
Messenger of the Transcenders :- The bluff king 1

It really is quite difficult to figure something out when you are uptight on time especially since you don't even have an hour.

Thirty minutes later

' fuck, I can think of anything but conning them." Its quite simple actually the moment I got his idea my mind automatically shuts off all the efforts so I knew I dont have a choice. This was happening in the north part of the city in the civil court so I quickly reached outside the main gate. This was open to watch for all citizen since it usually serves as a warning and besides how many times you see a person getting executed in front of everyone. In a city where there are no vicious criminals reasons pretty simple cause theres no motive doing these things here so far away from capital made the made really crowded.

" As she has already confessed that she has killed lord marquis, why are we still deciding " As I entered the place I heard a deep voice probably that of an old man blooming In the hall. I could not see her but I could send that old man unfathomable amount of power and I knew this is the saint we are worried about and with his fiery character of his aura which I can literally see like a flame of wisp relesing from his body in the entire black and white world.

" Lord marquis, we cant just kill her as you know who she is and what position she holds " with a boom another deep voice enters the room which feels more like a growl.

' A personal from marquis family and an emissary from the The dragon clan '. This have progressed too much and now I understands why even after she said all that about having plan she is trapped. The reason I never wanted to do this isnt cause I am too scared to do anything its cause I wasnt finding any proper reasons to risk my life. ' Freinds' what a joke, I was never that close to Sia although she did helped me the past that's it, she too prioritizes her own safety before doing this and that way the same for me.

' But this girl had complicated the things she is just different and especially after I saw her sacrifising her life after my death. I am gonna ask her who is she and that's an important question and that's why I am asking her.' As far as I could remember this was my reason to save her. Even I knew this was nonsense, if not for her I would never never gonna risked my life for an information about my dream.

" No, i will say this again, bohemia family request that girl to be saved." Said a young man probably in his twenties said with a clear voice.

" Lord Fey, my apologies I can't let this slide. This is a matter of extreme importance. I suggest you talk to your family " said the old man from marquis family again.

" Hehe, do I need to ask my family for slaves now " He asked as he chuckled. I suddenly laughed, it's not that it was any intentional mocking just watching picking each like the animal they made me think that I am still real.

" What's so funny commoner " Fey asked as he looked at me and suddenly a voice sounded in my head.

"Target:- Fey bohemia, power:- Eighth tier human, description:- only son from the

Empress ". I knew this was the compensation sam gave me.

" You trash, dont talk so lightly to me " I used space tailsman as I reached in front of him and hold him up by the neck and looked coldly. The only thing in my mind was that how could someone from such a respected family and with so much resources and still be at human stage.

" Leave the Your highness Fey right now " Suddenly a middle aged man with a power saint tier appeared out of nowhere.

" Oh, is his highness already decided to make this guy as the new family head " I was quite amused actually, the Family head of the bohemia family is a hero figure in the entire world know for his extremely strong physique and its not just hard work, its talent which has been forged over by the Bohemia family for thousands of years. Although they are just Fourty third in empire ( You know, empire other than Aryawrata, I generally forgets that name ), the reason is cause they had sacrificed many of their family members in war being the vanguard and all. If you ask me what I think of that then that would be idotic but peoples respect them who sacrifices for them and for me Life is more than respect and this is type of people's you call Selfish and I don't mind cause it's true.

" I doubt that is any of concern leave him and I will let you off with a light punishment. " He said slowly as he looked for an opening. Every one had already stood up. There were different emissaries from different families from the empire.

" Oh, you know heres the funny thing I don't give a shit and second thing I know who have I just caught so if had to leave him then why would I got him " I said as I laughed. Although only my lower half face is covered I was pretty sure he could sense my amusement. Fey was completely incapable to speak cause his neck was already in my grasp and it was going read due to Low oxygen supply.

" Besides he was talking my wife so it's only normal that I punish him" I said slowly after that.

" Who are you " Asked as old man from the marquis family. This guy was getting more and more restless cause more time she would survive more and more families will come from all over the world to save and her and made Ava their Solider. ( I wronged the word and you know what I mean right )

" Blanck , I am on the orders of Lord Mara na jaye mera to save my wife Ava canine " At the point of the name I chanted something in hindi to just confuse them. The more useless a lie had the more real it seems, a basic rule for lying.

" I have never heard of them and are you a cultivator like us " Before anyone could interrupt Earl weinman suddenly said and when I heard that I got a really good idea.

" You mortals are not worthy to know the name a transcenders , a true diety above the plane " I said In disdain. God only I was sacred and my voice was almost shacking cause of the intense pressure.

fuck you I did this thats literally on my mind right now. anyway I am free to all suggestion and I could include them if that's possible and If you guys know i am impressed by the book warlock of the magus world radio that a little boring in first 20 to 30 chapters but a real masterpiece if you ask me. it's my idle book which is this

lordblanckcreators' thoughts