
Divine Statue

Divine Statue . . .

"God's blood?" Qin Wentian's brow furrowed, a glint of sharpness illuminating his eyes. The long spear he had conjured with the God's Hand had dissipated into nothingness, leaving him in a state of bewildered curiosity. What cryptic message lay within the parting words of the Golden-Winged Great Roc?

He peered down at his palms, bathed in a resplendent radiance, both a fusion of the potent currents stemming from his dual bloodlines.

"That golden-winged roc was a truly formidable adversary," he mused, his voice tinged with a trace of awe. "I suspect it possessed numerous innate techniques it had yet to unveil. Only by delivering a decisive, overwhelming attack could I secure victory." A shiver coursed through him at the memory. Had that final strike not succeeded, he would have been at a loss, for no other technique in his arsenal could eclipse the sheer power it had unleashed.

In this moment, Qin Wentian harbored a deep-seated conviction that his strength had ascended to its zenith beneath the threshold of immortality. It was increasingly improbable that he would encounter a challenger capable of besting him in this domain. Ordinary peak ascendants could be vanquished with a mere flourish of his constellations, yet the Golden-Winged Great Roc had subjected him to a level of pressure that had flirted with the specter of death itself.

Before him now, an ancient pathway unfurled, ascending toward the heavens. Qin Wentian's eyes gleamed with anticipation. Could these trials finally be at an end?

If not, he might find himself teetering on the brink of despair.

With resolute steps, he embarked upon the ancient pathway, an ethereal sensation enveloping him as he traversed across realms in the blink of an eye. As his foot made contact with the pathway's terminus, he found himself gazing upon a celestial hall, bathed in the soft, silvery glow of astral light. It emanated an aura of sanctity and grandeur. Qin Wentian's gaze fixed upon a colossal statue that stood beneath the starlit canopy, a figure so tall that its head seemed to brush against the very heavens. Could this be the likeness of a divine entity?

There were no other beings in sight, leaving Qin Wentian with a perplexing sense of uncertainty. "Is this truly a divine ruin?" he pondered aloud, his voice tinged with a note of incredulity. To have traversed countless trials and arrived at this juncture only to encounter a statue seemed almost anticlimactic.

Yet, as his scrutiny lingered upon the statue, he discerned a scepter clutched in one of its massive hands. The statue exuded an aura of absolute authority and power, an embodiment of unparalleled prestige. Stepping forward, Qin Wentian felt a burgeoning fascination as he extended his hand to touch the statue, his eyes radiating with an almost luminous intensity.

As his fingers closed around the ancient scepter, an intricate dance of boundless runes erupted in a frenzied spectacle. Qin Wentian, his grip unyielding, found his consciousness inundated by a torrent of information. His perception extended beyond the confines of his own body, allowing him to peer through the eyes of this divine estate. From this celestial vantage point, he gazed down upon the entirety of Antiquity City, piercing through the veil of the Ancient Path of Stars. In his mental panorama, he now stood within this divine domain, while Antiquity City unfurled beneath him, a realm accessed solely by traversing the enigmatic Ancient Path of Stars.

Here, the divine statue and its accompanying scepter bore the weight of unparalleled authority, affording an omnipresent gaze upon every facet of Antiquity City. This mystical artifact held the very reins of the city's trials, a dominion that transcended mortal understanding.

With closed eyes, Qin Wentian harnessed the newfound scope of his perception, extending his awareness to encompass the world beyond. Outside the city's bounds, the disciples of the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect paced anxiously, their progress stalled at the precipice of the initial trial. An uncanny sensation coursed through Qin Wentian. It felt as if, with the scepter nestled in his grasp, he held the power to shutter the very heart of Antiquity City at his whim.

"There exist three distinct paths," he mused, his consciousness unfurling even further, unveiling a trove of arcane knowledge. The Ancient Path of Stars, the route he had undertaken, was but one of three pathways converging upon this hallowed ground. The remaining two passages likely served as conduits to the second and third tiers of the City of Ancient Emperors.

A sudden alarm pierced through his thoughts. Zi Qingxuan, presently ensconced in her trials along the Ancient Path of Stars, had fallen into dire straits, her form battered by the ferocious onslaught of a formidable ancient demonic beast.

"Exit!" Qin Wentian's mental command rippled outward, conveyed through the mystic tether binding him to the scepter. Responding to this ethereal decree, Zi Qingxuan, locked in a life-and-death struggle, felt an irresistible force bear down upon her assailant. She retreated with lightning celerity, vanishing through the astral gate and reemerging beyond the threshold of the Ancient Path of Stars. Her heart raced as she stared skyward, the indomitable will that had intervened on her behalf feeling akin to a divine mandate. But why did it seem as though this resolute presence sought to protect her?

