


News of Mo Qingcheng garnering the attention and favor of an external transcendent power quickly rippled through Chu. Yet, the majority of the populace remained more preoccupied with the ongoing power struggle between the Royal Clan and the Qin Rebels. This conflict hit closer to home and had a more immediate impact on their lives.

Outside the city gates, the Qin Rebel forces ran rampant, launching frenzied assaults on the Royal Capital. Chu Kuo led his troops in a desperate defense, straining to maintain their position.

However, Chu Tianjiao seemed far from anxious. On this day, he stood atop the Royal Capital's highest vantage point, surveying the horizon. It was the same spot where he had once welcomed the experts from the Nine Mystical Palace. However, that occasion had resulted in an order that had shaken Chu to its core. The Chu Ancestor had perished, and even though Diyi had been captured and imprisoned, the cost far outweighed the gain, and the repercussions of the Chu Ancestor's death remained unaddressed.

The Chu Ancestor had been the country's pillar, its foundation, its strength. The impact of his demise was beyond imagination.

Yet, Chu, under the administration of the Nine Mystical Palace, lacked the courage to assign blame to them. Moreover, in these perilous times, the Royal Clan had once again beseeched the Nine Mystical Palace for assistance. They knew that the Nine Mystical Palace had dispatched several experts to the Dark Forest.

On the distant horizon, Chu Tianjiao spotted several experts leisurely approaching, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes. He understood that with the support of the Nine Mystical Palace, combined with their concealed ace, this war against the Qin Rebels would surely end in the rebels' defeat.

"Brother Luo, it has been many months since our last encounter, yet your radiance shines even more brightly now."

Chu Tianjiao's gaze settled on a young man. This youth exuded an exceptional aura, as if he were chosen by the heavens. Yet his countenance bore an icy-cold demeanor, emitting an aura of chilling malevolence capable of freezing one's heart. This young man was none other than Luo Qianqiu.

Luo Qianqiu had returned to Chu. His aura had undergone a transformation; it was no longer as domineering as before but instead had become much colder and more sinister. Naturally, his strength had undergone a significant enhancement, a stark contrast to his former self.

This time, he returned with a singular purpose—to cleanse the stain on his honor, the humiliation he endured.

The memory of the Jun Lin Banquet's outcome remained etched in his mind. Over time, that disgrace had become his driving force, pushing him to new heights.

Fuelled by his unwavering determination, he broke through to the Yuanfu stage and even condensed an Astral Soul from a higher Heavenly Layer. In a state of fervor, he cultivated tirelessly, advancing to the second level of Yuanfu and gaining insights into a Mandate.

He chose the Mandate of Lightning, infusing his attacks with thunder's power, making them even more formidable. To master this Mandate, he tirelessly condensed a lightning-type Astral Soul for his third Astral Gate. And he succeeded.

Within his clan, he didn't just defeat second-level Yuanfu cultivators but also a few at the third level. His status in the Nine Mystical Palace soared.

For this reason, the Nine Mystical Palace allowed him to join the expedition into the Dark Forest, investigating the descent of the Demonic Star. Today, Luo Qianqiu was a figure worthy of the Nine Mystical Palace's respect. This was why they entrusted him with followers to help him settle the grudge against Qin Wentian.

Qin Wentian had to pay for his actions.


Simultaneously, as the Nine Mystical Palace representatives arrived in Chu, atop an inn's rooftop in the Royal Capital, Qian Mengyu received a report from one of her subordinates.

"The Nine Mystical Palace delegates have also arrived?" Qian Mengyu muttered. She had heard of a man named Luo Qianqiu from the Nine Mystical Palace, who cultivated with unrelenting zeal and had grasped insights into a Mandate. This man had been defeated by Qin Wentian in the Jun Lin Banquet and left Chu in disgrace. His return now spoke of his intentions.

"This situation is complex. Aunt instructed me to recruit Qin Wentian into our Greencloud Pavilion while helping him resolve his issues in Chu. However, his relationship with Ouyang Kuangsheng appears quite strong. If he decides to go to the Grand Xia Empire, he might align with the Ouyang Aristocrat Clan," Meng Qianyu pondered.

She was now aware of her Aunt's history with Gongyang Hong and knew that he was the Heavenly Dipper Sovereign who had protected Qin Wentian during the Jun Lin Banquet. Fate's intricate web had connected her and Qin Wentian in unexpected ways.

She couldn't help but wonder if Qin Wentian still cared about the events transpiring in the Celestial Lake Palace.

The depths of Chu's political waters were treacherous. Even if Qin Wentian declined her Greencloud Pavilion's offer, Qian Mengyu had made up her mind to assist him if he ran into trouble. Setting aside her Aunt's command, she felt a lingering guilt for their actions towards Qin Wentian in the Refinement Grounds. He had been willing to share the Stellar Fruits equally, yet they had tried to take advantage of him. It was a truly despicable act.

