
Gazing upon the Celestial Lake

Gazing upon the Celestial Lake...

Qin Wentian effortlessly reclaimed his ancient halberd from the ground, his Astral Energy fully restored thanks to the Stellar Fruits.

In stark contrast, Mu Baifei and his two comrades had no such luxury. They had no Stellar Fruits to replenish their energy. Their recent battles against the Greencloud Pavilion's female cultivators, their skirmish with Qin Wentian, and the taxing execution of their sword-combination technique had drained them considerably. As Qin Wentian approached with confidence, a hint of wariness flickered in their eyes.

Mu Baifei brandished his longsword, directing it firmly at Qin Wentian. The Swallow Swordsmen's reputation must remain untarnished.

The two other swordsmen joined him, their sword intent intensifying with each passing moment.

Suddenly, Qin Wentian's figure blurred, and with explosive speed, he thrust his ancient halberd toward Mu Baifei. The opening move was the first stance of his Great Dream Halberd Art – Mountain Splitter. This strike, capable of cleaving mountains with ease, was imbued with sword-type Divine Yuan Energy from his body, instilling it with unparalleled power.

As the group's leader, Mu Baifei's combat prowess matched his reputation. He deftly maneuvered his longsword in graceful arcs, conjuring multiple streams of lethal light. The air brimmed with his murderous intent.

BOOM! Mu Baifei was forced back by the sheer force of the attack, but in that moment, the other two swordsmen unleashed their strikes with lightning speed. Qin Wentian, however, spun gracefully, using his agile footwork to evade while simultaneously responding with his Fallen Mountain Palms. These mighty attacks carried the weight of a mountain, blocking the leftward sword beam. As the rightward sword beam bore down on him, he hurled his ancient halberd toward Mu Baifei, willingly sacrificing his weapon.

Puchi~ Qin Wentian expelled several sword beams toward his right, promptly diffusing the sword's power. Simultaneously, the sound of rushing water echoed through his arterial pathways as Astral Energy surged within him.

DIE!" Astral Energy surged into Qin Wentian's arms, infusing them with an overwhelming power as he unleashed the Kuji Imprint. Within the palm imprint, flickers of crimson light danced, exuding a destructive aura. With a deafening boom, the force of the impact sent the sword flying from his assailant's grip.

Qin Wentian's speed was astonishing. Alongside his premeditated strike, he simultaneously pushed his Garuda Movement Technique to its utmost limit, suddenly materializing in front of his adversary. The attacker's face contorted with unspeakable dread. With a furious bellow, he desperately thrust his sword-fingers forward, releasing a surge of potent sword intent.

But in close combat, who could rival Qin Wentian's prowess? His eyes, now bearing a demonic gleam, fixated on his foe, inducing an eerie, nightmarish sensation. The preceding blood-infused palm effortlessly dismantled any feeble defense attempts, continuing its devastating trajectory, ultimately decimating the attacker's head.

All of this transpired in a split-second. Yet, Mu Baifei and his accomplice promptly counterattacked, posing a formidable threat to Qin Wentian.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Wentian adjusted his tactics, unleashing a frenzy of terrifying Divine Yuan Energy. Resplendent astral swords shot toward Mu Baifei, acknowledging the greater danger he posed. Simultaneously, the second attacker's sword neared. Qin Wentian extended his left palm, and a radiant sword beam cleaved through the air, leaving traces of blood on his palm. The enemy's sword was razor-sharp.

Against such a formidable adversary, a lapse in vigilance could be fatal.

Qin Wentian swiftly retreated, recognizing that Mu Baifei and his surviving companion had missed their prime opportunity to eliminate him. Their eyes burned with intensity as they regarded the lifeless form of their fallen comrade, their murderous intent escalating.

Turning his gaze back to Mo Qingcheng, Qin Wentian noticed Shiki's boiling rage. Shiki had unleashed his half-demonic form and was infuriated by his inability to subdue Mo Qingcheng, despite his status.

Fortunately, the Mystic Moon Hall members were in capable hands. Ouyang Kuangsheng's formidable strength, combined with his support for the Mystic Moon Hall cultivators, made them a force to be reckoned with, rivaling even the Skydemon Sect.

Meanwhile, the non-transcendent power cultivators watched with anticipation, knowing that any outcome of this battle would likely work in their favor.

"Brr, why's it suddenly so cold?" A sudden shiver ran through someone in the crowd. The frigid gusts intensified, causing nearby sand and gravel to be drawn toward the gap.

Confusion furrowed the spectators' brows as they directed their attention to the gap in the Mountain Rampart. The suction force from the pathway grew exponentially stronger, as if the gap were the maw of a colossal demon, voraciously consuming everything in its path.

The turbulent suction force tugged at the cultivators' clothing, causing even the sturdiest among them to sway unsteadily. Weaker individuals felt as if they might be swept off their feet, drawn irresistibly toward the gaping maw of the demonic wind. This eerie sensation grew in intensity.

All combat ceased as the tempestuous winds forced Qin Wentian to retreat half a step. Struggling to maintain his balance, he found it impossible to open his eyes in the face of this bizarre, otherworldly gale.