With unwavering determination, Qin Wentian extended his benevolent vigil to the remaining participants in the trials along the Ancient Path of Stars. Driven by the strength coursing through his very veins, he attempted to retrieve the scepter from the statue's grasp. Yet, as he made the audacious endeavor, a cataclysmic surge of runic radiance erupted, and a deafening crescendo of thunder resounded. From the depths of this luminous maelstrom, the colossal figure of a jet-black dragon materialized, its immense eyes fixing upon Qin Wentian with unwavering intensity.

Qin Wentian, his own eyes aglow, stared back at the colossal, spectral dragon.

"You are still too weak," declared the black dragon with an air of sagacity, its words reverberating through the divine chamber and sending ripples of disquiet through Qin Wentian's heart. This enigmatic guardian was none other than the legendary black dragon that patrolled the vast, turbulent oceans enveloping the City of Ancient Emperors. Nevertheless, the colossal apparition before him was likely nothing more than a manifestation of the dragon's immortal essence.

"Why can't I take the scepter with me now that I've conquered the trials of the Ancient Path of Stars?" Qin Wentian inquired, his voice tinged with a hint of frustration.

"You've already established a connection with the scepter's will," the black dragon explained, its tone measured and wise. "In the future, you can return to this place at your leisure. When your cultivation reaches a certain threshold, you may revisit and perhaps, inherit this divine estate. I shall safeguard this realm for now and seal it off from prying eyes."

Qin Wentian's eyes gleamed with intrigue. The legacy of Ancient Emperors had led them all to this sacred domain, yet none had successfully claimed it. However, the dragon's words hinted at the possibility that he, too, might one day lay claim to this divine estate.

"You are indeed fortunate," the black dragon continued, its voice resonating with a sense of ancient wisdom. "Throughout the annals of history, countless prodigies have ventured here. Some, brimming with strength, faced ever more formidable adversaries as they progressed along the Ancient Path of Stars. A few even managed to reach the precipice of the ninth trial before succumbing. Your remarkable talents, coupled with your immersion in the Sacred Luminance and mastery of the secret arts of an ancient emperor, have propelled you to this stage. Surprisingly, your relatively lower cultivation became an asset in this unique journey. However, even with these accomplishments, your current strength remains insufficient to control the scepter."

The black dragon's sagacious counsel continued, "Return when the time is right."

"But leaving empty-handed feels like a missed opportunity," Qin Wentian admitted with a charming grin. "Could you, Senior, bequeath me a few treasures? Perhaps...some ancient sacred artifacts would suffice. And as for the Sacred Luminance, I have a strong desire to carry a portion of its divine radiance with me. Surely, Senior possesses a solution?"

The black dragon chuckled at Qin Wentian's audacious request. "Your appetite for wealth is insatiable," it mused. "Observe the left hand of the divine statue. You will find a revered cauldron that matches your description. It is the ancient artifact you covet. As for the Sacred Luminance, it can only be confined within a storage treasure of ancient lineage, much like the one you seek."

A spark of anticipation ignited within Qin Wentian as he followed the dragon's guidance, directing his gaze toward the colossal hand of the divine statue. There, cradled within the divine grasp, rested a square-shaped cauldron adorned with intricate runes of an arcane antiquity. Despite his formidable expertise in divine inscriptions, Qin Wentian found himself baffled by the cryptic symbols that adorned the vessel.

As Qin Wentian extended his hand towards the coveted cauldron, a startling realization washed over him like an unrelenting wave—the cauldron's immense weight, akin to several million kilograms, made even his formidable physique quiver with the effort of lifting it.

"By the heavens, this is heavier than expected," Qin Wentian muttered, his expression a blend of determination and astonishment. With resolve etched across his features, he unleashed the power of resplendent runic light that spiraled around his form. Grasping the cauldron with both hands, he roared with exertion, prompting a deafening tumult to resonate as the colossal vessel begrudgingly inched upwards. However, at this critical juncture, the ancient runes adorning the cauldron erupted in a dazzling display of luminance. In the blink of an eye, an overwhelming vortex materialized, surging with a forceful suction that defied all resistance. Qin Wentian's colossal frame was inexorably drawn into the heart of the cauldron.

