
Immortal War

Immortal War . . .

"Eastern Sage!" Qin Wentian's voice reverberated with anger, a powerful shout that cut through the tension. The Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor had issued the command without a moment's consideration for the countless lives inhabiting this humble particle world.

"BOOM!" A cataclysmic wave of destructive energy swept over the entire world. The might of immortal kings was awe-inspiring; they transformed into towering giants, their forms now celestial and immense as they loomed in the heavens. Radiating overwhelming immortal power, they subjected every living being in the world to an immense pressure.

In this moment, trembling seized the inhabitants of this world. The oppressive weight bore down upon them, and they couldn't help but feel their own insignificance. The colossal figures in the sky seemed like gods and demons themselves.

With the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor's command given, no one paid any heed to Qin Wentian. War erupted instantly.

These celestial giants strode forth, each step covering vast distances with astounding speed. Their power was nothing short of terrifying. Even though their forms had expanded, their swiftness remained undiminished. They could traverse great distances with a single step, and right now, an overwhelming surge of power surged toward Qin Wentian. Its intensity could blanket the entire area, annihilating anything caught in its wake.

Despite his breakthrough to the immortal foundation realm, Qin Wentian couldn't help but quiver in the face of such overwhelming might.

An immortal king from the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect stepped forward, radiating fearsome immortal light. An ancient astral tree materialized behind him, its colossal form reaching into the heavens. From its branches and vines shone the resplendent runic light of law energy.

The ferocious blast of power met the astral tree's vines. The immense destructive force was nearly completely nullified.

"This power..." Lin Xian'er, standing beside Qin Wentian, felt her heart tremble. The spectacle before her was beyond her wildest imagination. The combat at this level was far beyond her comprehension. As one ascended in cultivation, their strength experienced an explosive increase. Celestial Phenomenon Ascendants were leagues above Heavenly Dipper Sovereigns and Yuanfu Cultivators. At the immortal king level, those below their rank were mere ants. The leap in power upon reaching the immortal king realm was staggering.

An immortal king in the sky unleashed a devastating punch, conjuring countless ancient runes. Each rune exuded boundless killing intent and an overwhelming destructive pressure. Another formidable immortal king emerged to counter the attack. With every strike, he generated three thousand streams of law energy, locking down the murderous runes in the air. The clash between these two immortal kings sent shockwaves through the space, causing spatial rifts to appear.

In an instant, an all-out war engulfed the particle world. Even though the immortal kings battled high in the sky, the reach of their attacks spanned the entire world. Were it not for the fact that they directed their destructive power toward each other, opting instead to target the core of the world, they could easily obliterate the entire particle world.

In this critical moment, the Royal Sacred Region itself quaked. The very ground trembled as beams of devastating light lanced down from the heavens. The people below, caught in the turmoil of celestial battles, desperately dodged the cataclysmic forces. The aftershocks from the clashes of immortal kings were a terrifying force that ordinary individuals could not hope to withstand.

Streams of energy erupted in every direction, filling the sky with fearful screams and cries of terror. The people of this particle world could feel the specter of death looming over them, an inescapable presence.

As the war raged on, it was nothing short of an apocalypse for the people of this world. The residual energies from the colossal clashes had the power to flatten mountains or cleave fissures over a thousand miles wide. Those unfortunate enough to be caught in the aftermath perished without any means to defend themselves.

In the ruthless realm of cultivation, when the powerful clashed, it was the weak who suffered. Though the inhabitants of this particle world had once lived peaceful lives, the outbreak of an immortal war had rendered their innocence meaningless. The Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor was well aware of the consequences of his actions, yet he had chosen to make this place a battleground, disregarding the lives of countless innocents.

"Emperor Lord, is there any way we can relocate this battle elsewhere?" Qin Wentian turned to the immortal sense projection of the Thousand Transformations Emperor Lord with a sense of urgency.

"Let us wait and observe. The Eastern Sage must have a plan to deal with my Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect. He still harbors resentment from your previous encounter, especially after I seized six prefectures from his dominion. Although he appears composed, he surely seeks retribution, and he might be plotting mortal blows against us. I simply didn't anticipate that he would choose the particle world of your hometown as the battlefield. It seems his hatred for you runs deep, or he wouldn't have singled you out so clearly. On the other hand, being held in such high regard by an immortal emperor can also be seen as an honor. But I wonder, is this a blessing or a curse?" The Thousand Transformations Emperor Lord spoke with deliberation.

"In the future, my sole purpose will be the complete annihilation of the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect," Qin Wentian declared in an icy tone. In the midst of the battle, the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect continued to send reinforcements at the level of immortal kings. This was no ordinary particle world skirmish; it resembled a grand war between two supreme powers of the immortal realms.

"Qin Wentian." Just as these words left his lips, a thunderous voice resonated from the heavens. Two imposing figures appeared in the sky, and Qin Wentian recognized them immediately.

In this pivotal moment, two formidable figures descended from the heavens. The first was none other than the Deepflame Immortal King, a trusted general under the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor and an immensely powerful immortal king. He was known for his unwavering loyalty and unparalleled might.

