
Hold the line

After some time, everyone was looking at me like an idiot including Ava but that doesn't change my opinion.

" Child, You dont need to be stubborn about it and Ava release her " He said these words quite slowly but damn these words acts like some sort of charm. It's like I am in presence of my parents. When he said the name of Ava, I started looking at her too. For a moment she squinted her eyes and then smiled.

" My lord Krishna, you do realise, you cant order me " She said lightly as she made a blue colored thread out of nowhere around her levitating

" Last time I met you.....you weren't that stubborn. I had high expectations of you " he said lightly.

" Its nothing much to be honest....you are on my opposite side right now so I need to take care of you too " She said with a chuckle.

' Ava what us he talking about ' I said with knit head.

' when we were all transported here, all of us were shown as some kind of animals in a big auditorium like structure and gods were watching us all around and he was one of the chief judges ' She said with a smile.

' I understand.....take the kid and go. You know the plan use it to get to their base. I will take care of him ' I said lightly.

' You sure ' she said while a bit frowning.

' Yep ' I said without any emotion. Although we were talking, our eyes were still on Krishna and after some time, I saw a glint in his eyes like he just figured out something.

" you really a genius....to be able to see through my laws " That peacefully smile was back in its face.

" What about you kid....what are you relying on " He said without even waiting for her to give back an answer.

" Nothing.....just a bit of talent and my Intelligence but then again it doesn't matter if infront of you. Isnt that what you are thinking right now " I don't know what kind of person he is but from his stories which I have head from childhood. He is portrayed as a God...an invisible one at that.....highly calculative.....and most importantly do what he wants to do. The so called society rules doesn't bounds him.

All of us has shackles around our brain like a mechanism which is called ' the rules of society ', it's not just the government laws but something fundamental which we dont even realise our entire life but those who do ....the ones who stand at the peak unaffected by mass and these invisible laws are the fearsome ones since their actions will seen illogical to you but that is just cause you are in bounds.

" That is right.....and what is your conclusion " He said impassively....

" Does it really matter... let's do it " I said impatiently...I am not gonna give him a chance to gang up on me.

"Huh, you are impatient " as he said... his eyes flashed with a metallic lusture and a weird symbols started forming below his feet. Although I wasnt sure what it was i could its potent LF which is warning me.

" Oh no....Raj attack at his feet " Ava quickly said in a panic. I nodded as I used "Fire tailsman"on ground scattering debris all around the place...but in that white fog like dust cloud....I sensed something come crashing to me. I quickly used stacked my LF two times as my speed increases several time over and took out my blade.

Clang...it was metal screeching which I just felt. A long blade around seven to eight meters and with a speed close to speed to sound, it was incredibly dangerous. My arms are still numb from shock. And then i saw its entire appearance. That was creature with a huge head of brown color and arms no rather metal rods of silver colour are sprouting from it of size to seven to eight meters. Every metal rod was in two parts from middle to give it movement and his face has six small dark red eyes and a big mouth with a disgusting smile on it. Krishna was looking at him with a smile too but he suddenly turned to me..

" I will give you a chance again...." He said slowly but this time his smile has faded.

" With your speech, you could probably start a cult you know " I said with a sneer while gave message for Ava to go.

' Remember.....your innate ability,it mabe a fire but it's most important property is its similarly to acid mud with high corrosive capacity ' She said as moved in a hurry.

' Got it ' I said hurriedly as I made a light layer of LF around my body and moved forward to comfort the creature.

He too looked at me with shiny red eyes and screeched as his acidic saliva fell all around the place, even some innocent got caught in it.

I knew I cant give him time to build momentum and besides I wasn't even sure how strong it is.

' 2nd step ' As I think and overlapped my LF twice, and my speed increases exponentially as I made my way through his metallic blade like claws and punched his head.

Booom, a loud sound as I felt tremors going through my body but that abomination of Krishna was still okay except for a crack on his face which is like crack in a lava rock with orange colored liquid pulsating....but that wasnt important,the importamt thing was, it was still healing on his own.

" Fuck this shit " I cursed in low voice as I moved forward, although I couldn't spam movies with second LF overlapping , I could still managed to do it with first overlapping ( One overlapping = first step and like this).

Although I was hitting it really fast using first steps powers, the fight has been going in for about ten minutes and I was starting felling tired but that shit was still fighting like before. I was fighting like crazy, like I have never before with my full concentration while occasionally using my overlapping techniques and seals for increasing my speed, defense and stopping the monster from moving. The one thing which I had realised is the fact that untill I make new seals with lot of LF, I cant use them in battle since the effect at most at the Limits of 1st relam.

For example, I am not use of fire tailsman since the effect is really low, I would rather use fire ring, air wall, earth sphere, fake void etc instead of fire tailsman, thunder tailsman etc.

' Raj, I have already joined them. Don't worry I am under your disguise. Get out of there ' Ava sounded and it broke my transe as I realised in situation I am. I too knew she is right, that thing was a little stronger than me but the worst Part was its healing capabilities and hard shell. Suddenly I saw his numerous claws combined in a blade shape really fast in a moment, it was before me but this time I knew I will be killed If I take this head on. Even the metal screeching of cutting through air came later as I unhesitatingly used "full counter "tailsman before me.

A hexagonal shape mark appeared on my forehead with fairies on each end of hexagone. A total of six fairies capable of withstanding six time of what I can normally and most important part, it reflect back the same amount of damage on the attacker.

A dull sound could be heard by everyone, even my ears started ringing but I didn't stop my actions as overlapped my LF three times, I call it third step. Everyone just saw a blue light with their fuzzy mind as I dashed out like a bull on a rampage ( sorry, it may not be a bad comparison but still). Honestly there was no need since the upper out of the monster was already sliced in half. I did saw the look of Krishna like it was unexpected though but I just assumed, maybe it was just him in shock since I escaped.

Out of the city

After running for three hours, I was again in wilderness. With how many monsters are here, it actually really difficult to survive out of city protection.

I was inside in a dark cave, the caves entrance was a bit wide and inside was a bit humid, a perfect condition to live in this hot season. But I wasnt in a mood to do that since my injuries was severe, I was bleeding from my nose and ears while most of bones of my body has cracks, my ribcage looks like it got a dent. Many of small bones were inside my intestines and other parts and my thigh bones were completely broken.

I was never a manic who will do things to hurt myself so I decided to get a rest. Since according to plans, they were leave the city in three days. I had enough time. I again started dreaming but this dream was a bit different.

So....my exams are finalized on 17th and the Novel will be like usual.....one ch per day.

And sorry about small fighting scene, the story was already lagging too much and so I am rushing a bit....

and at last stay safe form Corona

lordblanckcreators' thoughts