
Encountering Danger

Encountering Danger . . .

As the enigmatic white-robed figure flickered into view, Qing'er couldn't help but recall the tales she had once heard from her master about a female emperor from the western realms of the immortal dominion, renowned for her mastery of soul-related powers. Could this beguiling, otherworldly woman be connected to that very emperor?

Qin Wentian's features registered a mix of curiosity and puzzlement at Qing'er's apparent knowledge on the subject. Evidently, she possessed insights into matters he was yet to comprehend fully.

However, their contemplation was abruptly disrupted when the white-robed figure vanished from their sight, prompting Little Rascal to issue a warning. "I can feel the summoning getting stronger. You guys can return first."

A sense of urgency coursed through Qin Wentian and Qing'er. Their strength was being steadily drained, and lingering here would undoubtedly pose a grave risk. Nevertheless, the unusual, ever-shifting landscape made escape an equally perilous endeavor.

Qin Wentian couldn't help but voice his concern about the enigmatic woman. The danger she presented weighed heavily on his mind.

Suddenly, Little Rascal bolted in a specific direction, darting through a gap nestled between ancient peaks that led to an entirely different realm. The walls on either side of the passage bore blood runes, exuding a palpable malevolence.

The enigmatic figure from earlier attempted to pursue Little Rascal but was forcefully repelled by the radiant power of the runes, sending her recoiling.

The sight of the formidable blood runes left Qin Wentian astounded. The moment his gaze locked onto them, a resounding boom echoed within his mind, as if the runes held the power to crush him utterly.

"Retreat!" Qin Wentian instinctively pulled Qing'er back a few steps, acutely aware of the peril they faced. This place teemed with peril, yet he couldn't help but marvel at how effortlessly Little Rascal had ventured forth. The runes had no discernible effect on the plucky pup.

Perplexed, Qin Wentian observed as Little Rascal continued its slow advance, further confirming the magnetic pull that drew it closer.

The enigmatic woman cast a final, resentful glance at Qin Wentian and Qing'er, her eyes seething with vengeance. With that, she vanished, her inability to access the mysterious gap leaving her thwarted.

Qing'er's voice broke the silence, her practicality guiding her judgment. "We should return." Qin Wentian concurred, "Indeed, it appears that Little Rascal has stumbled upon a stroke of fortune. Let's search for an exit."

The enigmatic aura of the Underworld Mountains cast an eerie, all-encompassing light. It felt as though they occupied a distinct dimension, with no discernible paths to escape. Nonetheless, Qing'er remained unperturbed. She produced a leaf-shaped artifact brimming with potent spatial energy, expanded it, and motioned for Qin Wentian to stand with her. In an instant, radiant brilliance enveloped them both, leading the way as they sought to navigate the enigmatic realm.

Qing'er's voice carried a note of calm authority as she unveiled the origins and capabilities of the artifact they now stood upon. "This is a life-saving treasure my master gave me. The Underground Mountains seem to be detached from the rest of the world. But we should be able to leave it by using spatial-type treasures," she stated. In a flash of brilliance, they were swept away from their precarious surroundings.

Amid the spatial journey, Qin Wentian's eyes remained closed, his hand firmly grasping Qing'er's. He marveled at the softness of her touch, noting her slight tremor upon their connection. It was a fleeting vulnerability that she allowed him to share.

The disconcerting sensation of traversing space with the aid of the treasure left Qin Wentian and Qing'er gripping each other's hands through the turbulent journey. As they came to a halt and opened their eyes, they were greeted by an unexpected sight—they had arrived at the central city region of the City of Ancient Emperors.

"We're out... What a powerful treasure," Qin Wentian mused silently. Such an artifact held immeasurable value, particularly in situations like the Underground Mountains. Below them, curious onlookers gathered, their expressions a mix of wonder and bewilderment. Most eyes, however, were drawn to Qing'er.

