
Last Words of a Fallen Genius.

Last Words of a Fallen Genius....

Qin Wentian gazed down at Chu Tianjiao. Ranked second among the ten prodigies of Chu, there was no doubting Chu Tianjiao's talent and strength. Yet, the gap between him and his brother, Chu Mang, the top-ranked of the ten prodigies, was staggering. For the sake of power and authority, Chu Tianjiao had neglected his cultivation. Meanwhile, Chu Mang, though simple-minded, had heeded his elder brother Chu Wuwei's advice to focus solely on his cultivation, forsaking all else.

This turn of events left the onlookers astounded. When they saw Chu Tianjiao employ the Liuli Lantern's effects, they thought Qin Wentian was surely defeated. Even though Qin Wentian had bested Luo Qianqiu, it seemed that Chu Tianjiao had still underestimated him.

Perhaps, during his battle with Luo Qianqiu, Qin Wentian had only revealed a fraction of his true abilities. The demonified version of Qin Wentian they witnessed earlier was too terrifying. Just how deep were Qin Wentian's true capabilities? Moreover, the crowd couldn't discern which Heavenly Layer his Astral Souls hailed from.

"Chu Tianjiao, you aimed to imprison me, but you've ensnared yourself instead. Despite your cunning, did you ever anticipate this day?" Qin Wentian inquired, fixing his gaze on Chu Tianjiao.

Chu Tianjiao wiped away traces of blood from the corner of his mouth, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes.

"I underestimated you. Not just me, I believe the entire Chu clan, including your grandpa Qin, underestimated your true potential," Chu Tianjiao admitted, his voice measured. "No one could have foreseen that in just two short years, you would ascend to such heights. I acknowledge that when I still had the power to kill you, not giving you enough credit was a mistake on my part. A mistake that has brought us to this moment."

"Chu Tianjiao, even now, do you not regret your actions? Framing loyal citizens and even offering the blood of innocent women as sacrifices to the blood puppets. Your deeds are inhumane," Qin Wentian stated coldly, his gaze unwavering on Chu Tianjiao.

"You are too idealistic," Chu Tianjiao shot back coldly. "Throughout history, winners have been celebrated, while losers are condemned. Thrones of emperors and monarchs have always been built upon mountains of corpses. As for framing loyal citizens, are you referring to your grandfather, Qin Wu? You seem to see him as a kindly old man. What a joke. If he were just an ordinary, peace-loving elderly person, would he have commanded someone like Icehawk to operate undercover for so many years? If he were ordinary, how could he have escaped from the Black Stronghold?"

Chu Tianjiao gazed at Qin Wentian with a mocking expression. "How much do you really understand about your grandfather, Qin Wu? Do you know why he was so certain that I wouldn't dare to kill him? Why did he willingly let himself be captured by me? Do you realize the extent of his spy network? And about my father's sudden illness after the Wu King's death, do you think that's mere coincidence? My father was a Yuanfu expert; how could he succumb so easily to an illness?"

Qin Wentian's brow furrowed in response to Chu Tianjiao's words. The death of the previous Chu Emperor had something to do with Qin Wu? He shifted his gaze to his grandfather, Qin Wu, who was clad in armor, sitting on horseback, appearing unusually composed.

"If we're talking about spy networks, I'm afraid even my Royal Clan couldn't match Qin Wu's," Chu Tianjiao sneered.

"Regardless of what you say today, the blood debt you owe will be repaid in full," Qin Wentian replied calmly. Even if he put aside the Qin Clan, what about the Emperor Star Academy? The deaths of Mountain and Zi Jun? To avenge them, Chu Tianjiao had to pay with his life.

Chu Tianjiao laughed, "Since I've lost, why should I fear death? I'm not saying all this to beg for my life. I, Chu Tianjiao, have never truly admired anyone in my life. I respected my elder brother, Chu Wuwei, for his intelligence, I respected Qin Wu for his ruthless methods. As for the Wu King, I didn't have the chance to witness his glory before his departure from this world. But today, I wholeheartedly admire you, Qin Wentian."

