
Actions of the Royal Sacred Sect

Actions of the Royal Sacred Sect . . .

Seated in contemplation, a thought flashed across Qin Wentian's mind. The Royal Sacred Region, while vast, now seemed like a constricting cage to him. It had little more to offer in terms of personal growth; instead, it felt like it was stifling his potential. The need to venture beyond this world, to seek further advancement, was becoming increasingly apparent.

In the past, Qin Wentian had been content to stay in this world. But that sense of contentment had been indirectly influenced by the disciple recruitment event held by the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor.

As he pondered these thoughts, Qin Wentian's attention was drawn to a commotion in the distance. A surge of intense astral energy permeated the air, creating a palpable buzz of excitement among the people on the streets.

Frowning, Qin Wentian took Mo Qingcheng's hand and led her towards the source of the disturbance.

Upon reaching the scene, they found themselves in a bustling area filled with luxurious inns, most of which had been reduced to rubble. Spectators gathered around to watch the unfolding spectacle. In the center of it all, experts clashed with dazzling constellations in the sky, leaving onlookers awestruck. Ascendant-level battles were nothing short of destructive.

"Senior Brother Lin Shuai, Sister Lingshuang!" Qin Wentian recognized some of the combatants and called out their names. Among them were disciples of the Battle Sword Sect: Lin Shuai, Lou Bingyu, Ji Feixue, and Ye Lingshuang.

Their opponents, on the other hand, were primarily experts skilled in lightning and the Mandate of Great Earth. They held a clear numerical advantage over the Battle Sword Sect disciples. Furthermore, most of the combatants were from the younger generation.

"It's an internal conflict between the nine great sects," a voice nearby explained. "Tensions have been escalating among them in recent years, with the other eight sects seemingly ganging up on the Battle Sword Sect. It appears that rumors about the Royal Sacred Sect's plan to isolate the Battle Sword Sect are true."

Qin Wentian furrowed his brow. The murder of Quinn by Zai Qiu had sown seeds of enmity between the Royal Sacred Sect and the Battle Sword Sect. However, because the Battle Sword Sect was a subordinate, they had little recourse but to endure silently.

Yet, sometimes, merely enduring was not enough. Both the Battle Sword Faction within the Royal Sacred Sect and the Battle Sword Sect among the nine great sects were being isolated quietly, and only a pretext was lacking to strike against them.

The upper echelons, like the Battle Sword Faction, chose to avoid direct conflict with the Royal Sacred Sect's Core Faction. There were no defectors or traitors among them; they all bore their burdens silently. They couldn't afford to forget that the Royal Sacred Sect kept a close watch on them, ready to act at any moment. Hence, they endured their anger and grievances.

Among the combatants, Ye Lingshuang was the weakest, clearly struggling against an expert from the Violet Thunder Sect who was suppressing her. This adversary, his hands crackling with lightning, sneered, "The Battle Sword Sect truly values 'brotherhood.' Ye Lingshuang's father, Ye Qingyun, publicly declared enmity with our Royal Sacred Sect. We're here to capture this girl, yet you all insist on protecting her. Aren't you afraid of the Royal Sacred Sect's retaliation?"

"That's her father's matter. How can you blame it on Junior Sister Ye Lingshuang?" Ji Feixue coldly retorted. In truth, Ye Lingshuang was no longer part of the Battle Sword Sect; she had returned to the Ancient Ye Clan. Recently, she had come to the Sacred Royal City to visit the Medicine Sovereign and had coincidentally met Lin Shuai and the others on the way. Little did they expect to encounter provocations from experts of the Violet Thunder Sect and Great Earth Sect.

"A father's debts should be repaid by his son. But when it's his daughter paying, it's just as good," the provocateur grinned, his eyes leering at Ye Lingshuang. "But since Ye Lingshuang is so alluring, I can't bear to kill her right away."

"You shameless wretch," Ye Lingshuang spat out icily.

Laughter rippled through the tension as Qin Wentian, with an air of casual defiance, faced the lecherous adversary. Lightning crackled around the provocateur's hands as he unleashed a barrage towards Ye Lingshuang. Lin Shuai and the other Battle Sword Sect experts found themselves preoccupied with their own foes, leaving Ye Lingshuang vulnerable.

However, in this crucial moment, a torrent of sword qi sliced through the air, swifter and fiercer than the lightning itself.

"Who dares?" The provocateur turned with a start, only to witness an onslaught of sword energy hurtling towards him at breakneck speed. The sheer velocity of the sword caused a sonic boom to reverberate through the surroundings. A relentless, destructive force bore down on him. Though he frantically conjured lightning to defend himself, the sharp sword cleaved through his electrical defenses, much like it sliced through his body, ending his life in an instant.

The spectacle brought the ongoing battle to an abrupt halt, as combatants from both sides turned their attention to the two figures now standing proudly in the air.

"Qin Wentian," many muttered through clenched teeth, their expressions darkening.

"Has the Battle Sword Sect conspired with the enemy, Qin Wentian?" demanded a figure in earthy robes, his tone icy.

"I've long since left the Battle Sword Sect. Their affairs hold no sway over me," Qin Wentian retorted, his voice dripping with determination. "However, Ye Lingshuang remains my foster sister. Dare you target her? I shall slay every last one of you."