The Royal Capital had long been in a state of turmoil, and the gathering storm was about to reach its climax. The destiny of the nation and the one who would wield the Emperor's authority would likely be revealed in the coming days. The oppressive pressure hung in the air, affecting all of Chu's citizens.

Another piece of news suddenly spread throughout Chu, reporting the mysterious disappearances of young females aged ten and older. Initially, it didn't provoke much reaction or concern among the people, given the impending decisive battle. However, the situation escalated when a girl under the age of ten went missing, drawing more attention and concern.

By the third day, hundreds of young females had vanished, sparking panic in the Royal Capital. Families with young girls took extra precautions, keeping them safely indoors. No one knew who or what was behind these abductions, but the news generated rumors and widespread outrage against the perpetrators. Targeting young females was seen as a heinous act deserving of both people's and divine retribution.

On the fourth day, those who had lost their loved ones formed a formidable group of protestors. Despite the Royal Clan's knowledge of the situation, soldiers were deployed outside the Tianwu Gate to maintain order.

Chu Wuwei, dressed in white, stood on the rooftop of an inn, witnessing the citizens' grievances and anger. A pained expression briefly crossed his face, and he closed his eyes, trying to shut out the distressing scene. To achieve success, would his third brother, Chu Tianjiao, stop at nothing? Sacrificing the nation's people as if they were mere pawns in his game. How cold and ruthless the hearts of men could be – a truth he understood well from his upbringing. Did he have no alternative but to take that final, dark step?

When he opened his eyes again, they held a determined gleam. If that was the path his brother chose, he would defy his father's last wishes.

"Spread the word: I, Chu Wuwei, will contend for the position of Emperor."

Chu Wuwei spoke indifferently, but his words sent a tremor through the hearts of those behind him. They couldn't hide the excitement and determination that gleamed in their eyes.

One of Chu Wuwei's subordinates bowed as he stepped back to spread the word. His eyes, filled with resolution, now mirrored his excitement. Was the day they had long anticipated finally arriving?

"Elder brother, I've been waiting for you to say this for too long. You're the most deserving candidate to inherit Chu's throne," Chu Mang grinned. He held no high regard for their other brother, Chu Tianjiao.

Chu Wuwei turned to regard Chu Mang with a gentle expression. "Second Brother, after the storm in Chu settles, why don't you explore the world?"

"Why?" Chu Mang's eyes widened, displaying his confusion.

"With your talent, you should travel and further hone your skills. I don't want to be a burden to you for the rest of your life," Chu Wuwei gently replied.

"I'm not leaving. I want to stay with my elder brother," Chu Mang declared loudly. In his eyes, there was only one person who had never looked down on him – his elder brother.

Chu Mang knew he was simple-minded. He had been that way since childhood, and no one had cared to befriend him. Only his elder brother had accompanied him, patiently educating him, explaining the meanings of words from the books Chu Wuwei had read. Chu Mang persisted, learning step by step until more people were willing to associate with him. Some even called him a genius, but he knew that without his elder brother, he was nothing.

Chu Mang didn't care about those people. In his eyes, there was only Chu Wuwei.

He had always followed his elder brother's words. But this time, he couldn't bring himself to agree.

"Silly big fellow, do you know how talented you are? If you find a good master, I can assure you there will be no one in all of Chu who can match your potential, except perhaps Qin Wentian. Trust me, don't stay here. You'll waste your future in Chu," Chu Wuwei gently persuaded. "And besides, my life won't be as long as yours. When I grow old and pass away, what will happen to you? Who will take care of you?"

"No...!" Chu Mang roared, unwilling tears filling his saucer-like eyes. It was hard to imagine such a physically imposing man shedding tears.

"Elder brother can't die. I won't allow it. If you die, I'll follow you to the afterlife!" Chu Mang howled.

Chu Wuwei's gentle gaze turned sharp. Under his piercing stare, Chu Mang gradually fell silent as his elder brother continued sternly, "You must never say such words again. After the storm in Chu subsides, you must leave. I've already found someone who can take care of you. You'll follow him in the future."

Before Chu Mang could protest, Chu Wuwei added, "No more objections. If you refuse, I won't have a younger brother anymore."

"ARGHH!" Chu Mang didn't speak, but a guttural scream of reluctance and pain echoed from his throat. He couldn't bear to defy his elder brother's words.

Chu Wuwei remained composed as ever. He turned and gazed at the horizon, his eyes filled with unwavering resolution and a heavy heart.

Chu Mang's talents would go to waste if he continued to follow Chu Wuwei. He shouldn't be a shadow but a beacon of light.

As news of Chu Wuwei's intention to contest the Emperor's throne spread throughout the Royal Capital, it caused a seismic shock. Many noble clans in Chu couldn't help but tremble at this revelation.

The illustrious third Prince of Chu hadn't even taken the throne before being besieged by threats from all sides, both internal and external. Had his reign come to a premature end?