal demonic beasts with bodies reminiscent of immortal warriors materialized, their roars reverberating like a symphony of impending doom. With gaping maws, they lunged towards Qin Wentian, hungry to consume him whole.

Simultaneously, the other experts took their cues from Zurius, stepping forward to stand beside him. Their combined auras surged like a tidal wave, bearing down upon Qin Wentian with merciless intent.

Even Pei Xiao from the Jiangling King Manor joined the assault. It was as if they aimed to obliterate Qin Wentian in an instant, pushing him to demonstrate the extent of his ability to wield the runic inscriptions in combat.

Qin Wentian's eyes glinted like razor-sharp blades as they swept over the gathering of adversaries, their gaze piercing deep into their hearts. With a simple thought, his connection with the Nine Immortality Bell resurfaced.


A thunderous cry echoed through the air, cutting through the mounting tension. The chimes of the ancient bells reverberated, deafening and surreal.


The soundwaves rippled through the very fabric of reality, as if the Nine Immortality Bells possessed a mystical, otherworldly power that resonated deep within the minds of all who heard them.


Qin Wentian's roar shook the heavens, and in an instant, the sky was engulfed by his Star-Seizing Palms, blotting out all light.


The reverberations of the bell chimes felt like celestial thunder, capable of shattering souls. The rhythm of the palm imprints seemed to synchronize with the resonating bells. The colossal demonic beasts, once so fearsome, were crushed to their demise, and even Zurius couldn't advance. His entire being quivered from the overwhelming force, and when a palm imprint hurtled toward him, he hastily summoned a formidable divine weapon, channeling his strength to block the attack.


A thunderous clash resounded as Zurius was forcibly propelled ten thousand meters backward from the sheer force of the confrontation.

Meanwhile, the other experts scrambled to defend themselves against Qin Wentian's relentless assault. They brandished their divine weapons but found it nearly impossible to focus under the unyielding resonance of the bell chimes that continued to echo within their minds. They could do little more than strive to shield themselves from the relentless onslaught.

With one decisive step, Qin Wentian seemed to stomp right into the center of his adversaries. His presence exuded an immense, indomitable weight, intermingled with the boundless power of the Nine Immortality Bell that saturated the atmosphere. It was as though Qin Wentian had become the living embodiment of the ancient bell's will.

With a simple yet commanding gesture of his palms, Qin Wentian set in motion a resounding symphony of dread. The bell chimes grew in volume, and the hearts of the spectators clenched with an uneasy tension. Pei Xiao and his companions, who had been brimming with confidence moments ago, now wore ashen expressions. Traces of blood trickled from their mouths as they hastily called upon the power of their treasured artifacts to propel themselves far away from the oppressive aura of the Nine Immortality Bell. This retreat naturally carried them away from the immediate vicinity of Qin Wentian as well.

Nion, who had managed to rise from the ground despite her injuries, struggled to suppress her pain but failed, coughing up several mouthfuls of blood. Her face, once radiating arrogance, now bore no trace of color as she desperately sought escape. The icy demeanor she had exhibited earlier had crumbled into pitiful vulnerability.

"Are you lot still not retreating?" Qin Wentian's voice boomed, and with another deliberate step forward, the experts were sent flying backward as if startled birds fleeing from the sound of a gunshot.

Having halted his advance, Qin Wentian fixed an unwavering gaze on his retreating opponents. The mockery etched on his face deepened, and his contempt for them was palpable. Amused smiles graced the faces of the onlookers, casting the retreating geniuses in the light of ridiculous performers in a farce.

Today, the geniuses from the major powers had willingly discarded their dignity, cowed into submission by Qin Wentian's unyielding spirit. They had earlier pursued him with unwavering arrogance, but now they were the ones fleeing in fear, their once imposing presence reduced to that of a laughingstock.

The withering glares from the crowd only deepened the embarrassment of these geniuses, rendering them unable to face their peers. Seething with rage, they directed their smoldering gazes at Qin Wentian, their murderous intent reaching a boiling point.

"You're nothing but a bunch of mediocre individuals, yet you dared to flaunt such arrogance?" Qin Wentian's sweeping gaze took in the entire assembly. "Relying on your sect's power to oppress others, you've brought shame upon your predecessors. If I were in your shoes, I'd rather take my own life than disgrace my sect."

"SHUT UP!" Zurius erupted in a fit of madness. Qin Wentian turned his gaze directly toward him, his eyes as sharp as blades, seemingly capable of piercing through Zurius's very soul. Inch by inch, Qin Wentian drew closer, and with each step, Zurius's resolve crumbled.

"Don't overestimate yourself, or death will be your only escape!" Zurius threatened.

Qin Wentian, however, remained silent, pressing on. Zurius, unable to bear the intensity of Qin Wentian's gaze, let out a scream of impotent fury before turning and fleeing with all his might. He couldn't fathom the idea of Qin Wentian drawing near.

The other experts followed suit, retreating hastily when they saw Qin Wentian's gaze shift towards them. None dared to meet his stare, and it was as though they were avoiding a deadly contagion. Their eyes were filled with terror as they faced Qin Wentian's unwavering resolve.

"How pitiful," Qin Wentian remarked with a disdainful smile, directing his gaze at the retreating figures. "Scatter like the vermin you are. I've already warned that none of you are permitted near this location. Should any of you dare to test my resolve, I shall show no mercy and eliminate any who draw near."