As his words hung in the air, a palpable aura of death emanated from him. The Royal Sacred Sect's thinly veiled intentions against the Battle Sword Sect compelled Qin Wentian to distance himself further from his former sect.

The experts from the Violet Thunder Sect and Great Earth Sect couldn't help but exchange nervous glances. They remembered Qin Wentian's legendary combat prowess, particularly his challenges on the Sacred Royal Platform, where he proved invincible among the bottom three levels of Celestial Phenomenon. Among their ranks, the most formidable was a mere third-level Ascendant. Moreover, the mighty Medicine Sovereign was known to support Qin Wentian.

"Back then, you were humiliated within the immortal palace, and yet you dare display such arrogance here today?" sneered one of the adversaries.

"But do you possess the qualifications to ascend to that immortal palace?" retorted Qin Wentian with a mocking grin. Without warning, he released his Dreamworld Constellation, ensnaring his foes in a dreamlike domain.

"Qin Wentian, you—" The Great Earth Sect's expert bellowed in fury, shocked by Qin Wentian's swift action in enveloping them with a domain-type constellation.

"Those who dare harm my loved ones will find no mercy," Qin Wentian declared, and his words seemed to resonate with the entire Royal Sacred Sect. As the echo of his voice faded, a second constellation materialized above, its innumerable swords suspended beneath it. The constellation exuded an overwhelming pressure that blanketed the area.

"NO...!" A harrowing scream pierced the air as the formless sword might descended upon one of the combatants. The lethal force cut through him like a hot knife through butter, leaving nothing but a spray of crimson in its wake.

"Slaughter!" Qin Wentian's command cut through the air with icy resolve. In an instant, the experts from the Violet Thunder and Great Earth Sect crumpled to the ground, their defenses useless against the relentless onslaught. A few more resilient foes managed to hold on for a brief moment. Their constellations shielded their bodies, with one particularly formidable third-level ascendant from the Great Earth Sect donning an armor infused with earthen energy.

Qin Wentian scoffed at their feeble resistance. With a mere thought, colossal swords descended from the heavens, shattering their surroundings with a devastating force that filled the atmosphere with destruction. The earthen armor disintegrated under the onslaught of these ferocious swords, leaving the Great Earth Sect's expert utterly terrified.

"NO!" His scream of terror pierced the air as the razor-sharp sword qi sliced him to pieces.

The survivors trembled violently, gripped by paralyzing fear. Before long, they, too, met the same fate as their comrades.

Qin Wentian waved his hands, causing his constellations to vanish from the sky. The onlookers, however, remained stunned, their voices silenced.

How immense was this power? Was this the true strength of the genius who had faced off against contenders from the immortal realms? It seemed that he had barely exerted himself. With a mere wave of his hand, he had unleashed a torrent of attacks through his constellations, effortlessly eliminating all his foes. Although they were all Celestial Phenomenon Ascendants, they crumbled before him, incapable of withstanding even a single strike.

"It's said that different individuals condense different constellations upon entering the Celestial Phenomenon Realm, resulting in vast disparities in combat prowess. It appears this rumor holds true," someone murmured in the hushed crowd. "Qin Wentian didn't even need to act personally; he merely harnessed his constellation's power, obliterating even those two cultivation levels above him. Is this the difference between an absolute genius and an ordinary one? The gulf between them is insurmountable."

Such thoughts raced through their minds as they watched in awe. They finally comprehended that, regardless of the trials Qin Wentian endured during the disciple recruitment event in the immortal palace, he remained the embodiment of magnificence in the Royal Sacred Region. Among their generation, none could rival him.

"Wentian, that was incredible!" Lin Shuai exclaimed, his admiration palpable. A Heaven Chosen in his own right, he had garnered some fame within the Royal Sacred Region. Yet, the young man before him outshone him by far.

Lou Bingyu, a recent entrant into the Celestial Phenomenon Realm, observed Qin Wentian's display with a mix of emotions. Her gaze lingered on him, her admiration evident in her cool demeanor.

"Senior Ling Shuai, how is the Battle Sword Sect faring?" Qin Wentian inquired via voice transmission.

Lin Shuai furrowed his brow. "The entire Royal Sacred Sect is bustling with activity, and an unsettling sense of impending turmoil looms. We're on edge, as if they're merely waiting for a pretext to take action. Right now, the Royal Sacred Sect is only lacking a pretext to deal with us. If they truly wish to target the Battle Sword Sect, they can easily concoct false accusations and act without concern for public opinion."

Qin Wentian nodded, deep in thought. He realized that if the Royal Sacred Sect were intent on dealing with the Battle Sword Sect, they wouldn't need any pretext. Having already fallen from their divine pedestal and suffered a tarnished reputation, they now sought to regain their former dominance. The Medicine Sovereign Valley stood as a significant obstacle in their path, making it likely that their intentions involved the valley's destruction.

"In recent months, the Royal Sacred Sect has been oddly quiet. Even the Sacred Royal City appears tranquil. However, I suspect they're clandestinely preparing for something," Lin Shuai conveyed through voice transmission.

Qin Wentian nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. The Battle Sword Sect seemed to have already plotted their escape route, anticipating the need to approach the Medicine Sovereign for assistance in leaving the Royal Sacred Particle World.