
I Will Teach You Conduct

I Will Teach You Conduct...

After the Ox demon had exited the cavern, Qin Wentian wasted no time and ventured in again. Remarkably, just an hour later, he emerged from the cavern, wearing a sly smile that wasn't quite a smile.

Ever since he had grasped the Grand Nihility Thousand Imprint, Qin Wentian sensed that his Mandate of Force was teetering on the brink of a breakthrough thanks to his newfound insights into the palm technique. He had the power to elevate it from the transformation boundary to the perfection boundary by summoning his full force. However, he deliberately held back, deciding to toy with the ox demon to potentially extract even greater rewards.

Thus, the third trial proved to be a breeze for Qin Wentian. His Mandate of Force had ascended to the perfection boundary of the second-level insight.

"Senior ox, where are my rewards?" Qin Wentian inquired with a chuckle, his eyes fixed on the ox demon.

"Don't fret; there's no rush. Didn't I mention that there would be a challenge? To claim your rewards, you must first overcome this new test," the ox demon responded, its grin taking on a mischievous edge. This caused a tinge of unease to wash over Qin Wentian. He knew from past encounters that this ox was exceedingly cunning, and whenever it smiled, trouble was almost certainly brewing. This time was no exception; Qin Wentian couldn't help but feel that the ox had devious plans in store for him.

Qin Wentian felt a deep sense of frustration. It appeared that the master of the Immortal Martial Realm afforded the guardians significant autonomy, allowing them to exercise their whims. The Black Jiao Python had shown this trait, and the Ox demon had even greater authority, as evidenced by its oversight of the trials within the Cavern of Life and Death.

Moreover, he remained ignorant of what nefarious schemes the ox demon might concoct to challenge him.

"Don't worry; this test will be absolutely fair. I'll let you join the others currently within the Cavern of Life and Death, and you will engage in a completely impartial combat process. If you're the last one standing, you'll pass my test," the ox demon informed Qin Wentian with an endearing tilt of its head, sporting a playful grin. Observing the ox demon's demeanor, Qin Wentian had to fight the urge to rush up and deliver a punch to its head.

Be the last one standing? Regardless of the test, it couldn't be as straightforward as merely being the last one remaining.

Although the eighty-one selected individuals were dispatched to different floating bridges, each bridge harbored Heaven Chosen from the major powers within the Royal Sacred Region. There were numerous demon-level genius individuals among these candidates, and while the eighty-one chosen were considered the cream of the crop, it didn't imply that the others were inept.

For instance, Qin Wentian's senior brother, Duan Han, was a prime example. Duan Han had the privilege of being a personal disciple under Sword Sovereign Ling Tian. Furthermore, among the disciples of the nine mountains within the Battle Sword Sect, three had secured Immortal Martial Medallions. The Battle Sword Sect was also home to other formidable figures, and they were interspersed among the contenders.

Being the last one standing? The challenge was guaranteed to be more arduous than he initially anticipated.

Yet, what could Qin Wentian say? He kept his silence and waved his hand, allowing the ox demon to teleport him once again.

When Qin Wentian reappeared, he found himself back on the floating bridge. This time, however, the bridge extended in eight different directions, offering breathtaking vistas of floating cities and expansive landscapes.

The other participants scattered about, each seeking their own opportunities and adventures. Qin Wentian had no knowledge of what had transpired with the others while he was immersed in the trials of the Cavern of Life and Death. Undoubtedly, their experiences had not been simple.

"I hope the others are safe," Qin Wentian murmured to himself. He dashed forward, and in the distance, he spotted an area shrouded in thick fog.

"Could this be the challenge the Ox demon spoke of?" Qin Wentian hastened his pace and, after a short while, reached the boundary of the floating bridge. He gazed downward, and as the fog gradually dissipated, a vivid scene unfolded before his eyes: an ancient battlefield adorned with several stone platforms.

