
Crossing Over of the Era

Crossing Over of the Era . . .

For uncounted millennia, the Royal Sacred Sect had reigned supreme, their iron grasp unchallenged, and their dominion over the world was absolute. They boldly declared themselves the ultimate authority, reveling in their strength, and viewing the lives of ordinary people as mere trifles. Their arrogance knew no bounds. Sacred Prince Zai Xuan, elevated to celestial heights, looked down upon the native inhabitants of this world as mere country bumpkins. To make matters worse, they had stooped so low as to collaborate with an evil force from the immortal realms, abducting innocent females for their nefarious purposes.

But today marked the end of their era—the fall of a tyrannical reign.

Zai Yan, Zai Xuan, and Zai Qiu, once the illustrious descendants of the Sacred Emperor, now stood as prisoners, awaiting their inevitable judgment. The memory of their former glory and their unbridled tyranny haunted them like fading echoes. They had once summoned a man named Quinn to their headquarters and sealed his fate with a single decree. But today, they were powerless, waiting for their own reckoning.

In this fateful moment, the expressions of Zai Xuan and his comrades turned ashen and lifeless. As they gazed upon Qin Wentian in the sky, Zai Qiu's visage contorted with bitterness. It was inconceivable. He should have been the one to look down upon Qin Wentian, the one to control his destiny. Yet, reality had taken a maddening twist.

"Who are you people?" Zai Yan bellowed, his voice trembling with desperation.

"That's none of your concern," replied Di Tian, the enigmatic figure in the bronze mask, his words as cold as ice. "Finish them all."

"Of course," the immortals responded with eerie laughter. The saber-wielding immortal executed a swift and seemingly ordinary strike, but it cleaved through the air like a merciless scythe, severing the lives of those bearing the Zai surname. Fear rippled through the remaining members of the Royal Sacred Sect as they watched in horror, realizing that their own deaths loomed ever closer.

"No, please spare us! We are mere subordinates of the Royal Sacred Sect. Spare us, kind senior!" Some factions began to plead for their lives, their desperation intensifying in the face of impending death. The first to beg for mercy was the leader of the Qinghua Mountain Sect.

"Where is your backbone now?" a cold voice retorted, followed by a crimson spear thrusting into the Qinghua Mountain leader's brain.

Begging for mercy proved futile. They had chosen to align with the Royal Sacred Sect, even participating in the slaughter of the Medicine Sovereign Valley's people. Did they truly believe that their pleas could alter their fate?

"Finish them swiftly," an immortal above commanded coldly. A colossal palm imprint descended, transforming the remaining experts into ice crystals.

"Shatter!" With a clenched fist, the ice crystals shattered, obliterating the trapped figures within. It was an act of sheer dominance, and even Qin Wentian couldn't help but inhale sharply at the sight. The chasm in cultivation was insurmountable. Mortals, upon entering the realm of immortality, were simply no match.

Though the Royal Sacred Sect boasted countless experts, they were decimated with horrifying speed. Their anticipation for the triumphant return of the immortals had morphed into a cruel twist of fate—their apocalypse.

Within the span of a mere incense, the Royal Sacred Sect lay vanquished, its once-hallowed grounds now drenched in the blood of its own demise. The unyielding hegemony of yesterday had crumbled into oblivion today.

In the grand tapestry of fate, who could have foreseen this dramatic turn of events? Had the members of the Royal Sacred Sect possessed even the slightest inkling that their journey would conclude in such catastrophic fashion, they might have bent over backward to placate and nurture Qin Wentian, rather than affronting him in the past. They would have spared no expense in fostering his potential. Even if he had chosen to remain within the Battle Sword Faction instead of ascending to the revered Core Faction, his status as a member of the Royal Sacred Sect would have remained intact. Alas, the circumstances that unfolded were far removed from these hypothetical scenarios.

Yet, as it often happens in the labyrinth of fate, the tides of destiny can prove enigmatic and capricious. As the self-proclaimed overlords of this realm, why would they trouble themselves with the affairs of a single individual? Paradoxically, this very indifference to the fates of others had catalyzed the catastrophic downfall of the entire Royal Sacred Sect.