"Spatial energy? Could it be that she's the #5-ranked on the Immortal Ascension Rankings, Princess Qing'er?" whispered a bystander. The battle of half a year ago had spawned rumors of a romantic connection between Princess Qing'er and Qin Wentian, and now, seeing them hand in hand, the speculation gained credence.

Qing'er, feeling the urge to withdraw her hand, was stopped by Qin Wentian's firm grip. She blinked, puzzled, as he playfully pinched her hand. Her gaze met his, but Qin Wentian brushed it off with a casual tone. "The Underground Mountains are truly mysterious. I wonder what that place was exactly."

Qing'er, skilled in the art of subtlety, shifted her gaze away, her demeanor nonchalant.

"Half a year has passed. I wonder how Mengchen and Qingxuan are faring," Qin Wentian mused aloud.

"Excuse me, are you Qin Wentian?" A voice from below interrupted their conversation. They looked down to see inquisitive faces. Qin Wentian nodded.

"Are you referring to your junior brother and sister, Jun Mengchen and Zi Qingxuan? They are in grave danger. The Twin Stars Alliance is relentlessly pursuing them, and they narrowly escaped capture on multiple occasions," the informant revealed. A shadow of concern darkened Qin Wentian's expression. His cold eyes betrayed the brewing tempest within him as he inquired about their whereabouts.

"If I knew their location, the Twin Stars Alliance would have found them too. However, they are currently in hiding, seeking refuge in a concealed sanctuary. The Twin Stars Alliance's strength may have waned after the battle half a year ago, but they've since formed a formidable alliance. Xuan Yang and Xiao Lengyue, ranked #4 and #6 on the Immortal Ascension Rankings, joined forces and declared themselves the new Twin Stars, luring countless geniuses to their banner."

The informant's words bore a tinge of worry. Qin Wentian couldn't help but wonder how Jun Mengchen and Zi Qingxuan would fare against this resurgent Twin Stars Alliance, given their newfound unity and power.

"To make matters worse, the Twin Stars Alliance has posted a substantial reward for information about you and your junior siblings. I fear there are already individuals en route to claim that prize," another bystander chimed in, their words casting a pall over Qin Wentian's thoughts.

Qin Wentian, his voice unwavering, countered the scheme that had been set in motion. "I, Qin Wentian, can offer a reward as well. If you guys can provide me with information about the whereabouts of my junior apprentice siblings, I shall generously bestow five immortal-ranked weapons to the one who aids me," he declared.

The crowd stirred with intrigue, one voice rising above the rest in excitement. "Really?" The man's eyes gleamed with newfound interest as he regarded Qin Wentian. The solemn promise of five immortal-ranked weapons was a tempting proposition. Qin Wentian, with a dignified nod, affirmed his sincerity. "Naturally, my words are trustworthy."

"Very well, then. Produce the five immortal-ranked weapons, and I shall divulge the whereabouts of your friends," the man challenged. Qin Wentian narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing the man's intent. "Are you certain you possess knowledge of their location?"

The man, his demeanor a curious blend of confidence and slyness, offered his assurance. "You and Princess Qing'er dared to slay Xuan Xing and grievously wound Xuan Yang. Why would I dare deceive you?" A wry smile played on his lips as he hinted at the grave threat to Jun Mengchen and Zi Qingxuan. "Qin Wentian, time is of the essence. If you delay, who knows what could befall them?"

With a decisive wave of his hand, Qin Wentian summoned five immortal-ranked weapons, releasing them to the awaiting figure. He understood the man's intention—to maximize his gains by capitalizing on the information he held about Jun Mengchen and Zi Qingxuan. However, this city was populated by descendants and disciples of immortal kings and emperors, all seeking advantage in the intricate web of power.

"Very well, you are refreshingly direct," the man conceded, safely storing away the precious weapons. He then pointed in a specific direction, guiding Qin Wentian and Qing'er. "Follow this path and continue onward. When you reach a pagoda-shaped structure, you will find clear traces of a recent battle. I hope you make haste and arrive in time to rescue your friends."

