
Disdain to kill you

Disdain to kill you . . .

Qin Wentian's words hung in the air, echoing through the minds of the geniuses who bore witness to this intense showdown. Their hearts quivered with the realization that Qin Wentian might truly dare to end Blackpeak's life.

The tension in the atmosphere was palpable. Blackpeak, despite the fierce rivalry between them, was a personal disciple of the revered Deepflame Immortal King. The Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor held the Deepflame Immortal King in high esteem, granting him significant influence within the Eastern Immortal Sage Sect. Every aspiring genius yearned to earn recognition from such influential figures. Participating in this event was not only about honing their skills but also about gaining entry into the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect, with hopes of securing a promising future.

Killing Blackpeak, a disciple of the Deepflame Immortal King, could be tantamount to slapping the Immortal King's face. Should Qin Wentian ever enter the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect, life there would undoubtedly turn nightmarish.

Blackpeak, however, was consumed by a singular emotion—shame. His most formidable attack had failed to eliminate Qin Wentian; instead, it had left him severely wounded. He could hardly hold his own against his adversary, a fact he found deeply humiliating.

Regret coursed through Blackpeak's heart. In other circumstances, outside the restrictive bounds of the law enchantment, he possessed numerous powerful techniques bestowed upon him by his master. But in this arena, he was placed on equal footing with his fellow geniuses. Qin Wentian's extraordinary luck had allowed him to master an exceptionally potent innate technique, endowing him with formidable combat prowess.

Although this outcome filled Blackpeak with a searing sense of injustice, his pride had been irrevocably tarnished.

"In future battles, you shall meet a fate most wretched!" Blackpeak's anguished roar reverberated in the air. He had conceded defeat and was now attempting to escape, transforming into a billowing cloud of dark smoke.

"You must be joking." Qin Wentian's retort was cold as ice. Drawing power from the law enchantment, he transformed into a wind roc, gliding effortlessly on the currents. His palms surged with energy, causing countless ancient bells to rain down from the heavens, obliterating everything in their path. The resounding chimes reverberated, silencing the abyssal flames. Qin Wentian's unwavering gaze was fixed on the shrouded figure fleeing into the distance.

With astonishing speed, the wind roc that was Qin Wentian quickly closed the gap between them. A heart-wrenching scream pierced the air, sending shivers down the spectators' spines.

"YOU'RE COURTING DEATH!" Blackpeak's rage knew no bounds.

"BOOM!" A deafening bell chime followed, accompanied by yet another agonized cry from Blackpeak. The onlookers strained their eyes to the horizon, where they saw Blackpeak crashing to the earth. Qin Wentian held a colossal ancient bell in his grasp, using it to pin Blackpeak to the ground. He pressed his foot firmly against Blackpeak's head, his eyes filled with disdain, as he gazed down at his defeated foe.

A guttural scream of agony erupted from Blackpeak as his aura surged wildly, but Qin Wentian's expression remained stoic. His palm descended heavily upon the ancient bell that trapped Blackpeak, causing the latter to cough up blood and grow even paler as his strength waned.

Qin Wentian's voice dripped with indifference as he addressed his vanquished foe. "Back in the immortal palace at the Royal Sacred Region, you were already undeserving of such arrogance in my presence. What significance does your affiliation with Deepflame hold here? Under the equality enforced by the law enchantment, ending your life is as effortless as drawing breath."

Blackpeak's body trembled, his eyes filled with hatred as he retorted, "Your victory here won't change your fate in the selection test! Unfortunately, the confines of this place severely limit my true strength, or else I would have demonstrated the insurmountable chasm between us."

Qin Wentian emitted a cold chuckle, causing Blackpeak's expression to freeze. He had to wonder—why hadn't Qin Wentian killed him already?

Was he hesitant? This was the same man who had openly defied the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor in the presence of numerous immortal king experts. Given Qin Wentian's fearless nature, there should be nothing he wouldn't dare to do.

Furthermore, Qin Wentian held all the cards at this moment. He could end Blackpeak's life at his whim. So why the delay? Why these seemingly superfluous words?

"Allow me to elucidate," Qin Wentian said, breaking the silence. Blackpeak fixed his gaze upon him, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"Your life holds no value in my eyes. Killing you or sparing you is inconsequential to me. Were it not for your ill-advised provocation, I wouldn't have wasted a moment on you." Qin Wentian's voice rang out as he delivered his verdict with indifference. He struck the ancient bell with his palms, causing it to finally shatter. The force of the impact forced yet another bout of blood from Blackpeak's trembling lips.

Without further ado, Qin Wentian turned and walked away. He hadn't killed Blackpeak, and he had made his reasons abundantly clear. Blackpeak was beneath his notice, and his life held no weight in Qin Wentian's world.

"Allow me to recall our history in the Royal Sacred Region," Qin Wentian's voice reverberated within Blackpeak's mind, dripping with disdain and arrogance. "Back then, the Deepflame Immortal King constantly belittled me, scrutinizing me with disdain. Although you are his disciple, I'm sparing your life. I hope you won't disappoint me too grievously in this selection test. Failure or death would truly be an embarrassment beyond measure, especially in the eyes of your esteemed master, the Deepflame Immortal King."