From this day onward, the Royal Sacred Sect would be erased from the annals of history. Moreover, it remained uncertain whether this particular particle world would retain its designation as the Royal Sacred Region. Could the new hegemon, the Medicine Sovereign Valley, allow the lingering shadows of the Royal Sacred Sect to endure in this transformed world?

With a sense of finality, Qin Wentian and his companions turned away from the scene. Their foes had already become relics of the past, and this ravaged locale now bore witness to the end of an era.

As they departed, the spectacle had drawn the curiosity of some onlookers from a distance. Moved by the palpable aura of death radiating from the site, they ventured into the Royal Sacred Sect's domain. Upon beholding the blood-soaked earth and desiccated corpses strewn about, their hearts trembled as if struck by a mighty blow. The shock was palpable, an overwhelming sensation that threatened to shatter their very souls.

"The Royal Sacred Sect has met its end," one person murmured, eyes fixed on the harrowing scene.

Another individual inclined his head and, gazing skyward, took a deep breath before roaring, "The Royal Sacred Sect has fallen!"

His voice, akin to the somber tolling of an era's final bell, resonated throughout the Sacred Royal City, and the news swiftly spread across the expanse of the Royal Sacred Region.

The destruction of the Royal Sacred Sect unfurled with unprecedented speed, casting ripples of astonishment throughout the hearts of all who heard it.

The once-mighty hegemons of an era had crumbled.

There were those who, paralyzed by disbelief, dared not accept this bitter reality. They gazed up at the heavens, murmuring with skepticism, "Has the Royal Sacred Sect truly met its end?"

But the burgeoning consensus seemed to affirm that truth, as the shocking news rippled through the land, leaving an indelible mark on the collective consciousness.

A tempest of emotions stirred within the Sacred Royal City, and indeed throughout the entire Royal Sacred Region. The nine great sects, the aristocratic and supreme clans, the ancient kingdoms, and the secluded sects—all were seized by trepidation.

As the fates would have it, the representatives of the Medicine Sovereign Valley, the Battle Sword Sect, and the ancient Ye clan couldn't help but break into smiles of profound satisfaction. From their various vantage points, they cast their eyes toward the Royal Sacred Sect, the erstwhile titans now humbled in defeat. Subsequently, they emerged from their concealment, embarking on a journey back to the Sacred Royal City.

But it wasn't just these formidable factions; the supreme and aristocratic sects, the ancient nations, and the reclusive orders also gravitated toward this pivotal center. Furthermore, an assorted array of independent experts, unaligned with any specific power, had set their sights on the Sacred Royal City as well.

This collective throng coalesced into a formidable surge, an indomitable force that seemed to coalesce into a single, supreme entity, the mightiest force beneath the heavens.

With the obliteration of the Royal Sacred Sect and the ascent of the Medicine Sovereign Valley, various developments were set in motion. The denizens of the Medicine Sovereign Valley were returning, other major powers came to pay their respects, while unaffiliated experts arrived to bear witness to the fallen Royal Sacred Sect and the burgeoning supremacy of the Medicine Sovereign Valley.

As a result, the Sacred Royal City had never teemed with such life. Countless individuals streamed into the city, infusing it with a vibrancy that eclipsed even the golden era of the Royal Sacred Sect.

Today, outside the Medicine Sovereign Valley, leaders from numerous supreme and aristocratic clans, ancient nations, and hermitic sects had all converged. They had come to pay homage to the newfound hegemon.

However, among the seven supreme clans, the Di Clan and the Chi Clan of the west were conspicuously absent. These two clans had cast their lot with the Royal Sacred Sect and, consequently, met their demise in tandem with it.

At this juncture, a group of female figures gracefully stepped forward, advancing toward the staircases leading to the Medicine Sovereign. They halted, and one among them spoke with deference, "The Tower Lord of the Forgotten Immortal Tower humbly seeks forgiveness from Senior Medicine Sovereign. Our sect severed ties with the Royal Sacred Sect prior to its fall and, as such, fortuitously escaped destruction. We have all gathered here now to beseech your pardon."