"Impossible!" Qin Wentian found himself inexplicably transported to the interior of the very cauldron he had sought to wield. Despite his massive size, he was consumed by the cauldron's internal space, ensnared by the enigmatic runes that pulsed with arcane energy. In an instant, these intricate symbols ignited with brilliant radiance, enveloping Qin Wentian's titanic form in a shroud of potent energy. He couldn't shake the sensation that his very being was on the precipice of being refined by the cauldron. Panic surged within him as he struggled to escape the cauldron's embrace.

"You tricked me!" Qin Wentian bellowed, desperately attempting to take flight. Yet, the ceaseless torrents of energy that enshrouded him resisted his every effort, anchoring him firmly within the cauldron's confines.

"Relax, young one," echoed a calm voice within his mind, soothing the turmoil of his thoughts. "This is an ancient treasure, one that offers only benefits, and no harm will befall you. Simply surrender yourself to the process."

However, the ceaseless onslaught of energy felt like an unending barrage of relentless attacks, assaulting Qin Wentian from all angles. In this crucible of power, he experienced the combined fury of countless innate techniques, his colossal form gradually fading into the ethereal realm.

"Ahh!" Qin Wentian's anguished cry reverberated through the interior of the cauldron as he summoned the power of his bloodlines, bathing his body in a radiant pure-white light. The healing energy swathed him, mending the damage inflicted upon his form.

His existence oscillated on the precipice of destruction and rebirth, the ceaseless cycle of agony threatening to shatter his very will. The relentless assault pushed him to the brink, yet Qin Wentian's unwavering determination persisted, resisting the cauldron's malevolent intent.

"No!" He bellowed defiantly, clenching his teeth with unwavering resolve. He had traversed an arduous path, overcome insurmountable odds, and ascended to this apex. He refused to let an ancient cauldron vanquish his indomitable spirit. Despite the ceaseless torrents of runic energy assailing him, Qin Wentian clung to his determination, vowing not to yield. Each beam of runic light that penetrated his being infused the power of the runes into his blood and bones, a torturous journey that pushed him to the very precipice of endurance.

Time seemed to stretch into eternity as Qin Wentian endured this harrowing trial, his willpower standing resolute against the relentless onslaught. An hour passed, but to him, it felt as if he had been locked in this crucible for an eternity.

When the relentless onslaught finally ceased, Qin Wentian's body glistened with perspiration, but his skin radiated with an even more resplendent light. A wild, vibrant energy surged within him, akin to the primal vigor of a desolate beast. His gaze fixed on the treasured cauldron, its engraved runes now clearer than ever before. These intricate symbols seemed to dance before his eyes, their patterns resembling diagrams that whispered ancient secrets. Qin Wentian realized that the cauldron's capabilities extended far beyond mere storage—it possessed an innate power of formidable attack, harboring boundless, supreme might.

In awe, he murmured, "Innate techniques hidden within this cauldron?" A shiver ran down his spine as he contemplated the depths of the cauldron's abilities. He felt a profound connection between himself and this ancient treasure, yet his smile was tinged with bitterness. He couldn't help but wonder who had truly refined whom in this enigmatic exchange.

With a graceful flicker, Qin Wentian exited the cauldron, his glare directed fiercely at the black dragon. The dragon had deceived him, and its impassive demeanor only fueled his ire.

However, the black dragon remained unfazed, speaking with detached calmness. "Your friends and the other individual have been safely dispatched, and the entrance sealed. Do you wish to depart now?"

"No rush," replied Qin Wentian, a hint of determination in his voice. He raised a hand, and the ancient cauldron shrank in size, landing gently in his palm. With his other hand still grasping the scepter, he focused his intent, and in an instant, he vanished, reemerging in the midst of the Sacred Luminance's resplendent embrace.

Qin Wentian gazed in awe at the magnificent holy radiance cascading from the heavens. Any lingering resentment toward the black dragon gradually faded. This was the legendary Sacred Luminance—an incredible source of power. Once he filled the ancient cauldron with it and withdrew it, even immortal emperors would have to bow before him for its sake. However, he was acutely aware that the secret of possessing the Sacred Luminance had to remain closely guarded. Failure to do so would undoubtedly lead to a grisly end.

With a graceful sweep of his hand, the cauldron expanded, growing to an immense size as it soared into the midst of the Sacred Luminance. Instantly, the boundless holy light flowed into the cauldron, transforming into myriad radiant runes that filled it to the brim. The cauldron became a vessel brimming with the essence of the Sacred Luminance, its power an awe-inspiring sight to behold.