Under the relentless pressure of the demonic wind, many cultivators stumbled and faltered, desperately seeking stability. One hapless soul seemed almost puppet-like, driven by the suction force, hurtling toward Qin Wentian. As he drew near, he abruptly changed course, wielding a massive axe. With furious speed, he swung it downward, intent on cleaving Qin Wentian asunder.

Qin Wentian broke into a cold sweat. Helpless under the wind's pull and the impending storm, he couldn't maneuver his body to evade the blow. Summoning the strength to defend himself was equally futile, especially against the tremendous force behind the axe. This "random" cultivator was undoubtedly one of the top contenders among the younger generation, all vying for Qin Wentian's Stellar Fruits.

Resigned to the wind's control, Qin Wentian was drawn inexorably toward the gap in the Mountain Rampart. The gigantic axe sliced through his robes, leaving a long gash across his chest.

BOOM! He slammed into the mountain wall, wracked with excruciating pain from the onslaught of the demonic wind.

"Wentian!" Mo Qingcheng's voice, filled with concern, reached him. She had witnessed the terrifying axe swing and struggled to reach him.

"I'm alright," Qin Wentian assured her, managing a smile. He felt the power of his bloodline surging, and his chest wound began to heal. The blood seal within him shifted toward the wound, accelerating his recovery. His heart quivered with realization of the incredible strength of his bloodline.

"Over here." Mo Qingcheng extended her hand toward him as he leaned against the mountain wall. With their hands finally joined, he spoke softly, "Qingcheng, I don't think anyone can withstand this powerful wind. Let's go with the flow and enter that pathway."

Mo Qingcheng nodded in agreement, tightening her grip on his hand.

"Go," Qin Wentian urged, leaving behind his ancient halberd and the wielder of the gigantic axe. Survival was paramount now. These cultivators were ruthless, still eager for a chance at the Stellar Fruits despite the perilous windstorm.

They surrendered to the wind's pull, allowing it to carry them toward the mysterious pathway. Another thunderous boom resounded, disorienting Qin Wentian. He had unknowingly collided with the mountain walls. The wind was blinding, forcing his eyes closed.

Circulating Astral Energy, Qin Wentian shielded his inner organs and vital channels from harm. He held Mo Qingcheng close, using his body to protect her as they soared through the relentless gales.

Mo Qingcheng's insides rattled, but she felt the warmth of Qin Wentian's embrace. It comforted her amidst the chaos, and she held him even tighter.

They were battered repeatedly against the mountain walls by the merciless wind. After what seemed like an eternity, they were hurled to the ground. Entwined together, they rolled to cushion the impact.

Opening his eyes, Qin Wentian met Mo Qingcheng's gaze, and a smile spread across his face. They had survived!

Mo Qingcheng returned the smile sweetly.

Struggling to sit up, they felt like human punching bags, their bodies held together only by their sheer determination.

Surveying their surroundings, they found themselves in the midst of a ferocious windstorm. The reason for the relentless gusts lay ahead—a fearsome windstorm awaited them, with frigid winds resembling sharp blades.

But beyond the tempest, they saw a breathtaking sight. Towering stone pillars stretched into the heavens, flanking a beautiful, starlit lake. Starlight bathed the pillars in a celestial glow. This had to be the celestial lake.

If they could just navigate through the upcoming windstorm, they would be able to reach the heavenly waters of the celestial lake.

Surviving cultivators had already gathered, their eyes fixed on the celestial lake. Many cast aside caution and rushed into the tempest, only to slow down as they approached, protecting themselves with radiant Astral Light. They sensed the immense danger within this final trial.

Slowly, they ventured further. Some had already entered the windstorm when a piercing scream shattered the air. One unfortunate cultivator, having covered one-third of the distance, had exhausted his energy and couldn't breach the final barrier. His body was torn to shreds, blood misting in the wind.

Shock rippled through the onlookers, especially those already inside the windstorm. Regret was a luxury they couldn't afford. They clenched their teeth and pressed on.

The stench of blood hung heavy in the air, sending shivers down the spines of many. Every cultivator who ventured into the windstorm had perished. The farthest anyone had reached was barely halfway to their goal.

"Stellar Fruits," several surviving cultivators fixated their gazes on Qin Wentian and Mu Baifei. Besides Ouyang Kuangsheng, these two were the only ones who possessed the Stellar Fruits.

Entering the windstorm without enough Astral Energy was a death sentence. The Stellar Fruits were designed precisely for this purpose: to overcome the final barrier and enter the celestial lake.

The crowd moved swiftly, closing in around Qin Wentian, Mo Qingcheng, and Mu Baifei. In the blink of an eye, they blocked their path, preventing them from venturing into the windstorm. Even Ouyang Kuangsheng found himself surrounded.

They had no choice but to take this risk if they wanted to obtain the Stellar Fruits.

The windstorm continued to rage, growing more furious by the second. Finally, someone took action. Wang Xiao, from the War Continent, made the first move, targeting Mu Baifei.

Qin Wentian glanced at the remaining Swallow Swordsman who stood near Mu Baifei. He was the sole survivor of the trio, as one had perished, and the other was occupied. When Mu Baifei felt Qin Wentian's icy gaze upon him, a chill ran down his spine.