The other immortal king who joined the fray was none other than the master of the Scarce Moon Immortal Manor, the Scarce Moon Immortal King. This formidable figure held a significant position within the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor's realm, and his presence signaled the gravity of the situation.

The Scarce Moon Immortal King had initially been the mentor of Que Tianyi, a personal disciple of the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor. However, Que Tianyi had met his demise at the hands of Qin Wentian. The Scarce Moon Immortal King, not one to be underestimated, had established his own immortal manor within the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor's dominion. His strength was evident, and now, he stood as a formidable adversary in this conflict. The fact that both of these tremendously powerful immortal kings had been dispatched to this particle world underscored the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor's unwavering determination. His plan appeared to be nothing short of burying the experts of the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect along with this particle world.

If the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect emerged victorious in this battle, it would undoubtedly trigger a swift and decisive offensive against the Thousand Transformations Immortal Sect within the immortal realms, aiming to reclaim the six prefectures. The Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor sought to demonstrate that his territory was untouchable by any would-be challengers.

"Even Deepflame and Scarce Moon have joined the fray. Eastern Sage, you have assembled a formidable army of top experts for this battle," remarked the Thousand Transformations Emperor Lord, his gaze locked on the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor suspended in the air. The Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor had once ruled thirteen prefectures and commanded numerous immortal kings. However, it was a rarity for him to mobilize such a considerable force for a single battle. This conspicuous display of resolve did not escape the Emperor Lord's attention.

The Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor met the gaze of the Thousand Transformations Emperor Lord and sensed a subtle discontent within himself. He couldn't help but be surprised by the exceptional strength of some of the immortal kings in the Emperor Lord's camp. It raised questions about their origins and recruitment. These powerful experts were a wildcard that added an unpredictable element to the conflict.

As the Deepflame Immortal King and the Scarce Moon Immortal King assumed their colossal forms, a chill descended upon the battlefield. The Scarce Moon Immortal King cast a pale, cold moon behind him, radiating an aura of astonishing power. In the moonlight's icy grip, the ancient astral tree appeared frozen and lifeless.

Yet, the ancient tree retaliated with a surge of potent immortal energy. Runic light burst from its countless vines, opposing the frigid force of the Scarce Moon Immortal King. Meanwhile, the Deepflame Immortal King advanced toward the ancient tree, conjuring a fiery ocean that engulfed him. Within the fiery abyss, he embodied the very essence of its searing fury, penetrating the ancient tree's core and consuming it from within. The clash of these titanic forces set the stage for an epic battle of elemental might.

In a clash of elemental might, the Deepflame Immortal King and the Scarce Moon Immortal King unleashed their devastating powers—one with the chilling embrace of ice, the other with the searing fury of fire. The ancient astral tree, though formidable, succumbed to the relentless assault. Despite the immortal king's valiant efforts to defend it, the manifestation of the astral tree couldn't withstand such a fearsome attack.

"Hmph," the Deepflame Immortal King snorted, his cold disdain palpable. With a commanding gesture, he unleashed a torrent of hellfire. As these fiery orbs rained down upon the particle world, the very ground they touched transformed into charred, lifeless wasteland. The flames that consumed everything were true immortal flames, their intensity unmatched.

The immortal king who had conjured the astral tree cried out in anguish. Dispersing the manifestation of the tree, he found no respite as the relentless power of fire and ice continued to assail him, targeting his immortal core. Qin Wentian observed the grim situation unfold, realizing that victory appeared to be tipping in favor of the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect. Several immortals were already grievously injured or had met their demise in this large-scale immortal war, a testament to the unforgiving nature of the battle even for immortal kings.

"Brat, your reckoning has come," the Deepflame Immortal King declared with cold determination. Qin Wentian had slain his disciple in the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect, a bitter humiliation for the lofty immortal king. He had sought vengeance and remained relentless in his pursuit of Qin Wentian, especially now that Qin Wentian had made significant strides in his cultivation, attaining the level of immortal foundation. This only fueled the Deepflame Immortal King's fervor to exact his revenge.

"Deepflame, your judgment has always been questionable," a voice resonated from the skies. Two figures materialized before Qin Wentian, one clad in white and the other in black.

The man in white possessed a handsome countenance, his long hair swaying gracefully in the breeze. His presence exuded an air of elegance.

In contrast, the man in black bore a frigid demeanor. His dark eyes held an aura of impending death, while a sinister black saber reminiscent of a death god's weapon loomed menacingly behind him.

"Bai Wuya!" the Deepflame Immortal King exclaimed, recognizing the figure in white. Memories resurfaced of their heated dispute when the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor came to this world in search of a disciple. The Deepflame Immortal King had ardently supported Que Tianyi, who eventually became the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor's personal disciple. In contrast, Bai Wuya had consistently favored Qin Wentian from the outset of the recruitment event.

Now, as he reflected on the past, the Deepflame Immortal King couldn't help but feel the weight of his choices. Both Que Tianyi and Blackpeak, his disciples, had met their end at Qin Wentian's hands.