"You may not be as intelligent as Chu Wuwei, nor as ruthless as Qin Wu. But you possess an unwavering determination and a heart unafraid of defeat. No matter how formidable an obstacle stands before you, your resolve never falters. This is something I admire about you, something I lack. Your talent for cultivation is truly monstrous, and I hope you continue to advance on the path you've chosen. As for the Emperor's throne, give it to my elder brother, Chu Wuwei. No one is more suitable than him."

Chu Tianjiao spoke slowly. Then, with a sudden movement, he slammed a palm onto his heart. Blood splattered as his heart was crushed into a pulp, yet a serene smile remained on his face. His eyes closed forever as he embraced death.

A talented and proud son of Heaven had chosen to end his own life. He had succumbed to the current circumstances and accepted his defeat at the hands of Qin Wentian. For someone like him, defeat was a fate worse than death. He had his own sense of pride and refused to beg for his life or endure torture at the hands of others. By taking his own life, at least he could control the terms of his death.

The ongoing battles around them came to a temporary halt. Countless onlookers raised their heads, their eyes fixed on Chu Tianjiao. Despite the complexities of his situation, a sense of sadness welled up in their hearts. Was he right or wrong? As history had shown time and again, the victors were the ones who would write the narrative of right and wrong.

With Chu Tianjiao's death, everything came to an end. Yet, his final words left a lasting impression.

Qin Wentian didn't derive pleasure from Chu Tianjiao's demise. He only felt a slight sense of relief. After all, he had given Mountain an answer and provided closure to the Emperor Star Academy.

The curtains could finally close on this chapter of Chu's history, allowing a new one to begin.

Now, Qin Wentian faced a different dilemma. Who would assume leadership over Chu? Qin Wu or Chu Wuwei?

As Chu Wuwei had told him earlier, the future of Chu wasn't determined by Chu Tianjiao, Chu Wuwei, or Qin Wu. It rested in the hands of Qin Wentian.

His position wasn't just that of an individual; it represented the Emperor Star Academy. If he supported Chu Wuwei, the Academy's experts would naturally stand with him, sidelining Qin Wu. His position also held significance for the Ouyang Aristocrat Clan and Greencloud Pavilion, two transcendent powers that would deal with any potential backlash from the Nine Mystical Palace.

And his position was Qing`er's position, that of a Heavenly Dipper Sovereign.

As the sphere of light dissipated, Chu Tianjiao's lifeless body fell to the ground. Chu Mang swiftly flew up, catching his second brother before bringing the body to Chu Wuwei.

Chu Wuwei held his brother's lifeless form, closed his eyes, and sighed deeply. Power came at a price, and being born into a royal family wasn't as glamorous as some might think.


A body plummeted from the sky, crashing onto the ground. It was the Heavenly Dipper Sovereign from the Nine Mystical Palace who had fought against Qing`er.

Qin Wentian coughed as he turned to see Qing`er descending gracefully.

Qing`er's beautiful eyes locked onto Qin Wentian's, silently seeking guidance on what to do next.

"This matter is settled. Those from the Nine Mystical Palace can leave now. Inform the three factions of the Nine Mystical Palace that they are forbidden to set foot within Chu's boundaries again. If they dare to violate our agreement, they must be prepared to face the consequences and bear the wrath of my Ouyang Clan," Ouyang Kuangsheng declared icily. He wanted to take charge before Qin Wentian, not wanting Qin Wentian to be too overbearing.

Ouyang Kuangsheng knew that, given his status, nothing would happen to him. However, for Qin Wentian, who aspired to travel the Grand Xia Empire in the future, it wouldn't be wise to provoke the Nine Mystical Palace too much at this stage. Qin Wentian should wait until he became strong enough to confront the Nine Mystical Palace and reclaim what was rightfully his.