With resolve and urgency, Qin Wentian acted promptly, retrieving a wind roc runebone. He unleashed a powerful gust of wind that enshrouded them, propelling them forward at breakneck speed in the direction indicated by the informant. The prospect of a recent battle heightened his anxiety. Time was of the essence, and he fervently prayed that they would reach Jun Mengchen and Zi Qingxuan in time.

"Stay strong, both of you!" Qin Wentian murmured under his breath.


True to the man's word, a pagoda-like structure materialized in the distance, surrounded by a gathering of young geniuses. Their presence resembled a spectatorship of a fierce confrontation. Five individuals had cornered two figures, evident victims of a protracted struggle. The young woman, recently ascended to the eighth-level of Celestial Phenomenon, exhibited signs of a recent breakthrough, while her companion, a delicate-looking young man, lagged behind at the seventh-level. Both bore conspicuous injuries, signaling the unfairness of their predicament.

The oppressive atmosphere around them was palpable as the five aggressors closed in on their prey. Three of them wielded the formidable power of the eighth-level of Celestial Phenomenon, while the remaining two were even more menacing, having reached the ninth-level. Among them, one held the distinction of a spot in the Immortal Ascension Rankings. His name was Tu Teng, a formidable adversary boasting a rank hovering around the #300 mark.

It was crucial to understand that anyone who found a place among the Immortal Ascension Rankings was nothing short of extraordinary. Tu Teng, standing at an imposing three meters, exuded an aura of brute strength. His massive frame was bare-chested, displaying bronze-toned skin radiating raw power and vitality. At present, he held the esteemed title of a war general within the newly formed Twin Stars Alliance.

With a disdainful smile, Tu Teng regarded the desperate struggle unfolding before him. Zi Qingxuan had transformed into a formidable divine falcon, her radiant form bristling with power as she engaged one of the ninth-level adversaries. Tu Teng took a deliberate step forward, his constellation materializing into an array of colossal, heaven-cleaving great axes.

"It's a futile resistance," Tu Teng remarked with an icy demeanor. His words carried the weight of imminent victory as Zi Qingxuan fought valiantly, her divine falcon radiating a fierce, all-encompassing light that fragmented into eight directions. In a frantic bid for survival, she clashed with the other ninth-level foe.

With an effortless wave of his hand, Tu Teng conjured a resplendent golden heaven-cleaving great axe, its formidable presence capable of rending the heavens and earth asunder, unleashing cataclysmic destruction upon everything in its path.

"The Sky Opening Axe Technique from Tu Teng's master. At its zenith, it can rupture the very fabric of reality and carve out a new expanse of sky," whispered the onlookers, acknowledging the sheer devastation that Tu Teng's attack could inflict. Originally, Tu Teng had expected his allies to swiftly subdue their targets. However, Jun Mengchen and Zi Qingxuan had endured far longer than anticipated, necessitating Tu Teng's direct intervention.

Zi Qingxuan's expression contorted into one of despair as she witnessed the impending cataclysm. The sheer might of the impending attack sent shudders through her core. With a piercing shriek, the multitude of falcons she had summoned were torn asunder by the overwhelming force of Tu Teng's axe. In a final, desperate gambit, she summoned a colossal golden flame divine falcon to intercept the gigantic axe, hoping it would act as a bulwark.

But her hope proved futile. The brilliance of Tu Teng's constellation only intensified, empowering his axe to continue its descent, effortlessly cleaving her divine falcon in twain.

"Chi..." A pale hue washed over Zi Qingxuan as she involuntarily expelled a mouthful of blood. Her body, no longer aloft, collided brutally with the unforgiving ground, her aura significantly dimmed.

"Senior Sister!" Jun Mengchen's fury erupted like an inferno. Yet, with three eighth-level adversaries encroaching upon him, he found himself powerless to defend, let alone protect Zi Qingxuan. Desperation and frustration fueled his impotent rage.