On each of the stone platforms, ancient-looking battle drums were meticulously arranged. These drums sat in serene silence, each emitting a unique aura that seemed to forge a connection between heaven and earth.

Qin Wentian couldn't help but be captivated by these extraordinary instruments. A mere glance revealed the existence of hundreds of stone platforms adorned with these distinctive battle drums. It was as though this place had been designed exclusively for participants who had chosen this specific floating bridge.

Suddenly, a resounding grinding noise resonated through the ancient space. From the heavens above, an enormous stone tablet descended with imposing force, exuding an intimidating battle spirit.

With a thunderous boom, the massive stone tablet firmly embedded itself into the ground. A fearsome aura emanated from the tablet, radiating outward and converging upon every set of battle drums. The drums responded to this energy, vibrating with an incredible battle intent, as though they were calling forth warriors to heed their summons.

Every participant witnessed this extraordinary spectacle, feeling the overwhelming power emanating from the stone tablet. It possessed an ancient and majestic might, capable of rending both heaven and earth. It seemed to harbor an unfathomable battle spirit, brimming with unwavering confidence in its invincibility.

The thunderous beats of the drums resounded fervently, echoing in a specific direction as if chanting an invocation. Moments later, a group of individuals materialized at the boundary of this enigmatic realm. After reading the inscriptions on the ancient battle stone tablet, they quickly comprehended the purpose of the battle drums.

"Wentian." A familiar voice reached Qin Wentian's ears, prompting him to turn and spot Ye Lingshuang, Qin Zheng, Yun Mengyi, Chu Mang, and Mu Feng.

Qin Wentian greeted them with a warm smile, "The ox demon didn't stomp me to death; instead, it transported me to another space to undergo the trials of the Cavern of Life and Death."

"We're relieved to see you safe. This means that Fan Le and Ouyang didn't meet with death either," Chu Mang remarked, his worry dissipating. Ye Lingshuang's eyes turned slightly watery, Qin Zheng beamed, Mu Feng maintained his characteristic detachment, and Yun Mengyi averted her gaze, concealing her emotions from their view.

"So, Ouyang suffered the same fate as me under the ox demon's stomps?" Qin Wentian learned of the identity of the other participant sent for trials from the ox demon's words.

"Yes, after seeing you apparently crushed to 'death,' Ouyang flew into a rage and charged at the ox demon. In the end, he suffered the same fate as you, subjected to a barrage of stomps until he was 'dead.' The ox demon's frenzy sent many running for their lives, and not a few met their end during its rampage. It seems that it spared you guys, sending you to the cavern instead. Remember how I questioned how the test could be so cruel?" Qin Zheng recounted.

"Passing the trials within the Cavern of Life and Death isn't as straightforward as it might seem." Worry etched across Qin Wentian's face. Despite the ox demon's assurance of their safety and the absence of Fan Le and Ouyang Kuangsheng, Qin Wentian couldn't help but feel anxious.

For those who had "died" during the ox demon's rampage, it was likely that it had transported the stronger ones to the cavern, albeit with a significantly higher probability of perishing.

"We did come across the Cavern of Life and Death you're referring to, but due to our lack of knowledge about its dangers, we didn't dare to venture in. Could you share more about what lies inside?" Ye Lingshuang inquired.

Qin Wentian proceeded to provide them with a detailed account of his experiences. Afterward, the expressions of concern mirrored his own as they thought about the fate of Ouyang Kuangsheng and Fan Le.

"You actually didn't die?" A frigid voice echoed through the air, and Qin Wentian turned his attention to a group of figures to his left. They were none other than the experts from the Violet Thunder Sect.

"These individuals are from the Violet Thunder Sect, and the one who spoke is Que Cheng. It was he who inadvertently awakened that ox demon, leading us to believe Fan Le had perished," Chu Mang seethed with anger as his gaze bore into Que Cheng.

"In the heat of the moment, who were the instigators against all of you?" Qin Wentian inquired, his voice filled with frost.

"The Violet Thunder Sect, the Heaven Crippling Sect, and the Great Earth Sect," Qin Zheng calmly responded.