The voices of an ageless wisdom echoed, and the expressions on the faces of those from the Forgotten Immortal Tower shifted from apprehension to elation. They had not anticipated that the Medicine Sovereign would be willing to let bygones be bygones. It was abundantly clear that the Medicine Sovereign Valley was markedly distinct from the Royal Sacred Sect in its approach.

"Your gratitude is unnecessary," a venerable voice proclaimed. "The Forgotten Immortal Tower demonstrated wisdom by disassociating itself from the Royal Sacred Sect in the nick of time. There is no need for atonement. Simply refrain from wrongdoing in the future. Your sect is at liberty to carry on."

In response, the people of the Forgotten Immortal Tower knelt in gratitude before withdrawing respectfully.

Following this exchange, the Tower Lord engaged in a private conversation with one of the maidens. "Fan Miaoyu, why don't you consider joining the Medicine Sovereign Valley? Given your acquaintance with Qin Wentian, I believe he could provide a recommendation."

Fan Miaoyu, one of the eight era-defining geniuses of her time, contemplated this suggestion. Yet, her thoughts were interrupted as she noticed a female figure not far away, radiating beauty that seemed to transcend the bounds of earthly allure. This woman bore the title of the world's number one beauty—the renowned Lin Xian'er from the Celestial Maiden Sect.

Lin Xian'er's presence at this gathering was a notable detail, and Fan Miaoyu couldn't help but ponder what role she might play in this unfolding drama, particularly in relation to her connection with Qin Wentian.

Following the tactful withdrawal of the Forgotten Immortal Tower, other eminent powers wasted no time in stepping forward to pay their respects to the venerable Medicine Sovereign. Interestingly, the leader of the Celestial Maiden Sect did not appear. Instead, it was the captivating Lin Xian'er who sought an audience.

With a gracious nod from the Medicine Sovereign, an archaic voice rang out, "All of you may take your leave. The Medicine Sovereign Valley does not aspire to replicate the dominion of the Royal Sacred Sect over this world. We, like before, only desire to see the strengthening of the forces within our realm."

Though the words were uttered with a serene demeanor, their implications hung heavily in the air. The Medicine Sovereign was truly an extraordinary figure. Even without the explicit proclamation of hegemony, there was no denying that they stood as the preeminent power in this world.

The archaic voice continued, "Little one, Lin Xian'er, you may enter and keep Qingcheng company for a while."

Upon hearing these words, many cast envious glances at Lin Xian'er. It seemed that her association with Qin Wentian bore considerable weight. Though the Medicine Sovereign's words suggested that it was Mo Qingcheng who desired Lin Xian'er's presence, it was evident to most that the real instigator behind the request was none other than Qin Wentian himself. After all, they were quite close friends by now.

In the wake of these interactions, the various powers gradually took their leave, although they chose to remain within the Sacred Royal City for some time. They were poised, waiting to discern the direction of the shifting winds. After a period of observation, it became apparent that the Medicine Sovereign Valley had no intention of seeking undue prominence, adhering to its traditional low-profile stance. With this realization, the powers dispersed, leaving the Sacred Royal City.

The ebb and flow of life resumed its familiar cadence. An era had concluded, giving birth to a new one. The denizens of this world, however, remained steadfast in their cultivation, unwavering in their pursuit of martial mastery.

As for the Grand Xia Empire, its citizens, upon learning that the Medicine Sovereign Valley had unassailably emerged as the paramount power in their world, felt a profound sense of satisfaction. When they heard of Qin Wentian's pivotal role in the decisive battle, a swell of pride welled up within them. After all, he was their sovereign, the esteemed Qin Wentian.

Yet, amidst all this, the orchestrator of this momentous storm, Qin Wentian himself, led a peaceful and unassuming life. He remained disengaged from the tumultuous affairs of the external world, his heart serene as he observed the ebb and flow of events. To him, this new era and world represented nothing more than a new beginning on his extraordinary journey.