If a powerful faction had set its sights on someone, Qin Wentian's future life would become excruciatingly difficult. At least, by taking on the role of the imposing bully, he could buy precious time for his own growth.

"Greencloud Pavilion will do the same. Starting today, we sever all ties with the Nine Mystical Palace. Convey to your leaders that if they dare to trespass into Chu's territory, my Greencloud Pavilion will be the first to respond," Qian Mengyu echoed Ouyang Kuangsheng's sentiment, leaving the representatives of the Nine Mystical Palace in a state of deep unease.

The Heavenly Dipper Sovereign who had been defeated by Qing`er earlier remained silent. With a simple wave of his hand, he led the remnants of the Nine Mystical Palace away.

Today, the Nine Mystical Palace had suffered a resounding defeat on all fronts. They no longer had the face to return to Chu.

With the protection of both the Ouyang Aristocrat Clan and Greencloud Pavilion, the leaders of the Nine Mystical Palace wouldn't hastily take action over the death of Luo Qianqiu. However, considering Luo Tianya's character, he would undoubtedly seek vengeance against Qin Wentian, his son's killer.

Shortly after the Nine Mystical Palace's departure, the four blood puppets were dispatched. At that point, the situation was completely under control.

The pressing question now was who should assume the mantle of authority, as well as how to address the lingering grievances and animosities born from today's events.

"Wentian," Qin Wu called out, drawing Qin Wentian's attention. However, the warmth he used to feel for his adopted grandfather had diminished. Looking at the elderly man, he no longer saw the kindly figure he once revered but instead felt like he was gazing at a stranger.

"Thanks to you, our Qin Clan has finally found its vengeance. Now, only the Ye Clan remains, and we should deal with them swiftly. Shall I take the lead?" Qin Wu suggested with a calm demeanor.

But Qin Wentian shook his head slightly. "Grandpa Qin, things are already chaotic enough. According to our agreement, I think it's best for you to withdraw your forces from the Royal Capital."

Qin Wentian's words left Qin Wu perplexed, and many in the vicinity wore expressions of surprise and confusion. Was Qin Wentian hinting that Qin Wu should abandon his quest for rulership?

"Wentian, I'm still concerned," Qin Wu continued, "I, Qin Wu, don't crave power or wealth. I'm old now, and I don't want my descendants to suffer what I went through. What if, after I stabilize Chu, your father, Qin Chuan, ascends to the throne?"

Qin Wentian was momentarily stunned and turned his gaze toward Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan exchanged glances with his father, Qin Wu, and then looked at Qin Wentian. His eyes revealed his inner conflict. Taking a deep breath, he wore a gentle smile and said, "Wentian, I'll respect your decision. Make your choice according to your heart's desire."

Grateful, Qin Wentian nodded, and a radiant smile spread across his face. "Thank you, Father."

"May I have a private word with General Qin Wu?" At that moment, Chu Mang escorted Chu Wuwei to Qin Wu. Chu Wuwei gestured to a nearby area.

Though Qin Wu frowned, he followed Chu Wuwei to the designated spot.

"General Qin Wu, everything should now be settled. Once I become Emperor, I'll grant several cities to the Qin Clan and bestow upon you a kingship. As for those who supported you, I promise not to seek revenge against them. I hope they can help defend Chu against external threats," Chu Wuwei stated.

Qin Wu studied him before calmly responding, "What if I disagree?"

"There are matters I'd rather not make too explicit," Chu Wuwei replied just as calmly. "I also don't want to interfere in your relationship with Qin Wentian. In the Royal Capital, there were only a handful capable of killing Xiao Lan. Gu He was one of the few. He used to serve as a protector for my third brother, Chu Tianjiao, and was once a follower of our former Emperor, my father. But when Xiao Lan died, Gu He wasn't by my brother's side."

"Not only that, I also know that Gu He, before he changed his name, was once a loyal follower of the Wu King during his prime," Chu Wuwei added, leaving the rest unspoken, causing Qin Wu's pupils to narrow in thought.