"Great Earth Sect?" Qin Wentian's tone dripped with malevolence.

"Yes, Ouyang recognized a disciple from the Great Earth Sect. He mentioned that this person had participated in the Heavenly Fate Rankings of Grand Xia, a cohort much earlier than you and Ouyang Kuangsheng. Furthermore, his name was Chen Yin," Qin Zheng recalled. Qin Wentian instantly connected the dots to the Great Solar Chen Clan.

"Over there," Yun Mengyi whispered softly, her gaze chilling as she stared in a specific direction. Qin Wentian followed her line of sight, revealing a young man in his thirties, his eyes gleaming with solar flames.

"Great Solar Universe Art." Qin Wentian realized that there was no mistake; this man was indeed from the Great Solar Chen Clan. He also remembered that they had crossed paths before. In Xuan King City, this man had whispered something to the elder of the Great Earth Sect. Qin Wentian pieced together the puzzle; it seemed the Great Earth Sect had an ulterior motive for inviting him. Fortunately, he had chosen the Battle Sword Sect over their offer.

Another subtle wave of animosity washed over him, and Qin Wentian shifted his gaze to see Shi Kuang from the Heaven Crippling Sect.

Qin Wentian stared him down, his eyes as cold as ice, brimming with a resolute determination.

This time, Shi Kuang didn't avert his gaze. He was no longer the hesitant individual they had encountered before, and he showed no intention of avoiding a confrontation.

"I heard that you wish to eliminate us all?" Qin Wentian stared directly at Shi Kuang as he inquired.

"Your gaze fills me with an overwhelming sense of disdain. While you may still be alive for now, your lives are ultimately forfeit, sooner or later," Shi Kuang retorted, pointing toward the ancient battlefield. His eyes remained fixed on Qin Wentian's. "In this place, with the aid of the battle drums, we can restore our original cultivation bases. Not only that, we can unleash power surpassing the limits of our current levels. I've already sensed the summons of the battle spirit. This ancient battlefield, where the remnants of ancient warriors lie, is indeed a highly suitable place for you."

With his words spoken, Shi Kuang turned and led the members of the Heaven Crippling Sect into the battlefield.

"You're absolutely right. I, Shi Kuang, indeed want to eliminate all of you. If you possess even an ounce of courage, then accept my challenge." Shi Kuang stood proudly atop a stone platform behind a set of battle drums, exuding an overwhelming aura of death.

Qin Wentian shifted his gaze to Chen Yin and the other Great Earth Sect experts. His eyes lingered on the figure beside Chen Yin, the apparent leader of their group.

"What do you all mean by this?" Qin Wentian questioned.

The leader, a young man named Shen Ting, turned to face Qin Wentian with an amused smirk. He regarded Qin Wentian as though he were a mere jest, a clown entertaining the crowd. Shen Ting carried an air of superiority, his status as a formidable Heavenly Dipper Sovereign within the Great Earth Sect's younger generation making him believe he was beyond reproach.

Shen Ting's relationship with Chen Yin was amicable, and Chen Yin appeared to hold a grudge against Qin Wentian's group. Despite Qin Wentian's impressive record and his defeat of Ye Kongfan, Shen Ting found it preposterous that someone at the fifth-level of Heavenly Dipper would dare speak to him in such a tone, as if they were equals.

"Nothing much," Shen Ting replied casually. "Chen Yin wants to eliminate all of you, and I'm here to assist him. It's a straightforward matter. If you wish to engage in combat, I'll gladly teach you how to address those superior to you." Shen Ting confidently strode toward the battlefield, not bothering to conceal the arrogance in his eyes.

Que Cheng remained silent, his motives equally clear. The Violet Thunder Sect held an irreconcilable grudge against Qin Wentian, and Shen Ting's words echoed what he had in mind. Without further ado, Que Cheng and the Violet Thunder Sect experts joined the procession toward the ancient battlefield.