With that final, biting remark, Qin Wentian stared deeply into Blackpeak's soul with his piercing black eyes. He spared Blackpeak's life, not out of mercy, but as an affront to the Deepflame Immortal King's judgment. The humiliation cut deeper than a killing blow, striking at the core of Blackpeak's arrogance and ego.

Being a personal disciple of a war general under the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor should have been an unassailable position for any supreme genius. Yet, here stood Blackpeak, spared by another, forced to live with the weight of humiliation. Qin Wentian's choice to spare him was not an act of mercy but a calculated move to deliver a more profound blow to the Deepflame Immortal King's pride. The disdain and humiliation in Qin Wentian's eyes contorted Blackpeak's body and soul, leaving him quivering with rage and frustration.

In the Hundred Immortals Forest, numerous onlookers had witnessed the intense clash between Qin Wentian and Blackpeak. As Qin Wentian returned victorious, he couldn't escape the weight of their scrutiny. Despite Blackpeak's formidable power, he had been forcibly subdued by Qin Wentian to the point of helplessness. It left a lingering question in their minds—had Blackpeak not been the Deepflame Immortal King's disciple, would Qin Wentian have ended his life right there and then?

Yet, this was the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect, and Blackpeak held a unique status. While he might not be an official member of the sect, as the Deepflame Immortal King's personal disciple, he was already considered half a member. He had joined the selection test for self-improvement, and Qin Wentian's audacious act of humiliating him had drawn widespread attention.

Most observers couldn't fathom why Qin Wentian had spared Blackpeak's life. Many believed it was because Qin Wentian lacked the courage to kill him outright.

In the wake of these events, Jun Mengchen and Zi Qingxuan had also emerged victorious from their battles, eliminating their opponents. The trio remained unscathed, and out of the six adversaries they had faced, Blackpeak was the sole survivor, saved from death only by Qin Wentian's unexpected mercy.

"These three are truly exceptional," whispered the various geniuses who had not yet claimed an immortal statue. They cautioned themselves not to provoke this formidable trio. The immortal statue emitting a tyrannical king's aura remained unclaimed, and Blackpeak's earlier misfortune served as a stark warning. Ordinary contenders could hardly dream of seizing it for themselves.

"Mengchen, take your time to cultivate," Qin Wentian advised his junior apprentice brother.

Jun Mengchen nodded, his pent-up frustration now released. He asked, "Senior brother, have you set your sights on any of the immortal statues? Should we claim one together?"

Jun Mengchen's words sent shivers through the geniuses occupying the immortal statues nearby, causing them to cast anxious glances toward the trio. If Qin Wentian, Jun Mengchen, and Zi Qingxuan joined forces, they would be an unstoppable force.

"No need for that," Qin Wentian replied, shaking his head. "In this place, each of us must rely on our individual strength. I intervened only because you were outnumbered earlier. Now that matter is settled, should either Qingxuan or I wish to claim an immortal statue, we'll do it through our own abilities."

Jun Mengchen accepted Qin Wentian's decision with a nod. "Understood. I'll focus on my cultivation, then."

Following his words, Jun Mengchen swiftly traversed the forest, returning to the immortal statue he had previously claimed. His intent to delve into its mysteries was palpable, dissuading anyone from approaching him and interrupting his focused contemplation.

Qin Wentian, on the other hand, embarked on a different journey within the Hundred Immortals Forest. His movements were deliberate as he strolled amidst the statues, occasionally halting beside one that seemed to beckon him. His pauses didn't go unnoticed; the observers on the platforms braced themselves, unsure of what to expect from this enigmatic figure.

As Qin Wentian roamed the forest's depths, he made a crucial observation. The closer the statues were to the forefront, the more potent their auras grew. The eighteen statues positioned right at the very front exuded an overwhelming aura, each representing a distinct immortal. Their cultivations varied, and correspondingly, the strength concealed within their forms differed.

Eventually, Qin Wentian came to a standstill, his gaze riveted on one of the eighteen statues positioned at the very forefront. However, the participants occupying those platforms remained engrossed in their own cultivation, seemingly unaware of Qin Wentian's presence. Even the grand clash between Qin Wentian and Blackpeak had failed to draw their attention, their immersion so profound that nothing could disrupt their focus.

Their unwavering concentration reflected their confidence. Their medallions bore the insignia of the top three contestants from the thirteen prefectures, including the formidable Gusu Tianqi.

As for the statues located just behind the initial eighteen, the participants stationed there also held high rankings. Rather than challenging those at the forefront directly, they opted to fortify their own strengths first, anticipating the moment when the pioneers would conclude their comprehension.

Gusu Tianqi, in particular, emerged from his contemplation. With a respectful bow to the immortal statue before him, he gracefully departed, venturing deeper into the Eastern Sage Cliff Mountain Range in search of other opportunities to enhance his abilities. He bore no intention to clash with his fellow geniuses, considering his unparalleled reputation would discourage challenges. His sole objective was to gather wisdom and augment his strength.

As Gusu Tianqi's departure created an opening among the eighteen statues at the forefront, the geniuses behind him saw a chance for ascension. Yet, despite the opportunity, none dared to step onto the platform, fully aware that qualification was far from guaranteed.

However, as the onlookers hesitated, a nonchalant figure emerged from the forest. Under the watchful eyes of the elite geniuses, this individual leisurely ascended the platform, exuding an air of casual confidence that stunned the crowd into silence.