
Just for you

' So what now you idiot ' I asked him hurriedly .

' Can we pretend to be real ' He replied after hesitating for a bit. Honestly in my mind was simple question that if this guy has some loose screws.

' And how are you gonna prove them that the she isn't the real princess ' I said while still supress my anger. This guy was so careless, how could he leave her alive. He should atleast made some proper arrangement.

' Well.....'

' Foeget it, there still time, there are all in shock and no one is paying attention to me. I will make the move and kill Target first. And you think of way to get away from. You have just two seconds ' I said as used Space talisman.

"Void shift " Its one of the tailsman which I made after studying that space artifact given my Sam and its works better than it. Actually we completely messed up the plan and we dont have a alternative which made us vulnerable and made me realize that even though I have means I am a novice in assasination.

' After all that, this happened ' I cursed myself inside my mind as void shifted and thrust my dagger beside his neck. Gray was still looking back and forth between them. All if this just happened in three seconds so before anyone could realise my dagger infused with a LF with made it something like a sacrificial Artifact which not most peoples use if not Life and death situation since it consumes and LF and treasures regarding restoration of LF are extremely rare and generally took a long time to recover and if it an old person perhaps his life happens would be shortened too.

KATCHHHHHH, a sound similar to metal and metal collision occurs and my dagger was stopped by an invisible barrier. This wasnt unexpected since he was a noble but the fact it can stop my awful power attack which even a second tier king couldn't completely counter made me realise my mistake.

This plan was never supposed to be killing with weapons it was always about poisons so I didnt prepare anything either.

" what th..." But before he could complete. I have already my decision and got out of void and completely forced my LF at tip which is one of cores of "Rentless soft martial arts".Ans pushed it a the way through.

As I did I didn't waste any time before again using a space tailsman and appeared besides Sam and as expected he didnt disappointed me and a dark purple coloured vortex appeared behind him as we tried to jump.

" No you don't " Suddenly earl which maintained a peaceful smile throughout the party had a Grin on his face. As he said there was some change in the vortex.

" Dont stop " Seeing me hesitating, Sam grabbed my arms and jumps in.

Crekshhh, we suddenly appeared behind a lawn of the house.

" Fuck man that was bad " I said as I was still trying to catch my breath.

" Hide your fast " Sam said in a hurry.

" Hey, I dont cultivate through the way of you guys so I don...." I was still in the middle as I heard a howl like a animal in a rage. And the next moment I realize the aura of Earl just a ten miles ahead ( 16km ) and the realization made me silent after a while I asked.

" We are still in city aren't we " I said slowly.

" Yep, that guy has sealed the space but that's a really high level artifact which is impossible for just a Earl to have one.

" So what's your point " I was having a really bad premonition.

" Remeber that half dragon girl from Great dragon family who also claimed themselves as The only pure blooded dragons. Well, I think, its them. Space artifact which could practically cover a entire is like a national treasure for any race and only the princess cornelia family leni cornelia could afford to do something like this " He said as I smiled wryly.

" Ok, and.." I said as I looked at him with a smile. While I was trying to control myself but I was still scared. That's a huge family we are talking about. Even among noble blooded dragons, they are at the second from the top and much stronger than flood dragons also known as Hydras, wyverns, draconic dragons, hybrids and others.

The rank one among them known as Serpant dragons also known as scholar dragons are the only one who surpasses them and that's just cause they have a strongest dragon god ' Quetzalcoatl ', No matter which type they are. He is the overall God of all but these species dont have enmities rather they are generally together. According to Sam the Leni was the only disciple of the Quetzalcoatl and was the eye of apple for both leaders and his master. She is practically like a heavens child with everything on her tounge so when he rejected her. She at first tried to persist to on her own but now that he got away everytime she is getting helped.

" This was a Trap just for you. So its not the Reporter who has got benefits but the shadow cats itself. They sold us " I said as I tried to suppress my Rage.

" Sorry " he said while mulling his head over something.

" Its unnecessary now, we have to think of a plan " I said as I started going over things which I could do or the things which i have.

" We can't got out, if they cant activate such a strong artifact , then it means another saint warrior is in and as long is he live, we cant get out " he explained me patiently.

" wait, you just said space artifact so what If I crack it " I looked at him as my eyes glimmered.

" Its not impossible not of you atleast with your seal but how much time " he asked me hopefully.

" It depends besides I think we could stay here for a while and let's first ask Ava abour Sia condition. " I knew he wanted to get away as quickly as possible but I cant let him getting us killed so I made a proposition.

" ok, let's first ask her " He thought for a moment and then nodded